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1、讀寫教程 I: Ex. III, p. 7Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.V. Exercises-Vocabulary上一頁下一頁Back1. He is polite enough not to _ about what he has achieved.boast2. I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and _ me for skating classes.registeredIII第1頁3. They

2、 stressed the need for more _ opportunities and better health care.employmentV. Exercises-Vocabulary上一頁下一頁Back4. Some questions seem obvious but others seem _ and hard to answer.peculiar第2頁5. Dont just complain about whats wrong with it; suggest some _ ways to solve the problem.positiveV. Exercises-

3、Vocabulary上一頁下一頁Back6. _ exposure to sunlight is harmful to the skin.Continuous第3頁7. People who want to get rid of old cars sometimes _ them in the woods.dumpV. Exercises-Vocabulary上一頁下一頁Back8. He doesnt _ into self-pity because of his job as a trashman; instead, he feels proud of it as he thinks it

4、 is an essential task.retreat第4頁9. Michael won the competition, _ to everyones expectations.contraryV. Exercises-Vocabulary上一頁下一頁Back10. When the boss told her she was fired, she was pale and _ with shock.trembled第5頁1. Look me straight _ the eye and say that you are not in any trouble.讀寫教程 I: Ex. IV

5、, p. 8in2. You shouldnt worry about failing the exam-its nothing to be ashamed _.ofFill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.V. Exercises-Vocabulary上一頁下一頁BackIV第6頁3. She knows it will be hard to leave her boyfriend _ because she has been with him man

6、y years.behind4. Its no use raging _the unpleasant situation you are in. perhaps trying to do something to change it may do you less harm.about5. _the sound of the car, the boy rushed out of the house to meet his father, who had promised to buy him a bike as a birthday gift.AtV. Exercises-Vocabulary

7、上一頁下一頁Back第7頁6. Its disgusting to hear him boasting _ his new car.about/of7. I love that pale blue wallpaper, but I dont think it would go _ the carpet.with8. The Saturday afternoon flew _, and before we knew it, it was over.byV. Exercises-Vocabulary上一頁下一頁Back第8頁9. Dont look down_them just because t

8、hey havent passed the final exam.on/upon10. The woman continued to yell _ him though he had apologized.atV. Exercises-Vocabulary上一頁下一頁Back第9頁FMJGA ADOLICV第10頁1. _(即使計算正確), scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables讀寫教程 I: Ex. V, p. 105Even if the calculation is rightComplete

9、the following sentences translating the Chinese into English, using the attributive clause.V. Exercises-Structure下一頁上一頁BackVII第11頁2. He is going to buy the factory, _(即使他們提價).even if they raise the price3. _(即使她可能不還錢), I dont regret lending it to her.Even if she may not return the moneyV. Exercises-

10、Structure下一頁上一頁Back第12頁4. The party will be held as scheduled, _(即使她不來).even if she doesnt come5. _(即使在工作中取得很大成功), we should not be conceited.Even if we achieve great success in our workV. Exercises-Structure下一頁上一頁Back第13頁V. Exercises-Translation1.爆炸后五分鐘警察就到了車站,記者也到了。The police got to the station fi

11、ve minutes after the explosion, and so did the reporters.Translate the following sentences into English.讀寫教程 I: Ex. , p. 12上一頁下一頁BackVIII第14頁2. 即使你不一樣意她觀點,她話也是值得一聽。Even if you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.worth doingV. Exercises-Translation上一頁下一頁Even ifBack第15頁V. Exercises-Translatio

12、n3.負責(zé)調(diào)查官員只給新聞記者提供了一些事實真相。The news reporter were given nothing but bare facts by the officials in charge of the investigation.nothing but上一頁下一頁in charge ofbare facts Back第16頁4. 這個房子裝修得很好,但窗簾顏色與整體格調(diào)不太相配。overall styleThe room was well decorated, but the color of the curtain did not go well with the ove

13、rall style .go well with V. Exercises-Translation上一頁下一頁Back第17頁5. 每次去找丈夫出生地方,我們總是一家家地造訪他親戚。Whenever we go back to the place where my husband was born, we always make the rounds of his relatives.make the rounds ofV. Exercises-Translation上一頁下一頁the place where my husband was born第18頁6. 與他希望相反,他女朋友父母不像他

14、父母那樣平易近人。Contrary to his hope, his girlfriends parents are not as approachable as his parents.approachableV. Exercises-Translation上一頁下一頁Contrary to 第19頁1. I asked quite a few waiters, who said nothing but smiled at me, before the message registered that my English was not good enough.我問過好幾個服務(wù)員,可他們什么

15、也沒說,只朝著我笑,直到這時我才意識到我英語不夠好。上一頁下一頁IX第20頁2. The university president was so angry at the dean that he went a step further and removed him from his post.校長對那位院長非常生氣,進而解除了他院長職務(wù)。V. Exercises-Translation上一頁下一頁第21頁3. If you ask the question in front of the kids friends, he may say “no” even if he wants to s

16、ay “yes”.假如你當(dāng)著孩子朋友面問這個問題,即使他想說“是”也可能會說“不是”。V. Exercises-Translation上一頁下一頁第22頁4. If you want to graduate with a degree, you should stay away either from online games or from part-time work.假如你想畢業(yè)時取得學(xué)位,你要么別玩網(wǎng)上游戲,要么別去打零工。V. Exercises-Translation上一頁下一頁第23頁5. Although he hasnt received a college education himself, he looks down on those who have no college deg


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