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1、第一章知識要點:翻譯:是一種語言轉(zhuǎn)換活動劉宓慶在現(xiàn)代翻譯理論中將“語際意義”概括為六種:概念(主題)意義、語境意 義、形式意義、形象意義、文化意義。美國翻譯理論學(xué)家奈達(dá)將翻譯的意義概括成:語義和問題。 “translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ”翻譯的定義:翻譯是把一種語言表

2、達(dá)的意義用另一種語言傳達(dá)出來,以達(dá)到溝通思想情 感、傳播文化知識、促進(jìn)社會文明,特別是推動譯語文化興旺昌盛的目的。翻譯的分類:首先:就涉及的語言而論,翻譯大體上分為:一:語內(nèi)翻譯,是指同一語 言的各個語言變體之間的翻譯;二:語際翻譯,指不同語言之間的翻譯。第二,就其活動方式而言,分為:口譯和筆譯??谧g就是“口頭翻譯”, 基本方式分兩種:連續(xù)傳譯,又稱即席翻譯,發(fā)言人講完部分或全部內(nèi)容 之后,由口譯人員進(jìn)行翻譯;二是同聲傳譯,口譯員利用專門設(shè)備,邊聽 邊譯。筆譯就是筆頭翻譯。第三,就翻譯材料的文體而言,可分為應(yīng)用文體、科技文體、論述文體、 新聞文體、藝術(shù)文體。第四,就處理方式而言,翻譯可以分為全

3、譯、節(jié)譯、摘譯、編譯和譯術(shù)。英國翻譯家、學(xué)者喬治坎貝爾率先提出了翻譯三原則:首先,準(zhǔn)確地再現(xiàn)原作的意思; 第二,在符合譯作語言特征的前提下,盡可能地一直坐著的精神和風(fēng)格;第三,也是最 后,使譯作至少具有原創(chuàng)作品的特性,顯得流暢自然。英國翻譯家泰特勒:一,譯作應(yīng)該完全復(fù)寫出原作的思想;二,譯作的風(fēng)格和手法應(yīng)該 和原作屬于同一性質(zhì);三,譯作應(yīng)該具備原創(chuàng)作品的通常。中國:釋道安“案本”;嚴(yán)復(fù)“求信”;傅雷“神似”;錢鐘書“化境”。忠實:首先指要忠實于原作的思想內(nèi)容,作品中敘述的事實、說明的事理、描寫的景物、 作者的立場觀點和思想情感;保持原作風(fēng)格,包括民族風(fēng)格、時代風(fēng)格、語體風(fēng)格、個 人語言風(fēng)格;通

4、順:譯文語言必須通順易懂,合乎規(guī)范。翻譯人員的業(yè)務(wù)素質(zhì)要求:堅實的英語基礎(chǔ),很強的閱讀理解能力和鑒賞能力堅實的漢語基礎(chǔ),提高漢語表達(dá)能力廣闊的知識面合理的翻譯策略養(yǎng)成認(rèn)真負(fù)責(zé)、謙虛謹(jǐn)慎的學(xué)風(fēng)the commuter dies with trememdous mileage to his credit.上班族一生中有著驚人的行程。I was with my father on a business-and-pleasure trip我和父親一起出來,既是出差,也是游 玩。size don matter, chopping wood 個頭沒啥關(guān)系,劈柴嘛from there I could the

5、 whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful , and the sight of it filled me with longing.從這里望下去,整個山谷一覽無遺,只見那田野,河流和村莊,全都美不勝收,真叫我心馳神往。Edward Ferras was mot recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address. He was not handsome, and

6、 his manners required intimacy to make them pleasing. He was too different to do justice to himself.愛德華菲拉斯之所以能博得她們的好感,倒 不是因為他人品出眾,風(fēng)度翩翩。他并不漂亮,那副儀態(tài)嘛,只有和他熟悉了才覺得逗 人喜愛。他過于靦腆,這就使得他越發(fā)不能顯現(xiàn)本色了。he found them pushing needles , threads , pots, pans, ribbons, yarn, scissors and buttons to housewives.他發(fā)現(xiàn)他們在向家庭推銷針

