江蘇省永豐初級中學(xué)英語牛津譯林版七年級下冊Unit7 綜合測試題(二)_第1頁
江蘇省永豐初級中學(xué)英語牛津譯林版七年級下冊Unit7 綜合測試題(二)_第2頁
江蘇省永豐初級中學(xué)英語牛津譯林版七年級下冊Unit7 綜合測試題(二)_第3頁
江蘇省永豐初級中學(xué)英語牛津譯林版七年級下冊Unit7 綜合測試題(二)_第4頁
江蘇省永豐初級中學(xué)英語牛津譯林版七年級下冊Unit7 綜合測試題(二)_第5頁




1、一.牛津八級下學(xué)期nit 7綜測試題 二) : (滿 00分) 單項選擇(每小分,共分)( European city? No. It largest cities in B. the C. / D. ( )2. Flight MH370 crashed in Indian None What sad news! in in board board D. ( Dr Lee work for charity? a volunteer in which for children. Oxfam C. ORBIS D. WWF( Most can be used word processing. Th

2、at true. My iPhone 6 Plus is often used for; B. for; asC. to; fora mini computer.( Slender West Lake is the places in Yangzhou. It _ thousandsof people day. for B. C. D. about( oldest city in Province省) People in are always its history. B. surprised C. proud of( With the the in city worry not being

3、higher education. B. offer C. D. ( My parents advice just makes me uncomfortable. Well, you shouldnt turn a deaf ear to it. Good _ often tastes bitter (澀的) to the C. drink D. check( Did you watch the show Brain on Jiangsu last week? A boy find his by using (回聲) How deaf B. blind ( I used to to Moonl

4、ight Clan月). now, I a third every month. improved B.protected ( How yesterday? It was really job. handed given in C. handed D. handed up( Like Olympic Games, every taken B. takes placeC. holds D. ( this T-shirt of And it Is; made; B. C. made; is washed D. Does; is washed( Shes encouraged to write th

5、e Yes. Were sure she can write A. isnt B. doesn ?( You don look yourself today.?C. hasnt she is she I miss old A. Whats matter you C. Are you How 二. 完填空 (每題 分,共 分 people like and they often go to by A Mark Beaumont loves 16 . different like his 18 the around the The British man 19 his journey in Par

6、is From he hours through 20 .s a(n) 22 ride for During the journey, he robbers, traffic accidents and so on. But all these difficulties didn 23 Mark it Mark become World Record holder, 24 helped him raise of pounds for charity.Mark about his success and he planned to write a book about his journey.

7、hope to young people try best make their true, he said.( A. cycling walking C. running ( A. C. D. ( A. done taken D. written( A. finished C. opened ( A. cost ( A. cities B. villages C. D. ( A. hard B. C. ( A. stop B. support ( A. well also C. so as well as( A. B. worried C. 三.閱讀理解(每小分,共分)AOne day in

8、 1984, it was in Africa died famine ( England were it.饑餓) on people A Bob one of them and he those people. put together of the UK Irelands Paul Paul Young, David and Sting, to record a song and sold it. Aid was born. It the name the of those musicians.Written by and Midge the song They s 72,000 from

9、 sales of it, in fact what they last raised million.Twenty years later, the group called Aid was born in 2004. t Paul the He They It Christmas with other to raise money for people in Sudan, Africa. Thirty years Aid 30 born in 2014. aim to money help people in Africa with Ebola (博拉病毒)( )26. Aid born

10、to in Africa at first. poor people B. sick people C. hungry people ( )27. Aid raised money selling a . film B. concert book( was member of Aid, and he also a Aid . David Bowie Sting C. Paul Young ( )29. s Chinese meaning of the underlined word ? 低于 B. 打敗C. 輸 D. 超( Which of the following according to

11、 the passage? Two people together to write Do They s .B. group Aid raised 72,000 finally in 1984.C. Aid 20 raised for some people were suffering from D. Aid there were in group.BThis is of in big factory. He wore old red and rubbish bag. He usually his his lunchtime old big factory and used tins(錫罐)

