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1、Unit 3 Expository WritingLearning Aims and ObjectivesStudents who have engaged successfully with the learning activities proposed in this unit should be able to:Have an overall understanding of expository organizational patterns;To identify main ideas and support for main ideas in expository essays;

2、To organize and write an expository essay;To explain or support a generalization by illustration, definition, classification and division; To expound by description of process or by comparison and contrast; To use transitions to increase coherence.I. Lead-in Activities II. Guidance for Expository Wr

3、itingIII. PracticeIV. Assignments Lead-in Activities Activity 1: Choose one of the following two questions and talk about it with your partners.1. What kind of extra-curricular activities are held on campus? Choose one of your favorite activities and write about why you like it. 2. What kind of volu

4、ntary jobs or social activities have you experienced? Tell your classmates about one of these jobs/activities and explain why you found it to be enjoyable. 3. What kinds of natural disasters have you experienced or witnessed?A disastrous snow storm; A devastating hurricane or typhoon; A severe droug

5、ht; A rampant flood. Discuss with your partner the cause and effect of one such experience. Activity 2: Listen to the following passage “Stroke Prevention Tips” by Carol Pearson adapted from VOA news. Unit 3 expository.mp3What are the problems mentioned in this passage?How do the pollution particles

6、 in the air enter the body?What is the next step for scientists in their work?II. Guidance for Expository Writing1. Definition of Expository WritingExpository essays require that the writer give information, explain the topic or define something. They are best developed by the use of facts and stati

7、stical information, cause and effect relationships or examples.Since they are factual, they are written without emotion and usually in the third person. The use of the pronoun “I” is not usually found in this form of essay.Expository essays include:Essays that describe how to do something.Essays tha

8、t analyze events, ideas, objects, or written works. Essays that describe a process. Essays that explain/describe an historical event.Essays that convey information and explain the topic.Essays that report about an event/situation.2. Main Patterns of an Expository Writing Pattern Description Classifi

9、cation Emphasis on the similarities shared by all the members of a class; for example, cats, dogs, and birds can be classified as animals. Illustration Use of specific and substantial examples to support the ideas of the writer or to explain difficult points or unfamiliar concepts. Comparison and Co

10、ntrast Comparison and contrast between two apparently similar things to reveal their significant differences, or between two seemingly.Cause and Effect A list of one or more causes and the resulting effect or effects. Definition Clarification of a given term with a statement or statements. Process A

11、nalysis Use of step-by-step process to analyze and explain how something is done. Problem andSolution Identification of a specific problem followed by a discussion that offers a possible solution. 3. Guidance for Expository Reading Writing is based on reading. The process of expository reading invol

12、ves: 1) Unpacking the Title. Ask yourself: What is the essay topic? Then try to predict how the writer will develop his/her expository. 2) Thesis. Locate the thesis statement and analyze the organization of the essay. 3) Prediction. Try to predict the content of the essay based on the information gi

13、ven in the thesis statement. 4) Analysis. Analyze how the thesis has been elaborated upon or what evidence has been used to support it. 5) Conclusion. Draw a conclusion for yourself before reading the end of the essay, and compare the differences/similarities between your ideas and those of the writ

14、er. 6) Reviewing. After reading the essay, think about the structure and content of the essay. 7) Reflection. Reflect upon whether you are now clear about how to illustrate an event or a process or how to analyze an event, idea, or object.4. Guidance for Expository Writing The following is a diagram

15、 of the basic expository essay structure: IntroductionBodyBodyConclusionBody1) PreparationChoose a suitable thesis statement. Outline your essay and refer to the outline constantly so that you wont omit anything important or stray away from your topic.Lay out a plan for the whole piece of writing in

16、 the introductory paragraph of your essay and carry it out throughout the essay.2) IntroductionThe introduction paragraph has at least 3 sentences. First is the most general sentence with the purpose of catching attention; The second is to inform readers of the topic and thus more detailed. The thir

17、d and last sentence is your thesis statement. Make sure that your thesis statement is well defined and narrow enough to be supported and managed within the word-length of the essay.3) Elaboration. When elaborating upon your thesis, pay attention to the following points: Good structure: To write a we

