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1、中考英語作文預測及范文(一)上周你去你市科技館進行了參觀,你對“未來機器人與人類生活”主題展廳的一款家庭醫(yī)生機器 人很感興趣,你打算在本周英語課的duty report(值日生報告)上向你班同學介紹它。請你根據(jù)下面的 要點提示寫一篇短文做準備。內(nèi)容提示:1.外觀:像一位可愛的女孩;高1.2米;.材料:再生材料(recycled material),如玻璃、塑料(plastic)等;.功能:在健康方面提建議;治療普通的疾病;照顧老人和孩子。 要求:1.內(nèi)容應包括所有的要點提示,可適當發(fā)揮;.語言表達要準確,語句要通順、連貫;.不少于100詞。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Last week,! we

2、nt to the science and technology museum.【范文賞析】Last week,! went to the science and technology museum.I was greatly interested in a new kind of robot Home Doctor.Home Doctor was invented two months ago.And it was invented by three young men.It looks like a lovely girl,and it is about 1.2 meters tall.l

3、t is made from recycled materialsjike glass and plastic.Home Doctor can not only give people lots of advice on health,but also treat common diseases at home.lt will save people a lot of time,because they neednt go to the hospital whenever they feel sick or get hurt.Whats more,it can help take good c

4、are of the old people and babies at home.I believe Home Doctor will be very popular with people in the future.(二)心理學專家MrJones接受你校學生會的邀請,將在星期五下午三點半來你校做題為“What Should You Do When You Are Upset”的講座。假設你是學生會主席王琳,請你給Mr.Jones發(fā)一封e -mail告訴他如何乘車到你校。不少于80詞。信的開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。內(nèi)容提示:乘坐4路車到中山路下,過馬路一直往前走,在第一個十字路口向左轉

5、,然后會看見右邊 有一個書店,你們學校就在書店旁邊。Dear Mr. Jones,We are very glad that you accepted our invitation.Yours,Wang Lin【范文賞析】Dear Mr . Smith ,Im writing to ask for your help in designing attractive English posters .I have been longing to organize English clubs and holding English parties. What I should do is put

6、up attractive posters. With these posters, we can appeal to new members to join our English club. Fve heard you are good at designing posters and have some experience in the field, so Id like you to help create a poster. If you agree, I will come to your house at the time most convenient to you.rd b

7、e grateful if youd like to give me a hand. Looking forward to your reply .Yours,Li Hua(十五)假定你是紅星中學國際部的學生會主席李華,受英語老師委托為國際部的留學生寫一則通知, 告知他們受新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情的影響,學校延期開學。提示:1.嚴禁學生假期到校;.遠程教育;.如有調(diào)整,另行通知。參考詞匯:心理的psychological 教育部 Ministry of Education 新型冠狀病毒novel corona-virus【范文賞析】NOTIEPrevention and control of th

8、e novel corona-virus is the top priority at present. According to the announcement of Ministry of Education, the new term opening date will be put off Before that, students are not allowed to go to school. Everyone is required to work out at home and keep healthy. Online education will be provided f

9、or everyone, please take it seriously. If there is any change, we will keep you informed ahead of time.The Students 1 Unionlook fashionable be popular andIntroductionMain 、look fashionable be popular andIntroductionMain 、functionsdo some cooking and cleaning;take care of the elderly ;(十六)隨著現(xiàn)代科技的發(fā)展,機

10、器人已經(jīng)來到了我們身邊,給人們的生活帶來了很多便利。你們班就 “Household robots”這一話題展開了討論。假如你是李華,請你根據(jù)以下思維導圖,介紹家用機器人 的基本情況。our life;our life;Somebe not developed well;high price;要求:1.短文須包括所有提示內(nèi)容,并作適當發(fā)揮;2.不少于100詞。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。參考詞匯:household robots(家用機器人),function(功能),virus(病毒)With the development of modern science and technology,ro

11、bots have entered our life,which brings great convenience to us.【范文賞析】With the development of modem science and technology,robots have entered our life,which brings great convenience to us.Household robots which look modem and fashionable are very popular with people,and they are now widely used in

12、our daily life.Household robots have many functions. Firstly, they can be used to cook and clean rooms. Secondly, they can help to take care of the elderly. Moreover, they can even make calls to deal with something dangerous. However,the technology used in household robots is not developed well enou

13、gh to solve all problems.And they are so expensive. Sometimes, they may catch viruses and cause safety problems.In my opinion,robots should be widely used to improve peoples life.Scientists should make robots much more perfect by developing the technology.【范文賞析】Dear Mr. Jones,We are very glad that y

14、ou accepted our invitation.Now let me tell you how to get to our school.Take the No.4bus, get off at Zhongshan Road and cross the street. Keep going and turn left at the first crossing. You will see a bookstore on your right. Our school is right next to it. Til be expecting you at 3: 10 at the schoo

