



1、Word - 5 -雙語:比爾蓋茨“愛和邏輯”的教育方法Bill Gates doesnt pretend he lives in an egalitarian household. When it comes to parenting his three children, the billionaire Microsoft mogul readily admits his wife Melinda has done more than her share of the work raising the kids.比爾?蓋茨并沒假裝自己是過著平等的家庭生活。這位微軟創(chuàng)始人、億萬富翁爽快地承認

2、,在養(yǎng)育三個孩子的過程中,妻子梅琳達擔當了更多責任。My wife does 80%, Gates told a crowd of Harvard students last Thursday. Gates spent two years there taking math and computer science courses as a pre-law student, but never finished up his degree (though he was later gifted an honorary diploma from the Ivy League university

3、).上周四,蓋茨告知一群哈佛同學說:“80%都是我妻子的功勞?!鄙w茨曾作為法學預科生在哈佛高校上過兩年課,學習數學和計算機科學,但始終沒有完成自己的學業(yè)、取得學位(不過后來哈佛高校授予了他榮譽學位)。My eldest graduates from Stanford in June, so Im optimistic she wont fall into my footsteps, Gates joked.蓋茨開玩笑說:“今年六月,我的大女兒就從斯坦福高校畢業(yè)了。所以我能夠積極地說,她不會步我的后塵?!盙ates said he and his wife have been quite del

4、iberate about the model theyve used to raise their three children, who are now 15, 18, and 22 years old.蓋茨夫婦育有三個子女,目前分離為15歲、18歲和22歲。他們夫婦二人對孩子的教導問題十分慎重。He says the couple followed a 1970s Love and Logic parenting model. Its a formula that was created by a group of three men ? a mix of psychologists,

5、psychiatrists and former school administrators. The core idea of their philosophy is centered on the idea that exerting emotional control, essentially minimizing emotional reactions like shouting or reprimanding kids.比爾?蓋茨表示,他們遵從上世紀70年月的“愛和規(guī)律”教導模式。該模式由一位心理學家、一位精神病學家和一位曾任小學管理者的人合作創(chuàng)立。它的核心理念是心情控制,即最大程度

6、地削減心情反應,如大喊大叫、訓斥孩子。One of the greatest benefits of applying Love and Logic is that it helps us learn how to keep a tighter leash on our emotions and on our tongues, co-founder Charles Fay wrote in a blog post about his model.這種模式的聯合創(chuàng)立者查爾斯?費伊在他的博客中寫道:“應用愛和規(guī)律教導法的最大好處之一是能協助我們學習如何控制心情和語言?!盙ates admits h

7、e and his wife havent been perfect at carrying out the approach.蓋茨承認,他和妻子在實踐這種教導法時做得并不完善。Can you get rid of the emotion? You cant totally do it, he said.他說:“你能夠拋卻心情嗎?你無法徹低做到?!盇side from reining in hot-blooded parent tempers, the love and logic model also stresses the importance of not leaning into r

8、ewards for kids, but instead demonstrating unconditional love and admiring kids for who they are, not what they do (or dont) achieve, like a poor test score or a bad grade.除了控制父母的激烈心情外,愛和規(guī)律教導模式還強調不要依靠物質嘉獎。相反,父母應當表述無條件的愛,應當贊美孩子本身,而非他們的成就或失?。ɡ缈荚嚪謹担any highly successful people struggled with grades

9、as children, Fay wrote on his site. Whats most important is that our children develop good character, curiosity, and problem-solving skills.費伊在他的網站上寫道:“許多十分勝利的人小時候成果并不好。最重要的是使孩子具備良好的品行、奇怪心和解決問題的技巧?!盩he model is a bit like the Socratic method, in that it pushes parents to focus on asking questions of

10、 their kids and getting them to think about how to solve their own problems, instead of feeding them answers.這有點像蘇格拉底式的教導辦法。父母應當問孩子問題,引領孩子思量如何自己解決問題,而非直接提供答案。Gates says the Love and Logic method is a far cry from the way he grew up, but he knew he wanted to do things differently with his own kids.蓋茨

11、表示,“愛和規(guī)律”教導法和他自己的成長經受相距甚遠,但他希翼為自己的孩子做點不一樣的事情。It wasnt the only way he set boundaries for his children while they were growing up. None of his kids owned a cell phone until they were 14 years old. The children also attended Catholic church regularly with their parents. And they will each get about $10 million of their parents fortune as inheritance, a mere fraction of the moguls roughly $90 billion net worth.這不是蓋茨給孩子們在成長過程中設定的唯一界限。蓋茨的每一個孩子都要年滿十四歲才干擁有手機。孩子們要跟著父母定期去天主教堂做禮拜。每個孩子未來各繼承大約一千萬美元(合6360萬元人民幣)的財產?相較于蓋茨高達大約900億美元的凈資產,這只是九牛一毛。We want to strike a balance where they ha


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