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1、Unit 7 What does he look like? Sectoin A 第一課時(shí)教學(xué)案例 英語組:張琳一、教學(xué)目標(biāo)設(shè)計(jì): 知識(shí)與技能:.1.學(xué)習(xí)新詞匯,熟練掌握語言目標(biāo),并能結(jié)合實(shí)際生活靈活運(yùn)用這些詞匯進(jìn)行最基本的日常對話。2.學(xué)會(huì)談?wù)撊说耐獗硇蜗螅瑖@描述人的外貌特點(diǎn),讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)談?wù)撊说纳砀?、體重、發(fā)型、面部特征及著裝特點(diǎn)。3.強(qiáng)化學(xué)生自主學(xué)習(xí)的意識(shí),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生組織語言、運(yùn)用語言的能力。過程與方法:1.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生通過自主學(xué)習(xí)和合作學(xué)習(xí),獲取信息和處理信息的能力。2.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生質(zhì)疑意識(shí),分析問題、解決問題、綜合問題的能力和創(chuàng)造性思維能力。 情感價(jià)值觀:通過本節(jié)課的學(xué)習(xí),教育學(xué)生要多發(fā)現(xiàn)別人

2、的優(yōu)點(diǎn),學(xué)會(huì)贊美別人,友好地描述別人的形象,學(xué)會(huì)賞識(shí)、懂得心靈美更重要。二、教學(xué)內(nèi)容及重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)分析: 教學(xué)內(nèi)容:1.詞匯:hair, curly,straight, height, tall, medium, thin,heavy,build ,beard,glasses, blonde, brown 2.句型: - What does he/she look like? -He/She is tall and has long hair. -What do you look like? -Im thin He/She wears glasses/教學(xué)重點(diǎn):掌握本課新單詞和句型并熟練掌握描述

3、人物外貌的方法。教學(xué)難點(diǎn):1.掌握本課新單詞,句型并學(xué)會(huì)怎樣描述一個(gè)人的外貌。2.學(xué)會(huì)組織語言、運(yùn)用語言的能力。3. 設(shè)置情境,循序漸進(jìn),層層遞進(jìn)。設(shè)置富有情趣的情境,激發(fā)他們的學(xué)習(xí)欲望,積極主動(dòng)地進(jìn)行自主探究。循序漸進(jìn)的設(shè)計(jì)問題 , 激發(fā)學(xué)生的創(chuàng)造思維,層層深入地引導(dǎo)學(xué)生進(jìn)行自主和合作學(xué)習(xí)。三、教學(xué)策略及教法設(shè)計(jì):教學(xué)策略:本節(jié)課的教學(xué)以“小組合作,分步達(dá)標(biāo)”理論為指導(dǎo),以學(xué)生為中心,使課堂教學(xué)過程成為學(xué)生自主地進(jìn)行信息加工、知識(shí)意義構(gòu)建、創(chuàng)新能力發(fā)展的過程。教師在教學(xué)過程中則適時(shí)介入,引導(dǎo)、啟發(fā)、組織、幫助、促進(jìn)。培養(yǎng)學(xué)生人際交往能力 邏輯表達(dá)能力以及查找信息解決問題能力. 讓學(xué)生在一種輕

4、松、積極的氣氛中掌握語言目標(biāo)。教法:1.演示法:把制作的課件、動(dòng)畫等顯示給學(xué)生看,便于學(xué)生對微觀知識(shí)的把握,并從舊知中獲得啟迪,從而解決問題。2. 任教學(xué)法:將所要學(xué)習(xí)的新知識(shí)隱含在一個(gè)或幾個(gè)問題之中,學(xué)生通過對所提的任務(wù)進(jìn)行分析、討論,并在老師的指導(dǎo)、幫助下找出解決問題的方法,最后通過任務(wù)的完成而實(shí)現(xiàn)對所學(xué)知識(shí)的意義建構(gòu)。評價(jià)法:將學(xué)生通過對材料的收集、整理和內(nèi)化而形成的學(xué)習(xí)成果,在全班學(xué)生中展示,使學(xué)生獲得成功的喜悅,從而激發(fā)學(xué)生的后續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)熱情。四.教學(xué)步驟:課前準(zhǔn)備:學(xué)生為去參加晚會(huì)而設(shè)計(jì)的自己的新形象,并把它畫出來。Step 1 Warm-up教師播放英文歌曲而且和全體學(xué)生一起邊唱邊在

5、需要時(shí)拍手來打節(jié)奏。目的在于活躍氣氛。Step 21.Playing GamesT: Boys and girls, do you like playing games?Ss: Yes .T: Ok, lets play games now. The first game is “tug-of-war”(拔河),I want two of you to come out and play it. Lets welcome Yang Yuand Yang Shengping.The two students begin the game after teacher say“one two ,go

6、.”T: Whos the winner?Ss: Yang Yu.(the taller one)T: The second game were going to play is “hand wrestling” .Lets welcome Liu Chang and Wei Wen.T: Whos the winner?Ss: Wei Wen .(the thinner one)T: From the result of the game, we know, no matter how the players look like,they can win.Thats to say, Can

7、we judge by appearance?(我們能夠以貌取人嗎?)Ss:No, we cant.Step 3 check preview homeworkLet the studengs in each group to write down the vocabularies about peoples looks on the blackboard ,at list five.T: Today we are going to learn Unit 7 What does he look like?. At first, the three boys, please come here.(

