Unit 3 Topic Talk 課件- 高一英語北師大版(2019)選擇性必修第一冊_第1頁
Unit 3 Topic Talk 課件- 高一英語北師大版(2019)選擇性必修第一冊_第2頁
Unit 3 Topic Talk 課件- 高一英語北師大版(2019)選擇性必修第一冊_第3頁
Unit 3 Topic Talk 課件- 高一英語北師大版(2019)選擇性必修第一冊_第4頁
Unit 3 Topic Talk 課件- 高一英語北師大版(2019)選擇性必修第一冊_第5頁
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1、Unit 3 ConservationTopic Talk北師大版(2019) 選擇性必修一Talk about the things that need to be protected.Activity 1What needs to be protected?. Our environment needs protection. We use cars too much, which is bad for both the environment and our health.ConservationExample Why do they need protection?What shoul

2、d we do?Preview the text in the Text Builder. Find words or expressions you dont know. 1_ n. 保護2_ adj. 塑料制的3_ vt. 破壞;毀掉4_ n. 采礦業(yè)5_ n. 一項,一條6_ v. 再利用,回收利用7_ adj. 不可回收的8_ adj. 有教育意義的;知識性強的conservationplasticdestroyminingitemrecycleunrecyclableinformativeActivity 2Preview the text in the Text Builder.

3、Find words or expressions you dont know. 9 _ n. 威脅;(災難等壞事)發(fā)生的可能10_ v. 轉換,改變11_ n. 犀牛12_ adv. 非法地,違法地13_ v. 獵取,獵殺14_ n. (牛、羊等頭上的)角15_ adj. 滅絕的,絕種的16_ adv. 非常地,極端地17_ adj. 緊急的,急迫的threatswitchrhinoillegallyhunthornextinctincrediblyurgentActivity 2Preview the text in the Text Builder. Find words or expr

4、essions you dont know. 1正如你所知道的那樣 _2為了,以便 _3轉變,轉換 _4盡快地 _as you knowin order toswitch toas soon as possible 5的數(shù)量 _6減少 _7扮演角色,起某種作用 _8盡自己的職責 _9對有害處 _the amount ofcut downplay a role/part indo ones partbe bad forActivity 2Read the Text Builder carefully. Then listen to the dialogue and complete it by

5、underlining the words or expressions you hear.Conservation(點擊播放音頻)Activity 2I really feel strongly that we need to change the way we _ in order to protect .I can see that is one of the biggest threats to our planet.We all need to .liveour planetthe use of oil and coalrecycle and reduce the amount of

6、 wasteText Builder聽力原文Activity 2(點擊播放音頻)Listen to the dialogue. Answer the questions.1. Why is Dr. Bradshaw working on protecting rhinos?Activity 3Rhinos are in danger.Some people incorrectly think rhinos horns are useful in medicine and illegally hunt them.Making everyone know that hunting these an

7、imals is illegal and that these amazing animals are part of the world we live in.There will be no rhinos left in the world in 20 years.3. What does Dr. Bradshaw suggest doing?4. What may happen, if we dont do something now?2. What do people do to rhinos?(點擊播放音頻) 聽力原文Activity 3I: I feel very lucky in

8、deed to have Dr. Bradshaw with us today. He works on protecting animals in danger. At present, he is in a rhino protecting programme.B: Yes, many animals are illegally hunted for something they have. In the rhinos case, it is their horns. Some people think it is useful in medicine.(I=Interviewer B=D

9、r. Bradshaw)I: How can we stop this from happening?B: Well, the first step is education - we need to make everyone know hunting these animals is illegal and that these amazing animals are part of the world we live in.I: How long do we have before rhinos become extinct?B: If we dont do something now,

10、 there will be no rhinos left in the world in 20 years.I: Thats an incredibly urgent matter.(點擊播放音頻) Quote. UnquoteActivity 4Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. Aldo LeopoldQuote 1: Conservation means the wise use of the Earth and its resources for the lasting good of men. Giffo

11、rd PinchotQuote 2: Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented. Barry CommonerQuote 3: Take with restraint and use in moderation; this way one shall always know contentment. Zizhi TongjianQuote 4: Aldo Leopold (1887 - 1948), an American author, philosopher and environme

12、ntalist. He was a professor at the University of Wisconsin and is best known for his book A Sand County Almanac (1949). 知識拓展 A Sand County Almanac(沙鄉(xiāng)年鑒又譯為沙鄉(xiāng)的沉思): It is a 1949 non-fiction book. Describing the land around the authors home in Sauk County, Wisconsin, the collection of essays advocate Le

13、opolds idea of a “l(fā)and ethic(土地道德)”, or a responsible relationship existing between people and the land they inhabit. The book is considered a landmark in the American conservation movement. A Sand County Almanac is a combination of natural history, scene painting with words, and philosophy. It is p

14、erhaps best known for the following quote, which defines his land ethic: “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”1. Take with restraint and use in moderation; this way one shall always know contenmen


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