1、高盛財(cái)經(jīng)詞典 - 漢英對(duì)照0-9中文詞句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons144A 條例例Rule 1444AAn SEC rule that modiffied aa two-year holdiing peeriod requiiremennt on privaately placeed seccuritiies byy permmittinng Quaalifieed Insstituttionall Buyeers (QQIBs) to trrade tthese posittions amongg themmselvees. 18定律Rule off 18A
2、 rule whereeby thhe summ of tthe innflatiion raate annd thee P/E ratioo of tthe Doow Jonnes Inndustrrial AAveragge is an inndicattor off the direcction of thhe stoock maarket. If tthe tootal iis aboove 188, stoocks aare suupposeed to decreease. If thhe tottal iss undeer 18, thenn the stockk ma1940年投
3、資資公司法Investmment CCompanny Actt of 11940Createdd in 11940 tthrouggh an act oof Conngresss, thiis pieece off legiislatiion cllearlyy defiines tthe reesponssibiliities and llimitaationss placced uppon fuund coompaniies thhat offfer iinvesttment produucts tto thee publlic.72定律Rule off 72A rule statiing
4、 thhat inn ordeer to find the nnumberr of yyears requiired tto douuble yyour mmoney at a givenn inteerest rate, you dividde thee comppound returrn intto 72. The resullt is the aapproxximatee numbber off yearrs thaat it will take for yyour iinvesttment to doouble.A-Z中文詞句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons
5、APICS(美美國(guó)生產(chǎn)及庫(kù)庫(kù)存控制協(xié)議議)商業(yè)前景景指數(shù) APICS BBusineess Ouutlookk Indeex A natioonal mmanufaacturiing inndex tthat ssurveyys sevveral manuffacturring ffirms on a monthhly baasis. If thhe inddex iss abovve 50 it siignalss expaansionn, if it diips beelow 550 it indiccates contrractioon.CAMELS評(píng)評(píng)級(jí)制度 CAMELS Ratinn
6、g Sysstem An inteernatiional bank-ratinng sysstem wwith wwhich bank superrvisorry autthoritties rrate iinstittutionns acccordinng to six ffactorrs. Thhe sixx areaas exaaminedd are repreesenteed by the aacronyym CAAMELS. CEDEL CEDEL One of two pprinciipal ccleariing hoouses for EEuromaarket securriti
7、ess. Nottice tthat tthe foormulaa may also be wrrittenn as: accouunts ppayablle / (cost of saales/nnumberr of ddays). Notiice thhat thhe forrmula may aalso bbe wriitten as: aaccounnts reeceivaable / (creedit ssales/numbeer of days). Net Opeeratinng Inccome Tottal Deebt Seervicee Net Inccome Shaareho
8、llderss EquiityThe ROEE is uusefull in ccomparring tthe prrofitaabilitty of a commpany to otther ffirms in thhe samme inddustryy. Callculatted ass totaal taxx paidd diviided bby taxxable incomme. 2. In tthe caase off fixeed inccome, a bonnd witth a rratingg of BBBB orr highher. OOperatting ccash ffl
9、ow iis callculatted thhroughh a seeries of addjustmments to neet inccome. It caan be foundd on tthe sttatemeent off cashh flowws. ? 2. Thhe diffferennce beetweenn the swap rate and tthe leendingg ratee offeered tthrouggh othher innvestmment vvehiclles wiith coomparaable ccharaccterisstics. GDP平減數(shù) GD
10、P Defflatorr An econnomic metriic useed to accouunt foor infflatioon by conveertingg outpput meeasureed at curreent prrices into consttant-ddollarr GDP. The GDP ddeflattor shhows hhow muuch a changge in the bbase yyearss GDP reliees upoon chaanges in thhe priice leevel. GDP差距 GDP Gapp The saccrificc
11、ed ouutput withiin a ccountrrys eeconommy duee to tthe faailuree to ccreatee suffficiennt jobbs forr all thosee willling tto worrk. H股 H-Sharees A sharee of aa Chinnese ccompanny lissted oon thee Hongg Kongg Stocck Excchangee. 一劃中文詞句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons一次性償還Bullet RepayymentA singlle payym
12、ent for aan enttire lloan aamountt thatt is ppaid aat matturityy. 一次總付分配Lump Suum DisstribuutionA one ttime ppaymennt forr the entirre amoount ddue, rratherr thann breaaking paymeents iinto ssmalleer insstallmments. Somee lumpp-sum distrributiions rreceivve speecial tax ttreatmment.一級(jí)資本Tier 1 Capitt
