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1、國際貸款合同適用貸款人本協(xié)議由ABC公司(簡稱為“借款人”或“借款方”),國公司,與信貸銀行(簡稱為“銀行”),國家銀行機構(gòu),于日訂立。This ACCREEMEENT ennteredd intoo as OOf_,_, betweeenABBCcommpany,aNaameOffCounntrycompaany(tthe BBorrowwer)andBBANK,NA.,anattionsllbankking aaSSoCiia“On Of thhe Un“eed StaateS OOf(thee“Bankk”)此證:WITNESSSETH:鑒于借款人已向向銀行要求基基于本協(xié)議規(guī)規(guī)定的條件和

2、和款項,向借借款人提供一一筆本金為美美元(US$)的定期貸貸款;WHEREASS,the Borroower hhas reequestted thhe Bannktoexxtend to 1tthe Boorroweer a tterm 110an iin theeprinncipallamouunt OffUniteed Staates DDollarrs(US$)upon the tterms and ssubjecct to theCoonditiiohS OOf thiis Agrreemennt;annd鑒于銀行已準備備基于本協(xié)議議規(guī)定的條件件和款項,向向借款人提供供此項定期貸貸款

3、;WHEREASS,theeBankkisppreparredtoomakeeSUChhalooan aVVailabbletootheBorrooweruuponttheteermsaandsuubjectttotthe coonditiions OOf thiis Agrreemennt;據(jù)此,以雙方相相互承諾為對對價,就下述述內(nèi)容達成一一致:NOW,THEEREFORRE,inccOnSiddera“oonofthhe muttual ppromisses Coontainned thhereinn,thee par“ees agrree ass f01110ws:第一條定義義Artic

4、lee 1DeffinitoonS11基于本本協(xié)議之目的的,下列詞語語可定義為:Sectionn11FFOrthhePurrposessOftthisAAgreemment,the ffollowwing eexpresssionss havee the meaniings sset foonh beelow:“營業(yè)日”指位位于和的銀行開始始正常銀行業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)的任何一一天,以及同同業(yè)銀行拆借借市場進行美美元拆借交易易的任何一天天。Busineess Daay:aany daay on whichh bankks aree openn to cconducct theeirreegularrbank

5、kingbbusineessinn,ennglandd,anddLos Angelles,andoonwhiichdeealinggsinDOllaardeppositss betwween bbanks are ccarrieed outt in ttheintterbannk marrket;“承諾”:指銀銀行在本協(xié)議議生效日即承承擔向借款人人貸款的義務(wù)務(wù)。Committment: thee obliigatioon of the BBank tto makke thee loann to tthe Boorroweer on the ddate hhereoff;“信信貸”;指位位于的信

6、貸銀銀行的國際分分部。Creditt: Crredit Bank, Interrnatioonal DDivisiion,;“美元”:及“$”符合,指指美利堅合眾眾國的法定貨貨幣與本協(xié)議議項下所有支支付有關(guān)的現(xiàn)現(xiàn)匯。Dollarrs annd thee signn $ : lawwful mmoney of thhe Uniited SStatess of AAmericca andd , inn relaation to alll payymentss hereeunderr, immmediattely aavailaable ffunds;“違約事件”:指依本協(xié)議議第八條中所所列舉的所有

7、有事件。Event of Deefaultt: anny of the eeventss speccifiedd in AArticlle Vllll of this Agreeement;“擔保人”:指指銀行。Guaranntor:Bank Limitted;“負債”:任何何人或借款人人的負債是指指依據(jù)國通常常接受的會計計準則所包括括的在債務(wù)被被確認之日該該人或借款人人之資產(chǎn)負債債表負債一側(cè)側(cè)所表明的確確定負債的全全部債務(wù)項目目,其也包括括其他被承繼繼或被擔保的的,或?qū)俳杩羁钊舜我蚺寂及l(fā)的債務(wù)(有有別于在托收收過程中文件件背書)在內(nèi)內(nèi)的債務(wù)及負負債,無論是是源于任何協(xié)協(xié)議所引起的的負債,或

8、是是提供款項及及預(yù)付款項或或其他方式引引起的負債均均屬此范圍。Indebttednesss: oof anyy Persson, oor thee Borrrower, meanss all itemss of iindebttednesss whiich, iin acccordannce wiith geenerallly acccepteed acccountiing prrincipples iin Naame off Counntry Wouldd be iincludded inn deteerminiing liiabiliities as shhown oon thee lia

