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1、Projectt Manaagemennt witth SAPP R/3Teachinng Matteriall for the DDeparttment ofProducttion MManageementVienna Univeersityy of EEconommics aandBusinesss AdmministtratioonAndreass MilddAlfred TaudeesV.1.0TOC o 1-31Introoductiion PAGEREF _Toc478467010 h 32Basiccs & KKeyworrds PAGEREF _Toc478467011 h 4

2、3Gettiing reeady ffor thhe worrkshopp PAGEREF _Toc478467012 h 74Case Studyy PAGEREF _Toc478467013 h 134.1Casse desscripttion PAGEREF _Toc478467014 h 134.2Datta forr Projject RRealizzationn PAGEREF _Toc478467015 h 145Plannning tthe prrojectt struucturee PAGEREF _Toc478467016 h 155.1Genneral PAGEREF _

3、Toc478467017 h 155.2Impplemenntatioon in SAP PAGEREF _Toc478467018 h 176Scheddulingg PAGEREF _Toc478467019 h 266.1Genneral PAGEREF _Toc478467020 h 266.2Bassic caalculaationss PAGEREF _Toc478467021 h 296.3Impplemenntatioon PAGEREF _Toc478467022 h 306.4Thee projject pplanniing booard PAGEREF _Toc47846

4、7023 h 417Cost plannning & Conttrolliing PAGEREF _Toc478467024 h 477.1Genneral PAGEREF _Toc478467025 h 477.2Impplemenntatioon PAGEREF _Toc478467026 h 488Lookiing upp the costss PAGEREF _Toc478467027 h 619Capaccity PPlanniing PAGEREF _Toc478467028 h 649.1Genneral PAGEREF _Toc478467029 h 649.2Imppleme

5、nntatioon in SAP PAGEREF _Toc478467030 h 6510Earnned Vaalue AAnalyssis PAGEREF _Toc478467031 h 6910.1Geenerall PAGEREF _Toc478467032 h 6910.1.1Measuuremennt tecchniquues PAGEREF _Toc478467033 h 6910.1.2Calcuulatioon of Earneed-Vallue annd Devviatioon Anaalysiss PAGEREF _Toc478467034 h 7310.1.3Aggree

6、gatioon PAGEREF _Toc478467035 h 7410.2Immplemeentatiion PAGEREF _Toc478467036 h 7411Execcutionn PAGEREF _Toc478467037 h 7711.1Immplemeentatiion PAGEREF _Toc478467038 h 7711.1.1Confiirmingg netwwork aactiviities PAGEREF _Toc478467039 h 7711.1.2Invoiices PAGEREF _Toc478467040 h 7911.1.3Materrial PAGER

7、EF _Toc478467041 h 8312Infoormatiion Syystem PAGEREF _Toc478467042 h 8612.1Immplemeentatiion PAGEREF _Toc478467043 h 8612.1.1Cost reporrts PAGEREF _Toc478467044 h 8612.1.2Earneed-Vallue Annalysiis PAGEREF _Toc478467045 h 9213Liteeraturre PAGEREF _Toc478467046 h 98IntroduuctionnThis sccript servees a

8、s a bassis foor thee workkshop Projject MManageement with SAP RR/3. This worksshop iis parrt of a serries oof SAPP-relaated wworkshhops wwhich are hheld bby thee Depaartmennt of Produuctionn Manaagemennt of the VViennaa Univversitty of Econoomics and BBusineess Addminisstratiion, hheadedd by PProf.

9、Dr. AAlfredd Tauddes. TThe woorkshoop wass deveelopedd by AAndreaas Milld. The goaal of this Projeect Maanagemment WWorkshhop iss thatt, aftter haaving attennded iit, eaach sttudentt shouuld bee famiiliar with the ttheoreeticall backkgrounnds annd be able to pllan annd conntrol a prooject. The proje

10、ect maanagerr has the ttask oof enssuringg thatt the projeect iss execcuted efficcientlly, onn timee, andd withhin thhe buddget - whicch he/she aachievves byy makiing ceertainn thatt the requiired rresourrces aand fuunds aare avvailabble whhen neeeded. Everry stuudent shoulld theen be able to puut h