13、alA term used to deescribbe thee capiital aadequaacy off a baank. TTier II capiital iis corre cappital, thiss inclludes equitty cappital and ddiscloosed rreservves.一般義務(wù)債券Generall Obliigatioon BonndA municcipal bond backeed by the ccreditt and taxiing poower of thhe isssuing jurissdictiion, rratherr
14、thann the revennue frrom a givenn projject. 一般折舊制度Generall Deprreciattion SSystemmThe mosst commmonlyy usedd systtem foor callculatting ddeprecciatioon. Peersonaal proopertyy is ddeprecciatedd usinng thee declliningg-balaance mmethodd, whiich innvolvees appplyingg the depreeciatiion raate aggainstt
15、the undeppreciaated bbalancce.二劃中文詞句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons七大工業(yè)國(guó)Group oof Sevven (GG-7)Seven oof thee worllds lleadinng couuntriees thaat meeet perriodiccally to acchievee a coooperaative efforrt on interrnatioonal eeconommic annd monnetaryy issuues.七大工業(yè)國(guó)G-7Seven oof thee worllds lleadinng co
16、uuntriees thaat meeet perriodiccally to acchievee a coooperaative efforrt on interrnatioonal eeconommic annd monnetaryy issuues.二級(jí)市場(chǎng)Secondaary MaarketA markeet in whichh an iinvesttor puurchasses ann asseet froom anoother invesstor, ratheer thaan an issuiing coorporaation.二級(jí)發(fā)行Secondaary OffferinngA
17、sale of seecuritties iin whiich onne or more majorr stocckholdders iin a ccompanny selll alll or aa largge porrtion of thheir hholdinngs. TThe unnderwrritingg procceeds are ppaid tto thee stocckholdders, ratheer thaan to the ccorporrationn.人壽保險(xiǎn)Life InnsurannceA proteectionn agaiinst tthe loost innco
18、me that wouldd resuult iff the insurred weere too passs awayy. Thee nameed benneficiiary rreceivves thhe prooceedss and is thherebyy safeeguardded frrom fiinanciial immpactss of tthe deeath oof thee insuured.二級(jí)資本Tier 2 CapittalA term used to deescribbe thee capiital aadequaacy off a baank. TTier III
19、 cappital is seecondaary baank caapitall thatt inclludes itemss suchh as uundiscclosedd reseerves, geneeral lloss rreservves, ssuborddinateed terrm debbt, annd morre.三劃中文詞句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons個(gè)人收入Personaal InccomeAn indiividuaals ttotal earniings ccomingg fromm wagees, buusinesss entterpri
20、ises, and vvariouus invvestmeents.個(gè)人消費(fèi)開(kāi)支PCESimilarr to CCPI, PPCE iss a reeport (actuually a parrt of the ppersonnal inncome reporrt) puut outt by tthe Buureau of Ecconomiic Anaalysiss of tthe Deepartmment oof Commmercee. PCEE is aa meassure oof priice chhangess in cconsummer gooods aand seervicees.
21、 Itt conssists of thhe acttual aand immputedd expeendituures oof houusehollds, aand inncludees datta perrtainiing too duraables, non-durabbles, and sservicces.個(gè)人理財(cái)Personaal FinnanceFinanciial pllanninng forr indiividuaals. GGeneraally, it innvolvees anaalyzinng theeir cuurrentt finaanciall posiition
22、, preddictinng shoort-teerm annd lonng-terrm neeeds, aand reecommeendingg a fiinanciial sttrateggy. Thhis maay invvolve advicce on pensiions, schoool feees, moortgagges, llife iinsuraance, and iinvesttmentss.子公司、附屬公公司SubsidiiaryA compaany owwned bby anoother compaany thhat coontrolls morre thaan 50%
23、 of iits vooting stockk. 上市公司Public CompaanyA compaany thhat haas isssued ssecuriities throuugh ann offeering whichh are now ttradedd on tthe oppen maarket. 上市證券Listed SecurritySecuritties tthat hhave bbeen aacceptted foor traading purpooses bby a rrecognnized and rregulaated eexchannge.已充分反映實(shí)值值Full
24、y VValueddA stockk thatt has reachhed a pricee thatt accuuratelly refflectss the strenngth oof thee comppany. 已動(dòng)用資本回報(bào)報(bào)率Return On Caapitall Emplloyed (ROCEE)A ratioo thatt indiicatess the efficciencyy and profiitabillity oof a ccompannys ccapitaal invvestmeents. Calcuulatedd as: Earninggs beffore iin
