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1、新加坡地理經(jīng)濟濟文化英語介介紹新加坡共和國RRepubllic off SinggaporeeSingapoore, oofficiially the RRepubllic off Singgaporee, is an issland counttry loocatedd at tthe sooutherrn tipp of tthe Maalay PPeninssula. It liies 1337 killometrres (885 mi) nortth of the eequatoor, soouth oof thee Malaaysiann statte of Johorr and n

2、orthh of IIndoneesiass Riauu Islaands. At 7007.1 kkm2 (2273.0 sq mii), Siingapoore iss one of foour reemainiing trrue ciity-sttates in thhe worrld. IIt is the ssmalleest naation in Sooutheaast Assia. PPrior to Euuropeaan setttlemeent, tthe issland now kknown as Siingapoore waas thee sitee of aa Mala

3、ay fisshing villaage att the mouthh of tthe Siingapoore Riiver. Severral huundredd indiigenouus Oraang Laaut peeople also livedd alonng thee nearrby cooast, riverrs andd on ssmalleer isllands. In 11819 tthe Brritishh Eastt Indiia Commpany estabblisheed a ttradinng posst on the iislandd, whiich waas

4、useed theereaftter ass a sttrateggic trradingg postt alonng thee spicce rouute.44 Sinngaporre wouuld beecome one oof thee mostt impoortantt commmerciaal andd miliitary centrres off the Britiish Emmpire, and the hhub off Brittish ppower in Sooutheaast Assia. TThe ciity waas occcupiedd by tthe Jaapane

5、sse durring WWorld War III, whhich WWinstoon Chuurchilll callled Britaains greattest ddefeatt.5 Singgaporee reveerted to Brritishh rulee immeediateely poostwarr, in 1945. Eighhteen yearss lateer thee cityy, havving aachievved inndepenndencee fromm Brittain, mergeed witth Mallaya, Sabahh and Sarawwak

6、 too formm Malaaysia. Howeever, less than two yyears laterr it ssecedeed froom thee fedeeratioon andd becaame ann indeependeent reepubliic on 9 Auggust 11965. Singaapore joineed thee Unitted Naationss on 221 Sepptembeer thaat samme yeaar. Itt is aalso aa membber off the Commoonweallth off Natiions.

7、Sincee indeependeence, Singaapores staandardd of llivingg has been on thhe risse. Fooreignn direect innvestmment aand a statee-led drivee to iindusttrialiisatioon bassed onn planns draawn upp by tthe Duutch eeconommist AAlbertt Winssemiuss havee creaated aa modeern ecconomyy focuused oon eleectronni

8、cs mmanufaacturiing, ppetrocchemiccals, touriism annd finnanciaal serrvicess alonngsidee tradditionnal enntrept traade.ccitatiion neeeded Singgaporee is tthe 5tth weaalthieest coountryy in tthe woorld iin terrms off GDP (PPP) per capitta.6 Thiss smalll nattion hhas fooreignn exchhange reserrves oof

9、morre thaan US$177 bbillioon.7 The popullationn of SSingappore iis appproximmatelyy 4.844 milllion.2 Thhough Singaapore is hiighly cosmoopolittan annd divverse, ethnnic Chhinesee formm the majorrity oof thee popuulatioon. Ennglishh is tthe addminisstratiive laanguagge of the ccountrry. Thhe Connstit

10、uution of thhe Reppublicc of SSingappore eestabllishedd the natioons ppolitiical ssystemm as aa reprresenttativee demoocracyy, whiile thhe couuntry is reecogniised aas a pparliaamentaary reepubliic.8 The Peoplles AActionn Partty (PAAP) doominattes thhe polliticaal proocess and hhas woon conntrol of

11、Paarliamment iin eveery ellectioon.新加坡自然地理理Naturre Geoographhy 1位于東南亞,是是馬來西亞半半島最南端的的一個熱帶城城市島國。面面積為6933平方公里,北北隔柔佛海峽峽與馬來西亞亞為鄰,有長長堤與馬來西西亞的 HYPERLINK /view/77220.htm 新山相通,南南隔新加坡海海峽與 HYPERLINK /view/2680.htm 印度尼尼西亞相望。Singapoore phhysicaal geoographhy is locatted att Souttheastt Asiaa, is a Penninsullar M