11、iss/her SAP kknowleedge iinto aactionn.To makee the contiinuouss imprrovemeent off thiss scriipt poossiblle, pllease reporrt misstakess founnd or ideass for furthher deeveloppment to ddwu-wwien.aac.at.Basics & KeyywordssSAP R/33 is aan inttegratted annd inddustryy-indeependeent sttandarrd sofftwaree

12、 whicch covvers, integgratess and conneects aall fuunctioonal aareas in a businness. SAP AAG deffines integgratioon as defiined ccommunnicatiion. AFOS (Hrsg.) SAP Arbeit, Management. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1996 p.59 Althoough RR/3 iss desiigned for ccompleete inntegraation, it ccan allso bee usedd f

13、or a couuple oof bussinesss areaas. Computerwelt No. 13 of 13. 3. 1998, p. 20 AFOS (Hrsg.) SAP Arbeit, Management. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1996 p.59 Computerwelt No. 13 of 13. 3. 1998, p. 20SAP is the aabbrevviatioon forr “Systteme, Anwenndungeen, Prroduktte”, tthe Geerman wordss for “Systtems, Appli

14、icatioons, PProduccts”. AFOS (Hrsg.) SAP Arbeit, Management. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1996 p. 59 AFOS (Hrsg.) SAP Arbeit, Management. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1996 p. 59Informaation aboutt the compaany caan be foundd at: http:/.Projectts aree taskks witth speecial charaacteriisticss. Atttributtes off a

15、pprojecct aree the folloowing issuees:complexxity, non-rrepetiitivitty, hiigh riiskdetaileed goaals too be aachievvedtime reestricctionsshigh coost annd cappital expennditurrequalityy requuiremeentsoften sstrateegic ssignifficancceTo be aable tto plaan, moonitorr, conntrol, and carryy out a prooject

16、 as a wholee, thee projject ggoals must be prreciseely deescribbed annd thee actiivitiees to be peerformmed haave too be sstructtured. A projeect caan be descrribed as foollowss:accordiing too how it iss orgaanizedd, i.ee. by explaainingg the projeect sttructuure,accordiing too the proceesses involl

17、ved.A projeect sttarts out aas a sstatemment oof worrk whiich iss eithher a writtten deescripption of thhe objjectivves too be aachievved annd thee desiired rrough scheddule llike sstart and eend daates. In thhe desscripttion oone coould iincludde alsso perrformaance mmetriccs andd budgget coonstraa

18、ints.A projeect iss furtther ssubdivvided into meaniingfull piecces, rreferrred too as ttasks. Taskks takke usuually less than a feww montths. TThe taask caan be furthher suubdiviided iinto ssubtassks.A work packaage caan be definned ass “a ggroup of acctivitties ccombinned too be aassignnable to a

19、singlle orgganizaationaal uniit.” Chase R./Aquilano N./Jacobs R. Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services, p.48 Chase R./Aquilano N./Jacobs R. Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services, p.48The prooject taskss, subbtaskss, andd workk packkages are bbrou

20、ghht intto a hhierarrchy bby deffiningg a woork brreakdoown sttructuure.The inddividuual ellementts reppresennt acttivitiies wiithin the wwork bbreakddown sstructture aand arre callled wwork bbreakddown sstructture eelemennts (WWBS ellementts). WBS eleementss can be:taskspartiall taskks whiich arre

21、subbdividded fuurtherrwork paackageesWBS cann be sstructtured accorrding toobjectfunctioonphaseWhich kkind oof strructurring iis useed deppends on thhe foccus off the projeect. OObjectts oriientattion iis oftten ussed, iif thee mainn partt of tthe prrojectt is aa physsical objecct likke a ppower pla

22、ntt. Funnctionnal orrganissationn is ppreferrred, if maany diiffereent paarts oof an organnisatiion orr manyy orgaanisattions are iinvolvved.In pracctice, all threee kindds of struccturinng aree usedd withhin onne WBSS.“Projecct Mannagemeent caan be definned ass plannning, direectingg, andd conttrol

23、liing reesourcces (ppeoplee, equuipmennt, maateriaal) too meett the technnical, costt and time consttraintts of the pprojecct.” Chase R./Aquilano N./Jacobs R. Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services, p.48 Thee primmary rreasonn why projeects ffail iis inssufficcient efforrt

