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1、飛揚(yáng)英語之 精典語法常見的 as as 短語集錦常見的 as as短語集錦 一、 as long as 1. 同級比較, long 做形容詞或副詞,意為“ 和 一樣長 ” ;“ 長達(dá) ” ;As is known to us all, the Yellow River isn t as long as the Changjiang River. 眾所周知,黃河沒有長江長;After supper he would sit down by the fire, sometimes for as long as an hour, thinking of his young and happy day

2、s. 晚飯后,他常坐在火旁,有時(shí)長達(dá)一個(gè)小時(shí)地回憶他那青春、歡樂的歲月;2. 用作連詞,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句,意為“ 只要 ”,有時(shí)可用so long as;So long as they would like to learn, I will help them. 只要他們情愿學(xué),我就幫忙他們;We you handle the situation as long as you remain calm. 只要你保持冷靜,就能應(yīng)對這種情形;二、 as well as 1. 同級比較, well 是副詞,意為 “和 一樣好 ”;John plays football as well as, if n

3、ot better than David. 約翰的足球即使沒有戴維踢得好 ,也跟他踢得一樣好;2. 用作連詞,連接兩個(gè)并列成分,意為“ (除 之外)又;也,和;不但 而且 ” 等;留意: A as well as B 的短語為主語時(shí),謂語動詞要隨A 的人稱、數(shù)而變化;The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals. 這次競賽不僅職業(yè)運(yùn)動員可以參與,而且業(yè)余運(yùn)動員也可以參與;Mr. Smith takes private pupils as well as teaching in school. 史密斯先生除在學(xué)校任教外,

4、也私自教授同學(xué). This book as well as another three books is borrowed from our school library. 這本書同另外三本書一樣,都是從我們學(xué)校圖書館借來的;三、 as far as 1. 同級比較, far 是副詞,意為 “和 一樣遠(yuǎn) ” ;We didn t go so far as the others. 我們走得不如其他人遠(yuǎn) . 1 飛揚(yáng)英語之 精典語法常見的 as as 短語集錦2.(問到或談到距離時(shí)說)有多遠(yuǎn),遠(yuǎn)(至);We ll go by train as far as London, and then tak

5、e a coach. 我們乘火車去直到倫敦為止 ,然后換長途汽車;We take bus No.25 and go as far as the Peoples Park, where I change to bus No.6. 我們乘 25 路公共汽車,直到人民公園,然后在那里轉(zhuǎn)乘 6 路公共汽車;3.(問到或談到程度時(shí)說)有多大,直(至);His parents supported him as far as they could. 他的父母全力支持他;Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. 路;4.

6、表示進(jìn)展程度;I read as far as the third chapter. 我讀到了第三章;5. As far as the eye can /could see 極目所見;The moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see. 際;預(yù)先支配你的路線,盡量走大曠野向四周舒綻開去,一望無6. As far as I know / as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc. 就我所知;盡我所記得的;依我看;As far as we knew, there was no cau

7、se for concern. 就我們所知,沒有什么要擔(dān)憂的;As far as I can remember, she didn t come home until midnight. 就我回憶,她直到半夜才回來;As far as I can see, he has done nothing wrong. 依我看,他沒有做錯(cuò)任何事;As far as I can tell, she has neither slept nor eaten anything. 我能告知你的是,她從來沒有睡過覺或吃過任何東西;7. As/so far as I am concerned 就我而言 ; As/so

8、 far as sth. or sb. is concerned 就 而言;As far as I am concerned, I object to being treated like a child. 就我個(gè)人而言,我反對被當(dāng)作小孩看待;As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, the more equipped for life you are. 在我看來,訓(xùn)練就是關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)的;你學(xué)到的學(xué)問越多,你就越是為生活做好了預(yù)備;8. As/so far as it goes 就現(xiàn)狀

9、來說2 飛揚(yáng)英語之 精典語法常見的 as as 短語集錦What he has done is pretty good as far as it goes; but he should still remain modest. 就他目前已做的工作來看,仍是不錯(cuò)的,不過仍要保持虛心謹(jǐn)慎的態(tài)度;四、 as much as 1. 同級比較, much 是名詞或形容詞,意為“和 一樣多 ” ;Tim earns twice as much as his wife. 提姆賺的錢是他妻子的兩倍;Most young children today spend as much time watching te

10、levision as they do in the schoolroom. 大多數(shù)兒童看電視所花的時(shí)間與他們呆在教室里的時(shí)間同樣多;2. (問到或談到程度時(shí)說)多達(dá),指不行數(shù)的人或物;Health insurance often costs an American as much as 2022 dollars every year. 一個(gè)美國人每年為健康保險(xiǎn)支付達(dá)二千美元;3. as much as sb. can do表示難以做到;No desert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main cours