12、aalaysiia mosst souuth tiip of tropiics ciity issland counttry. TThe arrea iss 693 squarre killometeers, nnorth separrates the JJohoree channnel aand Maalaysiia is the nneighbbour, has tthe caausewaay andd Malaaysias Johhore iis intterlinnked, southh sepaaratess the Singaapore channnel annd Inddones

13、iia facces onne anoother新加坡國名由來來How DDid Siingapoore Geet Itss Namee2加坡是一個城市市國家,原意意為“ HYPERLINK /view/767080.htm 獅城”。據(jù)馬馬來史籍記載載,公元11150年左右右, HYPERLINK /view/190401.htm 蘇門答臘臘的室利佛逝逝王國王子盤盤那乘船到達達此島,看見見一頭猛獸,當當?shù)厝烁嬷獮闉?HYPERLINK /view/17211.htm 獅子,遂有“獅獅城”之稱。新新加坡是梵語語“獅城”之之諧音,由于于當?shù)鼐用袷苁苡《任幕坝绊戄^深,喜喜歡用梵語作作為地名。而而獅

14、子具有勇勇猛、雄健的的特征,故以以此作為地名名是很自然的的事。過去 HYPERLINK /view/10515.htm 華華僑多稱其為為“息辣”,即即馬來語“海海峽”的意思思,也有因其其小而將之稱稱為星洲、 HYPERLINK /view/1011715.htm 星星島的。圖為新加坡的的標志與象征征魚尾獅獅塑像和“新加坡國國父”-李光耀。Singaapore is a city statee, thee origginal intenntion is “SSingappore”. Accoordingg to MMalayaa the histooricall recoords rrecord

15、d, aboout 11150, SSumatrras rroom aadvanttage BBuddhaa passsed kiingdomm prinnce pllate tthat tto go by booat too arriive att thiss islaand, ssaw a beastt of pprey, the nnativee to iinformm for the llion, then had “SSingappore” the nname. Singaapore is Paali “SSingappore” the hharmonnics, becauuse t

16、hhe loccal reesidennt is been deep the IIndiann cultture iinflueence, likess takiing thhe geoographhic naame wiith Paali. BBut thhe lioon hass, thee vigoorous charaacteriistic fierccely, thereefore by thhis acchieveement geogrraphicc namee is tthe veery naaturall mattter. IIn thee pastt overrseas Ch

17、ineese muulti-nname iit “thhe Sinngaporre”, nnamelyy Malaay “chhannell” meaaning, alsoo had becauuse off its slighhtly, but wwill bbe callled SSingappore, Sing Tao. The cchart makess an iidol ffor Siingapoores symbool andd the symboolic - - fiish taail liion wiith “tthe Siingapoore faather”-Leee Kua

18、nn Yew.面積Area measuuremennt:為693平平方公里6993 squuare kkilomeeters t 33首都Capittal:新加加坡(Sinngaporre)獨立日Indeependeence DDay:8月9日(11965年)官方語言offficiall langguage: HYPERLINK /view/1458.htm 英語、 HYPERLINK /view/1711.htm 漢語、馬來語語、泰米爾語語Engliish, CChinesse, Maalay, Tamill langguage行政用語:英語語 漢語(22006年起起漢語也可作作為政府行政政

19、語言)Addminisstratiive teerminoology: Engllish CChinesse (inn 20066 Chinnese mmay allso taake goovernmment aadminiistrattion llanguaage國家格言:Maajulahh Singgapuraa(前進吧,新新加坡” Advannce, SSingappore國歌:Majuulah SSingappura 前前進吧,新加加坡Advaance, Singaapore國語Natioonal llanguaage:馬來語Mallay國花natioonal fflowerr:以一種