8、Tie Fang, Su Weikang, Ni Helong).Listen to them, they will talk about height.S1:Im short.S2:Im medium height,S3:Im tall.T: When we talk about height, we can use tall, short and medium height.T: Next three, oh, here handsome boys. When you see them, do you know what we are going to talk about?Ss: Bui

9、ld.T: Yes, you are right. Lets say it together.Ss: Qin Yuan is thin,Yang Yu is medium build and Zhu Jiangdong is heavy.T: The two who are going to come here are Lin Yanbing and Du Peng. Whatabout Lin Yanbings hair?Ss: Its long.T: And what about Du Pengs?Ss: Its short.T: The last pair. Chen Jiaying a

10、nd Zeng Shunping. Look at their hair. Chen hasSs: Straight hair and Zeng has curly hair.T: Well done. well, today we are going to learn Unit 7 What does he look like?Step 4 Practice操練語言目標(biāo),本環(huán)節(jié)通過課件圖片的放映來加深學(xué)生對目標(biāo)語言的理解和運(yùn)用,從廣度上提高學(xué)生的認(rèn)知水平.T: Look at the picture, Lucy Ss: Lily is short, Sally is tall. Lucy i

11、s medium height.T: Now lets talk about build.Ss: Sarah is thin, Lydia is medium build, Kelly is heavy.T: You did a good job. Is this short hair?Ss: No, its long hair.T: Dose Mary have short hair?Ss: Yes, she does.T: There are some pictures .(show the pictures) What hair does she have?Ss: She has bea

12、utiful long curly hair. She has red curly hair. She has short straight hair.T: Whats the difference between picture A and picture B?Ss: In picture b, she wears glasses.T: Which teacher wears glasses in your class?Ss: Miss Chen, Mr TanT: Which classmate wears glasses in your class?Ss: Tie Fang.T: Rig

13、ht. Please look at the picture. Do you know him ? He is a famous climber in China. Look at his face, is anything special?Ss: Yes, he has a beard.T: Yeah. Du Peng, do you think a man who has a beard is handsome?S1:Yes, I think so.T: Who has a beard as you know?S1:Beckham. He is a footballer player. I

14、 like him very much .T: Do you know Beckham?S1:Yes.T: Do you like him?S1: Yes.T: Why ?S1:Because he plays football well and he is handsome.T: I think so.Then the teacher summarize the drill“What does he look like?”and how to answer it. The students pratice the drill in groups.Step 5 ListeningT: Now

15、its time to open your book and turn to page 41. Lets come to 1b.You will listen to the tape and then find Amys friend in the picture above.After listening:T: Can you find Amys friend?Ss: Yes .T: What does he look like?Ss: He is really tall and he has curly hair.T: Next, listen and circle “is” or “ha

16、s” below.T: What are the answers?(show the answers)T: Your listening is good. Now listen again, then fill in the chart of 2b.(show the answers)Step 6 SummaryT: When we talk about height and build, we use “is”, when we talk about hair, we use “has”. Please remember it.Step 7 GamesGame 1T: Good, lets

17、play a guessing game. One of you describe someone in your class, others guess who it is. If you think you are the person who is be described. You can stand up. Understand?Ss: Yes .T: Who wants to try?S1:She is a girl, she had curly hair last term, but now she has straight hair. Who is she?Ss :Me ./

18、Ou Yingxin.S1:Yes ,its Ou Yingxin.T: You are so clever.S2:She has straight short hair, she can play the piano well, she is thin. Whos she?Ss :Chen Jiaying.S2:Yes.S3:He is a tall boy and he has short hair. He likes playing basketball. He wants to be a basketball player . whos he ?Ss: Yang Zhengjie.S3

19、:Right.T: What an interesting game! Lets stop here.Step 8T:大家為自己設(shè)計(jì)的新形象相當(dāng)?shù)暮每?由此可見,愛美之心人皆有之,但是如果只強(qiáng)調(diào)外表美而忽略了心靈美,行嗎?Ss:不行.T:所以,我們應(yīng)該Ss:愛美之心,人皆有之。但是我們只有把外表美和心靈美結(jié)合起來,才能達(dá)到美的極至。Step 9 HomeworkWrite down your new look .五.課后分析及感想:本課是初一教材第7單元的第一部分,教材內(nèi)容圍繞著描述人的外貌特點(diǎn)展開,讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)談?wù)撊说纳砀?、體重、發(fā)型、面部特征及著裝特點(diǎn)。本課的教學(xué)內(nèi)容與學(xué)生的實(shí)際生活密切相關(guān)

20、,易于引發(fā)學(xué)生運(yùn)用簡單的英語進(jìn)行交際和交流。在學(xué)習(xí)活動(dòng)中,學(xué)生能通過交換對不同人物的描述及看法,促進(jìn)學(xué)生之間和師生之間的情感交流,增進(jìn)情誼。所以在這堂課的設(shè)計(jì)上我是從以下幾個(gè)方面去考慮的, 第一:豐富的圖片信息使用:我們的學(xué)生由于他們的年齡特征所定,對形象的事物特別感興趣,尤其對新新人類更是喜歡。那么就這個(gè)特點(diǎn),我采用了大量的人物圖片。而這些圖片卻是經(jīng)過精挑細(xì)選的:就本課的教學(xué)內(nèi)容它主要是要求描述人物的發(fā)型與身材,所以選圖時(shí),就得相當(dāng)有代表性。比如:高個(gè)姚明;矮個(gè)潘長江;胖的韓紅;瘦的張柏芝等等。讓學(xué)生一看就能明白這些單詞的含義。那么他們說起來也就瑯瑯上口了。第二:對現(xiàn)實(shí)教學(xué)資源的合理利用:圖




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