12、.One day, was fixing of broken machines in factory when this man came his bag. As usual, picked tin beside me. was watching me. I finished job, I heard my manager ask the man about what he was going to with I never thought about kind of question, because I always thought that man would take those ti

13、ns to the (回收 my surprise, man answered: give these to my eighbour. and work.I so shocked to hear that, so asked him: mean you collect all those tins just to help your neighbour? this isn much help, he sell for a but I can tal k with him I him the cans. And makes both of feel better.It moment in It

14、has feel humble (謙卑的) every since ( writer works in a school B. office D. ( took to B. his officeC. manager( )33. The s neighbour couldnt work because he was . deaf B. blind C. homeless old( )34. The underlined word mean . sad B. very proud C. very thankful very ( )35. in last second paragraph refer

15、s(指) to . collecting C. talking with each other D. 四. 填 (每小題 1 分,共 15 分 根據(jù)所給漢語意思或者首字母提示,用合適的單詞填空36. In countries, black people t have the same(權(quán)利 whites.37. My sister in a company as a 秘書38. I is a country people. It second population (口) in world.39. plays an important part in peoples A child futur

16、e doesnt go 40. Mrs caught pneumonia (肺炎). 用給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。41. too (blind).42. Post one of most newspapers China. The number of its million.43. To disease from (spread), has done a lot.44. victims of the disaster area more 45. If dog (treat) in time, he will safe C. 從框中選擇合的(組,并用其正確形式填, 完下面的句子。office, go

17、 hospital, operated on, used to, most46. Paul was hurt in the accident. He sent at 47. the local are an interview with Mr Lee.48. Jack isn school today. He isnt feeling well and49. This be palace. Now it open public a park. 50. ORBIS doctors in do a lot the 五.根據(jù)所給漢語意思填空,完成下面的句子(小題分,共1分)51. 。Mr Lee f

18、eels today. . 52. 這醫(yī)已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了在飛機上做手術(shù)。 doctors a plane. 53. 他半零花錢被捐給了希望工程。Half pocket 54. 我經(jīng)定決心要在社區(qū)當(dāng)志愿者。I have to be in community.55. 上期媽媽鼓勵我參加了很多活動。Last term, I activities by my 六.任務(wù)型閱讀(每小題1分,分) 閱讀下面的材料,完成后面的表格。Sight loss one of the common disabilities in the UK with a million people suffering fromblind

19、ness. National of People (RNIB) by doctor who suffered in 1868 in England. it the support Victoria. Years later, became the UKs leading charity for the blind. people blind if they receive treatment. RNIB on the of people it. It offers about health.RNIB offers opportunities through RNIB schools colle

20、ges. RNIB House School primary school for blind partially (視力部分殘缺的 2 RNIB College education for learners 16 and adult employment ( their by joining them.就業(yè)) programmes are for learners 63.s more, runs a shop on Internet and people can buy products including talking ks telephones toys and games. of B

21、lind PeopleBeneficiaries 受益)How helpThe blind partially sighted peopleIt in 1868 by (56) in England.It (57) by Queen soon.Offer people on eye them blindness. aged 2-11 are educated in Learners -25 get further in RNIB Adults want develop (59) join programmes. (60) 閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)所給首字母提示,用合適的單詞填空。 there ar

22、e still in around world. people sufferingfrom (61) b . They cant see anything and they are too to a medical treatment. There are many other patients who dont have enough money to buy the (63) m need.Some children in poor areas go to school because their families are In fact, (64)e is important them.

23、 As we know, knowledge changes a persons (運).Li Ming, middle student in the Province, has made up his in pocket for hout leaflets in ask people parents both shim. With their he (68) up Hand Club in his school last month. He believes will collect (69) c on with project. classmates are all (70) p of of them have joined Their good deeds are like to those in 七. 書表達(dá) (共 15 分假設(shè)學(xué)校下周有個 。下面的四個活動都是慈善性質(zhì)的,你可以選擇參加其中的一個活動,請用 詞左右不包括所給開頭和結(jié))介紹自己的選擇、理以及自己的愿望。 A visit to the for orphans(兒 A visit to Hope School Handing leaflets for Project A visit to the for We will


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