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1、 PAGE 頁碼 10 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 10六年級北師大英語上學(xué)期閱讀理解專項精選練習(xí)班級:_ 姓名:_1. 閱讀理解。Once there was a king. He liked writing stories, but his stories were not good. People were afraid of him, so they all said his stories were good. One day the king showed his stories to a famous writer. The writer said his stories we

2、re too bad and he should throw them into fire. The king got very angry with him and sent him to prison(監(jiān)獄). After some time, the king set him free(釋放). Again he showed the writer some of his new stories and asked what he thought of them. After reading them, the writer turned to the soldiers(士兵) at o

3、nce(立刻) and said, Take me back to prison, please.( )(1)The king likedstories.A. reading B. writing C. talking( )(2)The writer thought the kings stories wereA. good B. interesting C. too bad( )(3)The last sentence(最后一句) means the kings stories wereA. very good B. bad C. fun2. 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢浮0汛鸢?/p>

4、前面的字母編號填在括號里。Father and Sam are sitting at the table.They are having their dinner. “I dont like this soup. I dont want any.” Says Sam, and puts down the spoon. “All right.” says father.After dinner, Sam works in the field (田地)with his father. They work very hard. In the evening, father gives him a b

5、owl of soup.“ Oh, the soup is very nice,” Sam says. “ Its the same soup.” says his father.1Who doesnt like the soup at first? _.( )A.Sam B.Sams father C.Sams mother2After lunch Sam and his father work_.( )A.in the factory B.on the farm C.in the field3In the evening, Sams father gives him_.( )A.a bow

6、l of soup B.a plate of meat C.a glass of milk4Does Sam like the soup in the evening? _.( )A.No, he doesnt. B.Yes, he does. C.He like it very much.5Sam feels_, so he likes the soup in the evening.( )A.angry. B.hungry. C.sad.3. 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確的答案,將序號寫在前面括號內(nèi)。Dear Jenny,Here are three photos.In the firs

7、t photo, I am in a library. I am reading a magazine. The story is a little boring. I want to go out to play, but I cant, because it is raining. In the second photo, its the winter. Im playing with my sister in the snow. It is very cold, but we are having a good time. Look, here is our snowman.How co

8、ol it is!In the past photo, Im waiting for my uncle at the bus station. He is coming to my house. A young man is playing the guitar at the station. Some people are giving money to him. He is raising money (募捐) for children who need help!Write to me soon.Best,Tom.( )(1)In the first photo Tom is readi

9、ng _.A. in the classroom B. at home C. in the library( )(2)Whats the weather like when Tom is reading?Its _.A. sunny B. windy C. rainy( )(3)In the second photo Tom is making _.A. a tree house B. a snowman C. a kite( )(4)The young man is playing _.A. the violin B. the guitar C. the erhu4. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷對錯。

10、Tom Henderson is a college student in New York City. This weekend he plans to study for an exam, but he doesnt want to study. He just wants to have fun. On Friday night he dances. On Saturday morning he plays tennis with his friend Keith. On Saturday afternoon his friends call him, and they have a p

11、arty in his friend Rogers home. On Sunday he goes to see a movie. The name of the movie is Cloudy Monday. Tom doesnt like it. It is a comedy, and Tom doesnt like comedy very much. At last, on Sunday night, Tom studies for the exam. He studies from six in the evening to two in the morning. On Monday

12、morning Tom goes to school and takes the exam. He is tired and now he is sorry he didnt study.( )(1)Tom is in America.( )(2)On Saturday morning Tom plays tennis with his friend Keith.( )(3)On Saturday afternoon Tom have a party with his friends.( )(4)Tom like comedies very much.( )(5)Tom studies fro

13、m six in the morning to two in the evening on Sunday night.5. 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確的答案。Mr. Brown lived in a small town, but he worked in a big city. So he moved there with his wife and two children last Tuesday. On the next day, Mr. Brown took his new car out and was washing it. When a friend came, the fr

14、iend stopped and looked at the new car for a minute. Then Mr. Brown turned and saw him. The friend said, Thats a new car. Is it yours? Sometimes. Mr. Brown answered. The friend was surprised. Sometimes? he said, What do you mean? Mr. Brown answered slowly, Well, when theres a party in town, my daugh

15、ter, Jean drives it. When theres a football game, its my son Joes turn. When I have washed it and it looks really nice and clean, my wife Linda uses it. And when it needs cleaning, its mine.(1)How many people are there in Mr. Browns family?( )A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four(2)_ drives the car when th

16、eres a party in town.( )A. Mr. Browns daughterB. Mr. Browns sonC. Mr. Browns wifeD. Mr. Brown(3)From the passage, we know Mr. Browns son likes _.( )A. washing the car B. football games C. parties D. nothing(4)What do you think of Mr. Brown?( )A. He likes washing the car.B. He likes parties.C. Hes ki

