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1、語言學(xué)復(fù)習(xí)第1頁1. Invitations to LinguisticsWhat is language?What are the design features of language?What is arbitrariness?What is duality?What is creativity?What is displacement?第2頁7. The origin of language.8. What functions does language have?9. What is Linguistics?10. What are the main branches of ling

2、uistics?11. Important distinctions in Liguistics.1、Descriptive & Prescriptive (描寫與要求) 2、Synchronic L & Diachronic L (共時L與歷時L) 3、 Langue & Parole(語言與言語) 4、Competence & Performance(語言能力與語言應(yīng)用)第3頁Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Language is a system.Language i

3、s arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic(內(nèi)在) connection between a linguistic symbol and what the symbol stands for. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo and Julier第4頁“Design features” here refer to the defining properties of human language that tell the difference betwee

4、n human language and any system of animal communication. They are arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement, cultural transmission.第5頁2. Speech Sounds1. What is phonetics?2. What are the three main branches of phonetics?3. Classification of English Consonants.4. Classification of Vowels.5. Wh

5、at is phonology?6. Whats the difference between phonetics and phonology?7. What is a phone? What is a phoneme? What is an allophone?第6頁What is phonetics? The science studies the characteristics of human sound-making, especially those sounds used in speech, and provides methods for their description,

6、 classification and transcription.第7頁 1Articulatory Phonetics 發(fā)音語音學(xué)Phonetics 2Acoustic Phonetics 聲學(xué)語音學(xué) 3Auditory Phonetics 聽覺語音學(xué)第8頁1. Articulatory Phonetics : the study of the production of speech sounds. 第9頁2. Acoustic Phonetics :is the study of physical properties of the sounds produced in speech.

7、 第10頁3. Auditory Phonetics :is concerned with the perception of speech sounds. 第11頁Stop (Plosive) 塞音(爆破音) b p t d k gNasal 鼻音 m n Fricative 擦音 f v s z Approximant 中通音 j r wLateral 邊通音 lTrill 顫音 r Tap and Flap 觸音 Affricate 塞擦音 t d 第12頁Bilabial 雙唇音 p b mLabiodental 唇齒音 f vDental 齒音 Alveolar 齒齦音 t d n

8、r s z lPostalveolar 后齒齦音 d tRetroflex 卷舌音 rPalatal 腭音 jVelar 軟腭音 k g Uvular 小舌音 rPharyngeal 咽音Glottal 聲門音第13頁第14頁“Phonology” is the study of sound systemsthe invention of distinctive speech sounds that occur in a language and the patterns.音位學(xué)研究是一個語言整個語音系統(tǒng)及其分布或布局情況,包含某一特定語言里語音或音位分布和結(jié)合規(guī)則或規(guī)律。第15頁P(yáng)honet

9、ics studies how speech sounds are made, transmitted and received.Phonology is the study of the sound systems of languages.第16頁1) Phone(音素): a phonetic unit, the smallest part of phonetics. p t k heg. tip; pit; spit 語音屬于言語2) Phoneme(音位):phonological unit 是音位學(xué)單位,音位屬于語言。/ph p=/ 3)Allophone(音位變體): The d

10、ifferent phones representing a phoneme are allophones./pit/; / tip/; /spit/ 第17頁3. From Morpheme to PhraseWhat is morphology?What is a morpheme? What is an allomorph?What is a free morpheme? What is a bound morpheme?What is a root? What is a stem? What is an affix?What are open classes? What are clo

11、sed classes?What is word? 第18頁“Morphology” is the branch of grammar that studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.“Morpheme” is the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit which cannot be divided.An allomorph refers to a m

12、ember of a set of morphs, which represent one morpheme.第19頁Free Morphemes: independent of other plete meaning; used as free grammatical units in sentencesman, earth, wind, car, angerBound Morphemes: cannot occur as separate words recollection re/collect/ion第20頁Root(詞根) : is the basic form of a word

13、which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity.Stem(詞干): may consist of a single root morpheme or plus one or more affixational morphemes.Affixes(詞綴): are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function.第21頁 Closed class words (封閉類詞) Open-class words