7、線、鍋罐、緞帶、剪刀和紐扣。he sleeps late 他起得晚I shall not expect you until I see you 你隨便什么時候來吧。翻譯第二章Mariannes preserver, as Margaret, with more elegance than precision, stiled Willoughby called at cottage early the next morning to make his personal inquiries. 瑪麗安的救命恩人 (這是瑪格麗特對威洛比言過其實的美稱),第二天一早一早就到鄉(xiāng)舍來問安.Mr. Colli

8、ns had a compliment, and an allusion to throw in here, which were kindly smiled on the mother and daughter.說到這里,柯林斯先生趕忙恭維了一句,還暗示了一下原因,母女 倆聽了,都粲然一笑.He emerged on January 31 to go to Deli for the conference which, however negative from his point of view, at least provided the occasion for his bath in

9、29 days. 一月三十一日,史迪威公 開露面,去德里參加會議.這次會議在他看來不管有多么消極,至少為他提供了一個29天 以來第一次洗澡的機會.“And you are my uncle, then! she cried, reaching up to salute him. “這么說,你是我姑父啦, 她嚷道,走到他跟前,親吻了他一下.Clare stood still, and inclined his face towards hers.“Oh, Tessy he exclaimed.The girls cheeks burned to the freeze, and she could

10、 not look into his eyes for the emotion. 克萊站住了腳,把臉貼向苔絲的臉哦,苔絲! ”他失聲嚷道.苔絲感到了他嘴里冒出來的氣 息,臉上給燒得火辣辣的,她心神搖蕩,不敢在盯著克萊的眼睛了. the fate of men is as grim and bleak as the fate of women. Toilers and warriors. 男人的命 運和女人的命運一樣悲愴凄涼.做苦役,當(dāng)炮灰.in 1873 Strauss appropriated and patented the gimmick- and hired Davis as a re

11、gional manager. 1873年,施勞特斯采納了這一小發(fā)明,出資位置申請了專利-并雇用戴維斯做一 地區(qū)經(jīng)理.When to those recollections was added the development of Wickham s character, it may be easily believed that the happy spirit which had seldom been depressed before, were now so much affected as to make it almost impossible for her to appear

12、 tolerably cheerful. 一麗莎白 雖說一向性格開朗,難得有意志消沉的時候,但是一想起這些事,加上漸漸認(rèn)清了威客姆的 真面目,心里難免受激,因而連強作歡顏也辦不到了,這是可想而知的.I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last men in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.我認(rèn)識你還不到一個月的時候,就覺得哪怕我一輩子 找不到男人,也休想讓我嫁給你.A difficulty of arranging their lips

13、in this crude exposure to public scrutiny, an inability to balance their heads. was apparent in them.顯然,要在大廳廣眾面前拋頭露面,她們一個個不知道嘴唇應(yīng)該做出什么樣的形態(tài),腦袋應(yīng)該擺出怎樣的姿勢.O Captain! My Captain!啊,船長!我的船長!0 Captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done,啊,船長!我的船長!我們艱險的航程已經(jīng)終了, The ship has weatherd every rack, the prize we

14、sought is won, 這船度過了一個個險阻,我們追 尋的目標(biāo)已經(jīng)達(dá)到,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,港口就在前面,我聽到了鐘聲,聽到了人 們在縱情歡騰,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and darling; 一雙雙眼睛渴望著平穩(wěn)的龍骨, 我們的船堅定而勇猛;But o heart! heart! heart!可是啊,心呀!心呀!心呀!O the bleeding drops of red,啊,殷紅的血在流淌,Where on

15、the deck my captain lies,我的船長躺在甲板上,F(xiàn)allen cold and dead.人已死去,渾身冰涼.I never in my life saw a man more intent on being agreeable than Mr. Elton. It is downright labour to him where ladies are concerned. With men he can be rational and unaffected, but when he has ladies to please every feature works. 我還