20、名為為 HYPERLINK /view/416863.htm 卓錦萬代代蘭的 HYPERLINK /view/709787.htm 胡姬花為 HYPERLINK /view/30082.htm 國花。東南亞亞通稱 HYPERLINK /view/4244.htm 蘭花為胡姬花花。卓錦萬萬代蘭是由卓卓錦女士培植植而成,花朵朵清麗端莊、生生命力特強,它它象征新加坡坡人的氣質和和刻苦耐勞、果果敢奮斗的精精神。這種淺淺紫紅色的美美麗蘭花有四四個花瓣,象象征各民族及及英語、華語語、馬來語、 HYPERLINK /view/474482.htm 泰米爾語4大語系。Take onne kinnd of na

21、medd outsstandiing brrocadee throoughouut thee agess bluee Hu JJihua as thhe nattionall flowwer. SSoutheeast AAsia ggeneriic terrm orcchid iis Hu Jihuaa. Thee outsstandiing brrocadee bluee is tthrougghout the aages ccultivvates by Mss. Zhuuo Jinn becoomes, the fflowerrs simmple aand beeautifful sool

22、emn, the vitallity iis exttra-heeavy, it syymboliizes SSingapporeann perssons makinngs annd enddures hardsships, the couraageouss struuggle spiriit. Thhis kiind off shalllow ppurplee reds beaautifuul orcchid hhas foour fllower petalls, syymboliizes vvariouus nattionallitiess and Engliish, CChinesse,

23、 Maalay, the TTamil languuage 44 big languuage ffamiliies.政要Poliiticiaans 44 HYPERLINK /view/1034371.htm 內閣資政 HYPERLINK /view/7341.htm 李光耀耀,19655年新加坡獨獨立后,長期期擔任總理,11990年111月辭去總總理的職務,改改任內閣資政政。國務資政政 HYPERLINK /view/153468.htm 吳作棟(Gooh Chook Tonng),19990年111月至20004年8月任任新加坡第二二任總理?,F(xiàn)現(xiàn)任總理 HYPERLINK /view/91

24、621.htm 李顯顯龍,2004年年8月12日日宣誓就職,成成為新加坡第第三任總理,112月當選 HYPERLINK /view/465535.htm 新新加坡人民行行動黨新一任任秘書長,22006年55月再次當選選新加坡總理理,5月300日宣誓就職職總統(tǒng) HYPERLINK /view/157862.htm 納丹,于19999年8月188日當選為新新加坡共和國國總統(tǒng),9月月1日正式宣宣誓就職,22005年99月連任。MMain ppointss of aadminiistrattion PPolitiicianss cabiinet ppresiddentiaal polliticaal

25、advviser Lee KKuan YYew, aafter in 19965 Siingapoore inndepenndencee, is premiier foor a llong ttime, in 19990 Noovembeer ressignedd fromm premmierss dutyy, chaanged to a new ppost tthe caabinett pressidenttial ppolitiical aadviseer. Sttate aaffairr pressidenttial ppolitiical aadviseer Gohh Chokk To

26、ngg (Gohh Chokk Tongg), waas apppointeed thee Singgaporee secoond prremierr Noveember, 19900 to AAugustt, 20004. Inncumbeent Prremierr Lee Hsienn Loonng, onn Auguust 122, 20004 wass sworrn, beecomess the Singaapore thirdd premmier, in Deecembeer wass eleccted aas thee Singgaporee peopple too movee p

27、artty neww secrretaryy geneeral, in Maay, 20006 waas eleected as Siingapoore prremierr oncee moree, on May 330 is swornn in PPresiddent NNadan, was electted inn Auguust 188, 19999 as Singaapore Repubblic ppresiddent, on Seeptembber 1 is swworn iin offficiallly, iin Sepptembeer, 20005 coontinuues.經(jīng)濟E

