已閱讀5頁(yè),還剩115頁(yè)未讀 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、Lesson 14Do you speak English?1第1頁(yè)DiscussionHave you ever tried to talk to someone who didnt know your language? What happened?Describe the various ways you are able to recognize a foreigner in your country.2第2頁(yè)Emphases and difficulties The past perfect -過去完成時(shí) Words often confused3第3頁(yè)過去完成時(shí)第4頁(yè)By the

2、time I got outside, the bus had already left.第5頁(yè)by the timeby the time 有兩個(gè)意思1.到.為止,普通要求主句用過去完成時(shí).He had left by the time we reached home.當(dāng)我們到家時(shí)候他已經(jīng)走了.The movie had begun by the time we got there.當(dāng)我們到那兒時(shí)候,電影已經(jīng)開始了.2)當(dāng)時(shí)候;假如只是說過去某個(gè)時(shí)候情況,用過去時(shí),而不用完成時(shí).By the time the war was over ,death and suffering were to

3、 be seen everywhere.在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)結(jié)束時(shí)候,處處可見死亡和饑餓.這里沒有“死亡和饑餓”已經(jīng)完成意思,只是描述當(dāng)初這個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)情況.所以用過去時(shí).By the time we arrived the meeting was over.我們抵達(dá)時(shí),會(huì)議已結(jié)束了.第6頁(yè)the policeman get to the shopTom run away By the time the policeman got to the shop, Tom had run away.第7頁(yè)Speaking-freely :By the time or WhenLiu Mei wake up the co

4、ncert be over By the time Liu Mei woke up, the concert had been over. 第8頁(yè)his grandma come from AmericaLi Ming grow up By the time his grandma came from America, Li Ming had grown up.第9頁(yè) learn 4000 English words By the end ofBy the end of , I had learned 4000 new words.第10頁(yè)The Past Perfect Tense過去完成時(shí)

5、過去完成時(shí)組成助動(dòng)詞 had (用于各種人稱和數(shù)) + 過去分詞When I got to school, the bell had rung.2. 過去完成時(shí)使用方法:主要是表示在過去某個(gè)時(shí)間,或是動(dòng)作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成動(dòng)作.也就是過去過去.第11頁(yè)The Past Perfect Tense過去完成時(shí)3. 慣用幾個(gè)方式:用介詞by, before 等組成時(shí)間短語(yǔ).用連詞when, before, after或者短語(yǔ)by the time引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句.We had learnt 20 English songs by the end of last month.The plane had

6、 taken off when I reached the airport.By the time I got up , my brother had left home.第12頁(yè)慣用動(dòng)詞過去式和過去分詞play played playedwork worked workedleave left leftsay said saidgo went gonebe was/were beentake took takenget got gottenstart started started第13頁(yè) break broke broken speak spoke spoken drive drove d

7、riven see saw seen eat ate eaten give gave given know knew known grow grew grown第14頁(yè)1. We _(learn) two thousands words by the time I went to Middle School. Can you do it?3. When we _(arrive) at the station, they _(wait) for more than twenty minutes. had learnedarrivedhad waited2. I _ (know) him when

8、 I was a student. had known4. One of the men didnt move, because he _ (break) his legs. had broken第15頁(yè)5.By yesterday evening he _ that important letter.(write)6.I thought I _ the man before.(meet)7.By six oclock they _ for ten hours.(work)8.I went to Nicks house,but he _ out.(go)9.I _ the problem wh

9、en class was over. (not understand) hadwritten had methad worked had gonehadnt understood第16頁(yè)口語(yǔ)練習(xí)1.a.I got up. My brother was in the shower already. b.By the time I got up,my brother _ in the shower already.2.a.I ran outside to the bus stop. The bus was gone. b.3.a.I got home. I realized that my hom

10、ework was still at school. b. had gottenBy the time I ran outside to the bus stop, the bus had already gone.When I got home,I realized that I had left my homework at school.第17頁(yè)4.a.I woke up. My clock stopped two hours ago. b. 5.a.I got to the cinema at 8. The film started at 7:30. b. 6.a.I got to t

11、he party.Jim went home an hour ago. b. By the time I got to the cinema, the film had already started. By the time I woke up, my clock had stopped for two hours.When I got to the party, Jim hadalready gone home.第18頁(yè)一、表現(xiàn)形式1. 基本形式:had + 過去分詞。2. 否定形式:had + not + 過去分詞(had not照樣可縮寫hadnt)。3.普通疑問形式:had提到句首,