16、沒見過一個比埃爾頓先生更想討人 喜歡的人.對女人,他毫不掩飾地一味討好.在俺男人面前,他頭腦還算清醒,也不裝腔作勢, 可是見了女人,整副面孔不知有多么做作.“How she has changed! Thank heaven she didn t recognize me, muttered Father, mopping his face with a handkerchief. . She was a lovely young thing, very graceful. I fell in love with her, and she with me.” “她變化多大啊!謝天謝地,她沒認(rèn)出

17、我來,”父親小聲說道,一 面用拿手帕擦擦臉.“她是個可愛的年輕小姐,我瘋狂地愛上了她,她也瘋狂地愛上了我.”I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. 我是到了不能自拔的時候,才發(fā)現(xiàn)愛上 了你.Oh, yes, I want to tell you. I don,t want you wandering about this. Her father rejected our romance. I was a foreigner. I had no prospects, and was dependent on my father. 哦

18、,不.我要 告訴你.我不想讓你胡思亂想.她父親反對我們戀愛.我是個外國人,沒什么前途,還要依靠 父親.They have become, through marketing, word of mouth, and demonstrable reliability, the common pants of America.通過市場營銷,口 口相傳,以及憑借顯而易見的可靠性,牛仔褲 已經(jīng)成為美國的尋常褲裝.The cold weather frosted up the track last night.昨晚天氣寒冷,跑道上結(jié)了霜.It was wicked, that is what it was

19、-just blasphemous, and no more becoming to a meek and humble professor of-這叫作不知好歹,就是這么回事-無非是冒犯神明的大膽妄為,根本就 和你裝出的那副溫和謙讓的派頭不相稱,你明明是個偽君子,卻偏要假惺惺地自名為. nor was Mts. Hurst, who had married a man of more fashion than fortune, less disposed to consider to his house as her home when it suited her. 而那位赫斯特夫人嫁了個家

20、財不足, 派頭有余的紳士,因而一旦得便,也很情愿把弟弟的家當(dāng)做自己的家.The snow lay yards deep in our road; and, as we floundered on, my companion wearied me with constant reproaches that I had not brought a pilgrim s staff. 路上的雪有幾碼深,我們 蹣跚走去,我的同伴只管嘮嘮叨叨地埋怨我連一根朝圣用的拐杖都沒有帶He resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating eve

21、n to childishness to abandon it now, unless for graver reasons. How could she face her parents, get back her box, and disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family, on such sentimental grounds.然而,她當(dāng)初已打定了主意,如果沒有更重要的原因,現(xiàn)在再改變主意,這似乎太 游移不定了,甚至太孩子氣了 .她怎么能這樣感情用事,居然敢當(dāng)著父母的面,去把箱子取 回來,從而打亂重整

22、家業(yè)的全盤計劃呢?But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy.但是這種歡快聽上去并不真實,任何人呢只要多喝一杯,就會 悲從中來,潸然淚下.For those who may be in some doubt as to the nature of chores,their variety,their pleasuresand their drudgery,I am prepared to deliv

23、er a short disquisition.有些人不太清楚家務(wù)事的性質(zhì)、繁雜和甘苦,我打算對此作點探討.第三章翻譯的方法劃分規(guī)則一:1.直譯局限于語言層面的價值取向2意譯劃分規(guī)則二:1.異化法對這些文化價值觀的一種民族偏離主義的壓力,接受外語文本的 語言及文化差異,把讀者帶入外國情景立足于文化大環(huán)境下的價值取向2.歸化法采取民族中心主義的態(tài)度,使外語文本符合譯入語的文化價值 觀,把原作者帶入譯入語文化二:兩種翻譯法的發(fā)展我國改革開放之前,20世紀(jì)時,歸化法在翻譯界占優(yōu)勢。歸化法代表人物:嚴(yán)復(fù)、林紓、 朱生豪、張谷若、傅東華、楊必。異化法代表人物:魯迅、董 秋斯、卞之琳改革開放以后,西方譯論

