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1、語錄大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝語錄大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝英文傷感心情短語 導(dǎo)讀:本文是關(guān)于英文傷感心情短語的文章, 如果覺得很不錯, 歡迎點評和分享!1、很多東西不見了就真的沒有了, 比如錯過的末班車, 比如你。 Many things really disappear when they disappear, such as the last bus missed, such as you.2、世界上最遠(yuǎn)的距離,不是愛,也不是恨,而是熟悉的人,漸 漸得陌生。The furthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but people

2、 who are familiar with each other and gradually become unfamiliar.3、孤獨,不是做一些事沒有人陪伴, 而是做一些事沒有人理解。 Loneliness is not about doing something that nobody accompanies, but something that nobody understands.4、有些話說不說都是傷害,有些人留不留都會離開。Some words are harmful, some people will leave without leaving.5、離開我就別安慰我,要知

3、道每一次縫補(bǔ)也會是穿刺的痛。If you leave me, please dont comfort me, because every sewing can also be puncture pain.6、原來,并不是所有的傷害,只要說了對不起就沒事了。Originally, not all the injuries, as long as you say sorry, its okay.7、我學(xué)會了帶著面具微笑,即使我并不開心。I learned to smile with a mask, even if I wasnt happy.8、努力變成自己喜歡的那個自己,一切就都還來得及。Mak

4、e an effort to become the person you like, and everything will be in time.9、搏斗,不是嘴上說說那么簡略,要用現(xiàn)實步履來證實。Fighting is not as simple as words say, but as confirmed by realistic steps.10、下輩子我要做你的心臟,至少我疼的時候你感覺得到。I will be your heart in the next life, at least when I hurt you feel it.11、一個愛笑的人一旦哭起來,比任何人都要撕心裂肺

5、。Once a laughing man cries, he will tear his heart and lungs more than anyone else.12 、我不是在等待你愛我,而是等待我不在愛你的那一天。Im not waiting for you to love me, but for the day when I dont love you.13、我決定一個人流浪,帶上悲傷,拖著幸福!I decided to wander alone, with sadness, dragging happiness!14、世界充滿了我們相遇的幾率,我卻始終無法遇見你。The world

6、 is full of chances for us to meet, but I can never meet you.15、我會一直等你,直到?jīng)]有再等下去的理由。Ill wait for you until theres no reason to wait any longer.16、沒能力遮擋你去的方向,至少分開的時候我落落大方。I cant hide the way you go, at least when Im apart.17 、人生不過是一場旅行,你路過我,我路過你,然后各自修 行,各自向前。Life is just a journey, you pass me, I pass

7、 you, and then each practice, each move forward.18、我曾經(jīng)喜歡一個人,而他永遠(yuǎn)深愛著另一個人。I used to like one person, and he always loved another.19 、女孩永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記她第一個那么拿命去愛的男孩。A girl will never forget the first boy she loved so hard.20、別去打擾那些連回你話都帶敷衍的人,因為你是多余的。Dont disturb those who even talk to you perfunctorily, because

8、 you are superfluous.21、你曾說我是你的命,把命丟掉的你還活著嗎。You said I was your life. Are you still alive when you lost it?22、世界上有兩個我,一個假裝快樂,一個真心難過。There are two me in the world. One pretends to be happy and the other is really sad.23 、青絲三千,抵不過時間;傾城容顏,抵不過歲月;如花美 眷,抵不過流年。Silk threethousand, can not withstand the time

9、; city face, can not withstand the years; such as beautiful family, can not withstand the passing years.24、從現(xiàn)在起,我將不再期待,只珍惜我所擁有的。From now on, I will no longer look forward to, only cherish what I have.25 、為了他,我把 QQ 上陌生的網(wǎng)友都刪了,可是我卻沒有想 到,他把我刪了。For him, I deleted all strangers on QQ, but I did not think

10、that he deleted me.26 、我生擲中的暖和本就未幾,而你也僅此一次。The warmth cost of my life is only a few, and you are the only one.27、曾經(jīng)的那段情,留下的傷疤,一輩子也撫平不了。Once that period of love, the scars left behind, can not be healed for a lifetime.28、人正是因為有了不能忘記的回憶才會堅強(qiáng),這就是成長。It is because of the unforgettable memories that people

11、 are strong. That is growth.29、我希望這個世界很小很小,小到我一轉(zhuǎn)身就可看見你。I hope the world is small enough that I can see you as soon as I turn around.30、陳奕迅只教給我十年怎么唱,卻沒教給我十年怎么走。Chen Yixun only taught me how to sing for ten years, but he did not teach me how to go for ten years.、最可怕的不是離別,而是當(dāng)你回來的時候他們已經(jīng)有了更 要好的朋友了。The mo

12、st terrible thing is not to leave, but to have better friends when you come back.、故事若不曲折,怎能教人成長,可惜故事太長,只有風(fēng)聽 我講。If the story is not tortuous, how can we teach people togrow up, unfortunately, the story is too long, only the wind listens to me.、不哭泣并不代表我幸福,不言語不代表不在乎。Not crying doesnt mean Im happy. Not

13、 saying anything doesnt mean I dont care.34、在純真年代別太多感慨,把一切熱愛盡情的盛開。In the age of innocence, dont feel too much, let all the love blossom heartily.35、怕被人拋棄么,先想想別人憑什么珍惜你。Afraid of being abandoned, think about how others value you first.36、忘記的感覺就像是在吞一千根針疼的荒涼卻還要細(xì)細(xì)品嘗。The feeling of forgetting is like swal

14、lowing a thousand needles in the desolation, but you have to savor them carefully.37、你送給我的銘心刻骨,是我無法丟棄的禮物。You gave me a deep-seated gift that I cant discard.38 、知道你 QQ 為什么那么安靜嗎,因為你曾經(jīng)為了一個人淡 了所有人。Know why your QQ is so quiet, because you once faded everyone for one person.39 、信任需要好幾年才能建立,可卻在短短幾秒內(nèi)毀滅。Tru

15、st can take years to build, but it can be destroyed in just a few seconds.40、曾經(jīng)的形影不離,如今的形同陌路,虎視眈眈。Once the shape is inseparable, now the shape of strangers, covetous.41 、換好衣服,扎起頭發(fā),化好美妝,帶著微笑,記住你不是 沒了他就不能活。Change your clothes, tie up your hair, make up and smile, remember that you cant live without hi

16、m.42 、寂寞是,抬頭看天,天是空的。扭頭看四周,卻沒有你的身影。Loneliness is looking up at the sky, the sky is empty. Turn your head around, but there is no figure of you.43、后來我終于明白了辦不到的承諾就成了枷鎖。Later, I finally realized that promises that could not be fulfilled were shackles.、人的一生注定會遇到兩個人,一個驚艷了時光,一個溫柔 了歲月。A persons life is bound to meet two people, one amazing time, one gentle years.、我經(jīng)常夢見你,也經(jīng)常夢見我自己,但很少夢見我們在一 起。I often dream of you and myself, but rarely of us together.、愛有時很矛盾,會在風(fēng)浪之中顯得搖搖欲墜,卻又不甘于 無味的平淡。Sometimes love is very contradictory, it will appear sh


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