14、(開放類詞) 1) Closed words : their membership is fixed or limited. E.g. pro. prep. conj. art. etc. 2) Open-class words: whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. e.g. n. v. adj. adv. E.g. regarding / with regard to ; throughout, in spite of第22頁Word: is a minimal free form of a language tha

15、t has a given sound and meaning. 第23頁4. From Word to Text1. What is syntax?2. What is category? What is syntactic category?3. What is IC analysis? 4. What are endocentric and exocentric constructions?5. What is concord? 第24頁1. What is Syntax? Syn :“together ” Tax:“to arrange”Syntax: It studies the r

16、ules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language. In short: It studies the formation of sentences. 第25頁2. CategoryCategory refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb.

17、Syntactic category: 能在句子中起相同作用詞組成相同句法范圍。句法范圍不一樣于詞類,兩個屬于不一樣詞類詞可能屬于同一句法范圍。第26頁3. What is Immediate Constituent (IC) Analysis? The relation between a sentence and its component elements is a Construction(結(jié)構(gòu)體) and its Constituents(成份). To analyze their relations is IC. To show how small constituents in

18、sentences go together to form large constituents.第27頁With Bloomfields IC Analysis: The boy kicked the ball The boy kicked the ball第28頁 S NP VP Det N V NP Det N The boy kicked the ballWith Chomskys Tree Diagram analysis 第29頁4. Endocentric and Exocentric constructions:向心結(jié)構(gòu)和離心結(jié)構(gòu) P78 Endocentric Constru

19、ction: is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents. A word or a group of words serves as a definable “center.”某一成份決定了整體短語性質(zhì)two pretty girls第30頁Exocentric Construction: opposite of endocentric construction, refers to a group of syntactically related

20、 words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole; there is no definable centre or head inside the group.整體短語中成份無法決定整體短語性質(zhì)。 It includes basic sentence, PP, (V+O) construction, and connective construction (be+complement). 第31頁Concord : also known as Agreement, the form

21、 of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories. There is a book on the shelf.There are some books on the shelf.We are studying English.He studies English.第32頁5. Meaning1. What is semantics?2. What is referential theory?3. What is ideational

22、 theory?4. What is the Semantic Triangle?5. How many kinds of meaning did Leech find and study?6. What is sense relation?7. What is entailment? What is presupposition? 8. What is componential analysis? 第33頁Semantics: is generally considered to be the study of meaning in language.The theory of meanin

23、g which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory.第34頁Frege 為填補(bǔ)指稱論之不足,提出了觀念論,認(rèn)為語言符號和符號所指對象之間不存在直接指稱關(guān)系,它是經(jīng)過涵義(Sense)這一過渡層面使得語言與所指對象發(fā)生聯(lián)絡(luò),意義不但僅在于與所指對象之間關(guān)系,也包含詞語本身涵義。Ideational Theory 觀念論第35頁Ogden & Richards(1923): Semantic Triangle (Trian

24、gle of Significance) P36 Concept(Sense) 概念(涵義) -word (symbol) thing (referent) 符號形式 指稱對象第36頁G . Leech recognizes 7 types of meaning in his Semantics.1. Conceptual meaning 概念意義2. Connotative meaning 內(nèi)涵意義3. Social meaning 社會意義4. Affective meaning 感情意義5. Reflected meaning 反射意義6. Collocative meaning 搭配意

25、義7. Thematic meaning 主題意義第37頁Sense relation: A word which is related to other words in sense within a language system itself. 詞與詞之間不一樣涵義關(guān)系第38頁 Polysemy Homonymy Sense Relation Synonymy Antonymy Hyponymy第39頁1. Polysemy (一詞多義) :is the common feature peculiar to all natural languages. 第40頁2. Homonymy:

26、The words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling. 第41頁 Perfect homonym Homonymy Homographs Homophones 第42頁3. Synonymy (同義關(guān)系): words different in sound and spelling but nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.第43頁4. Antonymy (反義