17、nd to his families.D. He likes football games.6. 閱讀短文,并根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷下列句子正誤。Long long ago, there was a boy called John. He lived with his mother. One afternoon his mother wanted to go out. Before she left, she said to him, John, while Im away, stay near the door and watch it all the time. She said this be

18、cause there were a lot of thieves in their country.John sat down next to the door. A few minutes later, one of his aunts came. She said, Wheres your mother? Shes out, John said. Oh, said his aunt, Were going to visit your house. Go and tell your mother.His aunt then left, and John began to think, Mo

19、ther told me to watch the door all the time, but aunt said, Go and tell your mother.He thought and thought. At last, he had a nice idea. He pulled the door down, put it on his back and went to look for his mother with it.( )(1)Johns mother went out and asked him to watch the door.( )(2)There are man

20、y thieves in the country.( )(3)Johns aunt asked him to look for his mother.( )(4)John watched the door well and no thief could come into his home.( )(5)John is a clever boy and his idea is really good.7. 閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。 My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents arent goin

21、g to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. Tomorrow morning my mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to the bookstore by bus. Then Im going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and hav

22、e a big dinner. After that we are going to see a film. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.1Amys mother is going to buy something for next week.(_)2Amys father is going to visit her grandparents in the morning.(_)3Amy is going to the bookstore by bike.(_)4Tomorrow evening Amy is going to wat

23、ch TV.(_)5Tomorrow evening they are going to see a film.(_)8. 讀一讀,選擇最佳答案。Its Sunday tomorrow. A basketball match will be held in a gym near my home. We can walk there in twenty minutes. My brother and I are going to watch it. I am so excited, because I am a big basketball fan. The match is between a

24、 Chinese team and a Japanese team. The match is going to be at three oclock in the afternoon. We are going there on foot after we finish our homework. We think we can come back home at about four fifty in the afternoon.(1)What day is it tomorrow?( )A. Saturday. B. A sunny day. C. A fine day. D. Sund

25、ay.(2)My brother and I are going to watch_.( )A. a baseball matchB. a basketball matchC. a football matchD. a volleyball match(3)How will we go to the gym?( )A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. D. By bus.(4)What time is the match probably going to finish?( )A. At three oclock.B. At three thirty.C. At

26、 four oclock.D. At four thirty.9. 閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案。Im Kate. I am a student. I was late for school yesterday because I got up late in the morning. I quickly ran out and rode my bike. I rode very fast. When I got to a crossing, the traffic lights turned red, but I didnt stop my bike. An old man stopped me

27、 and asked me why I didnt stop. I told him I was late. He said, You should stop when the traffic lights are red and you can cross when the traffic lights are green. There are a lot of cars on the street. Its dangerous. And then he let me go.Safety(安全) is important. We must obey(遵守) the traffic rules

28、 at any time.( )(1)Kate is a.A. student B. policeman C. driver( )(2)How did Kate go to school yesterday morning?A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike.( )(3)Why did the old man stop Kate?A. Because Kate didnt obey the traffic rules.B. Because Kate was late.C. Because Kate was dangerous.( )(4)When the tra

29、ffic lights are green, we can.A. stop B. talk C. cross( )(5)Kate thinksis important.A. the bike B. safety C. the old man10. 閱讀短文,選擇正確答案。Hello, my name is Lily. Im twelve years old. I live in Haikou. My hobby is playing the piano. Tina is my best friend. She is younger than me. She likes playing foot

30、ball very much. Ms Smart is our English teacher. She is very beautiful and humorous. She likes skating. We all like her very much.1Mybestfriendis_.( )A.MsSmart B.Tina C.Lucy2Tinamaybe_yearsold.( )A.13 B.11 C.123Myhobbyis_whileMsSmartshobbyis_.( )A.playingfootball,skatingB.collectingstampsandskatingC

31、.playingthepiano,skating4MsSmartisour_.( )A.bestfriend B.classmate C.Englishteacher5MsSmartisvery_.( )A.tallandbeautiful B.cleverandbeautiful C.beautifulandhumorous11. 閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。Fred likes fish very much. One day, he buys(買)some fish and takes it home. His son sees the fish and says to hi

32、mself, Very good! I can ask my friends to have it for lunch.The next day(第二天), Fred comes home in the evening. The fish isnt there. His son says, Oh, dad, your cat eats the fish. Fred gets angry (生氣). He takes the cat and his son to the shop and weighs (稱) the cat. Then he says, Little boy, my fish

33、weighs one kilo, and the cat weighs one kilo too. My fish is here, then where is my cat?( )(1)Fred likes _ very much.A. fish B. meat C. bread( )(2)_ asks his friends to have fish.A. Fred B. Freds friend C. Freds son( )(3)Fred weighs the _. He wants to know who eats the fish.A. fish B. cat C. his son

34、( )(4)Freds fish weighs _.A. two kilos B. three kilos C. one kilo( )(5)According to (根據(jù))the son, which is right?A. Fred and his friends eat the fish.B. The cat weighs two kilos.C. Freds cat eats the fish.12. 根據(jù)內(nèi)容判斷,對的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”。Its Helens birthday today. All her friends are at her home. They broug