24、引進(jìn),異化法逐漸成為主要翻譯方法。三:翻譯應(yīng)遵循的原則:異化、歸化并用互補,異化為主,歸化為輔,異化和歸化的運用要注意限度。在可能的情況下,盡量實行異化譯法;如果異化譯法 不能完全達(dá)意,或者不能完全通暢,則可考慮漢語的行文習(xí)慣, 做出一定的歸化處理;如果異化譯法徹底行不通,譯者也不必勉 為其難,舍其表層形式,傳達(dá)其深層含義。四:注意異化法運用的限度:一是譯語語言文化的限度,二是譯語讀者接受能力的限度對于原文的形象語言,有兩種情況可以采取歸化譯法:一是原文的語言雖然形象,甚 至也很新鮮,但卻無法“照實”傳譯出來;二是原文的形象語言已不再新鮮,用不著“照實”傳譯。漢語成語的運用:我們在翻譯外國作品

25、時不宜使用的漢語成語:一是反映中華民族特殊習(xí)俗的,二是帶有漢字特征的,三是含有中國地名的,四是含有中國人名的。(詳見P43)五.例句分析The Gardiners stayed a week at Longhorn; and what with the Philips,s, the Lucases, and the officers, there was not a day without its engagement. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.2, V.II)加德納夫婦在朗博恩住了一個星期,由于和菲利普斯家、盧卡斯家還有軍官們有禮尚 往來,每天

26、都少不了要飲宴一番。I supposed I should be condemned in Hareton Earnshaw s heart, if not by his mouth, to the lowest pit in the infernal regions. (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights, Ch.18, VII)我想,就算哈雷頓厄恩肖嘴上不說,心里肯定會詛咒我下到地獄的最底層。Unless youve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished.除非你袖中藏有王牌,否則我們是輸定了。He has fished in Man

27、hattan S wallet and dug out coins. (E.B.White:The There New Yorks)他們將手伸進(jìn)曼哈頓的錢袋子里去撈錢,只撈到幾個小錢.As I remained in the Third Fourth three times as long as anyone else, I had three times as much of it. I learned it thoroughly. Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary English sentenc

28、ewhich is a noble thing.(W.Churchill Harrow)因為我在四年級三班待的時間是別人的三倍,所以我所受的這種訓(xùn)練也是別人的三倍。我 已經(jīng)徹底地掌握了它。就這樣,普通英語句子的基本結(jié)構(gòu)便深入到我的骨髓里一一這可是 件了不起的事。Consequently Mr.Micawber was soon so overcome, that he mingled his tears with hers and mine. (C.Dickens: David Copperfield, Ch.12)結(jié)果是,不一會兒米考伯先生也受不住了,和她還有我,眼淚對流起來。I known

29、, Dad, she said, Im a selfish Pig. Ill think about it. (J.Galsworthy: A Modern comedy, p.47)“我知道,爸爸,”她說,“我是一個自私鬼。我會考慮這個問題的.”Miss Sedley was almost as flurried at the act of defiance as Miss Jemima had been; for, consider, it was but one minute that she had left school, and the impressions of six yea

30、rs are not got over in that space of time.(W.M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair,Ch.1)賽特力小姐坎肩這樣大膽的行為,差不多跟吉米瑪小姐一樣吃驚。你想,她剛剛跨出校門 一分鐘,六年來受的教誨,哪能在這么短短的一剎那給忘掉呢?She could not desert Tara; she belonged to the red acres far more than they could ever belong to her.(M.Mitchell: Gone with the Wind, p.20)她不能放棄塔拉;這片紅土地是屬于她

31、的,而她更是永遠(yuǎn)屬于這片紅土地的。The yeomanry is precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do. A degree or two lower, and a creditable appearance might interest me; I might have hope to be useful to their families in some way or other. But a farmer can need none of my help, and is therefo

