1、精銳教育學(xué)科教師輔導(dǎo)講學(xué)精銳教育學(xué)科教師輔導(dǎo)講學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)科教師C (語音(一)及冠詞授課日期時語音(一(1 分鐘,杭州最近兩年的第一道題都是考語音的,所以 須要牢固掌握好語音的相關(guān)知識,同時,學(xué)好語音為 單詞也能打下很好的基礎(chǔ),語音是不是很重要?。磕乾F(xiàn)在就讓 來一一學(xué)習(xí)吧(30 分鐘觀察近兩年杭州中考題2010,2011年連續(xù)兩年第一題是語音題,這給 的復(fù)習(xí)指明了方向,. 同時, 良好的語音基礎(chǔ)及正確的發(fā)音 對聽力有著很大的影響, 語音不好的學(xué)生通常 都會有問題。此外,語音基礎(chǔ)也是詞匯拼寫 的非二、中考語音復(fù)習(xí)1. a, e, i,o,u(在開音節(jié)及閉音節(jié)的讀音,及弱讀音節(jié)發(fā)音規(guī)則2 485 1
2、 開音節(jié)有兩種:A 絕對開音節(jié)2 485 1 開音節(jié)有兩種:A 絕對開音節(jié)如:go no me pr babyB。(在元音字母之后有一個輔音字母(r),而后面又跟上一個不發(fā)音的元音字母如:home, name , face,bike,cute,these, 1.a發(fā)相對開音face,lake,take,strange, change,waste baby,David,flavor 2字母e,絕對開音節(jié) he, me 相對開音節(jié) these, 字母 發(fā) 絕對開音節(jié)hi,bike , timerise, license 字母 發(fā) /絕對開音節(jié) no,go, local,do-相對開音節(jié) home,
3、broke,pronounspoken5.發(fā)/u:/或/ju:/ use,cute, duty, l blue., Lane, pace, mute,e,bone,compete,hike,tide,bag,bed,pighot,cutspring 1.aA antand,bag, pat,map,如 flashcard , grammar 的第一部分. matterA發(fā)/a:/ class cant father / 字母 abag,bed,pighot,cutspring 1.aA antand,bag, pat,map,如 flashcard , grammar 的第一部分. matte
4、rA發(fā)/a:/ class cant father / 字母 a/wwwhwash, what, want, swanwater,a 3e / anyB.panda 2.字母如 fetch red,smell,press,plenty,century發(fā)/i/ evereveneve 這三個單詞中ee/i:/3閉音節(jié) big,sillyic,lift,risk ,fix, man4,發(fā)/ /son B. /i/mother om,n,v,th C.love D. 5.字母閉音節(jié) 發(fā)/bus, but,public, 特殊情況 發(fā)/ push,pull,put閉音節(jié) 發(fā)/bus, but,publ
5、ic, 特殊情況 發(fā)/ push,pull,put 發(fā)不發(fā)音build(built)C.children D.strict C.subject D.pull節(jié)的概 一個音節(jié);me,it, his,一個音節(jié),如,apple,seven讀與非重讀音非重讀音節(jié): 在雙音節(jié)或者多音節(jié)詞中,除了重讀音節(jié)讀得最響亮,其他的音節(jié)要讀得相對較弱叫做非重讀音節(jié)或弱讀音節(jié)如panda,第一個音節(jié)pan重讀第二個音節(jié)da弱讀, gram-mar ,第一個部分重讀,后面弱讀發(fā) / 三 五個元音字母在非重讀音節(jié)中的發(fā)五個元音字母在非重讀音節(jié)中 弱讀 成 / /,或者/ i/ 這個規(guī)則適合所有的單詞如 about , p
6、anda, repeat,vocabulary, spoken,focus,confident音如 r,ba-by,lo-如 如:dia-ry,ta-Gram-frus-pic-nic5b,p,d,t,thc,k,chgf,phlr如 r,ba-by,lo-如 如:dia-ry,ta-Gram-frus-pic-nic5b,p,d,t,thc,k,chgf,phlrbl,br,pl,ele-6question71.parkhighcoat 2 看重讀音節(jié)和非重讀音節(jié)locallocal ,第一個音節(jié)為開音節(jié),ou弱讀成a-loud loud,ou,acan-pressimcandy1. 2 3