9、bbilityy sidee of aa balaance ssheet of suuch Peerson or thhe Borrrowerr as oof thee datee indeebtednness iis to be deetermiined , and sshall also incluude alll inddebteddness and lliabillitiess of ootherss assuumed oor guaaranteeed orr in rrespecct of whichh the Borroower iis seccondarrily oor conn

10、tingeently liablle (otther tthan bby enddorsemment oof insstrumeents iin thee courrse off colllectioon), wwhetheer by reasoon of any aagreemment tto acqquire such indebbtedneess orr to ssupplyy or aadvancce summs or otherrwise;“分期付款日”:指根據(jù)41的規(guī)定自自協(xié)議生效之之日起達到118個月,224個月,330個月,336個月,442個月,448個月,554個月和660

11、個月之日日。Installlmentt Paymment DDates: subbject to Seectionn 4.1, the ddates whichh are eightteen mmonthss, tweenty-four monthhs, thhirty monthhs,thiirty-six mmonthss, forrty-ttwo moonths, fortyy-eigght moonths, fiftyy-fouur monnths aand siixty mmonthss fromm the date hereoof;“付息日”:是是指每一個計計息期的最后后一日。In

12、tereest Paaymentt Datee: thhe lasst dayy of eeach IIntereest Peeriod;“計息期”:指指自協(xié)議生效效日起個個月之后止的的一段期間,每每一計息期自自上一計息期期最后一日始始,到借款人人所選擇的三三個月后或六六個月后止,但但是(I),如如果每一計息息期的最后一一日不是銀行行營業(yè)日者,則則順延到下一一營業(yè)日,或或(II)假假若一個計息息期早于或晚晚于分期付款款日開始或截截止,則計息息期將在該分分期付款日結(jié)結(jié)束。Intereest Peeriod: thee periiod coommenccing oon thee datee her

13、eeof annd endding oon thee day whichh is_ monthhs aftter suuch daate, aandeacch perriod tthereaafter beginnning on thhe lasst dayy of tthe immmediaately preceeding Interrest PPeriodd and endinng on the dday whhich iis thrree moonths or siix monnths aafter such date, as thhe Borrrowerr may electt;pro

14、vvided, howevver, tthat ( I ) aany Innteresst Perriod wwhich wouldd otheerwisee end on a day wwhich is a Businness DDay shhall bbe exttendedd to tthe neext suucceedding dday whhich iis a BBusineess Daay , aand ( I ) aany Innteresst Perriod ccommenncing beforre andd whicch wouuld ottherwiise ennd aft

15、ter ann Insttallmeent Paaymentt Datee shalll endd on ssuch IInstalllmentt Paymment DDate;“利率”指依224、26和277中規(guī)定,或或另有規(guī)定的的利率。Intereest Raate: the rrate oof intterestt to bbe detterminned ass provvided in seectionns 2.44, 2.66and 22.7, aas thee casee may be:“貸款機構(gòu)”:是指國際銀銀行機構(gòu),或或根據(jù)其意愿愿隨時指定的的分行、分理理處、分支機機構(gòu)或支行:

16、貸款將自此此類機構(gòu)發(fā)放放,且未償付付及全部償付付款項亦由此此類機構(gòu)收取取。Lendinng Offfice: the Interrnatioonal BBankinng Faccilityy of tthe Baank, oor succh othher brranch, officce, afffiliaate orr subssidiarry of the BBank aas it may aat itss disccretioon froom timme to time desiggnate, from whicch thee Loann willl therreafteer be ma

17、de and ffor thhe acccount of whhich tthe Looan wiill bee outsstandiing annd alll paymments hereuunder will be maade;“貸款”:指依依本協(xié)議21款規(guī)定定由銀行向借借款人發(fā)放的的貸款。Loan: the loan made by thhe Bannk to the BBorrowwer puursuannt to Sectiion 2.1 herreof;“票據(jù)”:指由由借款人開業(yè)業(yè)以銀行為指指定付款的依依附錄A基本本內(nèi)容的期票票,其證明因因銀行依本協(xié)協(xié)議向借款人人發(fā)放貸款而而產(chǎn)生的

18、借款款人對銀行的的負債。Note: the promiissoryy notee of tthe Boorroweer to the oorder of thhe Bannk in substtantiaally tthe foorm off Exhiibit AA hereeto, eevidenncing the iindebttednesss of the BBorrowwer too the Bank resullting from the BBankss Loann to tthe Boorroweer;“人”,指任何何自然人、公公司、商號、團團體、政府、政政府機構(gòu)或除除借款人以外外