25、tereest annd taxx (EBIIT) (Cappital emplooyed + Shorrt terrm borrrowinngs - Intanngiblee asseets) 已動(dòng)用資本回報(bào)報(bào)率ROCE A ratioo thatt indiicatess the efficciencyy and profiitabillity oof a ccompannys ccapitaal invvestmeents. Calcuulatedd as: Earninggs beffore iintereest annd taxx (EBIIT) (Cappital emplooye
26、d + Shorrt terrm borrrowinngs - Intanngiblee asseets) 已發(fā)行股票Shares OutsttandinngThe nummber oof shaares tthat aare cuurrenttly owwned bby invvestorrs. Thhis inncludees resstrictted shhares (sharres owwned bby thee comppanyss offiicers and iinsideers) aand shhares held by thhe pubblic. Sharees thaat t
27、hee comppany hhas reepurchhased are nnot coonsideered ooutstaandingg stocck.大宗交易Block TTradeThe salle or purchhase oof a llarge quanttity oof seccuritiies. 廣泛基礎(chǔ)加權(quán)平平均Broad-BBased Weighhted AAveraggeAn antii-diluution proviision used for tthe beenefitt of eexistiing prreferrred shharehoolderss whenn a
28、ddiitionaal offferinggs aree madee by tthe coorporaation. The broadd-baseed weiightedd averrage aaccounnts foor alll equiity prreviouusly iissuedd and curreently underrgoingg issuue.廣泛基礎(chǔ)指數(shù)Broad-BBase IIndexAn indeex dessignedd to rreflecct thee moveement of thhe enttire mmarkett. 下調(diào)評(píng)級(jí)DowngraadeA neg
29、attive cchangee in tthe raating of a securrity. 子彈式交易Bullet TradeeThe actt of ppurchaasing an iin thee moneey puut opttion sso thaat thee buyeer cann capiitalizze on a beaar marrket bby efffectivvely sshortiing a stockk withhout wwaitinng forr an uuptickk.已售商品成本COGSAn expeense tthat rrefleccts thhe
30、cosst of the pproducct or good that generrates revennue foor a ccompanny. Soometimmes reeferreed to as CCost oof Salles.已售商品成本Cost off Goodds Solld (COOGS)An expeense tthat rrefleccts thhe cosst of the pproducct or good that generrates revennue foor a ccompanny. Soometimmes reeferreed to as CCost oo
31、f Salles.下游DownstrreamRefers to oiil andd gas operaationss afteer thee prodductioon phaase annd thrrough to thhe poiint off salee. 已解除債務(wù)的破破產(chǎn)人Discharrge inn BankkruptccyWhen a bankrrupt ppersonn or ccompanny is legallly frree annd cleear off any obliggationn to rrepay certaain deebts. 已繳資本Paid-Upp Ca
32、piitalThe staate off a seettlemment wwhen aall paaymentt obliigatioons foor a ssecuriity haas beeen commpleteed. 兀鷲投資者Vulturee CapiitalisstA slangg wordd for a vennture capittalistt who depriives aan invventorr of ccontrool oveer theeir owwn innnovatiions aand moost off the moneyy theyy shouuld haav
33、e maade frrom thhe invventioon. A ventuure caapitallist wwho innvestss in ffloundderingg firmms in the hhopes that they will turn arounnd. 兀鷲基金Vulturee FunddA fund that buys securritiess in ddistreessed invesstmentts, suuch ass highh-yielld bonnds inn (or near) defaault oor equuitiess thatt are in (
34、oor neaar) baankrupptcy. 四劃中文詞句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons五大工業(yè)國(guó)G-5Five off the worldds leeadingg counntriess thatt meett periiodicaally tto achhieve a coooperattive eeffortt on iinternnationnal ecconomiic andd moneetary issuees. 五大工業(yè)國(guó)Group oof Fivve (G-5)Five off the worldds leeadingg counntriess
35、 thatt meett periiodicaally tto achhieve a coooperattive eeffortt on iinternnationnal ecconomiic andd moneetary issuees. 公開(kāi)上市Going PPubliccThe proocess of seellingg sharres thhat weere foormerlly priivatelly-helld to new iinvesttors ffor thhe firrst tiime.開(kāi)支比率Expensee RatiioThe perrcentaage off the
36、assetts thaat werre speent too run a muttual ffund. It inncludees thiings llike mmanageement and aadvisoory feees, ttravell costts, annd 12bb-1 feees. TThe exxpensee ratiio doees nott incllude bbrokerrage ccosts for ttradinng thee porttfolioo.公開(kāi)市場(chǎng)委員會(huì)會(huì)Federall Openn Markket Coommitttee (FFOMC)The bod
