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1、句型專項12021/8/8 星期日一、選擇正確的答案。( B )1.Mr.Green has ten on the farm.A.cow B.sheepC.horse( C )2.Go to the . Play football.A.libraryB.teachers officeC.playground( A )3.Its 6:00. Its time dinner.A.forB.toC.have( B )4.Are these on Sarahs farm?A.horseB.carrotsC.goat22021/8/8 星期日( C )5.Whose is the shirt?Its .

2、A.JohnsB.his sisterC.my sisters( C )6.Its rainy today. Lets watch TV.A.Yes, I amB.No, thank youC.Great( A )7.How do you like this scarf?.A.Its very prettyB.Yes, it isC.Its 60 yuan32021/8/8 星期日( A )8.The weather in Wuhan is rainy. Yi Chang?Its cloudy. A.How aboutB.WhatsC.How ( B )9.I like that green

3、skirt. And I like those pants.A.No, I dontB.Me tooC.Oh, no ( A )10.Can I try them on?.A.Sure. Here you areB.Hurry upC.Its big42021/8/8 星期日二、選擇與圖片相符的句子。( B )1. A.These are horses.B.These are sheep.( A )2. A.Id like five forks.B.Id like four forks.( A )3. A.These are tomatoes.B.These are potatoes.5202

4、1/8/8 星期日( B )4. A.The sunglasses are nice.B.The gloves are nice.( A )5. A.Its cold outside.B.Its warm outside.62021/8/8 星期日三、判斷下列句子與圖片是(T)否(F)相符。( T )1.Its windy today.( T )2.Its time for PE class.( F )3.This is my beautiful dress.72021/8/8 星期日( F )4.They are goats.( T )5.Its seven oclock.82021/8/8

5、 星期日四、選擇正確的答語。 A.Yes, we do.B.Its 99 yuan.C.They are Sarahs.D.Its 6:00.E.Yes, you can. Its warm today.( D )1.What time is it?( C )2.Whose pants are these?( B )3.How much is this dress?( A )4.Do you have a library?( E )5.Can I go outside now?92021/8/8 星期日五、選出與句中畫線部分單詞不同類的一項。( B )1.I like my shorts. T

6、hey are pretty.A.nice B.brown C.beautiful( C )2.How many hens can you see?A.monkeysB.catsC.pants( C )3.This farm is so big.A.fatB.smallC.farmer( B )4.Id like some green beans.A.potatoesB.chickenC.tomatoes( B )5.There are twenty hens on my farm.A.thirtyB.thirstyC.forty102021/8/8 星期日六、選詞填空。1.Its on(on

7、/in) the first floor.2.Do you have lunch at(at/in) school?3.Its time to(to/for) watch TV.4.Its time for(to/for) breakfast.5.I want to(to/of) wear my new T-shirt.112021/8/8 星期日七、根據(jù)圖片選擇提示詞,仿照例子寫句子。 Key words:1.seven; nine2.music room; computer room3.Mikes shoes; Mikes shorts4.cloudy; rainy5.cows; hens122021/8/8 星期日1.Its six oclock. Its nine oclock. 132021/8/8 星期日2.This is the art room. This is the music room. 142021/8/8 星期日3.These are Johns pants


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