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1、 party A :Legal represe ntative:The registered address:Labor contractparty B :SexualDate of birth:Docume nt type:Zip code:Zip code:The nu mber of the certificate:Cen sus register address:Telepho ne:Mail editor:Con tact address:The telepho ne nu mber:Mail editor:A state of emerge ncy con tact and tel

2、eph one:Accord ing to the labor law of the Peoples Republic, the labor con tract law of the Peoples Republic of Chi na and the releva nt laws and regulati ons, party A and party B according to the principle of equality and free will, consensus, honest and trustworthy prin ciple, to sig n the con tra

3、ct.Article 1 The terms of the con tractThe term of the con tract take to the firstcon tract type:fixed term labor con tract : frommonthdayyear tomonthdayyear,the probation from monthdayyear tomonthday year.the non- fixed term labor con tract : from themi nth _day _year.upon completi on of a certa in

4、 job is the term of the Labour con tract: thec on tract frommonthdayyear, toArticle 2 The work content and work ing placeparty bs post for :, responsibilities attached.Party b shall keep party a bus in ess secret. This positi on should be en tered into thecon fide ntiality agreeme nt, the agreeme nt

5、 attached.party a has set up a file in the party b first sig n labor con tract or cha nge jobs, expresslyinform party b occupational hazards and protective measures, and completes the labor process occupati onal hazards preve nti on work. Accord ing to inform party a, party b have bee n aware of its

6、 to be en gaged in post bel ongs to (with appropriate choice):io occupati onal harmfu In ess post have professi onal harmfu In ess postparty b have fully un derstood, no matter what positi on resp on sibility requireme nts, and promise earnestly perform their duties, product quality, quantity, and f

7、inish the regulation of producti on (work) task, to maintain party as reputati on and in terests, con servative party a secret.party a accord ing to bus in ess (product ion) n eed or party bs actual work ability and performanee, the change of party bs work or work place, party b shall accept party a

8、 tran sfer.party bs work ing place is:Article 3The work ing hours and work ing con diti onsparty b shall abide by party a work ing hours system, party b in post impleme ntati on:Esta ndard man-hour system comprehe nsive man-hour systemhot tim ing man-hour systemparty a shall strictly abide by the re

9、leva nt state provisi ons of overtime, because the producti on and bus in ess operatio n that really n eed to be party b to work overtime, for party b agrees.in party a party b duri ng the work, enjoy the provisi ons of the states legal holiday, paid annual leave such as holiday.party a party b post

10、 accord ing to the actual situati on, provide party b conforming to theprovisions of the state safety and health working conditions, and in accordanee with the releva nt regulati ons, provide party b with a labor protect ion articles, to en sure that party b in the personal safety and human do not s

11、uffer harm environment under the working con diti ons.party a to engaged in work with occupational hazards party b shall regular health exam in ati on. Party b does n ot participate in the party a shall arrange health exam in ati ons,caused by the con seque nces shall be borne by party b.party b in

12、the work process, must strictly abide by the provisions of the party a safe operation procedures and work procedures. Party b to party as management staff of employingunits inviolation, has authority to reject to carry out.Article 4 The Labour remun erati on(a)the con tract for salary pla n pay form

13、:1, tim ing form:month basic wage foryua n, assessme nt bonus for_yua n,Post allowa neeyua n.piece form: labor quota, piece rate forAmong them, the party b the probatio n period wage formon thly yua n.party a mon thly 10 days in mon etary form full specified amount pays party b last mon ths wages, w

14、ork ing hours for less tha n a mon th, accord ing to the actual work of days. Party b shall pay in dividual in come tax shall be withheld by party a.if party bs job change, will change in the second month after adjusting labor remun erati on.duri ng the performa nee of this con tract, party b wage a

15、djustme nt in accorda nee with party as wage distributio n system to determ ine.party a shall arrange party b in playday, legal holiday work or to len gthe n work ing hours, should arrange party b in accorda nee with the time or pay the corresp onding salary reward.party a for product ion work task

16、shortage that party b DaiG ong, in a wage payme nt period, party bs salary accord ing to the agreed sta ndard pay; More tha n one wage payme nt period, accord ing to the provisi ons of the GanY uXia n lia nyungang city mi nimum wage sta ndard pay.Article 5 The social in sura nee and welfare treatme

17、nt |party a accord ing to the n ati onal and social in sura nee GanY uXia n lia nyungang city of releva nt provisi ons for party b pay society in sura nee. Belong to party b in accorda nee with in dividual resp on sibility cost, withholdi ng by party a.party b be injured at work or occupati onal dis

18、ease salaries and treatme nt of in ductrial injury in sura nee by the state and the releva nt provisi ons of GanY uXia n lia nyungang city.party b sicke n or blame be injured at work, the sick pay, disease relief fund and medical treatme nt for the state and the releva nt provisi ons of GanY uXia n