27、關(guān)系): as words which are opposite in meaning. Complementaries Types of antonyms Contraries Converses第44頁V. Hyponymy (上下義關(guān)系): deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. The meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. 第45頁Entailment 蘊(yùn)涵關(guān)系:Entailment is an im

28、portant sense relation or logical relation between sentences. a. John killed Bill. b. Bill died. a. I saw a boy. b. I saw a child.(3) a. John is a bachelor. b. John is an unmarried.第46頁P(yáng)resupposition 預(yù)設(shè)下句為上句預(yù)設(shè)。 甲:當(dāng)今法國國王是個禿子。 乙:當(dāng)今法國有位國王。第47頁Componential Analysis(語義成份分析):by breaking down the sense of

29、a word into its minimal components , digging them out and classifying them, and showing their relationships is termed componential analysis. 第48頁father, mother,son,daughter包含了一個兩實體間關(guān)系詞 HUMAN MALE ADULTMan + + +Woman + +Boy + + Girl + 第49頁6. Language and Cognition1. What is Cognition?2. What are the

30、main basic elements of cognition?3. What is the core principle of Cognitive Linguistics?4. What is iconicity?5. What is prototype theory?6. What is image schema?7. What is metaphor? What is metonymy?8. What is salience?第50頁What is Cognition?Cognition:“認(rèn)識”和“認(rèn)知”英漢詞典“認(rèn)識”指客觀事體及其規(guī)律在人腦中反應(yīng)。感+理辭海(1989,1999)

31、:認(rèn)知就是認(rèn)識,指人類認(rèn)識客觀事物、取得知識活動,包含知覺、記憶、學(xué)習(xí)、言語、思維和問題處理等過程。當(dāng)代漢語詞典(第5版):經(jīng)過思維活動認(rèn)識、了解。第51頁認(rèn)知最基本兩個要素:動覺圖式和基本范圍:經(jīng)過人身體與客觀外界互動而產(chǎn)生,可被直接了解,其它概念和范圍則主要是經(jīng)過隱喻認(rèn)知機(jī)制而被簡練認(rèn)知。第52頁認(rèn)知語言學(xué)關(guān)鍵標(biāo)準(zhǔn)語言也是一個認(rèn)知活動,是對客觀世界進(jìn)行互動體驗和認(rèn)知加工結(jié)果。現(xiàn)實 認(rèn)知 語言第53頁象似性語言符號象似于人們認(rèn)知方式,且在其作用下一定程度地象似于現(xiàn)實世界,語符形式在音、形或結(jié)構(gòu)上與其所表示意義之間存在映攝影同現(xiàn)象。該描寫不但反應(yīng)了象似性含有普遍性,存在于語言不一樣層面,而且還

32、為象似性理論提供了一條可應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)研究線索。音義象似 形義象似 距離象似性 數(shù)量象似性 次序象似性第54頁句法象似性距離象似性John Haiman (1983)象似動因與經(jīng)濟(jì)動因一文中對距離相同性(the iconicity of distance)描述為:The linguistic between expressions corresponds to the conceptual distance between them.(詞句中語符之間距離象似于它們所表示概念距離。)第55頁give sb. sth. 與 give sth. to sb. 距離象似性give you a book gi

33、ve a book to youhelp sb. (to) do 結(jié)構(gòu)與距離象似性He helped me finish the meal.He helped me to finish the meal.This medicine will help you to sleep. 第56頁apple,treeapple treeapple trees語,文語文語和文第57頁次序象似性語言單位排列次序象似于時間次序和文化觀念Jacobson (1965) :The order of clauses corresponds in general to the order of events, as