32、re in one sense as much above my notice as in every other he is below it. (J.Austen: Emma, Ch.4, V.I)自耕農(nóng)正是我認(rèn)為和我無關(guān)的那種人。一個地位低一二等但外貌看起來還可靠的人可能引 起我的興趣;我希望能在某些方面幫得上忙。但一個莊稼漢可能不需要我的幫助,所以從 這個意義上說,他一方面不需要我的關(guān)心,另一方面也不值得我關(guān)心。High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms in Beijing.在北京,高樓大廈猶如雨

33、后春筍般地涌現(xiàn)。Each of us has his carrot and stick. In my case, the stick is my slackening physical condition, which keeps me from beating opponents at tennis whom I overwhelmed two years ago. My carrot is to win. (C.Tucker: Fear of Dearth )我們?nèi)巳硕加凶约旱膲毫蛣恿?。就我而言,這壓力就是我日趨衰弱的身體狀況,兩年前 還是我手下敗將的網(wǎng)球?qū)κ郑椰F(xiàn)在卻打不過了。我的動力

34、就是要贏球。Didnt know you were in the States, Mitty, groaned Remington. Coals to Newcastle, bringing Mitford and me up here for a tertiary. (J.Thurber: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty )“我不知道你就在美國,密蒂,”雷明頓嘟嚷著說。“把我和米特福德叫來治療這第三期梅毒 病,豈不是多此一舉?”A man of honour could not have doubted the intention, but Mr.Darcy

35、chose to doubt it or to treat it as a merely conditional recommendation, and to assert that I have forfeited all claim to it by extravagance, imprudence, in short anything or nothing.(J.Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.16, V.I)一個體面的人是不會懷疑先人的意圖的,可是達(dá)西先生卻偏要懷疑或者說偏要把那視 為只是有條件地舉薦我,還一口斷定我完全失去了受舉薦的資格,說我生活鋪張,

36、舉止魯 莽,總之,欲加之罪,何患無辭。Barbara Tober observes that the bridesmaids, in the days when many brides were merechildren, were called upon to assist her with dressing and with the logisticsof moving to hernew home. (T.Tuleja: Wedding Attendants )芭芭拉托伯說,過去許多新娘只不過是孩子,因此會請來女儐相幫助她們梳妝打扮,并 做好其搬往新家的后勤工作。Of course it

37、 may, said Angel. was it not proved nineteen hundred years ago if I maytrespass upon your domain a little?“當(dāng)然可以,”安琪說道,“恕我冒昧地說一句你們的行話:這個事實不是一千九百年前就被 證明過了嗎?”I passed out of my mind, and the next thing I knew I was sitting down on the ground, very cold in the shadows, and looking up at the rock where I

38、 had been within an eyelash of eternity There are such reflections, and for some of them I have thenames,(N.S.Monaday: The End of My Childhood )我當(dāng)時暈了過去,等醒過來發(fā)現(xiàn)自己坐在地上,陰影籠罩中,只覺得渾身冷冰冰的。我抬 頭看看上面的石壁,我剛才撐在那里險些喪生現(xiàn)在我還能回憶起來,其中一些我還能 說出一些名目來。18.Second, there is the New York of the commuter the city that is devo

39、ured by locusts eachday and spat out each night.其次就是家住郊區(qū)、乘公交車到市內(nèi)上班的人們的紐約一一這座城市每到白天就被如蝗蟲 般地人群吞噬,每到夜晚又被吐出來。While the abilities of the nine-hundredth abridger of the History of England. are eulogized by a thousand pens, there seems almost a general wish of decrying the capacity and undervaluing the lab

40、our of the novelist.有人拋出英國史的不知是第幾百個刪節(jié)本.諸如此般的才干受到了上千文人墨客的 贊頌;然而人們幾乎總是愿意詆毀小說家的才能,貶損小說家的勞動.With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.由于我的決心,好運氣以及許多善良人們的幫助,我終于獲得了新生。Mr.Weston was a great favourite, and there was not a creature in the wor