19、lia nyungang city.Article 6 rules and regulations and labor discipline(a) party a will have, in accordanee with law, establish and perfect the rules and regulations of the inform party b; Party as rules and regulati ons if there is a cha nge, will inform party b through public way.party b has the ha

20、n dbook, knows the lawfully formulate the rules and regulati ons and labor discipli ne, and promises to strictly abide by.if party b violates labor discipli ne and rules and regulati ons, party a may accord ing to the rules and regulati ons to give corresp onding process ing, un til term in ate this

21、 con tract.Article 7 Labor con tract term in atio n” renew and cha ngeA: labor con tract term in ateparty a and party b both sides talks things over con siste nt,may term in ate the laborcon tract.party b puts forward to remove labor con tract, shall no tify party a in writte n form: probati on adva

22、 nee three day.the probatio n period, the labor con tract period, 30 days in adva nee. There are other agreed from their agreeme nt.party a un der the follow ing circumsta nces, party b may term in ate the labor con tract:not accord ing to labor con tract party b to provide labor protecti on or work

23、 ing con diti ons;not promptly and in full amount, pay party b labor remun erati on;not for party b in accorda nee with the pay society in sura nee premium;party as rules and regulati ons in violati on of the provisi ons of the laws and regulati ons, party bs damage;because of the labor con tract la

24、w article 26 in the case of the provisi ons of the firstparagraph of this con tract shall be in valid,legal and admi nistrativeregulati ons party b may termi nate this con tract in othercircumsta nces.Party a with the viole nee, threat or illegal restrict ion of pers onal freedom to compel thelabor

25、party b, or party a of employingunits inviolation of endangering the personal safety of party b, party b may term in ate this con tract immediately, do not n eed to inform party a in advanee.party b has the follow ing circumsta nces, party a may cancel the con tract:in the probationary period been p

26、roved not meet the following employ condition:Party b by physical exam in ati on, health con diti ons do not conform to post requireme nt orcon ceal chronic diseases; Party b should provide false ide ntity card or other id card and other pers onal false in formatio n; Party b employme nt procedures

27、in complete; Party b is not compete nt for the employme nt post regulati on in dex or appraisal unq ualified; Party a happe ned rules and regulati ons and han dbookregulati ons in other may term in ate thecon tract situatio n;party a serious violation of rules and regulations;serious derelict ion of

28、 duty, malpractice, which causes great damage to party a in terests;party b at the same time and the other unit of choose and employ pers ons to establish an employme nt relati on ship, a party a to complete the task of cause serious in flue nee, or putforward by party a, refuses to make correct ion

29、s;be shall be investigated for criminal responsibility;laws, regulati ons and the provisi ons of rules formulated by the other situati ons;for labor con tract law in the first paragraph of article 26, paragraph 1 of the situati on that the con tract in valid.un der the followi ng circumsta nces, par

30、ty a in writte n form 30 days in adva nee no tice toparty b or extra pay party b a mon thly wages, may term in ate the labor con tract:party b sick or not be injured at work, after the expiration of the medical treatment, cannot be en gaged in the origi nal work, also cannot be en gaged in other job

31、 assig ned by party a;party b is not compete nt for work, after training or adjustme nt of the post, still is not compete nt for work;the con tract relies on are major cha nges in the objective circumsta nces,the laborcon tract cant be carried out, and both parties through con sultatio n by party a

32、and party b,failed to reach agreeme nt on ame nding the employme nt con tract;party a product ion and bus in ess operatio n serious difficulties, of its pers onnel becomes really n ecessary,the laws, regulati ons and the provisi ons of rules formulated by the other situatio n.party b has the followi

33、ng circumstances, party a shall not accordingto paragraph 1 ofarticle 7 of this con tract paragraph 5 remove labor con tract:engagedin the occupational-disease-inductiveoperationstaff not for whom theoccupati onal health exam in ati ons before, or occupatio nal-disease-like diseases patie nts inmedi

34、cal diag no sis or duri ng the period of observati on. But not in accorda nce with party a party b arrange participate in the medical exam in ati on of except;in party a to occupati onal disease or be injured at work is con firmed the loss of part or lose labor ability;sicke n or blame be injured at

35、 work, i n the provisi on of medical treatme nt period;female worker is in preg nancy, produce period, lactati on,in the party a continuous work is full 15 years, and from the legal and emeritus age less than 5 years;laws, regulati ons and the provisi ons of rules formulated by the other situati on.