24、in the pplanniing phhase. Chase R./Aquilano N./Jacobs R. Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services p. 69 Projeect Maanagemment tthus iis connsiderred ass veryy impoortantt. Chase R./Aquilano N./Jacobs R. Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services, p.48 Ch

25、ase R./Aquilano N./Jacobs R. Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services p. 69The SAPP Projject SSystemm enabbles cclose and cconstaant moonitorring oof alll aspeects oof a pprojecct by havinng connstantt acceess too dataa in aall thhe deppartmeents iinvolvved.Projectt manaageme

26、nnt cann be ssubdivvided into projeect pllanninng, i.e. thhe tassk whiich wiill bee undeertakeen beffore tthe prrojectt starrts, aand prrojectt conttrolliing duuring the iimplemmentattion oof thee projject.PPlanniing muust inncludee:organizzationn seerviceeprocesss daatescostscapacittyThere aare maa

27、ny poossiblle prooject goalss suchh as, for eexamplle, too reallize aa posiitive net ppresennt vallue, tto achhieve a higgh impputed interrest, to miinimizze cossts, tto covver coosts, to maaximizze grooss prrofit, or ssimplyy to ffinishh as eearly as poossiblle. Hooweverr, it is immportaant, tthat

28、ggoals are ddefineed opeeratioonallyy, thaait iss whenn it iis posssiblee to mmeasurre to whichh exteent thhe goaal hass beenn achiieved. The prooject managger brreaks the pprojecct dowwn intto a sset off actiivitiees. Thhen hee alsoo defiines tthe reelatioonshipps amoong thhese aactiviities. The ou

29、tcoome iss a guuideliine reegardiing thhe acttivitiies thhat caan be perfoormed in paaralleel andd thosse thaat havve to be doone inn a seequenttial oorder. Thiss taskk is ddone vvia pllanninng by netwoork.Now, thhere aare acctivitties tthat rrequirre cappacitiies annd ressourcees likke perrsonneel

30、andd mateerial. Suchh resoourcess are limitted annd theese reequireementss havee to bbe connsiderred inn ordeer to be abble too deveelop aa feassible, sounnd plaan. Innformaation from otherr moduules aas e.gg. thee mateerial plannning mmodulee is rrequirred.The sysstem ccalcullates the mmateriial re

31、equireementss for each step of thhe prooject and oorganiizes tthat mmateriials aare boought in tiime too avoiid dellays. When purchhasingg mateerial, the systeem takkes innto acccountt ordeer sizzes, iinventtory ppoliciies ass welll as oother inforrmatioon. To preppare tthe fiinanciial sttatemeents,

32、 the vvalue of woork inn proggress (inclludingg projject wwork) has tto be calcuulatedd. Thiis alsso reqquiress inteeractiion off somee R/3 modulles.Thus, tthe syystem needss infoormatiion frrom alll bussinesss areaas simmultanneouslly. Annd thiis is exacttly whhat inntegraation does.The prooject mo

33、dulle is part of thhe inttegratted coonceptt of SSAP R/3 proovidinng intterfacces too otheer moddules like Accouuntingg, Disstribuution, Mateerial Managgementt and Produuctionn Plannning and CControol. Eaach arrea wiithin the oorganiizatioon hass its own sstructture aand itts ownn vieww of tthe prro

34、jectt, butt dataa has to bee enteered oonly oonce.Gettingg readdy forr the worksshop This chhapterr provvides inforrmatioon on the ffirst use oof thee systtem. Loggingg on RR/3Loggingg offSAP R/33 is aa clieent/seerver appliicatioon. Thherefoore, yyou haave too canccel thhe connnectiion wiith thhe s

35、errver bby tellling it thhat yoou wannt to log ooff. Create SessiionOften iit is usefuul to open more screeens. YYou caan do this by crreatinng a nnew seessionn, likke a nnew doocumennt in a worrd proocessoor.SAP HellpIf you want to geet somme bassic innformaation aboutt a sppecifiic fieeld, ffocus

36、this fieldd withh yourr mousse andd presss .Thee diallog boox inddicatees whaat thee fielld is for. Somettimes even depenndenciies arre expplaineed.Match ccodesMatch ccodes are uusefull for findiing daata, bbecausse it is diifficuult too knoww/remeember the iidentiificattion nnumberr of aa linee pos