41、ld to whom she spoke with such unreserved, as to his wife; not any one, to whom she related with such conviction of being listened to and understood, of being always interesting and always intelligible, the little affairs, arrangements, perplexities and pleasures of her father and herself.她非常喜歡韋斯頓先生

42、,而他的那位太太,則是她天下最能推心置腹的人;她和父親但凡 有什么安排,或者遇到什么瑣碎的、為難的或高興的事,還就愛跟那位太太講,知道她喜 歡聽,善解人意,而且總是很感興趣,總能心領(lǐng)神會。第四章第一節(jié)It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where Englishis spoken. (R. Zack: “The Date Father Didn,t Keep )故事發(fā)生在丹麥的一家雅致的小旅館里;這種小旅館備有酒食招待游客,而且講英語。People began dri

43、nking in their own homes because, after 1920, that was the only legal place they could drink. (T. Tuleja: “Cocktail Hour )人們開始在自己家里喝酒,因為1920年以后,那是可以喝酒的唯一合法場所。.and the respect which he felt for her high rank, and his veneration for her as patroness, mingling with a very good opinion of her himself, o

44、f his authority as a clergyman, and his rights as a rector, made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility.(J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice)他一方面敬仰凱瑟琳夫人的崇高地位,尊崇她作為自己的女恩主,另一方面又非??粗刈?己,珍惜自己做教士的權(quán)威,做區(qū)長的權(quán)利,這一切造就了他一身兼有傲慢與恭順、自負(fù)與 謙卑的雙重性格。On the morning of a fine June d

45、ay, my first bonny little nursling, and the last of the ancientEarnshaw stock, was born. (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights,Ch.8, VI)六月份一個陽光明媚的早晨,我要撫養(yǎng)的第一個小寶寶,也是古老的厄恩肖家族的最后一根 苗,出世了。While the present century was in its teens, and on one sunshiny morning in June, there drove up to the great iron gate of Mis

46、s Pinkerton s academy for young ladies, on Chiswick Mall, a large family coach, with two fat horses in blazing harness, driven by a fat coachman in a three -cornered hat and wig, at the rate of four miles an hour.(W.M.: Vanity Fair, Ch.1)當(dāng)時我們這世紀(jì)剛開始了十幾年。在六月里的一天早上,天氣晴朗,契息克林陰道上平克頓 女子學(xué)校的大鐵門前面來了來了一輛寬敞的私人

47、馬車。拉車的兩匹肥馬套著雪亮的馬具,肥 胖的車夫帶了假頭發(fā)和三角帽子,趕車的速度不過一小時四英里。6 . and the rest of the morning was easily whiled away, in lounging round the kitchen garden, examining the bloom upon the walls, and listening to the gardeners lamentations upon blights, in dawdling through the greenhouse, where the loss of her favor

48、ite plants, unwarily exposed, and nipped by the lingering frost, raised the laughter of Charlotte, and in visiting her poultry-yard, where in the disappointed hopes of her dairy-maid, by hens of forsaking their nests, or being stolen by a fox, or in the repaid decease of promising young brood, she f

49、ound fresh sources of merriment. (J. Austen: Sense and Sensibility, Ch. 6, V III)大家來到菜園,一面觀賞墻上的花朵,一面聽著園丁抱怨種種病蟲害。接著走進(jìn)暖房,因 為霜凍結(jié)束的晚,再加上管理不慎,夏洛特最喜愛的幾種花草被凍死了,逗得她哈哈大笑。 最后來到家禽飼養(yǎng)場,只聽飼養(yǎng)員沮喪地說起老母雞不是棄巢而去,就是被狐貍叼走,一窩 小雞本來很有希望,不想紛紛死去,于是夏洛特又發(fā)現(xiàn)新的笑料。就這樣,上午余下的時間 很快便消磨過去了。She has been doing everything in her power by t

50、hinking and talking on the subject, to give greater 一 what shall I call it? susceptibility to her feelings; which are naturally lively enough. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.5, V. Ill)她總是想著這件事,談?wù)撨@件事,極力想使自己變得更一我該怎么說呢?更容易觸動情懷, 盡管她天生已經(jīng)夠多情的了。.but she would not allow that any objections there had ma