7、 4 remind 67 l89(10 分鐘1.233 4 5 6 79 1112 131416 17cute, 18a-20 21 22 231. 2341011invent15 1. 2341011invent15 1the讀法:單獨念時讀,在句子中常發(fā)i(元音之前)或者輔音之前;a/an 的讀法:單獨念時讀 ein ;在句子中常發(fā) n。2aan (1)表示某一個人或東西,但不具體說明何人或何物。如:Thereisadoglyingonthe表示某類人或事物,以區(qū)別于其他種類。如:Anelephantismuch表示某類人或事物中的任何一個。如:Heisateacherofn a (4)表
8、示“一”這個數(shù)量。如:Thereisatableandfourhatdining-of(一種apairof(一副、一雙anumberof(大量的apieceof (一張、一片half have/takea (rest等(休息)【2011浙江臺州】16. Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowteacherlikeyou.A.C.】冠詞的用法。a 修飾以輔音音素開頭的單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞;an修飾以元音音素開始的單數(shù)可【2011山東濰坊】16.OnMarch11,2011earthquakehitA. B.C. D. 20113A. B.C. D. 20113 是元音,可判定用an
9、A (1)表示特指的人或事物。如:Themanflowerinhishandis指談話雙方都熟悉的人或事物。如:Lookattheblackboard,復(fù)述前面提到過的人或事物。如:ThereisamanunderthetreeThemaniscalled表示世界上獨一無二的事物。如:Theearthturnsaroundthe(5)用在表示方位的名詞前面。如:Therewillbestrongwindtothesouthoftzenearesttothe的前面。如:Whoisonetogo?/Ofallthestars,thesunis (7)常用在樂器名稱的前面。如:Hebegantopl
10、aytheviolinof 用在江河、海洋、山脈等名稱的前面。如:IhaveneverbeentotheHimalaya用在含有普通名詞的專有名詞的前面。如:HeisfromtheUnitedesof用在姓氏之前表示一家人。如:TheGreensaregoingtoMountEmeinextsamethe。如:LucyandLilylookthe(12)幾個用定冠詞的習(xí)語:atthesametime (與此同時,makethebed(鋪床he end(,all ,by ,on 【河北省2011】26.She learnedtopianoallby A. B.C.C【2011黑龍江綏化市】1,T
11、herebigsupermarketcenterofoura; B.the;C.the; centre 【2011涼山】)21. Johncan playguitar,buthe cantplayA. C.the;the,表示“下棋”不使用冠詞,故選A【2011廣西賀州】31.lilyiscomingplaneLet s go to airporttomeetA. a; B./;C.the;A. C.the;the,表示“下棋”不使用冠詞,故選A【2011廣西賀州】31.lilyiscomingplaneLet s go to airporttomeetA. a; B./;C.the;D./;
12、【 D【2011山東濱州】21.-HowwasdinneratMikes-Itwasgreat.MikesmumiswonderfulA. a; B.the;C.the;D. a;【 a4 (個大國)Manneedsairand oren,月名或季節(jié)名前一般不用。如:He was born on Monday, February 18,1995.(1995一)Theyusuallyplanttreesonthehillsin homechatschool.On Childrens Day the boys often get presents from their parents.球類名詞前不
13、用。如:The children play football on Saturday afternoons.(6)城市的重要/主要建筑物名稱前不用。如:TheyarenowatPeoplesBy air, at night, at home, go to bed, go to school, on foot, from morning till ( night,dawn,midnight ) 中午(夜晚,午夜),By air, at night, at home, go to bed, go to school, on foot, from morning till ( night,dawn,