34、in “I came, I saw, I conquered.”(普通來說,分句次序象似于事件次序,比如:“我來,我看,我征服”。)第58頁59英語語序與漢語語序經(jīng)常是不對應(yīng),這是因為英語語序與實際生活中時間次序常是不對應(yīng)。例:他 從 成都 坐 火 車 經(jīng) 遂寧 到 重慶。 He came to Chongqing from Chengdu through Suining by train. 第59頁 原型范圍(范圍,即劃分類別。男人/女人,好/普通/差)第60頁 意象圖式 認(rèn)知語言學(xué)關(guān)鍵標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為“現(xiàn)實 認(rèn)知語言”,這是一個十分籠統(tǒng)概括,其中“認(rèn)知”包含很多細(xì)微過程,我們可將其詳述為: 現(xiàn) 實

35、互動體驗 意象圖式 范圍 概念 意義 語 言 從上圖可見,意象圖式是在互動體驗基礎(chǔ)上形成,它又是形成范圍、概念和意義基礎(chǔ)。所以意象圖式在認(rèn)知語言學(xué)中含有舉足輕重地位。 第61頁 語言突顯觀第62頁 語言突顯觀認(rèn)為,語言結(jié)構(gòu)中信息選擇與安排是由信息突出程度決定。如:The car crashed into the tree. The tree was hit by the car.第63頁 臺上坐著主席團(tuán)。 主席團(tuán)坐在臺上。 笑聲充滿晚會。 晚會充滿笑聲。 The picture is above the blackboard. The blackboard is below the pictu

36、re.第64頁7. Language in Use1. What is pragmatics?2. What is the relation between pragmatics and semantics?3. What is the difference between sentence meaning and utterance meaning?4. What is the speech act theory?5. What is performative and constative?6. What is a locution, an illocution and a perlocut

37、ion?7. What is the cooperative principle?第65頁什么是語用學(xué)語用學(xué),即研究語言使用學(xué)科。 語用學(xué),研究在不一樣語境中話語意義恰當(dāng)?shù)乇硎竞蜏?zhǔn)確地了解,尋找并確立使話語意義得以恰當(dāng)?shù)乇硎竞蜏?zhǔn)確地了解基本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和準(zhǔn)則。 語用學(xué),研究話語在使用中語境意義,或話語在特定語境條件下交際意義,尤其研究在不一樣語言交際環(huán)境下怎樣準(zhǔn)確地了解語言和恰當(dāng)?shù)乩谜Z言。第66頁語義學(xué)與語用學(xué)聯(lián)絡(luò)和區(qū)分: 二者都是對意義研究,但它們是在兩個不一樣層面上對意義進(jìn)行研究:語義學(xué)是對抽象語言能力研究,語用學(xué)是對言語行為(即經(jīng)過言語實施行為,是說話人跟聽話人對抽象語言能力利用)研究。二者之

38、間差異大致上就是意義和使用方法之間差異。然而不應(yīng)該忘記言語行為是語言能力詳細(xì)表達(dá)。 所以我們贊成利奇采取觀點(diǎn):“語義學(xué)和語用學(xué)是互不相同但又相互補(bǔ)充研究領(lǐng)域?!钡?7頁句子與話語 句子:是一個句法學(xué)、語義學(xué)概念,是脫離語境條件抽象單位,多用于指抽象語法結(jié)構(gòu)或脫離語境條件結(jié)構(gòu)組合,也就是說,它是按照一定語法規(guī)則組合起來、含有意義語言單位,其意義就是詞匯意義和語法意義組合,在任何條件下它意義都是恒定。 話語:是一個語用學(xué)概念,話語就是特定語境條件中所使用句子、詞或詞語,表達(dá)是特定語境意義。第68頁 言語行為理論 是英國約翰蘭素奧斯汀1955年提出。他認(rèn)為:為了傳遞信息,人們需要使用話語,但話語并非

39、都是為了傳遞字面意義或表示話語本身語義信息,在很多時候說話人都是在“經(jīng)過言辭行事”(doing things with words)。比如,實施許諾、發(fā)出警告或威脅、表示請求、表示命令、進(jìn)行批評等。 在一定語境條件下經(jīng)過話語實施行為,被稱為“言語行為”(speech acts),是說話人跟聽話人對抽象語言能力利用。第69頁I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth.I bequeath my match to my brother.I bet you six pences it will rain tomorrow.I promise to finish it in time.I


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