12、回答用Yes, 主語(yǔ) + had. / No, 主語(yǔ) + hadnt. 比如:Had he told you to go there earlier yesterday?他昨天告訴過你早點(diǎn)兒到那兒?jiǎn)??Yes, he had. / No, he hadnt. 是,他告訴了。/不,他沒有。4. 被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)形式:had + been + 過去分詞。如:When I got there, the windows had been broken. 第19頁(yè)二. 使用方法1.過去完成時(shí)表示一個(gè)動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)在過去某一時(shí)間或動(dòng)作之前已經(jīng)結(jié)束或完成. 它表示動(dòng)作發(fā)生時(shí)間是“過去過去”.I had written t

13、he article when they came.2. 表示一個(gè)動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)在過去某一時(shí)間之前已經(jīng)開始, 一直延續(xù)到這一過去時(shí)間.They had worked for 12 hours by 6 oclock this morning.第20頁(yè)顯著標(biāo)志:1.句中有by引導(dǎo)過去時(shí)間狀語(yǔ):By the time we got there, all the other guests had arrived.2.與過去完成時(shí)連用時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)有already, yet, still, never等.They had already left before I returned.第21頁(yè)1. Kates n

14、ever seen Chinese films,_ ?A. hasnt she B. has she C. isnt she D. is she1. Kates never seen Chinese films,_ ?A. hasnt she B. has she C. isnt she D. is she2.-Ann has gone to Shanghai. -So _her parents. A. has B. had C. did D. have3. -Mum, may I go out and play basketball? -_you_ your homework yet? A.

15、 Do; finish B. Are; finishing C. Did; finish D. Have; finished第22頁(yè)4.His brother has been to Stone Fores twice_he came to Yunnan. after B. before C. since D. for5. Tom_the CD player for two weeks.A. has lent B. has borrowed C. has bought D. has had6. I_a letter from him since he left. A. didnt receiv

16、e B. havent got C. didnt have D. havent heard第23頁(yè)7. -Have you ever_Lintong to see the Terra Cotta Warriors?-Yes, I have. went to B. gone to C. been in D. been to8. My parents _ Shangdong for ten years. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been9. I wont go to the concert because I _my

17、 ticket. A. lost B. dont lose C. have lost D. is coming第24頁(yè)1.When I_( get) there, the Smiths already_(have) their dinner.2.By the end of last year they _(produce) more than 500,000 tractors.3.Tom_(read) at least 20 novels in the past year.4.He_(work) on a farm for 3years before he became a shopkeepe

18、r. 第25頁(yè)7.My brother _ (join) the army in 1989. He _(be) a soldier for over 3 years.10.I _(know) Mr.Li since I_(come) to study in this school.11. So far, Irving _ (live) in New York City for ten years.第26頁(yè)Listen , answer and read1. Listen to the tape and see if you can answer this question: Did the y

19、oung man speak English?Read after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.27第27頁(yè)1. amusing adj. 令人發(fā)笑The story is amusing. (好笑)amused adj. 感到好笑I am amused.amuse v. 使發(fā)笑,使愉快The story amuses me.類似詞語(yǔ):excite 令人興奮 exciting excitedinterest 令人感興趣 interesting interested move 令人感動(dòng) moving mo

20、ved第28頁(yè)The exciting news made us excited.We are moved by the moving film.The book is interesting and we are interested in it.第29頁(yè)2. experience n. 經(jīng)歷(可數(shù))He has a lot of experiences. n. 經(jīng)驗(yàn),體驗(yàn)(不可數(shù))She has a lot of teaching experience. vt. 經(jīng)驗(yàn),體驗(yàn)Ganzhou has experienced great changes.贛州經(jīng)歷了巨大改變experienced

21、adj. 有經(jīng)驗(yàn),經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富He is an experienced doctor.第30頁(yè)wave n. 波浪;波紋;波 v. 揮舞;飄動(dòng)The boat was smashed by a huge wave.小船被一個(gè)巨浪掀翻了。Bill waved his hand to us and then drove away.比爾向我們揮手告別后開車走了。揮手,招手wavetosb 朝某人揮手 or:waveatsb3)vt.揮舞waveahand揮手waveaflag揮舞一面旗子waveanumbrella揮舞一把雨傘wavesbgoodbye同某人揮手道別or:wavegoodbyetosb第