18、ll-structured expository essay give a distinct controlling topic to each of the support paragraphs. Aim to keep a balance between the general statements and the specific details in your writing. Never make a generalized statement if you do not have enough details to support it, nor include details t

19、hat do not serve to illustrate and clarify your point. Substantial content: Select substantial, concrete, interesting, lively and supportive examples to make your points convincing, and remember to present information without offering an opinion or argument.Logical reasoning: Present your ideas in a

20、 logical sequence and within a well-designed structure. Smooth transitions: Use appropriate transitional words/phrases to signal any shifts in your thought to ensure a smooth transition from one point/idea/item to another. 4) Conclusion Briefly restate the thesis and the main supporting ideas in the

21、 concluding paragraph. Finish with a statement that reinforces your position in a meaningful way.A. Guideline for Writing a Cause-and-Effect ExpositoryCause and effect essays are concerned with why things happen (causes) and what happens as a result (effects).It is important that your tone be reason

22、able, and that your presentation be factual and believable.To determine the cause ask: Why did this happen?To determine the effect ask: What happened because of this?In regard to your chosen topic ask yourself: What are the causes? What are the effects? Which ones should be emphasized? Are there sin

23、gle or multiple causes and effects? Does the situation involve a chain reaction? In your thesis statement make it clear that you are discussing causes and effects, and introduce your main idea.Gather and organize supporting details to back up your thesis statement.Use appropriate transitions to blen

24、d details smoothly. The following words and phrases are a few suggestions: For “causes”: because; one cause is; since; due to; for; first; second; For “effects”: as a result; thus, as a consequence; consequently, resulted in; led to; one result is; another is; therefore.Four organization patterns to

25、 choose from when writing a cause-and-effect essay: Single-cause any effects Multiple-causes Single-effectCausal chainSingle-cause Single-effectKeep the following suggestions in mind when writing your essay:Make sure to clarify whether you are writing to inform or to persuade your reader.Strengthen

26、your essay by using supporting evidence. Offer facts or statistics; provide examples or personal observations that support your ideas.Qualify or limit your statements about cause and effect, unless there is firm evidence that one event is related to another. Qualifying statements include such phrase

27、s as: It appears that the cause was; It seems likely that; Available evidence suggests, etc. B. Guidelines for Writing a Comparison and Contrast EssayA comparison and contrast essay relates something unfamiliar to something familiar in order that the reader can gain an appreciation for the unique fe

28、atures of the unfamiliar things and a new perspective, a new understanding, of things. It also reveals similarities and differences between things in order to evaluate their value, rank, usefulness or significance. There are two different patterns of comparison and contrast:Subject-by-subject compar

29、ison;Point-by-point comparison.Outline of subject-by-subject pattern:a. He has the rich boys contempt for money. b. He buys without hesitation. c. He buys what he wants. a. He has the poor boys reverence for money. b. He hesitates and compares prices.c. He buys what he can afford. 1. Johns attitudet

30、owards money 2. Marks attitude towards money Outline of point-by-point pattern: 1. John has the rich boys contempt for money; Mark has the poor boys reverence for money. 2. John buys what he wants; Mark hesitates and compares prices. 3. John buys what he wants; Mark buys what he can afford. Use appr

31、opriate transitions to move smoothly from one item to another. The following words and phrases are often used in comparison and contrast essays:For comparison: both, each, at the same time, accordingly, like, as, too, equally, compared with, similar(ly);For contrast: on the other hand, the opposite

32、(of), in contrast (with), instead (of), on the contrary, yet, but, unlike, although, while, whereas, however, nevertheless.III. Practice 1. Reading, Evaluation and Discussion:Task 1:Read the passages “Alfred Nobel A Man of Contrasts”.Task 2: EvaluationEvaluate the passage by answering the following

33、questions:What is the thesis statement of this passage?Does the writer present the topic in the first paragraph?Does the writer make the contrast by following a subject-by-subject pattern or a point-by-point one? What is the topic sentence of each paragraph?Does the writer give specific and effectiv

34、e evidence to strengthen his/her point?Does the writer use proper transitions to move from one item to another?Does the writer re-strengthen the topic in the last paragraph?Is it an effective concluding method for the writer to end the passage this way? 2. Writing PracticeWrite an expository essay o

