



1、LUOLUODREAM BIG, START SMALL, ACT FAST.信我,一坨一坨的背,上廁所記得帶上principle原則、規(guī)范(n.)- It is against my principle. 這違背原則。Stick to your principles. 要恪守自己的原則。She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle.她不要家人幫忙,對她來說是個原則問題。(2) 原理- The principehind it is very simple. 其中的原理十分簡單。(3) in princi

2、ple原則上、理論上;大體上、基本上- They have agreed to the proal in principut we still have to negotiate the terms.他們已基本同意了這項提議,但還得磋商各項條款。2. primary(adj.-usually before n.)(1) 最重要的、基本的- The priim of this course is to improve your spoken English.這門課的主要目的是提高英語會話能力。(2) 最初的、最早的- primary causes最初的原因- The disease is sti

3、ll in its primary stage.(3) 小學(xué)教育的這病尚處于初始階段。primary teachersthe primary election小學(xué)教師初選(;primary schools - elementary schools 小學(xué)政(n.)推舉候選人的)the primary source 第一手材料3. code道德準則;a strict code of conductthe penal code 刑break the code破譯嚴格的行為準則crack the codeIt is written in code. 那是用= dialing code寫的。There

4、are three codes for London. 倫敦有三個source code 源代碼區(qū)號。4.ern、控制、管理;支配影響- The country iserned by elected represenives of the people.這個國家由民選代表。- Pri5. expectareerned by market demand. 價格的高低取決于市場的需求。(1) 預(yù)計- We are expecting a rise in food prithis month.預(yù)計這個月的食物價格會上漲。-t is not the sort of behavior I expect

5、of you. 我不相信你有那樣的行為。expect sth of sb- You cant expect to learn a foreign language in one months. 不要指望一個月內(nèi)就能學(xué)會一門外語。- House priare expected to rise sharply. 預(yù)計房價會急劇上漲。期待、盼望- expect a visit from sb要求、指望等待 sb 的來訪- Harents expected high standards from her.父母對期望很高。對 sb 要求很高expect too much of sb 對 sb 要求過高e

6、xpect a lot of sb- The school expects a lot of its students. 這所學(xué)校對學(xué)生要求很高。1DREAM BIG, START SMALL, ACT FAST.(3) sth is (only) to be expected可能發(fā)生、可以預(yù)料- A little tiredness after taking these drugs is to be expected.服用這些藥后有點倦意是正常的。6. dedicate(v.)- She dedicates herself to her work. 她獻身于自己的工作。- He dedica

7、ted his life to helthe poor. 他畢生致力于幫助窮人。- This book is dedicated to my friends. 謹以此書獻給朋友。conduct行為舉止- The spor(n./v.)(n.)s a strict code of conduct. 這種運動有嚴格的行為規(guī)范。(2) 經(jīng)營方式、管理方式、實施辦法(n.)- Disclosure of information would compromise the proper conduct of the investigation.透露消息將影響此項(3) 組織、安排、實施- conduct

8、an inquiry的正常進行。(v.)進行詢問- The negotiations have been conducted in aitive manner. 已積極地進行過談判。(4) conduct olf舉止、表現(xiàn)(v.)- He conducted himsel(5) conduct sb tor better帶領(lǐng)n expected. 他表現(xiàn)比預(yù)料的要好得多。- He conducted me to thedants office. 他把我?guī)У搅酥笓]所。8. deficit(n.)(1) 赤字、逆差、虧損- a trade deficit 貿(mào)易逆差a budget deficit赤

9、字- The trade balance has been in deficit for the past five years. 過去五年貿(mào)易狀況一直是逆差。(2)額;缺少- There is a deficit of $ 3 millionhe total needed to complete the project.完成這項工程所需中有 300 萬元的虧損。- The team has to come back from a 2-0 deficithehalf.這支隊得扳回上半場 0:2 的局面。- Many countries have a big deficit in food su

