



1、Unit one Friendship 詞匯:add upeg:Add up 3, 4 and 5 and youll get 12.把3.4.5加起來得12.Adding these figures up we can find the answer.就可以找到答數(shù)add up to 總計達(dá);意味著eg:The bills add up to exactly $100. 這些帳單加起來正好一百元These evidence really adds up to that he didnt murder the man.據(jù)實際上意味著他沒殺人upsetadj.心煩意亂的,不安的,不適的gotup

2、setwhensheheardthisnewsis no point getting upset about it.犯不著為此煩惱.vt.使不安,使心煩eg:The news upset him a lot.這個消息讓他很不安。be upset by sth 被某事困擾upset oneself about sth 對某事感到不安ignore vt.eg:You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down,你會不顧上課鈴而去一個安靜的地方讓你的朋友安靜下來ignorant:adj.沒有學(xué)識的,無知的

3、ignorance:n.無知ignore ,neglect,overlook 的 區(qū) 別 : ignoreneglect: 側(cè) 重 指 粗 心 與 疏 忽 overlook:指因匆忙而疏忽或視而不見eg:She saw him coming but she ignored him.到他He neglected to make repairs in his house.他忘記了修理房子.The mother overlooked her little boys bad behavior.那位母親忽視了她的小兒子的不良行為calm vt/vi(使)(使)鎮(zhèn)定 adj:平靜的eg:No one ex

4、pected that he was so calm when he heard the bad news.人料到他聽到這個壞消息還這么平靜Calm yourself. You should not be so excited.請鎮(zhèn)靜,你不該這么激動。cal() down (使)(使)鎮(zhèn)定eg:I told myself to calm down. 我告訴自己要冷靜。have got tohave toeg:Have you got to go now?你非得現(xiàn)在走嗎?concernvt.(使)擔(dān)憂;涉及;關(guān)系到 n.(利害)關(guān)系 This discussion concerns your T

5、here is no concern of mine. 這不關(guān)我的事beconcernedabout 關(guān)心,掛念beconcernedat/over sth 為某事憂慮beconcernedin sth 與有關(guān);參與;牽涉到go througheg:The country has gone through too many The new law did not go through.新法案未能通過。與 go 有關(guān)的短語:gobackgoby 從()(時間,機(jī)會等)過去 gogo up 上升,上漲,興建go into (1) 到達(dá),進(jìn)入,從事,參加 (2)調(diào)查,研究,弄清楚go in for

6、參加(考試、比賽等);從事;(3) 愛好,喜歡go out 1) 出去 2)出國,遠(yuǎn)行 3)熄滅go over (1) 復(fù)習(xí)、溫習(xí)、演習(xí) 2)檢查,查看set downeg:Idontwanttosetdownaseriesof factsinadiaryasmostdo.我不愿像大多數(shù)人那樣在日記中記流水賬。與 set 有關(guān)的短語:set about 開始;著手 set off 出發(fā), 動身 使爆炸, 點燃, 發(fā)射 使(某人)開始做, 使發(fā)火set out 出發(fā), 開始 ;陳述;闡明, 提出(理由) 擺出, 陳列, 布置set to 認(rèn)真干起來,大干起來 set up 豎起,建起on pur

7、pose(地;有意(地 purposely(比較正式)故意地inordertodosthinorder從句互換so as to do sth 為了做某事 一般放在句中 可以與 so that 從句互換face to faceface-to-faceno longer=not any longerno more=not any more 不再二者區(qū)別:no longerno more(大(程度noteach, live, workno more非延續(xù)性動詞,如 come, go , make (the same mistake)等,表示動作不再次發(fā)生。settle vi安居,停留 vt.eg:H

8、e settled his in a corner of the compartment.他把孩子安頓在車廂的一個角落里.The family has settled in Canada.這家人已經(jīng)在加拿大定居。phrase: settle down 1(使)停止講話(使)安靜下來;2)安頓,定居 3)開始專心于(活動、工作等,著手認(rèn)真做(某事)+tosettle for (勉)接受(將就著)同意suffer vsuffer from 遭受,患病 suffer for 因而吃苦頭eg:Do you often suffer from headaches?你常頭痛嗎?You will suffe

9、r for it if you drink up all the 酒你會因此難受的。get/be tired of 對厭煩pack uppack awayeg:Please pack away the picnic things. 請把野餐用的東西收起來get along/on with 與相處;進(jìn)展get along/on well/nicely/badly with 與相處得好/不好;進(jìn)展順利/不順利fall in love with sbbe in love with 與相愛,愛著 前者強(qiáng)調(diào)動作,后者強(qiáng)調(diào)狀態(tài)disagree vidisagree with sb ()使某人身體不適,對某人有影響disagree about/on 對觀點不贊同,有分歧eg:We disagree on that plan.我們對那個計劃有分歧Seafood always disagrees with me.我吃海鮮總不舒服join in(某活動)=take part joi


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