新人教版九年級上冊英語 Unit 7 課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 重點習題練習復習課件_第1頁
新人教版九年級上冊英語 Unit 7 課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 重點習題練習復習課件_第2頁
新人教版九年級上冊英語 Unit 7 課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 重點習題練習復習課件_第3頁
新人教版九年級上冊英語 Unit 7 課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 重點習題練習復習課件_第4頁
新人教版九年級上冊英語 Unit 7 課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 重點習題練習復習課件_第5頁
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1、 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.課時1 Section A(1a-2d)一、從方框中選擇合適的單詞并用其適當形式填空。1. My uncle got his drivers _ at the age of 55.2. Its a little dark. Youd better use a _ when you take photos.3. Cindy had a _ job when she studied at university.pierce, part-time, flash, smoke

2、, licenselicenseflashpart-time4. People are not allowed to _ in public places.5. The students in our school are allowed to get their ears _.pierce, part-time, flash, smoke, licensesmokepierced二、用括號中所給詞的適當形式填空。6. I dont think we should be allowed _ (do) what we like in any class.to do7. My father cou

3、ghed badly. The doctor advised him to stop _ (smoke).smoking8. Jack doesnt seem _ (become) interested in chemistry.to become9. This math problem is a little difficult. I need time _ (solve) it.to solve10. We always spend two hours _ (finish) our homework every day.finishing三、單項選擇。11. 2018蘇州The boy h

4、as been missing for five days and his parents are worried about his _.A. attention B. safetyC. action D. growthB12. 2019株洲 The students in this school _ to choose their own school uniforms.A. are allowed B. allowed C. are allowingA13. 2 019自貢 Tom is always careless with his schoolwork. Could you hel

5、p him? No problem! I think he _ to think twice before starting.A. should be told B. shouldnt be toldC. should tellA14. 2018烏魯木齊 My bike is broken. I will get it _ tomorrow morning.A. fix up B. fixed upC. repairing D. to repairB15. 2018揚州 You must hand in your report tomorrow.What? _. We cant finish

6、it that quickly.A. No way B. No problemC. Thats right D. Thats for sureA【解析】No way意為“不行;沒門;休想”,常用于直接拒絕對方,強調(diào)不贊同別人的觀點,或沒有可能按其要求去做某事。本題根據(jù)“We cant finish it that quickly. 我們不可能那么快完成它?!笨芍xA。四、 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子,每空一詞。16. Parents are often _ _ (擔心) their childrens study.worried about17. Students shouldnt _ _ _ _

7、(不允許打) a telephone call in class.be allowed tomake18. The old man was so _ _ (對興奮) the good news that he couldnt say a word.excited about19. My parents allow me _ _ (挑選) my own clothes I like.to choose20. Photos mustnt _ _ (拍照) in museums.be taken五、 補全對話 。(有兩項多余)A: Hi, Sam! Where are you going?B: _2

8、1 Bob just got his drivers license. He will give me a ride in his car.A. Why cant I go with him?B. How are you going to the cinema?C. Im going to the cinema.D. But they are too young and they arent serious enough.E. He is good at driving.F. I disagree with you.G. He is sixteen years old.CA: How old

9、is he?B: _22A: Oh, no, you cant go with him.B: _23A: Because I dont think sixteen-year-old kids should be allowed to drive.A. Why cant I go with him?B. How are you going to the cinema?C. Im going to the cinema.D. But they are too young and they arent serious enough.E. He is good at driving.F. I disagree with you.G. He is sixteen years old.GAB: _24 I think they should be if they have their drivers licenses.A: _25B: Maybe youre right. Ill take your advice.A. Why cant I go with him?B. How are you going to the cinema?C. Im


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