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1、蔗糖(也稱紅糖或黑糖,蔗糖在甜菜和甘蔗中含量最豐富,平時(shí)使用的白糖、紅糖都是蔗糖。蔗糖的性質(zhì)簡(jiǎn)介及分類 SucroseSuc?;瘜W(xué)蔗糖,有機(jī)化合物,分子量342.3。無(wú)色晶體,具有旋光性,但無(wú)變旋。蔗糖的分子式:C12H22O11。蔗糖容易被酸水解,水解后產(chǎn)生等量的 D-葡萄糖和 D-果糖。不具還原性。發(fā)酵形成的焦糖可以用作醬油的增色劑。紅糖都是蔗糖。僅次于果糖。汽油、石油、無(wú)水酒精、CHCL3、CCL4 g 210g(25). 是一種高溶解度的糖類。熔點(diǎn): 186能量密度: 17 千焦/立方米蔗糖的物理性質(zhì)乙酸乙酯、乙酸戊酯、熔化的酚、液態(tài)氨、酒精與水的混合物及丙酮與水的混合物,但不能溶于汽


3、都能被抑制或殺滅對(duì)人的生理影響蔗糖在人體消息化系統(tǒng)內(nèi)經(jīng)過(guò)消化液分解成為果糖和葡萄糖,經(jīng)過(guò)小腸吸收.過(guò)量容易引起肥胖。用途甜料:茶、咖啡、藥水、藥丸等工業(yè)中制糖現(xiàn)狀工業(yè)是我國(guó)廢水和廢棄物排放量較大的食品行業(yè)是國(guó)家環(huán)保部門(mén)重點(diǎn)鑒控廢水污染源之一也是我國(guó)每萬(wàn)元工業(yè)產(chǎn)值能耗水耗最高的行業(yè)之一個(gè)日榨 3000 噸甘蔗糖廠每天耗用水資源3500040000 噸,排放工業(yè)廢水 噸,COD排放量12 噸及懸浮物9 噸。 倍。技術(shù)發(fā)達(dá)制糖國(guó)家如丹麥、法國(guó)、1 m3 以下。近年來(lái),我國(guó)甘蔗糖廠也開(kāi)始節(jié)水減污任務(wù)艱巨而重大。蔗糖生產(chǎn)國(guó)國(guó)外甘蔗產(chǎn)業(yè)主產(chǎn)國(guó)為巴西、印度、泰國(guó)、美國(guó)等國(guó)家。2007 年巴西甘蔗 4.60

4、7755 萬(wàn)畝,但主要用于食糖1480.95 622.95萬(wàn)畝。國(guó)內(nèi)技術(shù)發(fā)展水平與現(xiàn)狀含有機(jī)物和糖分,CODcr 和 BOD5 很高;廢水大多帶顏色,有的顏色較深,含氮、磷、鉀等元素較高,基本上不含有毒物質(zhì)。制糖工業(yè)廢水的處理首先要做到清污分流,把廢水按高、中、低三種濃度區(qū)分開(kāi)。高濃度廢水,先回收利用,再處理;中濃度廢水(包括高濃度廢水經(jīng)第一級(jí)回收利用后的廢水)含 BOD5 和CODcr5000-10000主要是設(shè)備冷卻水和設(shè)備二次蒸汽冷凝水,應(yīng)循環(huán)利用。國(guó)內(nèi)的生產(chǎn)制造糖的發(fā)展趨勢(shì)各種有效措施開(kāi)展節(jié)能節(jié)水顯得十分緊迫和重要。30%具有十分現(xiàn)實(shí)和要重的意義。蔗糖制造過(guò)程存在的關(guān)鍵問(wèn)題548 CO

5、D 排738 1131.8 209 萬(wàn)元。該項(xiàng)目由于節(jié)水、制造過(guò)程存在的關(guān)鍵性問(wèn)題是對(duì)水的依賴性,更能體現(xiàn)出水的需求是多大!國(guó)內(nèi)取得最新階段工業(yè)制糖取得的成果、達(dá)到的技術(shù)水平及發(fā)展趨勢(shì)SucroseSucrose is one of the basic human food additive, thousands of years of history. Isthe main product of photosynthesis is widely distributed in plants, especially the high content of sugar beet, sugar ca

6、ne and fruit. Sugar to sucrose as the main component isdivided into: high to low according to the purity of rock sugar, white sugar, cotton, sugar and brown sugar (also known as brown sugar or brown sugar), sugar beet and sugar cane is the most abundant, and usually use the sugar , brown sugar are s