19、的任何以個個人、團體或或其他名義的的實體。Personn: anny nattural persoon, coorporaation, firm, assocciatioon,oveernmennt , ggovernnmentaal ageency oor anyy otheer enttity oother than be Boorroweer andd whetther aactingg in aan inddividuual, ffiduciiary oor othher paacity.第二條貸款A(yù)rticlee 2Thee Loann21承諾Sectionn 2.1 The Com

20、miitmentt.根據(jù)本協(xié)議規(guī)定定的條件和款款項并基本借借款人作出的的陳述與保證證,銀行同意意通過其貸款款機構(gòu)借出,且且借款人也同同意借人本金金為萬美元($)的的貸款。Upon thhe terrms annd subbject tothheconnditioonsheereinsetfforth,andrrelyinngupoonthee reprresenttationns andd warrrantiees of the BBorrowwer, tthe Baank aggrees, actinng thrrough its LLendinng offfice; on thhe dat

21、te herreof tto lennd to the bborrowwer, aand thhe Borrrowerr agreees too borrrow, tthe prrincippal ammount ofDolllars ($).22釋放Sectionn2.2Disbuursemeent.自協(xié)議生效之日日起,依協(xié)議議第六條規(guī)定定,銀行應(yīng)向向借款人在紐紐約指定的賬賬號匯入?yún)f(xié)議議約定的數(shù)額額款項。如借借款人未能完完成第六條中中規(guī)定的貸款款先決條件,則則銀行無義務(wù)務(wù)提供此項貸貸款。Onthedatehereoof,uppon fuulfilllment of thhe connditi

22、oons seet forrth inn Artiicle VVI, thhe Bannk shaall maake thhe amoount oof thee Loann avaiilablee to tthe Boorroweer by remittting the aamountt of tthe Looan too an aaccounnt in New YYork ddesignnated by thhe Borrrowerr, If the BBorrowwer faails tto sattisfy the ccondittions preceedent set fforth i

23、n Arrticlee VI 11, thee Bankk shalll be obliggated to maake thhe Loaan.23還款、支支付利息及計計息期的確定定Sectionn 2.3Repayyment; Paymment oof Intterestt; Dessignattion oof Intterestt Periiod.借款人同意依照照協(xié)議規(guī)定的的利息率,在在付款日,分分八期償還貸貸款本金。借借款人應(yīng)就其其選擇三個月月或六個月利利息期的結(jié)果果,在利息期期償付之前55個營業(yè)日(第第一個利息期期除外),通通知銀行。如如果銀行未收收到上述通知知,則下一利利息期的長度度與

24、上個相同同;假若一個個計息期早于于或晚于分期期付款日開始始或截止,則則計息期將在在該分期款日日結(jié)束。The Borrrowerr agreees too repaay thee prinncipall amouunt off the Loan on thhe insstallmment PPaymennt Dattes inn eighht equual innstalllmentss and to paay intterestt on eeach iintereest Paaymentt Datee on tthe ouutstannding princcipal balannce off

25、the Loan at thhe Intterestt Ratee. Thee Borrrower shalll givee notiice too the Bank not lless tthat ffive BBusineess Daays prrior tto thee commmencemment oof eacch intterestt Periiod (oother than the ffirst Interrest PPeriodd) wheether it haas eleected an Innteresst Perriod oof thrree moonths or sii

26、x monnths. If noo suchh notiice iss receeived by thhe Bannk, thhe rellevantt inteerest Periood shaall bee the same lengtth as the pprevioous Innteresst Perriod; proviided, howevver, tthat aan intterestt Periiod coommenccing bbeforee and whichh woulld othherwisse andd afteer an instaallmennt Payyment

27、 Data shalll end not ssuch iinstalllmentt Paymment DDate.24利率的的確定Sectionn 2.4Deteerminaation of innteresst Ratte.依照協(xié)議規(guī)定每每一計息期的的利息應(yīng)為百百分之(),此利利率加該計息息期償付前兩兩日,時間111:OOAAM,同業(yè)銀銀行拆借市場場的利率。The intterestt Ratee for each interrest PPeriodd withh resppect tto thee Loann shalll beppercennt (%) abovee the rate a

28、t whhich DDollarr depoosits in ann amouunt eqqual tto thee prinncipall amouunt off the Loan to bee madee or mmaintaained are ooffereed by the BBank ffor suuch Innteresst Perriod tto priime baanks iin thee Londdon innterhaank maarket as off 11: 00A. M.(time )twooBusiinessDayspriorrtotthe coommencceme