14、midnight ) 中午(夜晚,午夜),go to school上學(xué),leave school 畢業(yè),to volleyball own 在城里,in bed 躺,in hospital住院,catchfire 著火,losetakeplace athome在家,infact bychance byheart,ime outofdate takepartinhave supper (2011湖南長沙)1.IusuallygotoschoolonAB.C.【 on (2011湖南湘西)2.IoftengotoschoolA. by B.bya C.bythe】考查固定短語。乘坐公共汽車是byb
15、us,沒冠詞(1)infront面hefrontof 在bed, school, hospitalprison 面加了個the, 這時就狹義地指代這個名詞所指的地方了gotogotothe 去醫(yī)院 inhospital(生病)住院he hospital 在醫(yī)院gotocollegegotothecollegegotoprison gototheprison 去(3) Icantwritewithoutpenorpencil. He lookedatmefromheadtofoot,asifhedidntknowme at(4) HeraisesablackandawhiteThe blacka
16、nd(3) Icantwritewithoutpenorpencil. He lookedatmefromheadtofoot,asifhedidntknowme at(4) HeraisesablackandawhiteThe blackandthewhitecatsare Heraisesablackandwhite6.(1)不定冠詞aana an erestingsonghonest要注意以uusefulinheinheInfronthefrontby sea/by the sea nextyear/the next(4)a number of thenumber(5) such,wha
17、tmanyHeleftinsucha theottoclosethe Manya manhasgone tobigcitiesforso,how,tooShesuch,whatmanyHeleftinsucha theottoclosethe Manya manhasgone tobigcitiesforso,how,tooShewassonicea tshetooktheblindmantotheHowniceafilmthisquiteagoodrathera /aratherusefula veryuseful1.TomorrowisTeachersDayandwellmakecardf
18、orour2.The busisrunningabout3.Maryerested in4.Some people dontlike totalkat5. Lastnight Iwent to bedvery6.Dontworry.Westillhavelittletime7.Whatbeautiful day!Andwhat fine8. In er it iscold in Beijingandwarm in9. John is cleverestboyinhis10.Wecantlivewithoutwater or 11.TomorrowMr.SmithwillleaveParis,c
19、apital of _France,by12.Wewere havingchwhentheycame 13.This is bookyougave me 14.Whatdid you dolast15. March 8 is 16. If weatherisfinetomorrow,wewillgotothe17. Ilaying piano toplaying 18.At ageoffive,hereadalotof TomandLucyareofsameharder we study, more14.Whatdid you dolast15. March 8 is 16. If weath
20、erisfinetomorrow,wewillgotothe17. Ilaying piano toplaying 18.At ageoffive,hereadalotof TomandLucyareofsameharder we study, morewe1. ;3. 12. 4. 5. 6. 15. 7.a; 8. ;11.the; 17.the; 20.The; 1.Does Jim have Yes,he has 2.There is old bike oldbikeisMrZhaos Aan ;TheBthe;An Ca;Theapplea day keepsthedoctorsaw
21、 4.How many booksdoyou Its EnglishbookAa;an Ba;onet time Tom was one-year-old6.tiger is China7.We cant see sun at nightAthe;the 8.usefulbook itAWhatBHowCWhat9.One afternoon he found handbagThere was “s”on handbag10. old ladywith whitehair spoke English well at BThe;an 11Great Wall islongestwallhe10.