7、ucrose.Introduction and classification of the nature of the sucroseEnglish name sucrose, abbreviated as Suc.Chemicalsucrose,organiccompounds,molecularweight342.3.crystals, optical rotation, but no mutarotation. Sucrose formula: C12H22O11.Sucrose acid hydrolysis,after hydrolysis toproduce thesame amo

8、untD-glucose and D-fructose. Non-reductive. Fermentation the formation of caramel can be used as the hyperchromic agents of the soy sauce.Sucrose is the main product of photosynthesis is widely distributed in plants, especially the high content of sugar beet, sugar cane and fruit. Sucrose is the mai

9、n form of the plant storage, accumulation and transport of sugar. Usually eat white sugar,brown sugar are sucrose.The dehydration of sucrose by a member of glucose and a member of fructose,more difficult to dissolve in ethanol, soluble in water, sweet after fructose.Solubility: easily soluble in wat

10、er, aniline, pyridine, ethyl acetate, alcohol andwater mixture. Do not dissolve in gasoline, oil, ethanol, CHCl3, CCL4,Solubility in Water: per gram of water can dissolve 2.1 g of sucrose solubility of210g (25 C). A high solubility of the sugars.Melting point: 186 Energy density: 17 kJ / mCan not oc

11、cur Silver Mirror reasons: no aldehyde group in the sugar moleculeThe physical properties of sucroseSucrose easily soluble in water, its solubility increases with increasingtemperature. Sucrose also soluble in aniline, pyridine, ethyl acetate, amyl acetate, molten phenol, liquid ammonia, alcohol and

12、 water mixture and a mixture of acetoneand water, but can not dissolve in gasoline, oil, ethanol, three methyl chloride, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide and turpentine and other organic solvents. Sucrose the case of crystalline substances. The proportion of pure cane sugar crystals as 1.5879,

13、 the proportion of sucrose solution according to the different concentration andtemperature.Chemical properties of sucroseSucrose and sucrose solution under the action of heat, acid, alkali, yeast, etc.,will produce a variety of chemical reactions. The reaction results not only directlycause the los

14、s of sucrose, but also generated a number of harmful substances on the sugar.A. Thermal decomposition ofCrystalline sucrose heated to 160 C, they melt into thick transparent liquid, the cooling Shiyou re-crystallization. Prolonged heating time, the sucrose is broken down into glucose and dehydration

15、 of fructose. Higher temperatures of 190-220 C, the sucrose dehydration condensation into caramel. The Caramel further heating to generate a product of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, acetic acid and acetone. In wet conditions, the sucrose decomposition at 100 C and release moisture, color black.Su

16、crose solution by prolonged heating at atmospheric pressure boiling, dissolvedsugar will slow decomposition of the same amount of glucose and fructose, which happened transformative role. Sucrose solution is heated to above 108 , the rapid hydrolysis of the sugar concentration the greater the hydrol

17、ysis has become more significant. Boiling container with metal materials also affect the rate of invertase. Forexample: the conversion of sucrose solution in the bronze than silver in large glass containers almost no impact.Two. AcidSucrosesolutionisacidic,thetheinvertasefaster.Concentrateddecomposi

18、tion of the sugar, rapid dehydration, such as concentrated sulfuric acid to make solid sucrose coking as a black product. Pure sucrose solution, a small amount of free acid can make the transformation of the role of the sucrose quickly. However, squeeze the juice in the sucrose, the situation is not

19、 the case. Because the juice in theneutral salt containing weak acid will inhibit the conversion of sucrose.The role of alkaliDilutealkalisolution,suchashydroxide,calciumhydroxide,potassiumhydroxide and sodium solution, nor will the sucrose decomposition even in the case ofboiling. Concentrated alka

20、line solution, the sucrose decomposition into a product of the furfural, acetone, lactic acid, acetic acid, formic acid, carbon dioxide when heated in sugar. Decomposition level and product types as the hydroxide ion concentration andtemperature.Sucrosewiththealkalizationofthemediumcollectively gene

21、rate alkaline sucrose Salt.The role of saltsWater, while the presence of sucrose and salts, their solubility should change, thedegree of change depends on both the concentration and nature of the salts.5 OxidationCombustion of sucrose or in the bio-oxidation, carbon dioxide and water, in aneutral or

22、 acidic solution, potassium permanganate can sucrose oxidized into carbon dioxide, formic acid, acetic acid and oxalic acid, but under alkaline conditions, only partially land into oxalic acid and carbon dioxide.6. The role of micro-organisms on sucroseDilute solution of sucrose is susceptible to mi