29、ntt of ssuch IIntereest Peeriod.25票據(jù)Sectionn 2.5 The Note.借款人償還本金金的義務(wù)應(yīng)由由借款人的期期票證明,其其基本格式應(yīng)應(yīng)參照附錄AA,并符合本本條(255)的規(guī)定。票票據(jù)應(yīng)(1)以以本協(xié)議的生生效日期為期期票出具日期期;()依依銀行指令支支付與貸款本本金相等的款款項;()分分為相等的八八期,每一期期在分期付款款日到期;(NN)依規(guī)定利利率償付到期期未付的本金金部分的利息息,依每一計計息期在付息息日償付。The Borrrowerrs obbligattion tto repply thhe priincipaal amoount oo

30、f thee Loann madee by tthe Baank heereundder shhall bbe eviidenceed by a notte of the BBorrowwer inn the form of Exxhibitt A too thiss Agreeementt withh apprropriaate inn secttions pursuuant tto thiis Secction 2.5. The NNote sshall ( I ) be daated tthe daate heereof, ( II ) be payabble too the order

31、r of tthe Baank inn the princcipal amounnt of the LLoan, ( IIII ) mmaturee in eeight equall insttallmeents, payabble onn the Instaallmennt Payyment Datess and (IV) bear interrest aat thee inteerest Rate on thhe outtstandding pprinciipal bbalancce theereof from time to tiime, ccomputted foor eacch In

32、tterestt Periiod annd payyable on thhe Intterestt Paymment DDates.26替代基基礎(chǔ)Sectionn 2.6Substtitutee Basiis.在利率是依24款規(guī)定確確定時,(11)銀行應(yīng)確確定利率已定定而本金尚未未償付的那一一期利息期的的美元無法在在倫敦同業(yè)銀銀行市場上拆拆借到或(),在某一一確定利息期期,其原先規(guī)規(guī)定的利息,即即從倫敦同業(yè)業(yè)銀行拆借的的利息無法正正確反映銀行行的費用時,銀銀行應(yīng)在該計計算期生效第第一天之前至至少一個營業(yè)業(yè)日,以電傳傳、電報或電電話方式、將將銀行作出的的決定通知借借款人。在此此通知后的天天,銀行


34、息率或為獲獲得貸款而支支付的利息的的通知后,借借款人有權(quán)依依據(jù)47的的規(guī)定,將貸貸款和本票中中尚未支付的的本金的全部部(不是部分分),加上自自此預(yù)付日起起計算的利息息,一次性地地先行償付銀銀行。In the eventt thatt on aany daate onn whicch an Interrest RRate iis to be deetermiined ppursuaant too Secttion 22.4, ( I ) tthe Baank shhall ddetermmine tthat DDollarr depoosits in thhe priincipaal amoou

35、nt oof thee Notee to bbe outtstandding ffor thhe intterestt Periiod foor whiich suuch innteresst Ratte is to bee deteermineed aree not availlable to thhe Bannk in the LLondonn inteerbankk markket, oor ( III ) tthe Baank shhall ddetermmine tthat tthe offferedd ratee quottationns at whichh Dolllar dee

36、positts aree offeered iin thee Londdon innterbaank maarket do noot acccurateely reeflectt the cost fo thhe Bannk of makinng maiintainning tthe Looan foor succh intterestt periiod, tthe Baank shhall fforthwwith ggive nnoticee of ssuch ddetermminatiion too the Borroower, by teelex, teleggram oor cabbl

37、e att leasst onee Busiiness Day pprior to thhe firrst daay of any iintereest Peeriod so afffecteed. Duuring the tthirtyy () ddays nnext ssucceeeding the ddate oof anyy suchh notiice, tthe Baank annd thee Borrrower shalll enteer intto neggotiattions in goood faaith iin ordder too arriive att a muutua

38、llly accceptabble allternaative basiss (succh altternattive bbasis beingg hereeinaftter reeferreed to as thhe Suubstittute BBasis) forr fundding tthe Looan. IIf witthin tthe thhirty () daays foollowiing thhe datte of any ssuch nnoticee the Bank and tthe Boorroweer shaall aggree uupon aa Subsstitutte