51、terial weight with Mr. Darcy, whose pride, she was convinced, would receive a deeper wound from the want of importance of his friends connections, than from their want of sens e(J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.10, V .II)但她又認(rèn)為,這方面的欠缺對達(dá)西先生不會有多大影響,因為她相信,達(dá)西先生覺得最使 他有傷自尊的,是他的朋友跟門戶低微的人家結(jié)親,至于這家人有沒有見識,他倒不

52、會計較.and my correct name, Spencer-Churchill, began with an “S, I gained no more advantage from the alphabet than from the wider sphere of letters. (W. Churchill: Harrow)由于我確切的姓是斯賓塞-丘吉爾,以S打頭,因而我在更廣泛的學(xué)業(yè)范圍所占的便宜比 不按字母排序占的便宜多。(S)Mr. Bonnet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had

53、always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid, she had no knowledge of it. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.2, V. I)貝內(nèi)特先生是最先拜訪賓利先生的人之一。本來他一直打算去拜見他,可在太太面前卻始終 咬定不想去;直到拜訪后的當(dāng)天晚上,貝內(nèi)特太太才知道實情。Then what? Well

54、, mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right now. Maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better. (I. Asimov: “The Difference between a Brain and a Computer” )到那時會怎么樣呢?唉,反正人類現(xiàn)在也沒有做好管理地球的工作。也許到那時候,我們真 該豁達(dá)大度地讓到一邊

55、,把工作交給更為稱職的去做。In consequence large numbers of visitors of both sexes used to wait on the school steps, in order to see me march by; and I frequently heard the irreverent comment, “Why, he,s last of all ! (W. Churchill: “Harrow)因此常有許許多多的男男女女聚集在校園的臺階上,等著看我走過。我經(jīng)常聽到這句有失敬 重的話:“啊,他原來是老末呀!”I framed the wor

56、ds in my mind: Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you? But I realized I had done nothing -my color offended her. (J.H. Griffin: “Into Mississippi)我心里在嘀咕:“對不起,我有什么舉動冒犯你了嗎? ”可我很清楚,我并未做出什么舉動 是我的膚色觸犯了她。第二節(jié)The human brain weights three pounds, but in that three pounds are ten billion neurons

57、and a hundred billion smaller cells. These many billions of cells are interconnected in a vastly complicated network that we can,t begin to unravel puter switches and components number in the thousands rather than in the billions. (I. Asimov: The Difference between a Brain and a Computer ”)人腦只有三磅重,但

58、就在這三磅物質(zhì)中,卻包含著一百億個神經(jīng)細(xì)胞,及一千億個更小的細(xì) 胞。這上百個、上億個的細(xì)胞相互聯(lián)系,形成一個無比復(fù)雜的網(wǎng)絡(luò),人類迄今還無法解開這 其中的奧秘.電腦的轉(zhuǎn)換器和元件只是成千上萬,而不是上百億、上千億。By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was a expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at l

59、ibrary, at church.(S.R.: “Women and Man” )跟做父親的那種狹窄、緊張的生活相比,我覺得母親的日子過得比較寬松自在。她們上鄰居 家串門,去城里買東西,到學(xué)校、圖書館、教堂跑跑腿兒。Mr. Collins, meanwhile, was meditating solitude on what had passed. He thought too well of himself to comprehend on what motive his cousin could refuse him; and though his pride was hurt, he

60、suffered in no other way. His regard for her was quite imaginary; and the possibility of her deserving her mothers reproach prevented his feeling any regret. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.20, V. I )這當(dāng)口,柯林斯先生把剛才的情景沉思默想了一番。他把自己看得太高了,實在弄不明白表 妹為什么要拒絕他。他雖說自尊心受到了傷害,但除此之外并不感到難過。他對伊麗莎白的 愛完全是憑空想象,她可能真像


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