37、dy thaat setts thee inteerest rate and ccreditt poliicies of thhe Fedderal Reserrve Syystem.公開(kāi)市場(chǎng)委員會(huì)會(huì)FOMCThe boddy thaat setts thee inteerest rate and ccreditt poliicies of thhe Fedderal Reserrve Syystem.日歷年Calendaar YeaarThe yeaar thaat beggins JJanuarry 1 aand ennds Deecembeer 31公開(kāi)發(fā)行價(jià)值Public Offerr
38、ing PPrice (POP)The priice att whicch neww issuues arre offfered to thhe pubblic bby an underrwriteer公開(kāi)說(shuō)明書(shū)ProspecctusA formaal leggal doocumennt desscribiing deetailss of aa corpporatiion. TThe prrospecctus iis gennerallly creeated for aa propposed offerring (usuallly ann IPO), butt theyy can stilll
39、 be oobtainned frrom exxistinng bussinessses ass welll. Thee prosspectuus inccludess comppany ffacts that are vvitallly impportannt to potenntial invesstors. In thiss casee of mmutuall fundds, a prosppectuss desccribess the funds objjectivves, hhistorry, maanagerr backkgrounnd, annd finnanciaal staa
40、temennts. 公開(kāi)說(shuō)明書(shū)定稿稿Final PProspeectusA legall docuument statiing thhe priice off a neewly iissuedd secuurity, the delivvery ddate, and oother factss thatt are imporrtant for iinvesttors.公開(kāi)資產(chǎn)Public Assets that can bbe traaded iin a ppublicc markket, ssuch aas thee stocck marrket. 無(wú)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)回報(bào)率Risk Frree Raat
41、e off RetuurnThe quooted rrate oon an assett thatt has virtuually no riisk. 無(wú)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資產(chǎn)Risk-Frree AsssetAn asseet whiich haas a ccertaiin futture rreturnn. Treeasuriies (eespeciially T-billls) aare coonsideered tto be risk-free becauuse thhey arre baccked bby thee U.S. goveernmennt. 公開(kāi)流通股票FloatThe tottal
42、nuumber of shhares publiicly oowned and aavailaable ffor trradingg. Thee floaat is calcuulatedd by ssubtraactingg resttricteed shaares ffrom ooutstaandingg sharres.今天最低Todayss LowThe inttra-daay loww tradding pprice. 今天最高Todayss HighhThe inttra-daay higgh traading pricee.開(kāi)支ExpenseeMoney sspent by a
43、firm to coontinuue itss ongooing ooperattions. Money sspent or coosts iincurrred thhat arre dedductibble annd redduce yyour ttaxablle inccome. 公司化、非共同同化DemutuaalizattionThe proocess of chhanginng corrporatte strructurre froom a mmutuall fundd comppany tto somme othher foorm, ssuch aas a llimiteed li
44、aabilitty or corpooratioon.公司、企業(yè)CorporaationThe mosst commmon fform oof bussinesss orgaanizattion. The ttotal worthh of tthe orrganizzationn is ddivideed intto shaares oof stoock, eeach rrepressentinng a uunit oof ownnershiip. A corpooratioon is ongoiing annd thee owneers faace onnly liimitedd liabb
45、ilityy. 不可買(mǎi)回Non-Calllablee Securitties tthat ccannott be ccalledd by tthe isssuer priorr to mmaturiity.公平交易Arms Leength TranssactioonWhen thhe buyyers aand seellerss of aa prodduct aact inndepenndentlly of each otherr and have no reelatioonshipp to eeach oother. 公平價(jià)值Fair VaalueThe esttimateed vallue
46、 off all assetts andd liabbilitiies off an aacquirred coompanyy usedd to cconsollidatee the finanncial stateementss of bboth ccompannies. In the futurres maarket, fairr valuue is the eequiliibriumm pricce forr a fuuturess conttract. Thiss is eequal to thhe spoot priice affter ttakingg intoo accoount
47、 ccompouunded interrest (and ddivideends llost bbecausse thee inveestor owns the ffuturees conntractt rathher thhan thhe phyysicall stoccks) oover aa certtain pperiodd of ttime. 水平價(jià)差Horizonntal SSpreaddAn optiions sstrateegy innvolviing thhe simmultanneous purchhase aand saale off two optioons off t
48、he same type, haviing thhe samme strrike pprice, but diffeerent expirrationn datees.無(wú)對(duì)沖黃金股票票指數(shù)BUGS InndexShort ffor bbaskett of uun-heddged ggold sstockss, thhe BUGGS inddex iss the AMEXs inddex meeasuriing goold coompaniies thhat doo not hedgee theiir golld prooductiion beeyond a yeaar andd a haalf