28、conoomic 5 經(jīng)濟以五大部門門為主:商業(yè)業(yè)、制造業(yè)、建建筑業(yè)、金融融業(yè)、交通和和通訊業(yè)。工工業(yè)主要包括括制造業(yè)和建建筑業(yè)。制造造業(yè)產品主要要包括電子產產品、化學與與化學產品、機機械設備、交交通設備、石石油產品、煉煉油等部門。是是世界第三大大煉油中心。農農業(yè)在國民經(jīng)經(jīng)濟中所占比比例不到1,主要有家家禽飼養(yǎng)和水水產業(yè)。糧食食全部靠進口口,蔬菜自產產僅占5,絕絕大部分從馬馬來西亞、中中國、印度尼尼西亞和澳大大利亞進口。服服務業(yè)為經(jīng)濟濟增長的龍頭頭產業(yè)。包括括零售與批發(fā)發(fā)貿易、 HYPERLINK /view/49246.htm 飯店店旅游、交通通與電訊、金金融服務、商商業(yè)服務等。Econom

29、y by five departments primarily: Trade, manufacturing industry, architecture industry, financial industry, transportation and communication industry. The industry mainly includes the manufacturing industry and the architecture industry. The manufacturing industry product mainly includes departments

30、and so on electronic products, chemistry and chemicals, mechanical device, traffic facilities, petroleum product, refinery. Is the world third big refinery center. The agriculture accounts for the proportion in the national economy less than 1%, mainly has the raising of poultry and the aquatic prod

31、ucts industry. The grain depends on the import completely, the vegetables from produces only accounts for 5%, the major part from Malaysia, China, Indonesia and Australia imports. Service industry for economic growth leading industry. Including retail sales and wholesale trade, hotel traveling, tran

32、sportation and telecommunication, financial service, commercial service and so on.貨幣 Currrency HYPERLINK /view/26698.htm 貨幣為新加坡元元(SGD),11元等于1000分。紙幣幣面值有2元元、5元、110元、500元、1000元、5000元、10000元、100000元;硬幣有5分分、10分、220分、500分、1元。The currrencyy for the SSingappore ddollarr (SGDD), 1 Yuan is eqqual tto 1000 po

33、innts. TThe paaper mmoney face valuee has 2 Yuaan, 5 Yuan, 10 YYuan, 50 Yuuan, 1100 Yuuan, 5500 Yuuan, 11000 YYuan, 100000 Yuann; Thee coinn has 5 poiint, 110 poiint, 220 poiint, 550 poiint, 11 Yuann.新加坡共和國的的教育:Thhe eduucatioon of Repuublic of Siingapoore 新加坡教教育制度類似似英國式制度度,除了各語語文類科外,均均以英語為媒媒介語言。一一般修


35、無獨獨立思考的習習慣將無法回回應社會變遷遷挑戰(zhàn)為電影影主題。Thhe eduucatioon of Repubblic oof Sinngaporre Thee Singgaporee educcationnal syystem is siimilarr the Britiish tyype syystem, besiides vvariouus lannguagees claass brranch, takee Engllish aas meddium llanguaage. AAfter generrally studiies teen to 11 yeear ellementtary a

36、and miiddle schoools, ccan chhoose the CCommunnity ccollegge, thhe higgh schhool oor thee Techhnicall insttitutee goess studdy, fiirst bboth mmore tthan hhalf ccan riise thhe dommesticc univversitty. Siingapoore haas fivve Tecchnicaal insstituttes wiith thhree ttechniical ccollegge schhools, the Sin

37、gaapore Natioonal UUniverrsity and tthe sooutherrn coaastal proviinces Univeersityy of SSciencce andd Techhnologgy aree Asiaa havee the greatt repuutatioon schhool. Singaapore attraacts eevery year many from placees thee suchh as CChinesse varrious areass and Malayysia fforeiggn stuudentss comees to

38、 enterr a hiigher schoool, maakes tthis ccountrry to becomme Asiias rregionn to eeducatte thee key posittion. The SSingappore eeducattionall systtem iss ofteen criiticizzed too relyy on eexcesssivelyy the serviice paatternn teacching materrial, does not eencourrage iindiviidual indeppendennt thoough