15、l gate.We are all looking forward to your coming.Yours,Wang Lin(三)假如你是李華,你所在的學校即將開展以“文明禮貌伴我行 爭做文明中學生”為主題的英語 演講比賽。請你根據(jù)下面的提示寫一篇不少于100詞的演講稿。開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。 內(nèi)容提示:1.列舉生活中至少兩種不文明現(xiàn)象并寫出各自產(chǎn)生的影響;.提出至少三條爭做文明中學生的建議;.發(fā)出爭做文明中學生的號召。【范文賞析】Hello,everyone! My name is Li Hua.Nowadays,people care more aboutourgrades.I

16、n fact,good behavior is as important as good grades.However,some bad behavior can be seen around us.For example,some students throw rubbish everywhere,which makes the environment worse and worse.Some students are always shouting back angrily to their parents.Gradually,the relations between them have

17、 become difficult.How can we behave well?FirstJ think we should be polite and kind to others.Be ready to help others in need.Secondary to be honest and keep promises.The most important thing is to follow the rules at school or in public.Lets pull together and take action from now on. I believe well

18、be better students as long as we behave ourselves.Thats all.Thanks for listening!(四)對于父母的養(yǎng)育、老師的教誨、同學的幫助等等,我們總是心存感激。請以“The personl want to say thanks to”為題,根據(jù)以下要點和要求,用英語寫一篇短文,向他、她或者他們表達一下你 的感激之情。1、要點:1)你要感激的人是誰;2)你感激的理由是什么;3)你將以什么實際行動來表達你的感激之情。2、要求:1)文中不得出現(xiàn)真實姓名、校名等相關信息;2)詞數(shù)100左右(題目已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù))。【范文賞析】

19、The person I want to say thanks toThe person I want to say thanks to is my mother.My mother is the best mother in the world. She is not only the person who gave me life and brings me up, but also my teacher and my best friend.Like a teacher, my mother does anything she can to help me grow up healthi

20、ly. As my best friend, she always shares her thoughts and feelings with me. I really enjoy the moments we spend together.With my mother, I have a wonderful life. To show my thanks to my mother, Ill try my best to realize her wish do well in everything now and become a useful person for the society i

21、n the future.(五)現(xiàn)如今,很多人喜歡在網(wǎng)上點餐。請根據(jù)下面表格中的提示寫一篇100詞(開頭已給出,不 計入總詞數(shù))左右的英語短文,談談網(wǎng)上點餐的利與弊,并闡述你的觀點。可適當發(fā)揮,不得出 現(xiàn)真實姓名、校名等信息。Ordering food onlineAdvantages方便便捷,節(jié)約時間;品種多樣,美味可口;減少外出,規(guī)避風險;Disadvantages塑料包裝污染環(huán)境;飲食習慣不夠健康;食品安全令人擔憂;Your opinion 參考詞匯:減少外出reduce going out;規(guī)避風險avoid risks;塑料包裝plastic packages【范文賞析】Nowada

22、ys, many people prefer ordering food online. Some people think its good to order food online. It is more convenient and faster than we cook at home, so we can save much time to do other things. Besides, there are many kinds of take-away food and most of them are delicious. Whafs more, ordering food

23、online can reduce going out and avoid risks.However, other people hold a different opinion. They say some restaurants may have food safety problems and plastic packages are bad for our environment and health. In addition, this kind of eating habit is unhealthy.In my opinion, we can order food online

24、 sometimes, but fbr the sake of our health, wed better cook it by ourselves.(六)某中學對九年級新生進行了英語口語能力問卷調(diào)查,以下是其中兩個問題的調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)。假如你 是該校九年級新生,請結合下圖數(shù)據(jù)和自身口語情況,給你的英語老師寫一篇短文。How often do you practice speaking English ?hardly ever17%sometimes38%hardly ever17%sometimes38%usually 45%How do you practice speaking Englis

25、h ?要求:1 .語言流暢,書寫規(guī)范,卷面整潔;2.不少于100詞。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。參考信息:1 .描述問卷調(diào)查結果(頻率、方法);2.介紹自身口語情況(水平、打算);3The results of the survey show that 17% of the students hardly ever practice speaking English.【范文賞析】The results of the survey show that 17% of the students hardly ever practice speaking English. 45% of the stud

26、ents usually practice speaking English,38% of the students practice speaking English sometimes.How do you practice speaking English ? Most students speak more only in class.Some of the students talk with friends in English.Some students practice speaking English in other ways.In my opinion,we should

27、 talk with our partners in English as much as we can.Also,we should often listen to English stories in order to improve our understanding of English.Never be afraid of speaking English in front of others! This is quite important.Over and above,we should learn more English words.Only in this way can

28、we be good English speakers!(七)今年,響應黨中央和政府號召雙減”政策正式施行,同學們的課外輔導和家庭作業(yè)減少了。 假如你是一名初三學生李華,正在接受學校公眾號采訪,請你結合自己的親身經(jīng)歷談一談以下兩 個問題:.“雙減”政策落實前后,你和你的同學們有些什么變化(比如學習、課余生活等方面)?.面對“雙減”,你有一些什么個人感受?要點提示:“double reduction” policy “雙減”政策;used to過去常常;by doing sth.通過做某事 要求:.內(nèi)容必須包括所有要點,可以適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫;.語言表達準確,語篇連貫;.詞數(shù):100詞;開

