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1、 基于支架式教學模式的教學案例設計與分析 柴鵬菲Summary本論文是在中國大環(huán)境下英語教學的研究,運用支架式教學的五個步驟,針對英語這門課,具體到英語學科聽、說、讀、寫、譯五種技能之中的“讀”點,從課堂教學中(精讀),三個層面:語言層面、信息層面和思想層面設計教學案例、深層次地剖析、引導、有效提高學生的閱讀策略能力與綜合成績,并且培養(yǎng)學生在效果評論中自主學習的意識。本研究是一種基于最近發(fā)展區(qū)理論、建構(gòu)主義理論的一種新的教學模式,倡導以學生為主體,強調(diào)課堂中教師和學生之間的引導和合作。在教學實踐中該教學方法主要通過為學生搭建支架,模擬情景,引導學生探索和合作,完成對目標知識的獨立建構(gòu)。并且更進

2、一步證明了支架式教學的可行性和有效性,在學生之間也是一種受歡迎的教學方法。The thesis aims at a research in English teaching in the context of China, applying to the five steps of scaffolding teaching. From English listening, speaking, writing, reading and translating to the point of English reading, it was designed to the teaching clas

3、s, including the three parts from the perspectives of linguistic, information and thought, analyzing deeply and guiding and improving effectively the students reading comprehension and comprehensive performance, furthermore, it was cultivated the students autonomic learning conscious in effectivenes

4、s evaluation. The research is a fresh teaching model on account of zone of proximal development and constructivism theory, initiating student-oriented teaching, emphasizing on the guidance and cooperation between teachers and students. It was to complete the independent construction for the target k

5、nowledge by mainly setting up scaffolding, creating question situation, exploring independently, learning collaboratively and evaluating the effect in teaching practice. Moreover, it was to further prove the feasibility and effectiveness in scaffolding teaching, and it is also the popular teaching w

6、ay for students.關鍵詞:支架式教學、高中英語閱讀理解、閱讀策略能力、閱讀理解成績授課內(nèi)容培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀能力貫穿在整個高中英語教學的過程。閱讀理解題,作為檢測高中生英語閱讀理解和語篇能力水平的題型,多年來一直出現(xiàn)在高考英語試題中,且占權(quán)重較大(教育招生考試院,2015:204)。閱讀活動是一種多種因素,多向交流與反應的復雜解碼過程(束定芳、莊智象,1996:130)。 但在中國環(huán)境下,英語教學在課堂實際的過程中,呈現(xiàn)出以下幾方面的問題: 形式化,極端化、片面化和理想化的問題;同時大部分教師在閱讀教學中,只注重詞匯和語法,導致教學目標的實現(xiàn)性相對比較差等。為逐一避免這些問題的持續(xù),



9、于幫助學生順利穿越”“最近發(fā)展區(qū)”以獲得更近一步的發(fā)展。通過支架的幫助,管理學習的任務逐漸由教師轉(zhuǎn)移給學生自己(學習過程被內(nèi)化),并且針對學生的學習能力及學習水平,為學生搭建合理的使之可以攀登向上的支架。普利斯里(pressly,1996)等人的定義是:根據(jù)學生的需要為他們提供幫助,并在他們能力增長時撤去幫助。建構(gòu)主義是關于個體如何獲得知識和經(jīng)驗的理論,有很多分支,其中影響支架式教學的主要是維果茨基的的社會建構(gòu)主義和皮亞杰的認知建構(gòu)主義。支架式教學有以下幾個環(huán)節(jié)組成:搭建學習支架;進入情境;獨立探索;協(xié)作學習;效果評價。 學習支架建構(gòu)技能強調(diào)有經(jīng)驗的他人對學習者知識建構(gòu)所起的作用,以最近發(fā)展區(qū)




13、用支架式教學最重要的是進一步培養(yǎng)了學生的自學能力和獨立探索的能力。教師不是直接提供現(xiàn)成的答案,而是提供資源,示范、啟發(fā)學生,學生不但可以借助所提供的有效的支架解決問題,還可以將這種方式、方法都遷移到自己的日常學習中,培養(yǎng)了其獨立學習能力。為學生尋找、利用“學習支架”,創(chuàng)建“有援”的學習環(huán)境提供幫助。三、基于支架式教學模式下的教學案例與分析English around the world(1)教材分析本節(jié)課上的是人教課標版必修1 Unit 2 English around the world的閱讀課The road to modern English。本節(jié)課的中心話題是“English lang

14、uage and its development, different kinds of English”。通過對英語語言的發(fā)展歷史這一話題的探討,加強學生對英語語言的了解,特別是對英語發(fā)展趨勢的了解。世界在發(fā)展,時代在前進,語言作為交流的工具,也隨著時代的發(fā)展而變化。并且通過本課的學習要讓學生了解英國英語、美國英語、澳大利亞英語、印度英語、新加坡英語等都有自己的慣用法和不同的發(fā)音規(guī)律。在完成本節(jié)課的學習后,學生能感受到英語語言的多層次和多元化,有助于培養(yǎng)學生的跨文化意識。(2)教學目標1.語言技能目標 Talk about English and its development, diffe

15、rent kinds of English. Talk about difficulties in language communication. Learn to make dialogue using request & command. Learn to transfer from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. Learn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstorming.2.語言知識目標(1)重點單詞、短語Subway, elevator, petrol, gas, offi

16、cial, voyage, conquer, native, come up, apartment, actually, base, at present, gradually, vocabulary, make use of, latter, identity, fluently, frequently, usage, command(2)功能句式English is a language spoken all around the world.There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak En