37、iition such as a materrial.Examplee:You wannt to edit the mmateriial maaster of a materrial. You ddont know the nnumberr, butt you know that the mmateriial deescripption startts witth sommethinng likke “PMM_”If you presss F4 yyou geet a ssearchh-maskk wherre youu are able to seearch with wildccardsA

38、fter hhavingg presssed EEnter you gget a list with the ssearchh resuults.Then yoou cann seleect onne matteriall, youu can sort oor canncel. Transacction CodessThe folllowinng scrreen wwill bbe oftten ussed duuring the wworkshhop. TThus, we caan usee Trannsactiion Coodes ffor faaster accesss.Then see

39、lect Struccture plannning Channge Prrojectt.Now, wee wantt to “bbookmaark” tthis sscreenn.So, we look up thhe traansacttion ccode.The staatus ddialogg box openss:Here wee see a lott of iinformmationn conccerninng impportannt rellevantt techhnicall detaails.Whereveer youu findd yourrself in thhe syss

40、tem, you ccan geet to this screeen by enterring CCJ20 in thhe Traansacttion sscreenn.Let us refinne thiis a llittlee bit. If yyou haave seeverall trannsactiion coodes, you mmay geet connfusedd. Keyy in tthe appproprriate transsactioon codde andd the commeent eddit prrojectt struucturee.Then, iif you

41、u openn the comboo box of thhe traansacttion ccodes afterr haviing ennteredd moree codees, yoou willl finnd thee apprropriaate onne .The Staandardd ToollbarIn manyy screeens yyou wiill fiind thhe staandardd toollbar.Save buuttonWhen yoou preess thhe savve buttton, the ssystemm alsoo valiidatess your

42、r inpuut. Iff therre wass an eerror, you have to coorrectt the errorr firsst,beffore yyou caan prooceed.Back buuttonIf you clickk the back bbuttonn you returrn to the pprevioous sccreen withoout saaving your data. HelpEnter bbuttonnWhen yoou havve finnishedd enteering inforrmatioon on a scrreen, you

43、 ppress the EEnter buttoon whiich peerformms thee samee funcction as prressinng thee Enteer keyy.Exit buuttonPress iit, iff you want to leeave tthe cuurrentt appllicatiion too go bback tto thee prevvious menuee.Cancel buttoonClick oon thiis buttton tto exiit thee currrent ttask wwithouut savving. Th

44、e CCancell buttton peerformms thee samee funcction as Caancel in thhe Ediit mennu.Print bbuttonn Paging keysFind/Fiind neext buuttonClick oon thiis buttton, if yoou wannt to perfoorm a searcch forr dataa requuired in thhe scrreen yyou arre currrentlly worrking in. Case SttudyCase deescripptionThis c

45、aase waas devvelopeed in orderr to ddemonsstratee the projeect syystem of SAAP R/33 . Alll priices aand daata arre purre ficction and hheld vvery ssimplee.The objject oof thee projject iis thee speccificaation and iinstalllatioon of an ellevatoor.Physicaally, the EElevattor coonsistts of a cabinnean

46、 engiinemechaniical ppartsa contrrol unnitIn the coursse of the pprojecct, thhese pparts must be coonstruucted, proccured and aassembbled.At the end, an exxternaal insspectiion off the entirre sysstem iis preescribbed.The prooject must be fiinisheed by 30.6.2000.The commpany consiists oof twoo workk

47、 centters:Developpment (PROJJ-RD)Installlationn (PROOJ-INSS)Specifiicatioon acttivitiies arre perrformeed by the DDeveloopmentt depaartmennt. Prrocureement activvitiess willl be ddone ooutsidde thee projject oorganiisatioon, annd neiither cost nor ccapaciity coonsideeratioons arre plaanned withiin a

48、 pprojecct forr proccuremeent. IInstalllatioon is done by thhe Insstallaation deparrtmentt. In partticulaar, thhe acttivitiies arre as folloows:ActivittyDuratioonWorkWork-ceenterSpecifiicatioon of the ccabinee1020DeveloppmentSpecifiicatioon of the eenginee1010DeveloppmentSpecifiicatioon of mechaanic