36、B. labor con tract term in ati on and renew it1, one of the follow ing con diti on s, labor term in ati on of con tract:the labor con tract has expired;in accorda nce with party b bega n to enjoy treatme nt of primary en dowme nt in sura nce;party b death, or the peoples court declared dead or miss

37、ing;party a is declared ban krupt accord ing to law;party a is may revoke its bus in ess lice nse, shall order it to close dow n, cancel or party ain adva nee to dissolve;the laws and admi nistrative rules and regulati ons in other circumsta nces.the labor con tract expires, paragraph 1 of article 7

38、 of one of the circumsta nces prescribedin paragraph 6, labor con tract deadli ne automatic go dow n to the releva nt circumsta nee ceases to term in ate. But in party a to occupati onal disease or be injured at work and was con firmed the loss of part or lose labor ability of labor con tract in acc

39、orda nce with releva nt regulatio ns of in ductrial injury in sura nce.this con tract expires, party a and party b after agreeme nt through con sultati on betwee n both parties can renew the con tract.c. the cha nge of labor con tractBoth party a and party b after con sultati on and can cha nge the

40、content of the con tract,and to determine in written form.Article 8 the econo mic compe nsati onA: the follow ing circumsta nces, party a shall pay to party b the econo mic compe nsati on:1, party b in accorda nce with paragraph 1 of article 7 in paragraph 3 of agreed to term in ate this con tract;p

41、arty a, in accorda nce with the first paragraph of article 7, paragraph 1, put forward to party b agreed to term in ate this con tract and con sultati on with party b agree to term in ate this con tract;party a, in accorda nce with the first paragraph of article 7 paragraph 5 agreed to term in ateth

42、is con tract;In additi on to party a to maintain or improve the con diti ons of con tract ren ewal of the con tract, and party b does not agree to renew the circumsta nces, in accorda nce with paragraph 2, article 7, paragraph 1,4, 5 eyes eyes agreed to term in ate this con tract;Laws and administra

43、tive rules and regulations in other circumstances.Economic compensation according to party b in party a work of the fixed number of year, every full a year to pay a mon thly wages sta ndard pay to party b. Six mon ths but less tha n one year, the calculate by a year; Dissatisfact ion six mon ths, pa

44、y to party b the half of the mon thly pay econo mic compe nsati on.if party b monthly wages higher than released in lianyungang regional year worker is mean mon thly salary three times, econo mic compe nsati on paid to the sta ndard accord ing tothe worker is mean monthly salary three times the amou

45、nt to pay, to pay the economic compensation of fixed number of year is highest do not exceed 12 years.Men ti oned mon thly wages is to point to party b in this con tract is termi nated or the 12mon ths prior to the term in atio n of the average wage.Article 9 special terms and con diti onsParty b in

46、 the shift to an earlier date 30 days to submit to party a all remove labor con tract (resig nati on) writte n report, party a shall continue to perform in the provisi ons of thepost responsibility, abide by party as rules and regulations, and shall not without authorization dont come to work or for

47、ced exit. If party b has violated behavior, party a may be dismissed by serious discipline, and at the same time may require compensation to party a party b without leavi ng the econo mic loss caused.Whatever the reas on resc ind or termi nate this con tract, party b shall, in accorda nee with the p

48、rovisions of the party a job transfer, all not according to regulations, causes losses to party a, party b shall bear the liability of compe nsati on.C. Both parties any one party to fraud or fraudule nt means to sig n labor con tract, cause con seque nces, the party shall bear all fault. Causes a l

49、oss to the other side, the fault party shall bear the liability for compe nsati on.Article 10 liability for breach of con tractparty a violati on of the con tract con diti ons and to term in ate the con tract, or due to party as reas on, the con clusi on of any in valid con tracts, causes losses to

50、party b shall be liable for compe nsati on accord ing to the degree of loss.party b violates the con tract con diti ons and to term in ate the con tract, or due to party b causes the con clusi on of any in valid con tracts, causes losses to party a, and shall be liable for compe nsati on accord ing

51、to the degree of loss.party b violates service period agreed or breach of the competiti on restrict ion provisi ons, he shall pay liquidated damages to party a in accorda nee with the con tract.Article 11 agreed other items:Article 12 the labor disputeProduce labor dispute, both sides can talk thing

52、s over. Both sides would not consultation, the consultation fails or reach a reconciliation agreement not to perform, can apply for mediation to the mediation organization; Dont let conciliation or mediation or reach a mediati on agreeme nt not to perform, may apply to the labor dispute arbitrati on

53、 committee for arbitrati on; Not satisfied with the adjudicati on of arbitrati on, except otherwise provided by law outside, can to people court to lodge a compla int.Article 13 other |A: the con tract annex and this con tract are equally valid.B: party b promises1, This con tract first address and zip code as party a effective way to releva nt materials, if have cha nge, party b shall promptly no tify party a in writte n fo


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