23、crobial infection, but reducedchances of infection with the syrup sweetening. In addition, was kind enough to juice the temperature and pH. Propagation of microorganisms in general, the optimumtemperaturebetween30-45,heatingto80 C,whilethemajoritymicroorganisms can inhibit or killThe physiological e

24、ffects ofFructose and glucose, sucrose in the body message system through the digestivejuice decomposition after intestinal absorption.Sucrose is believed to cause certain health problems, one of the most common istooth decay, which is due to oral bacteria convert sucrose ingredients in the food aci

25、d,thus eroding the tooth enamel. Sucrose, high-calorie, excessive intake cause obesity.UseSweetener: tea, coffee, syrup, pills, etc.Soft drinks, candy, cookies, cakes, sausages, seasonings, goods, commodities,futuresSugar status quo in the industryThe sugar industry is our waste water and waste emis

26、sions in the food industry, andstateenvironmentalprotectiondepartmentsfocusKamcontrolpollution sources one of China every ten thousand yuan industrial output value ofenergy consumption, water consumption in one of the highest one day squeeze 3000 tons of cane sugar refinery daily consumption of wate

27、r resources of 35,000 to 40,000 tons, 36,500 to 41,500 tons of industrial wastewater emissions, COD emissions of 12 tons and 9 tons of suspended solids.CanesugarrefinerywaterconsumptioninChinaisabiggapwithinternational advanced level, per ton of sugar cane average consumption of waterconsumption for

28、 more than eight tons, which is 6 to 10 times that of developedcountries. Technology developed sugar countries such as Denmark, France, Poland,the sugar production process with full closed loop water system, water cycle repeated use, and make full use of sugar raw water, and do tons of sugar water c

29、onsumption below 1 m3. In recent years, the cane sugar refinery in China began to usecondensation water cycle for sugar factory filter, but due to the water cooling thecooling effect is not obvious, affecting the vacuumoperation, failed to promote theapplication; boiler ash water In addition to the

30、dust equipment is no good approach; wash cloth in water, some sugar mills as a sugar cane crushing penetration of water toobtain a certain effect, but there is much to be desired place. The arduous task ofsaving and pollution remediation and significant.Sugar production countryForeign sugar cane ind

31、ustry, the main producing countries are Brazil, India,Thailand, the United States and other countries. 2007 Brazilian sugar cane plantation area of 10,050 mu, the total output of 460 million tons; India, an area of 7755 mu, but mainly for sugar production;Thailand acreage of 1480.95 mu,the United St

32、ates an area of 622.95 mu.Domestic level of technological development and current situationThe sugar industry waste water mainly from the sugar production process, andsugar by-products utilization process. Wastewater typically containing organic andsugar, CODcr and BOD5 high; wastewater mostly with

33、color, some darker, highernitrogen,phosphorus,potassiumandotherelements,essentiallyfreeoftoxicsubstances. The sugar industry wastewater treatment must first do the clean-up shunt wastewater by high, medium and low concentrations of separate. High-strengthwastewater recycling, reprocessing; concentra

34、tion in wastewater (including highconcentrations of wastewater use by first-class recycling waste water) containingBOD5 and the CODcr lower than 5000-10000 mg / l after purification, recycling or discharge ; low concentration wastewater, equipment cooling water and equipment forsecondary steam conde

35、nsate, should be recycled.The development trend of domestic production of sugarWith Chinas rapid economic development, the growing demand for energy and water resources, lack of effective supply of energy and water resources has become a serious bottleneck restricting Chinas sustainable economic dev

36、elopment. Effectivesupply solution to solve the energy and water, In addition to greater efforts to increasethe supply of reliable energy and water, adopt effective measures to carry out energy and water conservation is extremely urgent and important.In the sugar production process, consume a large

37、amount of energy and waterresources, energy, water consumption costs total more than 30 percent of the cost of production. Therefore, greater efforts to implement energy and water conservation to effectively alleviate the contradictions of the production of energy, water, and reduce productioncosts,

38、increaseenterpriseefficiency,andtheroadofsustainabledevelopment, has a very realistic and to re.Sucrose manufacturing process of the key issuesSugar refinery water and wastewater emitters, saving and pollution remediation technology demonstration applications, promote water-saving new technology, ne

39、wequipment to promote the use of reducing sugar refinery water consumption, improve water recycling recycling rate, reduce production costs, improve the economicefficiency of the sugar refinery production and sustainable development, such adescription: a technical report upon completion of our project, the annual saving 5.4


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