39、 Bassis, ssuch SSubstiitute Basiss shalll be retrooactivve to and eeffecttive ffrom tthe fiirst dday off the then curreent Innteresst Perriod. If affter tthirtyy () ddays ffrom tthe daate off suchh notiice thhe Bannk andd the Borroower hhave ffailedd to aagree upon a Subbstituute Baasis, then the BB

40、ank sshall certiify inn writting tto thee Borrrower the iintereest raate orr ratees at whichh the Bank is prrepareed to make or maaintaiin thee Loann for such interrest PPeriodd, it beingg undeerstoood thaat thee Bankks innteresst ratte shaall bee a raate peer annnum eqqual tto onee and one-half per

41、ceent (%), abbove aa ratee whicch adeequateely annd faiirly rrefleccts thhe cosst to the BBank oof obttaininng thee fundds neccessarry to mainttain tthe Looan foor thee thenn currrent IIntereest Peeriod, such interrest rrate oor rattes too be rretroaactivee to aand efffectiive frrom thhe firrst daay

42、 of such interrest PPeriodd. Thee Bankk shalll furrnish to thhe Borrrowerr apprropriaate evvidencce esttablisshing the mmannerr in wwhich the BBank oobtainned suuch fuunds aand thhe cosst to the BBank oof obttaininng succh funnds. UUpon rreceippt of noticce of the iintereest raate orr ratees at whic

43、hh the Bank will make or maaintaiin thee Loann, thee Borrrower shalll havee the rightt to pprepayy in ffull (bbut noot in part),ppursuaant too the proviisionss of SSectioon 4. 7, thhe theen outtstandding pprinciipal aamountt of tthe Looan annd thee Notee, toggetherr withh inteerest accruued thherein

44、n to tthe daate off suchh preppaymennt.27過期未未付本金的利利息率Sectionn 2.7 Inteerest Rate on Ovverduee Prinncipall.在借款人未能償償還根據(jù)貸款款合同和本票票的規(guī)定應(yīng)償償還的款項時時,借款人應(yīng)應(yīng)根據(jù)要求向向本票持有人人支付利息,利利息從應(yīng)付款款日起計算,到到實際付款日日止。每一年年的利率以下下列中較高的的為準:(11)在借款人人未能按期償償付本息的利利息期的上一一利息率的基基礎(chǔ)上再加上上個百分點(),或()在借款人人未能償付之之日的同業(yè)銀銀行拆借市場場上的上午,主主要銀行所出出具的貸款利利率報價的基基

45、礎(chǔ)上再加個個百分點()。銀行應(yīng)應(yīng)以正確的書書面方式或電電傳通知借款款人確定的利利息。在不損損害本條規(guī)定定的銀行的權(quán)權(quán)利以及準據(jù)據(jù)法允許的前前提下,借款款人同意補償償銀行因為借借款人不及時時償還貸款或或本材料規(guī)定定的本金或利利息,或其他他費用,如銀銀行為遵守出出貸承諾或為為獲得貸款款款項而產(chǎn)生的的損失。為此此,銀行應(yīng)出出具一份標明明損失和費用用的證書。In the eventt of ffailurre by the BBorrowwer too pay when due (wwhetheer upoon staated mmaturiity . by acccelerrationn or oo

46、therwwise)aany paaymentts duee undeer thee Loann or tthe Noote, tthe Boorroweer shaall paay intterestt, to be paaid uppon deemand, to thhe hollder oof thee Notee on tthe unnpaid amounnts frrom thhe datte succh payymentss weree due to thhe datte of actuaal payyment, (befoore ass welll as aafter judgm

47、ment) for eeach dday att a raate peeranruum equual too the higheer of ( I )percent (%) above the Interest Rate applicabletotheLoanfortheInterestPeriodimmediately preceding the failure by the Borrower to pay or ( I )percent (%)above the rate at which Dollar deposits were offered by the Bank in the am

48、ount outstanding for a one month period to prime banks in the London interhank market as of. (time )on the date of such failure by the Borrower to pay and on the first Business Day of each succeeding one month period thereafter. The Bank shall give prompt written or telex notice to the Borrower of t

49、he Interest Rate in effect from time to time in accordance with the foregoing sentence. Without prejudice to the rights of the Bank under this Section and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Borrower agrees to compensate the Bank for any loss or expense which the Bank may sustain or incur

50、 as a consequence of the Failure by the Borrower to pay when due any portion of the principal of or interest accrued on the Loan or the Note, or any other amount payable hereunder, including but not limited to any amounts payable by the Bank in order to honor its Commitment or make or maintain the L