35、ht a lot of things for their party. They are showing their things to each other.Nancy: Whats in your hand, Yang Ling?Yang Ling: Its a tin of chicken. Do you like it?Nancy: Yes, I like it very much. I have a box of chocolates, too.Yang Ling: Great! Where is Liu Tao?Nancy: He is sitting on the sofa. H

36、e has a Walkman and he is listening to music there.Yang Ling: Look! Wang Bing is coming. There are some fruit in his hand.Nancy: I see. Miss Li is coming, too.Yang Ling: What does she have?Nancy: Lets go and have a look. Wow! A nice birthday cake and a birthday card! Can we have a look?Miss Li: Sure

37、. Its a nice cake and there are some sweets on it. Boys and girls, its time to have the cake. Lets sing the song Happy Birthday together now.All: Good idea.1It is Helens birthday today.(_)2They are singing and dancing.(_)3He is sitting near the sofa.(_)4Liu Tao is listening to music on the sofa.(_)5

38、There are some fruit on the cake.(_)13. 閱讀理解。Dear Cathy,Im Lily. Im your pen pal. Im so happy to make friends with you. Now let me tell you something about my school and my city.Im a student of Xinhua School. Its a very good school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like Wednesday best. Becaus

39、e I have art and PE class on that day. I like drawing pictures and doing sports. My favourite food is fish and potatoes, because they are yummy and healthy. And I like apples, strawberries, too. They are fresh and sweet. Mr. Johns is my favourite teacher. He teaches us PE. He is strong and tall. He

40、is very funny and we like his classes very much.I love my city, too. There are many tall buildings. There is a very big gym. We can play basketball, play ping-pong and so on. Its a big and beautiful city. Tell me about your school and your city, please.Yours,Lily選擇正確的答案填在括號里。1Whats Lilys favourite d

41、ay?( )A.Monday B.Wednesday C.Saturday2Sally has_ and _ on Wednesday.( )A.music art B.PE music C.art PE3Whats Lilys favourite food?( )A.Fish B.Rice . C.Hamburgers .4Whats Lilys PE teacher like?( )A.He is strong and tall. B.He is thin and tall. C.He is strong and short.5Whats the gym like in Lilys cit

42、y?( )A.Its small. B.Its big. C.Its tall.14. 讀短文,選擇正確的答案。One day, Mark Twain went to a small town to give a lecture (講座). At lunch he met a young man. The young man told him that he had an uncle. His uncle never laughed or smiled. Nobody and nothing could make his uncle smile or laugh. You bring your

43、 uncle to my lecture tonight, said Mark Twain. Im sure I can make him laugh. That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the first row. Mark Twain spoke directly (直接地) at the old man. He told some funny stories. But the old man never even smiled. Mark Twain told the funniest story he knew. But t

44、he old man didnt still smile. At last Mark Twain stopped. He felt very tired and disappointed (失望的). Some days later, Mark Twain told one of his friends about what had happened. Oh, said his friend. I know that old man. He isdeaf.( )(1)Mark Twain went to a small town to _.A. visit his friend B. give

45、 a lecture C. tell stories( )(2)The young man told Mark Twain that nobody could make _ smile or laugh.A. his friend B. himself C. his uncle( )(3)Mark Twain _ to the old man at his lecture.A. sang some songs B. gave a lesson C. told some stories( )(4)Which of the following is TRUE?A. At last the old

46、man laughed.B. Mark Twains friend knew the young mans uncle.C. Mark Twain felt very happy after finishing his lecture.( )(5)Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word deaf” in the last sentence?A.聾的 B.啞的 C.瞎的15. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷下列各句的正誤。I am Rose. I am a student in Dongfang School. I like reading books

47、. So I often go to the bookstore on Sunday. Usually, I go by subway. Sometimes I go by bus. I know the traffic lights very well. They are the same in every country. Red means stop and wait. Yellow means slow down and stop. Green light means you can go. We should remember the traffic rules.( )(1)I of

48、ten go to the bookstore on Saturday.( )(2)I usually go to the bookstore by subway.( )(3)Traffic lights are the same in every country.( )(4)Red means slow down and stop.( )(5)We should not remember the traffic rules.16. 閱讀短文,完成下面的表格。Some students are not happy today. Amy is angry, because she cant go

49、 to the park and have a picnic on the weekend. What should she do? She should take a deep breath and count to ten. Tony wants to be strong, but he is thin now. So he should do more exercise. Whats wrong with Mary? She is ill. She should see a doctor. And John thinks he gets a cold. He should wear wa

50、rm clothes.NameWhats wrong?What should he / she do?angryTonythinMarysee a doctorgets a coldwear warm clothes17. 閱讀短文,回答問題。Anny sat in their backyard(后院), thinking. She was trying to think of a way to earn money during the summer vacation. Suddenly, she had an idea! Her parents paid her to walk their dog every day. Maybe other people would pay her to walk their dogs.Anny went


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