



1、2022-2023學(xué)年天津武清區(qū)楊村第五中學(xué)高一英語下學(xué)期期末試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. She is a kind-hearted and generous lady. She often helps those who her for help.A. turn off B. turn onC. turn in D. turn to參考答案:D2. He wasnt looking forward to the time _ he had to give evidence to the court.A. which B. when C. that D. whenever參考答案:B略3. H

2、e wanted to _ the National Team to compete _ the Summer Olympic Games _ his country, but he failed at the qualifying stage. A. take part in, for, for B. join, in, for C. join in, in, for D. take part in, in, with參考答案:B試題分析:句意:他想成為國家隊(duì)的一員,為他的國家去參加夏季奧運(yùn)會(huì),但他在預(yù)選賽階段失敗了。join指加入某個(gè)黨派,團(tuán)體組織等,成為其成員之一,意為:“參軍、入團(tuán)、入

3、黨”等。join in多指參加小規(guī)模的活動(dòng)如“球賽、游戲”等,常用于日??谡Z。take part in 指參加會(huì)議或群眾性活動(dòng)等,著重說明句子主語參加該項(xiàng)活動(dòng)并在活動(dòng)中發(fā)揮作用。第一空指成為一員用join;第二空in the Summer Olympic Games“在奧運(yùn)會(huì)中”;第三空表示“為了”,故選B. 4. - How do you usually find out new software?- In the magazines like Popular Electronics. Thats computer companies usually advertise.A. where B

4、. which C. what D. why參考答案:A5. He said that light _ much faster than sound.A. traveled B. travels C. is traveling D. had traveled參考答案:B6. I lost my _ and fell off the bike. A. weight B. balance C. way D. legs 參考答案:B略7. - Did your boss phone you again the next day? - No, it was a week _ he gave me a

5、second call.A since B. when C. before D .after 參考答案:C8. The nurse _ at great Stapleton for only a few weeks when the sick officer was murdered. A. was being B. would be C. was D. had been參考答案:C9. When _from top of the hill, our school looks small.A. seen B. seeing C. see D. to see參考答案:A10. According

6、 to research, children whose parents _ are more likely to have difficulty _their studies. A. split up, concentrating on B. broke into, to focus on C. gave up, concentrating on D. put into, focusing on 參考答案:A11. The Second World War millions of people were killed ended in 1945.Awhen Bduring that Cin

7、which Dwhich參考答案:C考查定語從句。句意:成千上萬的人在其中喪生的二次世界大戰(zhàn)在1945年結(jié)束。使用定語從句,先行詞是The Second World War,定語從句中缺少in the Second World War,用in which引導(dǎo)定語從句。故選C。12. A man _ to be the greatest artist of the city won the first prize in the competition.A. considers B. is considered C. considered D. considering參考答案:C13. Jack

8、London would never forget the day _ San Francisco was gone because of the earthquake, _ had a great effect on the citizens life.A. when; who B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which 參考答案:D14. Too many private cars got out and traveled _ high speed, causing a lot of traffic accidents on the highw

9、ay during the holiday. ks5uA. to B. at C. for D. in參考答案:B15. I went to Hong Kong Disneyland last weekend.Really?_?AIs that all rightBHow was itCWhy not invite meDHow are you doing參考答案:B考查交際用語。根據(jù)第一句句意,上個(gè)周末我去了香港迪斯尼樂園,第二句理應(yīng)問一問玩得怎么樣,有什么感受之類。Is that all right?可以嗎?;Why not invite me?為什么沒邀請我?(用在這里顯然很不禮貌);

10、How are you doing?最近好嗎?最近怎么樣?。16. He slipped and had his leg broken._,he will have to be away from school for two or three months.AIn any caseBAfter all CAs a result DIn this way參考答案:C解析考查介詞短語。句意:他滑倒了,腿折了。因此,他不得不離開學(xué)校兩到三個(gè)月。in any case“在任何情況下”;after all“畢竟,終究”;as a result“因此”;in this way“用這種方法”。二、 書面表

11、達(dá)17. 書面表達(dá)(共15分) 假設(shè)你是李華,光明中學(xué)的學(xué)生。寒假期間你參加了社區(qū)居委會(huì)組織的社區(qū)服務(wù)活動(dòng)。請你按照圖片順序,以“Community Service”為題,向?qū)W校英文??陡澹榻B這次活動(dòng)情況。作文的開頭已為你寫好。 注意:1. 文章開頭已為你寫好。 2. 詞數(shù)不少于60 3. 參考詞匯:sports facilities體育設(shè)施billboard 廣告牌Community Service During the winter vacation, the students in our class joined in the meaningful activity, in whi

12、ch all of us did our bit for the community. _參考答案:Community ServiceDuring the winter vacation, the students in our community joined in the meaningful activity, in which all of us did our bit for our community. First we went to visit an old lady who lived all alone. While we were in her home, one of

13、us chatted with her and the rest helped do a thorough cleaning. We swept the floor and dusted the table. When the work was done, the house looked really neat and tidy. Then we went to the sports center, where different sports facilities needed polishing. We set out to work at once. In no time everyt

14、hing was dust-free. To make the environment clean, we also picked up the litter on the grass and along the paths. As the Spring Festival was around the corner, we put up New Year decorations on the billboard and a poster with the characters Happy Chinese New Year on it. Having done all these, we saw

15、 a more pleasant community. Tired as we were, we felt happy as all of our work paid off.略三、 閱讀理解18. People usually talk about two groups of color1 s: warm color1 s and cool color1 s. The warm color1 s are red, orange and yellow, while the cool color1 s are green, blue and purple.Why are red, orange

16、and yellow considered to be warm color1 s? Thats because they have the psychological effect (心理效應(yīng)) of making us feel warm because of the association (聯(lián)系) with fire, heat and sunshine. These color1 s are very eye-catching.Red can make us excited. It is the color1 of passion (激情) and power. Orange giv

17、es off a friendly and attracting feeling. It is lively and happy. Yellow has an enthusiastic feeling. It is the color1 of the sun, and it can attract attention.The cool color1 s green, blue and purple, have the psychological effect of making us feel cool because of the association with deep bodies o

18、f water, the open sky, or maybe mountains in the distance. These color1 s can be good choices for background.Green sets a feeling of hope. It is the color1 of nature and represents new life and growth. Blue makes us feel peaceful and calm. It can also be cold like ice, or calm like a lake. Purple has a mysterious feeling. Wearing purple looks nice and elegant.1. Why do warm color1 s make us feel warm?A. Because they take on the color1 of the sky.B. Because they make people full of power.C. Because they are like mountains in the distance.D. Because they are related to fire,heat an


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