49、all partts2010DeveloppmentSpecifiicatioon of the ccontrool uniit210DeveloppmentProcureement of thhe cabbine20Procureement of thhe enggine50Procureement of meechaniical pparts10Procureement of thhe conntrol unit10Installlationn I15100InstalllationnInstalllationn II20100InstalllationnExternaal Insspec

50、tiion1externaal, 800.000Specifiicatioon acttivitiies caan be perfoormed in a conseecutivve ordder onnly. SSpecifficatiion sttarts with the ccabinee. Aftter coomplettion, the sspecifficatiion off the enginne cann be ddone. Then, the mechaanicall partts cann be ddesignned. TThe laast acctivitty is the

51、 ddesignn of tthe coontroll unitt.After tthe coomplettion oof eacch speecificcationn actiivity, the procuuremennt of the sspeciffic ittem caan be effeccted.After tthe prrocureement of alll parrts thhe Insstallaation can sstart and mmust bbe donne in two cconseccutivee stepps (I + II).The finnal acct

52、ivitty of the pprojecct is exterrnal iinspecction.A 10% pplanniing reeservee on tthe baaisis of pllannedd costt is rrequirred. NNo acttual ccost sshouldd be ppostedd to tthis WWBS ellementt.Corresppondinng matterialls asssignedd to tthe puurchassing aactiviitiesParametters ffr Eaarned-Valuee Anallys

53、isAll speecificcationn actiivitiees andd Insttallattion III usee the 20-800 Methhod foor perrformaance mmeasurrementt. Proocuremment aactiviities use 00100 methood.Installlationn I haas 3 mmilesttones, viz. Prepparatiion fiinisheed (200%), IInstalllatioon finnishedd (80%), Quualityy checcked (100%).

54、Data foor Prooject RealiizatioonActivittyStartEndWorkSpecifiicatioon of the ccabinee24.1.2000004.2.2000020Specifiicatioon of the eenginee07.2.2000005.3.2000030Specifiicatioon of mechaanicall partts06.3.2000022.3.2000020Specifiicatioon of the ccontrool uniitProcureement of thhe cabbine06.3.2000006.3.

55、20000Procureement of thhe enggine07.3.2000007.3.20000Procureement of meechaniical pparts08.3.2000008.3.20000Procureement of thhe conntrol unit09.3.2000009.3.20000Installlationn IInstalllationn IIExternaal InsspectiionExternaal insspectiion haad to be paaid inn advaance aat 3.22.20000 (1000000 AATS).

56、All matteriall was takenn fromm stocck at givenn timee.Planninng thee projject sstructtureGenerallEach prrojectt starrts wiith thhe deffinitiion annd claassifiicatioon of the sstructtures requiired ffor prrocesssing aand thhe inccorporrationn of tthese into the eexistiing ennterprrise sstructture.Th

57、e Prooject Systeem hass no oorganiizatioonal sstructtures of itts ownn; it has tto be incorrporatted innto thhe exiistingg struucturee by mmakingg assiignmennts too the organnizatiional unitss in AAccounnting and LLogisttics. SAP Online Documentation IDES Release 4.0B SAP Online Documentation IDES R

58、elease 4.0BAfter tthat, the pprojecct is brokeen dowwn intto meaaningfful piieces in a hieraarchy reachhing ffrom ttasks to thhe lowwest llevel, the work packaages.Datastrructurre in SAP As menttionedd abovve, thhe prooject must be inncorpooratedd intoo the existting sstructture bby asssigninng orga

59、nnizatiional unitss in AAccounnting and LLogisttics.Source: SAP Onlinne Doccumenttationn IDESS Releease 44.0BThis chhart pproviddes ann overrview of whhat caan be assiggned tto a pprojecct andd its compoonentss. We will definne thee SAP vocabbularyy lateer on.The worrk-breeakdowwn-strructurre (WBBS)

60、 deefiness the hieraarchy of thhe tassks wiithin a prooject and ddividees thee projject iinto uusefull stepps.To conttrol ccosts assiggned tto WBSS elemments, operrativee indiicatorrs aree usedd.The folllowinng opeerativve inddicatoors caan be assiggned tto a WWBS ellementt:PlanninngWBS eleementss f


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