29、頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。【范文賞析】Good morning, everyone! Since the double reduction policy was released, our lives have changed a lot. Next let me talk about it.We used to do our homework till midnight and have no time for our hobbies.At the same time, we always attended many training courses at weekends. So we

30、 felt very tired all the time.However, with the support of the,H6double reductionn policy, though we go home iate, we have more interesting activities we like, like playing football and other ball games, learning playing the piano and violin, handwriting,drawing and so on. We feel very excited when

31、we join in these activities. Moreover, we can have more time to communicate with our parents because we have little homework after school.And we can get on well with our teachers and classmates.I believe we can study happily and have fun at school because of the ndouble reduction* policy.(八)假如你是Jack

32、,你的朋友Tom寫信向你求助如何控制自己的情緒:他經(jīng)常感到心煩,一點 小事就能讓他生氣,他感覺很糟糕。請你給他寫一封100詞左右的回信,告訴他如何克服這些情 緒?!痉段馁p析】Dear Tom ,I know your feelings. Dont worry about them. Everything will be OK if you try to do something. Firstly, when you feel bad, you can listen to music. Nice music can help make you relaxed and forget all the

33、 unhappy things and problems. Secondly, talk to someone you trust. You can talk to your parents. Parents can share their experience of dealing with bad moods. Keeping feelings inside can make things worse, Thirdly, take a walk, play tennis or do other outdoor sports. Exercise can make you feel relax

34、ed.Hope all the ways can be helpful to you !Yours,Jack(九)初中生活即將結束,回顧過去兩年多的生活,你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己有什么變化嗎?你是怎么改變的?請 以“What Changes I Have Had”為題寫一篇不少于100詞的英語短文,向你校英語報“每周之星” 欄目投稿。內(nèi)容提示:內(nèi)容包括性格、愛好、學習、生活習慣、行為習慣等方面的變化。要求:1.至少選三方面內(nèi)容,可適當發(fā)揮;.語言流暢、書寫規(guī)范;.開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。【范文賞析】What Changes I Have HadHow time flies! Almost more tha

35、n two years has quickly passed since I came to high school.I find I have changed a lot.First,! used to be afraid of speaking even in class.In order to change,! took every chance to speak in front of people.So now I dare to give a speech in public.Also,Pm more outgoing than I used to be.I have more f

36、riends than I used to have.SecondJ didnft use to be good at Chinese.When my Chinese teacher learned about that,she told me the most useful way to improve it was to read widely,especially famous books.I took her advice and I have read 30 books so far.lt really helps me a lot.Im happy that I have chan

37、ged so much!(十)假定你是李華,你們學校將于本周五下午3:00舉行有關垃圾分類的報告。請用英語寫一封電子郵件,邀請你們班的外教Mr. Black參加。告訴他活動的時間和地點,活動的內(nèi)容和為什么要 舉辦這樣的活動。參考詞匯:可回收的recyclable不可回收的non - recyclable【范文賞析】Dear Mr . Black ,Im writing to invite you to take part in our report about how to divide the rubbish. It will be held on Friday afternoon at 3

38、:00 in our school. The purpose of it is to let the students know the classification of garbage and understand what is recyclable and what is not. I will introduce the meaning of garbage sorting to students so that they can know the importance of it. Then we will show how to sort the garbage. I hope

39、students can learn more about garbage classification through this report.If you are interested in our report, please join us . Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua(十一)假如你叫約翰,你的朋友吉米是一名初三學生,面對繁重的課業(yè)和升學壓力,他常常感到焦 慮不安,晚上總是失眠,考試成績不好,沒有時間進行課余愛好,常常感到不開心。請針對他的 問題給他寫一封信,運用色彩療法給他提些建議。要點如下:問題建議原因感

40、到壓力穿藍色或白色睡眠不好把臥室的墻漆成藍色考試成績你的建議感到不開心你的建議【范文賞析】Dear Jimmy,You told me that you had some problems with your study and life.Pd like to give you some advice.If you always feel stressed, I advise you to wear blue or white. They will make you feel relaxed.If you cant sleep well at night,you*d better paint

41、the walls of your bedroom blue, as sleeping in a blue room will bring peace to both your mind and body. If you cant get good marks in exams, I think its good for you to use yellow pens. Yellow is the colour of wisdom. Some people prefer this colour when they hope for success. If you feel unhappy, yo

42、u can watch some comedies.They can make you laugh and forget annoyance.Im sure you will feel much better if you follow my advice.Yours,John(十二)奮斗的道路不會一帆風順,我們每個人在生活和學習上都會遇到這樣那樣的困難。你遇到困 難時是怎樣解決的呢?請以“How to get over difficulty”為題寫一篇英語短文。.要點:你遇到了什么困難;你是怎樣克服困難的;你的感受。.要求:文中不得出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學校名稱;100詞左右?!痉段馁p析】How to get over difficultyIn our daily life, we often meet different kinds of difficulties. But how can we get over them? Here is one of my experience.When I was in Grade 7, I didnt do well in my lessons first. Exams always brought me endless


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