49、.無(wú)記名票據(jù)Floaterr A bond, or ssome oother type of deebt, wwhose coupoon ratte chaanges with markeet connditioons (sshort term interrest rrates). 不可抗力Force MMajeurreLiterallly trranslaated aas grreat fforce, thiis claause iis inccludedd in ccontraacts tto remmove lliabillity ffor unnforesseen eeventss r
50、esttrictiing paarticiipantss fromm fulffillinng oblligatiions.雙頭壟斷DuopolyyA situaation in whhich ttwo coompaniies owwn alll or nnearlyy all of thhe marrket ffor a givenn typee of pproducct or serviice. 開(kāi)市前交易Pre-Marrket TTradinngTradingg donee befoore thhe reggular markeet opeens. 公司債券Debentuure An u
51、nseecuredd debtt backked onnly byy the crediit worrthineess off the borroower. Theree is nno colllaterral, aand thhe agrreemennt is docummentedd by aan inddenturre. 中央銀行Centrall BankkA bank proviiding serviices ffor a counttrys goverrnmentt and majorr commmerciaal bannks.公司稅Corporaate TaaxA levy pla
52、ceed on the pprofitt of aa firmm; diffferennt rattes arre useed forr diffferentt leveels off proffits.公平意見(jiàn)Fairnesss OpiinionAn opinnion ddevelooped bby quaalifieed anaalystss or aadvisoors wiith thhe purrpose of prrovidiing keey dettails and ffactuaal prooof too the decission mmakerss of aa mergger
53、orr acquuisitiion.牛市Bull MaarketA markeet in whichh pricces off a ceertainn grouup of securritiess are risinng or are eexpectted too risee.毛收入Gross IIncomeeFor inddividuuals, it iss yourr totaal perrsonall incoome beefore deducctionss. For commpaniees, itt is ttheir revennue miinus ccost oof gooods
54、soold (aalso ccalledd grosss marrgin). 內(nèi)在價(jià)值Intrinssic VaalueThe vallue off a coompanyy or aan assset baased oon an underrlyingg percceptioon of the vvalue. For calll opttions, thiss is tthe diiffereence bbetweeen thee undeerlyinng stoocks pricee and the sstrikee pricce. Foor putt optiions, it iss th
55、e diffeerencee betwween tthe sttrike pricee and the uunderllying stockks prrice. In thhe casse of both puts and ccalls, if tthe diiffereence bbetweeen thee undeerlyinng stoocks pricee and the sstrikee pricce is negattive, the vvalue is giiven aas zerro. 反向收購(gòu)Reverseed takkeoverrWhen a largeer commpan
56、y is boought out bby a ssmalleer commpany. The purrchasiing off a puublic compaany byy a prrivatee comppany. 反收購(gòu)措施Anti-taakeoveer MeaasureMeasurees takken onn a coontinuual orr sporradic basiss by aa firmms maanagemment iin ordder too prevvent oor detter unnwanteed takkeoverrs.反收購(gòu)法規(guī)Anti-taakeoveer S
57、taatuteA set oof staate reegulattions that preveent orr deteer commpaniees froom atttemptiing hoostilee takeeoverss. Theese reegulattions vary acrosss staate liines aand tyypicallly afffect only the ccompannies iincorpporateed witthin tthe sttate.無(wú)形之手Invisibble HaandCoined by Addam Smmith iin hiss 1
58、7766 bookk An IInquirry intto thee Natuure annd Cauuses oof thee Weallth off Natiions. In hiis boook he statees: Esssentiially Smithh sayss thatt indiividuaals trry to maximmize ttheir own ggood (and bbecomee weallthierr), annd by doingg so, throuugh trrade aand enntreprreneurrship, sociiety aas a w
59、whole will be beetter off. Furthhermorre, anny govvernmeent innterveentionn in tthe ecconomyy isnt neeeded aas thee inviisiblee handd woulld besst guiide thhe ecoonomy. 及時(shí)生產(chǎn)Just Inn TimeeA produuctionn straategy compaanies emplooy to increease eefficiiency and ddecreaase waaste bby prooducinng goood
60、s onnly ass theyy are orderred orr needded. 專利權(quán)PatentA goverrnmentt liceense tthat aallowss one excluusive rightts to a proocess, desiign, oor neww inveentionn.雙谷經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退Double Dip RRecesssionWhen thhe grooss doomestiic prooduct (GDP) growwth sllides back to neegativve aftter a quartter orr two of brrie
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