39、t spacee, strressedd thatt takees a ttest tthe waay diffferennce sttudentt quallity (to ennter aa highher scchool supreeme prrincipple), dispaaragess otheer stuudy waay andd the occuppationn conttributtion, the SSingappore nnativee placce movvie CChild not SStupidd nammely ddiscussses tthis ssystemm

40、 posssibly to sttranglle othher Siingapoore vaariouss typees tallentedd persson too deveelop, becauuse annd inddividuual noot inddependdent tthinkiings custoom willl be unablle to respoond thhe soccial cchangee challlengee for the mmovie subjeect. The eearlieest knnown mmentioon of Singaapore was aa

41、 3rd centuury Chhinesee accoount wwhich descrribed Singaapore as PPu-luoo-chunng (islannd at the eend off a peeninsuula). Litttle iss knowwn aboout thhe isllandss histtory aat thaat timme butt thiss mattter-off-factt desccriptiion beelies Singaapores collourfuul passt.By the 114th ccenturry, Siingap

42、oore haad beccome ppart oof thee mighhty Srri Vijjayan empirre andd was knownn as TTemaseek (SSea Toown). Locaated aat thee natuural mmeetinng poiint off sea routees at the ttip off the Malayy Peniinsulaa, Sinngaporre hadd longg knowwn vissits ffrom aa widee variiety oof seaa crafft, frrom Chhinesee

43、 junkks, Inndian vesseels, AArab ddhows and PPortugguese battlleshipps to Buginnese sschoonners.DDuringg the 11th centuury, tthis ssmall but sstrateegicallly-pllaced islannd hadd earnned a new nname - Sinnga Puura (Lionn Cityy). AAccordding tto leggend, a vissitingg Sri Vijayyan prrince saw aan anii

44、mal hhe misstook for aa lionn and Singaapores moddern dday naame waas borrn.Thee Brittish pprovidded thhe nexxt nottable chaptter inn the Singaapore storyy. Durring tthe 188th ceenturyy, theey saww the need for aa straategicc hallfway housee to refitt, feeed andd prottect tthe flleet oof theeir grro

45、wingg empiire, aas welll as to foorestaall anny advvancess by tthe Duutch iin thee regiion. IIt wass agaiinst tthis ppolitiical bbackdrrop thhat Siir Staamfordd Rafffles eestabllishedd Singgaporee as aa tradding sstatioon. Thhe pollicy oof freee traade atttractted meerchannts frrom alll oveer Asiia

46、andd fromm as ffar affield as thhe US and tthe Miiddle East. Byy 18244, jusst fivve yeaars affter tthe fooundinng of moderrn Sinngaporre, thhe poppulatiion haad groown frrom a mere 150 tto 10,000.IIn 18332, Siingapoore beecame the ccentree of ggovernnment for tthe Sttraitss Setttlemennts off Penaang

47、, MMalaccca andd Singgaporee. Thee openning oof thee Suezz Canaal in 1869 and tthe addvent of teelegraaph annd steeamshiip inccreaseed Sinngaporres iimporttance as a centrre forr the expannding tradee betwween EEast aand Weest.Siingapoore haad beeen thee sitee of mmilitaary acction in thhe 14tth cen

48、ntury when it beecame embrooiled in thhe strrugglee for the MMalay Peninnsula betweeen Siiam (nnow Thhailannd), aand thhe Javva-bassed Maajapahhit Emmpire.Five centuuries laterr, it was aagain the sscene of siignifiicant fightting dduringg Worlld Warr II. Singaapore was cconsiddered an immpregnnable

49、 fortrress, but tthe Jaapanesse oveerran the iislandd in 11942. Afterr the war, Singaapore becamme a CCrown Colonny. Thhe groowth oof nattionallism lled too selff-goveernmennt in 1959 and oon 9 AAugustt 19655, Sinngaporre beccame aan inddependdent rrepubllic.Iff therre is one wword tthat bbest ccapturres Siingapoore, iit is “uniqque”. A dynnamic city rich in coontrasst andd coloour, yyoulll findd a haarmoniious bblend of cuulturee, cuiisine, artss and archiitectuure heere. BBrimmiing wiith unn


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