22、31頁(yè)3. lift n. 搭便車give sb a lift 讓某人搭便車take a lift 搭便車ask sb for a lift 叫某人順搭一下車Can you ?I want to .She always _ her colleagues_ _ _.thumb lift 拇指便車(向過路車輛豎起拇指表示要求無(wú)償搭車) give mea lift? take a lift. asks fora lift.第32頁(yè)4. reply v. 回復(fù);回答reply to = answer 回應(yīng);回答answer my questionreply to my question我會(huì)給你回信。I

23、 will reply to your letter. 第33頁(yè)5. language n. 語(yǔ)言native language 母語(yǔ)My native language is Chinese.mother tongue 母語(yǔ)(口語(yǔ)中用)My mother tongue is Chinese.第34頁(yè)6. journey n. 旅行( 全部旅行,偏重于陸地旅行,或經(jīng)常走長(zhǎng)或短旅程) go on/take a journey去旅行2 hours journey;3 days journey(三天旅程) n. 短距離旅行或出差(時(shí)間或距離上較短) n. 周游(長(zhǎng)途旅行,尤指出國(guó)旅行) n. 游玩(

24、觀光旅行,巡回演出等) tourist n. 游客 n. 旅行(海上或空中) n. 空中飛行vd航行;旅程trip; travel;tour; voyageflighttravelvoyageflighttriptour第35頁(yè)I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked m

25、e for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.第36頁(yè)Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly

26、, Do you speak English? As I soon learnt, he was English himself!第37頁(yè)1、After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.After I had finished my homework, I went out to play with my friends.drive on 繼續(xù)開往My heart will go on. 我心永恒drive to 開車去某地He talked on until ever

27、ybody had gone. 他滔滔不絕地講到大家都走了。第38頁(yè)原文:. in the south of France表示方位3個(gè)介詞in(在里面)on(相鄰,但不論轄)to(不相鄰不論轄)Guangdong is_ the south of China.Japan is _ the east of China.Guangdong is _ the southeast of Goon第39頁(yè)2、On the way, a young man waved to me.on the way 在路上, 在途中My mom is on the way to pick me up

28、.我媽媽正在來(lái)接我路上。on ones way to SP. 在某人去某地途中On my way to school 在我去上學(xué)路上On ones way home 在某人回家路上wave to sb. 沖某人揮手第40頁(yè) 7. Stop使用方法stop to do sthstop doing sthstop (from) doingThe two girls stopped (talk) when they saw me. The two girls stopped (talk) to me when they saw me. We must stop him (go) to swim in

29、 the river.阻止做停下現(xiàn)在做事停下來(lái)去做其它事goingto talktalking第41頁(yè)3、As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.as soon as “一就”,強(qiáng)調(diào)兩個(gè)動(dòng)作幾乎是連在一起,As soon as I had finished my homework, I watched TV.I ll call you _ _ _I get home.我一到就給你打電話。I speak English.

30、I say it in English.這本書是使用方法語(yǔ)寫。That book is written_。as soon asin French第42頁(yè)4、Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.apart from 除以外I know nobody apart from you.(=except)I know many people apart from you. (=besides)He is handsome apart from his nose. (=except for)not at all 一點(diǎn)都不,表強(qiáng)調(diào)I

31、 dont like it.I dont like it at all. 我一點(diǎn)也不餓。Im not hungry at all.第43頁(yè)Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. apart from 除之外,另外 = except/besides Apart from the spelling, your letter is good. except 除了(不包含)(同類) Nobody was late except me.except for 慣用于句首(不一樣類) Except for the spelling,

32、your letter is good. 44第44頁(yè)5. Neither of us spoke during the journey. neither of 二者都不 none of 二者以上都不None of my family speak English.both of 二者都all of 三者以上都他們倆都喜歡唱歌。_ like singing.我們都會(huì)說一點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)。_ can speak a little English.Both of themAll of us第45頁(yè) journey 正式,較長(zhǎng)距離陸上旅行 eg. Wish you a pleasant journey! tou

33、r 游玩、觀光(長(zhǎng)途或短途)旅行,最終回到原出發(fā)地點(diǎn)。 eg. He has gone for a tour in Europe. 他到歐洲游歷去了。trip, tour, travel & journey區(qū)分46第46頁(yè)travel 單數(shù)泛指旅行這一行為或過程,有到各處旅行游歷意味,尤指出國(guó)旅游。Is he back from his travels yet? trip 指較短旅程和觀光。 He came back from a trip. 他旅行歸來(lái)。47第47頁(yè)6. As I soon learnt, he was English himself! learn 得知;know (原來(lái)就)