17、glish.The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.3.情感態(tài)度目標讓學生通過閱讀獲取有關英語語言發(fā)展的知識,擴大國際視“,強化文化意識,激發(fā)他們學

18、習英語的熱情。(3)教學重點、難點1. To be able to get the main idea from the text.2. To be able to solve the problem by analyzing.3. To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes.(4)教學方法A.三個層次:語言層面、信息層面、思想層面B.支架式教學五種基本環(huán)節(jié):(5)教學過程Step 1 建立學習支架(問題型支架為主)根據(jù)教學目標和學生的情況精心設計如下幾個問題:Can yo

19、u guess what this unit mainly talks about from the title?How many circles in the world are English spoken?Could you tell us something about the development of English language?What kind of English before Modern English?Which country do you think has the most English learners?【設計說明】從學生回答層層遞進的五個問題的角度來

20、準確地判斷學生的“最近發(fā)展區(qū)”,同時,通過關注大部分學生的學習狀態(tài)、反映以及根據(jù)學生回答問題的全面與深淺與否,判斷學生知識儲備的程度,對本課了解的寬度和廣度等等,針對存在的問題采取相應的調(diào)整措施,使得課堂教學的進程有利于學生的學習。Step 2 創(chuàng)設情境a. As for this reading passage, the teacher asks the students to skim the whole passage quickly and keep the key words in mind with the help of note.Show the students the ma

21、p of the world by multimedia and observe carefully.b. Ask the students the following questions:. How many people spoke English at the end of the 16th century?. Why later in the next century, more and more people spoke English?. Why has English changed over time?c. Guide the students to work in pairs

22、 and think about the reasons for the wide spread of the English language throughout the world. English is one of the official languages of the world.English is the main language used on the internet.English is used in the international trade and tourism.【設計說明】通過學生快速瀏覽課文,把握主旨大意;并在多媒體創(chuàng)設的實際的情境下進行學習,利用生

23、動、直觀的形象有效地激發(fā)聯(lián)想,喚醒長期記憶中有關的知識、經(jīng)驗或表象,從而使學習者能利用自己原有的認知結(jié)構(gòu)中的有關知識與經(jīng)驗去同化之前學習的新知識,賦予新知識以某種意義;同時根據(jù)圖片提示探討、回答問題進一步加深對課文的主旨大意的理解;Step 3獨立探索After introducing the background information of the topic by different methods, the students have more or less understood them about this passage.Show the students one piece

24、of Indian film to have a deep impression of different English dialects around the world and learn a little from it.Ask the students to think about the differences that they have already known between British English and American English, and then finish the following table.American English British E

25、nglishSpellingPronunciationGrammarVocabularyPresent some reading strategies such as cognitive strategies (creating structure for input and output by taking notes, summarizing and highlighting), social strategies (empathizing with others like developing cultural understanding and becoming aware of ot

26、hers thoughts and feelings) and so forth, and meanwhile talk about some relevant background. To skim the passage as soon as possible and get the key point of it. To scan the passage carefully, and then get some concrete information as the key sentence of each paragraph and realize the attitude and s

27、tyle of author.Para 1: _Para 2: _Para3: _Para 4: _Para 5: _-. Try to answer the following questions with your own words.(細節(jié)題) How many people did most of the important early work on dictionaries? And who are they?(主旨題)What does the passage mainly talk about?(推斷題) What does the writer think of the de

28、velopment of English?(猜詞題) Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with one another.What does it mean in English? In fact/ Moreover / However / Thus【設計說明】學生通過問題引導、觀看視頻進入情境之后,開始讓學生獨立探索。獨立探索的目標是挖掘?qū)W生的獨立探索其自主性,培養(yǎng)自主學習習慣和自學能力,使其終身受益。給學生提供時間獨立探索,讓學生在讀中感知,在讀中感悟,在讀中接受情感熏陶

29、。探索過程讓學生觀察、思考、引導、總結(jié),學生沿著框架逐步攀升。最后爭取做到無需教師引導,學生自己就能在框架中繼續(xù)攀升。.Step 4協(xié)作學習Work in pairs and discuss the following topic with taking notes (Cognitive strategies: creating structure for input and output by taking notes, summarizing and highlighting):. Do you think it important for Chinese to learn English

30、? Why?. What do you think that Chinese will become the most widely foreign language in the world in the future?. Do you have any good ways to master a foreign language as soon as possible? What are they?. Have you ever had any difficulties in communication? How did you overcome it?【設計說明】 將學生分組,實行合作的

31、學習方式。學生分組討論解決問題,使學生有充分的學習機會,組內(nèi)同學可以“取長補短”,使知識得到累積和重組。另外在合作學習中,學生能夠充分體會合作交流的樂趣,體驗成功的快樂,使學生充分感受到交流的魅力從而產(chǎn)生交流的渴望。Step 5效果評價It is universally accepted that any educational plan should have effectiveness evaluation which, to some extent, not only can understand how the students comprehend what they have le

32、arned, but also can benefit a lot to teaching reflection as follows. Autonomic learning ability evaluated by the reading practice;. Cooperation learning evaluated through their performance, that is , how much contribution they have made in the group discussion;. Whether the students can meet the req

33、uirements;. Whether it gets the optimal teaching efficiency for teachers and students;Furthermore, effectiveness evaluation should also present throughout the whole application of scaffolding instruction. At the same time, it could be evaluated by teachers or students with each other, then it would summarize by the teacher.【設計說明】在師生平等的基礎上,及時、準確、靈活地進行過程性評價,評價方法多樣化,評價內(nèi)容多元


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