11、e. 感謝,別給我甜 食了;我吃完這道主菜就不錯(cuò)了;五、 as many as 1.同級比較, many 是名詞或形容詞,意為“ 和 一樣多 ” ;Chinese eat vegetables per person today more than twice as many as they did in 2022. 中國人現(xiàn)在吃的蔬菜是 2022 年時(shí)的兩倍以上;From this library we can borrow as many books as we want to read. 在這個(gè)圖書館內(nèi) ,凡是我們想讀的書都能借到;2. (問到或談到程度時(shí)說)多達(dá),指可數(shù)的人或物;I we

12、nt to a big party last night. There were as many as one hundred people. 昨天晚上我去參與了一個(gè)聚會;那兒有多達(dá)一百人;六、 as good as 1.同級比較, good 作形容詞,意為“和 一樣好 ”;The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. 我們的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量與其他生產(chǎn)商一樣的好,而我們的價(jià)格卻不象他們的那樣高;2. 用做副詞短語,意為“ 幾乎;實(shí)際上;簡直

13、是” ;3 飛揚(yáng)英語之 精典語法常見的 as as 短語集錦Cherry had been lucky enough to pick up a sofa at the auction which was as good as new and cost her under60. 切莉在拍賣行買到了一個(gè)完好如新的沙發(fā),花了仍不到60 英鎊;她真是走運(yùn);The matter is as good as settled. 這事實(shí)際上可以說解決了;七、 as early as1. 同級比較, early 做副詞,意為 “和 一樣早 ” ;Mary does not get up as early as

14、Catherine. 瑪麗起床沒有凱薩琳起得早;2. 不表比較, as early as 用做副詞短語,意為“早在 ”It entered the China market as early as 1995, and built its first factory in 1999 in Guangdong. 早在 1995 年就已經(jīng)進(jìn)入了中國市場,1999 年在廣東建立第一家工廠;八、 as soon as 用作連詞,引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句,意為“ 一 就 ” ;As usual, she started to do her homework as soon as she got home, whi

15、ch made her parents very happy. 像平常一樣,她一回到家里就開頭做作業(yè),這讓她的父母很興奮;九、 as as ever 與往昔一樣;Their friendship was as close as ever it had been. 他們的友情給以往一樣親熱;Sara is as much interested in music as ever. 薩拉和以前一樣對音樂感愛好;十、 as as possible 盡可能 1. as soon as possible盡早;We will check up as soon as possible and let her

16、know the result. 我們將盡快進(jìn)行調(diào)查,并把結(jié)果通知她;2. as quickly as possible 盡快;You should be familiar to your new environment as quickly as possible. 你應(yīng)當(dāng)盡快熟識自己的新環(huán)境;3. as much as possible 盡可能 In order to pay for a new house he has to save as much as possible. 4 飛揚(yáng)英語之 精典語法他要購買新居,他不得不盡量儲蓄;4. as fast as possible盡快常見的

17、as as 短語集錦Web designers must ensure that sites load as fast as possible. 網(wǎng)站的設(shè)計(jì)師必需確保網(wǎng)站能夠盡可能快地加載;5. as early as possible 盡早 I m looking forward to hearing from you as early as possible. 我期望著早日收到你的來信;十一、 as. as anything 特別 The boy could climb up that tree as easy as anything. 這男孩兒可以很簡單爬上那棵樹;What you do

18、 is as important as anything government does. 你們所做的和政府做的工作同樣重要;十二、其它相關(guān)短語 1. as busy as a bee極勞碌;Joe never seems to have time to talk. Hes always busy as a bee. 喬是個(gè)大忙人,似乎總是沒有時(shí)間說句話;2. as bright as day 光明如晝;Tonight, lit by countless electric lights, all the halls were as bright as day. 今晚全部大廳給很多電燈照射得光明

19、如晝;3. as fat as a pig 胖如豬;We can t miss Mike he is red in the face, fat as a pig, and often wears yellow classes. 我們不會認(rèn)錯(cuò)的 邁克他一張紅臉,體胖如豬,常戴著黃色眼鏡;4. easy as ABC 極其簡單;First lessons in any subject are usually designed to make you think the whole course is going to be as easy as ABC. 任何學(xué)科的開頭幾課通常都寫得讓人人感到整個(gè)課程是很好學(xué)的;5. as light as feather 輕如鴻毛;Since she is as light as a feather,I had no problem in carrying her all the way to the hospital. 由于她的身體特別輕,所以我一口氣就把她背到了醫(yī)院,一點(diǎn)也不感到累;5 飛揚(yáng)英語之 精典語法6. as quick as lightning 快如閃電;常見的 as as 短語集錦As quick as lightning the man s head shot forward. 那人的腦袋快


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