34、知道 as 連詞,譯為“正如”,As+主語(yǔ)+動(dòng)詞(As my mother said/As I heard/ As I learnt) 正如As we know, the New Concept English is very good. As I think, it is the coldest day in the year.As he says, English is easy to learn.第48頁(yè)I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of Franc

35、e, I drove on to the next town. 1. leave left left 離開 使用方法 是: leave sp. leave for sp.leave sp to sp我準(zhǔn)備離開邯鄲。Im going to leave Handan.我準(zhǔn)備去北京。Im going to leave for Beijing.我準(zhǔn)備離開邯鄲去北京。Im going to leave Handan for Beijing.離開某地離開去某地(+目地)離開某地去某地第49頁(yè)I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a

36、small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. 2. in the south of 在南邊in the north/east/west of 在北/東/西邊表示方位表示方式一共有3個(gè)介詞,in on to3. in(在里面)on(接壤) to(沒有相接, 是相離)4. drive drove driven 駕駛drive on 繼續(xù)開往drive to 開車去某地第50頁(yè)On the way, a young man waved to me. 5. on the way 在路上,在途中on the way

37、to.in the wayin this wayby the wayin a way 6. wave to sb. 向某人招手在去路上擋路,按某人示范做經(jīng)過這么方式順便問一下總而言之第51頁(yè) I stopped and he asked me for a lift. 7. Stop使用方法stop to do sthstop doing sthstop (from) doingThe two girls stopped (talk) when they saw me. The two girls stopped (talk) to me when they saw me. We must st

38、op him (go) to swim in the river. 8. ask sb for sth 向某人要某物阻止做停下現(xiàn)在做事停下來(lái)去做其它事goingto talktalking第52頁(yè)As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. 9. as soon as 一就 As soon as I had entered the room,I took off my coat at once.10. get into 上

39、車(小車),其反義詞是get out of 下車(小車)Get on /off 上/下車(大車)第53頁(yè)Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. 11. Apart from except, besides, apart from, except for 區(qū)分except 除了(整體之外)besides 除了還有.(整體內(nèi))apart from = except for 整體中除一個(gè)細(xì)節(jié) 第54頁(yè)Apart from a few words,

40、I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. except 與 except for 區(qū)分與 except 連用整體詞和 except 所跟詞經(jīng)常是同類,是指整體除去一部份; 而與 except for 連用整體詞與 except for 所跟詞往往不是同類,是指整體中除去 一個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)。 Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 除了幾處拼寫錯(cuò)誤以外, 你作文寫得很好。 Except for an old lady,

41、the bus was empty. 除了有一個(gè)老太太以外, 這輛公共汽車是空。第55頁(yè)The students all went to the park besides meThe students all went to the park except me,because I was illThe article is very good except for a few spelling mistakes第56頁(yè)He doesnt like anything but plantsHe has nothing to do but wait for his mother He has no

42、thing to eat but to drink some water My girlfriend and i saw a movie last night.she sat beside meApart from the price the hat doesntsuit meApart from可代替besides和except。except for是“除了” apart from是“從什么分離出來(lái)”第57頁(yè)Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journ

43、ey. 12. a few / fewa little / little13. not at all 根本,一點(diǎn)也不14. neither of which of 指二者之間某一個(gè)either of 二者選其一 neither of 二者中任何一個(gè)都不both of 二者都第58頁(yè)I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? As I soon learnt, he was English himself! 15. nearly = almo

44、st 幾乎 (肯)16. reach sp = get to sp = arrive at/ in17. learn learned /learnt learned /learntI learn 我得知I know 我知道(我原來(lái)就知道)As+主語(yǔ)+動(dòng)詞,+從句 “正如”正如我們所知,新概念是本很好書。As we know,the New Concept English is very good.第59頁(yè) an amusing experience last year in the south of on the wayasked sb. for a liftas soon as say go

45、od morning toin the same languageapart from not at all. neither of一次有趣經(jīng)歷去年我有過。在南部在途中向某人要求搭車一就向某人問早上好用一樣語(yǔ)言除了.外,根本不兩個(gè)都不(40分)第60頁(yè)I had an amusing experience last year. After I _ left a small village in the _ of France, I drove _to the next town. _ the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he aske

46、d me for a lift. As _ as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied _ the same language. Apart _a few words, I do not know any French at all. _of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, _ the young man suddenly said, very _, Do you speak English?