35、n one of the following topics. Topic 1: How to Cope with Campus Depression Points suggested for consideration: 1) Causes of Problem: moving to a new environment; being separated from family and close friends; different requirements of university study; inability to form new friendships; incompatible

36、 room mates in dormitory; lack of understanding about subjects or dislike of major.2) Effects: lack of incentive to study; lack of desire to communicate with other students; inclination to eat junk food; play computer games or watch movies; lack of interest in physical activity; low self esteem, lac

37、k of energy; broken sleep or too much sleep. 3) Solution:a. At Student level: physical exercise; eat healthy food; join a university organization to develop new interests and to form new friendships; part-time job; speaking to a friend or a teacher you feel you can trust; limiting time spent on comp

38、uters just to play games or to surf the net; make a timetable for study so that something positive is achieved each day.b. At University level: provide easily available free professional help for students on-campus (i.e. counseling); ensure that students are aware of who they can call to ask for hel

39、p.Topic 2: Two Big CitiesShanghai and Hong KongPoints suggested for consideration: 1) Both are modern, with towering skyscrapers, and are strong in commerce. 2) Both were once colonies of Great Britain. 3) Both are port cities. 4) Both are ever-evolving symbols of Chinas technological development. 5

40、) Each has different governmental policies. 6) Each has a different formation of population. 7) Each has different geographical features and areas. 8) Each has different focus on developing its economy. 9) Each has a different land proportion for farming. 3. Checking and reviewingPeer ReviewWhen you

41、 have finished writing the first draft of your essay, give it to a classmate to read and review. Use the peer review check list in Appendix I to respond to each others draft.Self-AssessmentUse this checklist to help you to give suggestions to your peers and to revise your own essay. Expository Writi

42、ng Assessment Outcomes Points to Consider YesNoI have made a clear and concise thesis statement. I have given topic sentences to each paragraph. I have provided specific and effective evidence to strengthen my point. I have presented facts or statistics, or provide examples or personal observations

43、that support my ideas. I have qualified or limited my statements about cause and effect. I have kept a balance between the general statement and the specific details. I have used proper transitions to move from one item to another. I have kept the essay consistent with the topic suggested in the tit

44、le of the essay. I have written the first and last paragraphs in a way that makes the passage an integral piece. My conclusion is effective. My essay is informative and persuasive. Ranking of the essay Grade Self assessment Peer assessment Teachers comments Excellent Good Fair Poor Unacceptable IV.

45、Assignments1) Write a 5 paragraph cause and effect essay (300-400 words). Choose from one of the following topics: The link between drink-driving and car-accidents; The link between Chinas rapid economic growth and pollution; The cause and effect of Chinas one child policy; Explain the causes for th

46、e popularity of Western-style fast food restaurants and their effects on Chinese youth; Chinese traditional culture and western influences; The causes and effects of the Internet revolution. Or consider one of the following questions: Why does a university degree not guarantee a good job for graduat

47、es? What has brought about an increase in student cheating in exams? 2) Write an expository of 250 words on the following topics. Topic 1: Negative Effect of the Internet on Students and Possible Ways-out Points offered for consideration:Problem: Because the net offers an unlimited supply of informa

48、tion and is easily accessible, many students have come to reply solely on this as a means of research. Students are inclined to accept anything they find on the web at face value, without evaluating ityet much of it is of poor quality and not always accurate. Effect: Easy access has made some studen

49、ts intellectually lazy, they download essays straight from the net, rather than attempting to develop their own skills of analysis and writing. Many students waste unnecessary time surfing the net. Many web sites offer essays for sale on any topic. Some students have become internet junkies. Solutio

50、n:Essays taken from the web should be heavily penalized. Students should be made aware that plagiarism is undesirable and will not lead to academic excellence or advancement. Students should take the time to properly evaluate information found on the web - check if it comes from a reliable source an

51、d if the information is up-to-date and accurate. They should also make sure that their research includes other methods of gathering data and knowledge about any given topic. It cannot be denied that the internet is a wonderful resource tool, but it needs to be used with commonsense. Limit your time

52、on the web; make sure you do not get sidetracked into areas that are not relevant to your areas of study. Try to write down your own responses to an essay topic or piece of writing before turning to the web. As with all critical material make sure that anything you do use from the web is properly acknowledged. Topic 2: On Ge


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