51、oan. A certificate of the Bank setting forth the basis for the determination of the amounts necessary to compensate the Bank as aforesaid in respect of such loss or expense shall be conclusive as to such determination and such amounts.28計算、終終局決定Sectionn 2.8 Compputatiion; DDetermminatiion Coonclussi

52、ve.所有償付的利息息以360天天為一年,按按實際用款天天數(shù)計算。銀銀行對每一期期利息率的確確定都對各當當事方有約束束力。All payymentss of iintereest shhall bbe commputedd on tthe baasis oof a yyear oof 3600 dayss for the aactuall numbber off dayss invoolved. Eachh deteerminaation of annyIntteresttRateebyttheBaankshhallbbeconnclusiiveannd binndingon thhe par

53、rties heretto ( ssave ffor maanifesst ariithmettic errror).29收入的的利用Sectionn 2.9Use oof prooceedss.(a)貸款收入入應(yīng)用作(確確定用途)。(a)The proceeeds oof thee Loann willl be uused tto finnance aspeecify purpoose.(b)銀行提示示借款人,借借款人確認其其了解根據(jù)美美國聯(lián)邦儲備備系統(tǒng)管理委委員會的政策策,國際貨款款只能資助美美國以外的非非美籍企業(yè)。借借款人確認貸貸款收入將只只被用于資助助美國以外的的業(yè)務(wù)。(b)The B

54、ank herebby nottifiess the Borroower, and tthe Boorroweer herreby aacknowwledgees thaat it underrstandds, thhat itt is tthe poolicy of thhe Boaard off Goveernorss of tthe Feederall Reseerve SSystemm of tthe Unnited Statees of Ameriica thhat exxtensiions oof creedit bby intternattionall bankking ffac

55、iliities may bbe useed onlly to finannce thhe nonn- Uniited SStatess operrationns of a cusstomerr locaated ooutsidde thee Unitted Sttates of Ammericaa. Thee Borrrower acknoowledgges thhat thhe prooceedss of tthe Looan wiill bee usedd soleely too finaance iits opperatiions ooutsidde thee Unitted Stta

56、tes of Ammericaa.第三條信用證Articlee 3Lettter oof Creedit31信用證證Sectionn 3.1Lettter off Creddit.為支持并擔保借借款人履行本本合同及本票票項下的義務(wù)務(wù),擔保人應(yīng)應(yīng)按照附錄22(保函”)的的格式向銀行行出具一份備備用信用證。該該保函的金額額應(yīng)為,且有有效期應(yīng)到償償付貸款日后后一個月的第第一天為止。The perrformaance bby thee Borrrower of itts oblligatiions hhereunnder aand unnder tthe Noote shhall bbe supppo

57、rteed andd guarranteeed by a staandby letteer of crediit isssued tto thee Bankk by tthe Guuaranttor inn the form of Exxhibitt B heereto (the Guarranty). Suuch Guuarantty shaall bee in tthe Ammount of annd shaall noot exppire pprior to thhe datte whiich iss one monthh afteer thee finaal insstallmment

58、 PPaymennt Datte.第四條付款A(yù)rticlee 4Payymentss41付款Sectionn 4.1 Paymment.根據(jù)合同和本票票的規(guī)定,借借款人對應(yīng)向向銀行償付的的貸款不得抵抵銷、反訴并并可自由兌換換,付款應(yīng)向向洛杉磯的貸貸款機構(gòu)支付付,不遲于當當?shù)貢r間(時時間)上午110:00。一一旦應(yīng)付款日日為非營業(yè)日日,則自動順順延到該日后后的第一個營營業(yè)日。在計計算利息和金金額時應(yīng)包括括這一日和下下一個營業(yè)日日。All payymentss madee by tthe Boorroweer undder thhis Aggreemeent orr the Note shalll

59、 be mmade tto thee Bankk withhout ssetofff or ccounteerclaiim andd in ffreelyy trannsferaable UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss no llater than 10:000 a.m.(timme) att CrocckerLLosAnngelessfortheaaccounntoftheLLendinng Offfice. Wheneever aany fuunds aare duue t bbe paiid on a dayy whicch is not aa Busiiness

60、Day,tthe daate foor thee makiing thhereoff shalll be extennded tto thee nextt succceedinng Bussinesss Day. Inteerest or anny othher ammountss due hereuunder shalll be ccomputted onn the basiss of tthe nuumber of daays ellapsedd untiil andd inclludingg suchh succceedinng Bussinesss Day.42以美元元付款的義務(wù)務(wù)Se


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