22、 old ladywith whitehair spoke English well at BThe;an 11Great Wall islongestwallhe12 newbridgehasbeen built over Huangpu AThe;a 13 This is songIvetold youabout. Isnt itbeautifulA. the;B. a; C.the; D.a;14He used to be teacher but later he turned writer15They made him king16Look at horseoverthere17The
23、re is hewordA. B.C. 18There is oldwomanhecar 19Beijing is beautiful cityIts capitalofChinaBthe;the C;the 20Shanghai is in eastofChinaCBCAD 詞數(shù) 難度 建議用時Astronauts have already visited the moon and lived on spaions. Theyve never been to another planetsofar,butbythe year 2100,theymightliveonthe詞數(shù) 難度 建議用時
24、Astronauts have already visited the moon and lived on spaions. Theyve never been to another planetsofar,butbythe year 2100,theymightliveontheplanetMars.Theastronautswillspendaboutsix monthstravelingtothe planet,thenabouttwoyearsontheplanetandaboutsixmonthstravelingbacktothe earth. Theyll be away fro
25、m the earth for about three years, so theyll need a lot of food!Itsveryexpensive totake food ospace.Itcostsabout120,000dollarstocarrysomething tweighs one kilogram.So an apple on Mars could cost 20, 000 dollars! Of course, they will need to take quite a lot of foodwiththemtofeed the astronauts for t
26、hree years.Thisamountoffreshfoodcan notstayfresh,and is very expensive to take, so they need to find food t is not very heavy.At the moment, astronauts on spaions eat dried food. Its very light, so it doesn t cost a lot of money to carry it o space. But astronauts stay healthier and happier if they
27、eat fresh food. he future, astronauts on Mars may grow vegetables like lettuce, spinach and carrots.)1.Accordingtothetext,bytheyear2100,someofussiblyA.onthe B.onhe D.underthe)2.Whydotheastronautshave toeatdriedBecauseitischeaptoBecauseitisBecauseitmakesthemBecauseitischeapto)3.Whichofthe followingis
28、TRUEaccordingtothe AstronautswillgettikemeatorcheesefrombeansonIfwetaketwokilogramsofospace,itcouldcost40,000Itwilltaketheastronautsaboutthreemonthstogettoa D. Driedfoodisashealthyasfreshfoodforastronautsin)4.WhywilllifeonMarsbe ntonthe Astronauts on Marswill probablyhave spe l machines.They Mluse t
29、hese machines tochange beans o foods t tas ike meat or cheese because it won tbe sible tokeepanimals in space.Life on Mars will be better n t on Earth any ways. People will have more space. Living in a large building with only 10 bedrooms is highly sible. Many peop e ve t robot will do most of our w
30、ork, so we have more time for our hobbies.宇航Mars 火B(yǎng)ecauseonlyafewpeoplewillliveBecausetherewillBecauseonlyafewpeoplewillliveBecausetherewillbemuchdeliciousBecausetherewillbemorespaceandlessworktoD. Becausepeopledontneedtodoany)5. The best title for this passage is FoodinAnImportantC. he 詞數(shù) 難度建議用時實際用
31、Holding uping banners and cheering fervidly, about 2,000idyschool uniform was waiting to meet their space heroes at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium here Monday morning.Wecameheretoshowoursupporttothespaceflightdevelopmentofourcountry,saidMissThree Chi taikonauts, who jo ly carried o hinas historic maide
32、n space walk, and dozens of other members of the Shenzhou VII spacecraft Monday attended a sharing ses with an audience including more n 2,000 students from about 200 local prind middle schools.Whatdidyousee duringthe spacewalk?Studentswereeagertoknowwhatitwaslike he Zhai Zhigang, the Chi taikonaut
33、who got out of the spacecraft and walked he space, told the audience t the space was very lucid, not as dark as people thought before, and one can have an extensive view up there.He said,however, the hadnottakentime toenjoythebeautifulsceneryashe neededtofinishupthe assigned mis within a limited tim
34、e.Can you bringal belongings up o the space? What will you bring next time? Students were also erested aikonauts life he space.Of course, we can, taikonautJing Haipeng said, Imyself had broughtphotos of my family and Iwill defini y bring a dining table withcuisine next time.For Zhai, he said t he wa
35、nted to bring a space detector to find out whether there will be other kinds of life form existing he space.If I meet ien next time, I think I can try to use body language to communicate with them, said The stadium was full of laughter every time when the taikonauts threw out an answer t the audienc
36、e found amusive.Being a taikonaut is never easy. All three-space heroes agreed t it was important to have supportiveandconsideratefamily,ttheycan heirspaceflightYou must be firm in volition, dont give up and you will eventually reach your goal, taikonaut Liu Boming encouraged students to have their own dreams.On listening to thei
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