47、 _ I soon learnt, he was English himself!第61頁(yè)I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning

48、 to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? As I soon learnt, he was English himself!第62頁(yè)I h

49、ad an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.去年我有過一次有趣經(jīng)歷。在離開法國(guó)南部一個(gè)小村莊后,我繼續(xù)駛往下一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)。(20分)第63頁(yè)On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift.(10分)途中,一個(gè)青年人向我招手。我把車停下,他向我提出要求搭車。第64頁(yè)As soon as he had got

50、 into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.他一上車,我就使用方法語(yǔ)向他問早上好,他也一樣使用方法語(yǔ)回答我。(20分)第65頁(yè)Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.Neither of us spoke during the journey.除了個(gè)別幾個(gè)單詞外,我根本不會(huì)法語(yǔ)。旅途中我們誰(shuí)也沒講話。(15分)第66頁(yè)I had nearly reached the town, when th

51、e young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? As I soon learnt, he was English himself!就要抵達(dá)那個(gè)鎮(zhèn)時(shí),那青年突然開了口,慢慢地說道:“你會(huì)講英語(yǔ)嗎?”我很快了解到,他自己就是個(gè)英國(guó)人?。?0分)第67頁(yè)Tell the story 1 amusing experience - year 2 left - small village - south of France - drove 3 On the way - man waved - me 4 stopped - aske

52、d - lift 5 into - car - good morning - French 6 He - same language 7 few words - not - any French-next town 8 Neither - spoke - journey 9 nearly - town - suddenly-speak English?10 learnt - English himself 第68頁(yè)Summery writing 摘要寫作1. The writer gave a lift to a young man in the south of France last ye

53、ar. 2. They greated each other in French. 3. The writer doesnt speak any French. 4. They sat in silence. 5. The young man said,Do you speak English? at the end of the journey 6. He was English himself. 第69頁(yè)Key Structures and Usage一、過去完成時(shí): 1. 過去完成時(shí)組成: had + done(過去分詞)e.g. They had lived in the countr

54、y for a long time before the war broke out. 第70頁(yè)Key Structures and Usage2. 過去完成時(shí)使用方法:1)表示過去某時(shí)刻或某動(dòng)作發(fā)生之前就已經(jīng)完成動(dòng)作或狀態(tài),常與before, when, after, as soon as, notuntil, by, by the time等引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。 e.g. She had waited for an hour before you called her. The factory had produced 26,811,000 cell phones by last month

55、.第71頁(yè)The children ran away. They broke the window.The children ran away after they had broken the window.The sun set. We returned to our hotel.As soon as the sun had set we returned to our hotel.He finished lunch. He asked for a glass of water.When he had finished lunch he asked for a glass of water

56、.I did not understand the problem. He explained it.I had not understood the problem until he explained it.第72頁(yè)時(shí)態(tài)動(dòng)詞形式時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)標(biāo)志詞現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)have/has+過去分詞have/has beenhave/has donealready, yet, just, since,lately, by this time,so far, for two days過去完成時(shí)had+過去分詞had been/doneby that time, when, after/before, as soo

57、n as間接引語(yǔ)中第73頁(yè)中考鏈接狀語(yǔ)從句:武漢30. They _ Miss. Brown at the airport when she arrives this afternoon.A. will meetB. have metC. meet40. Tom is ill at home_ he cant come here.A. soB. ifC. because(武漢4月調(diào)考)33We _ there if it doesnt rain tomorrow.Ahas walked Bwill walkCwalk40Kate works hard, _ she does quite wel

58、l in her studies.AsoBifCbecause第74頁(yè)38.What should I do here?Just put all the things_ they were.where B. when C. whose D. which北京30. Tom will call me as soon as he _ home.A. gets B. has got C. got D. will get上海37. We will have no water to drink _ we dont protect the earth.A. until B. before C. though

59、 D. if第75頁(yè)Key Structures and Usage2)沒有時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)出現(xiàn),但時(shí)間先后可從上下文判斷。 e.g. I didnt know he had moved out. They returned earlier than I had expected. 第76頁(yè)Key Structures and Usage3)用于慣用句型中。 用于 “It was the first / second time”句中。 e.g. It was the first time Tom had broken the world record. 用于”no sooner than, hardl

60、y / scarcely when.”結(jié)構(gòu)中,表示“一就” 。 e.g. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house. We had already begun when we were told to stop. 第77頁(yè)Key Structures and Usage2.反身代詞作賓語(yǔ) 普通說來(lái),若動(dòng)詞所表示行為施加到自己身上時(shí),也就是說主語(yǔ)和賓語(yǔ)為同一人時(shí),反身代詞用作動(dòng)詞賓語(yǔ)。 e.g. Take good care of yourself. They teach themselves French.第78頁(yè)Key Structur


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