10、pply. 許多國家食物供應(yīng)嚴重。- The US balance of payments was in deficit.performance業(yè)績、表現(xiàn)、收益- performance indicators 性能指標(biāo)的國際收支平衡出現(xiàn)逆差。He criticized the recent poor performance of the company. 他批評公司近期業(yè)績不佳。performance- related pay績效工資(2) 執(zhí)行、履行- the performance of his offil duties 履行他的職務(wù)10. concentrate(v.)集中(注意力)-

11、I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live. 我決定全力以赴找個住的地方。11. expand(v.)擴大、增加Student numbers are expanding raThe new system expanded the role o擴展、發(fā)展(業(yè)務(wù))ly. 學(xué)生人數(shù)在迅速增加。mily doctors. 新體制擴大了家庭醫(yī)生的作用。2LUOLUODREAM BIG, START SMALL, ACT FAST.an expanding economy 不斷發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟We have expa

12、nded the business by openin(3) expand on sth詳細闡明o more stores.增開了兩家商店以擴展業(yè)務(wù)。- Could you expand oncontract收縮、使收縮a contracting market得(病)contract a diseaset po, please? 請你把那一點詳細說明一下好么?(v./n.)(v.)萎縮的市場(v.)疾病(3) 合同- enter(n.)o a contract withmake a contractsign a contract簽訂合同a contract for the supply of

13、vehicles 提供車輛的合約win a contract to build a new school 獲得承建一所新學(xué)校的合同She is under contract to a major American computer firm. 她已簽約為一家大型計算機公司工作。13. apparent(adj.)(1) 明顯的、明白易懂的(not usually before noun)Their devotion was apparent. 他們的忠誠顯而易見。For no apparent reason, the train suddenly stopped. 不知什么原因,火車突然停下來

14、。- It was apparent from her facet she was really upset.從面容上一眼就可以看出來她確實心緒煩亂。(2) 表面上的、貌似的(usually before noun)- My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school.我看起來對上學(xué)不感,使父母擔(dān)心。14. popularity受歡迎、普及the increasing popularity of cycling 自行車運動的日益風(fēng)行Her novels have gained in popularity

15、 over recent years. 近年來小說漸受歡迎。- win/lose popularity with sbamong sb15. minor(adj.)較小的、次要的minor injuries 輕傷- a minor road 小路undergo minor surgery做小手術(shù)- There may be some minor changes to the schedule.時間安排上也許會有些微的變動。16. diligence(n.)勤勉、勤奮- She shows great diligence in her schoolwork. 她上學(xué)非常用功。17. by-pro

16、duct(n.)(1) 意外結(jié)果、附帶結(jié)果- One of the by-product of unemployment is an increase in crime.失業(yè)帶來的一大惡果是(2) 副產(chǎn)品率上升。a by-product of oil refining煉油的副產(chǎn)品institution機構(gòu)(大學(xué)、(n.)等)、慈善機構(gòu)- an educational institution教育機構(gòu)- We want this to be like a home, not an institution.希望這里像個家,而不像。(2) 風(fēng)俗、制度- the institution of marri

17、age(3) 建立、制定制度3DREAM BIG, START SMALL, ACT FAST.- the institution of new safe procedures新安全規(guī)程的制定19. note(v./n.)(1) 注意到、留意- Please note(2)t the office will be closed on Monday. 請注意辦事處一關(guān)閉。- It is worth notingt the most sucsful companies had the lowest pri.值得的是最成功的公司價格最低。(3) 筆記、便條、注釋、- We only exchange

18、 notes and travelers cheques.(4) note of 氣氛、調(diào)子、口氣只兌換和旅行支票。- There was a note of amusement in his voice. 聽他的口氣,是覺得有意思。- on a more serious note(5) of note重要的更嚴格地講- a scientist of note著名的科學(xué)家(6) sound a note ofstrike a note of 表達某種情感或觀點- She sounded a note of warning on her speech. 她在mannerin a manner以方式- She answered in a businesslike manner. 她回答時顯出一副公事公辦的樣子。(2)


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