



1、The Evaluation stage:格式要按照要求來Meeting objective:This report my primary objective is find the reason about BZNY how to getsucs, I think the objective within the prescribed times and plans toimplement, because through myysis, I find the reason andlearn aboutthe many sucsful experien, Itcs is not accide

2、ntally, is the reliablestrength obtains the such big influence and market share.then secondary objectiveysis of BZNY through the 4Ps of marketingstrategy, idata sours brief and planare identified,hestage, as well as writing methods andand consist of four iesysis and fourstandard criteria to measure,

3、 at same time, there is time and theegration ofhuman resour, thestage have eight briefs, include the title of theproject , objectives of the project, sement of the ies to be investigated,reasons for your choice of ies , group award, justification, sourofinformation, and criteria, however, the final

4、criteria has not been achieved,because there were only written to three of the standards, and later in theprost requires 4 of the standard to measure, then I decide add themarket share the criteria to measure its market strategy, other way, the plan time of the arrangement is not reasonable; the col

5、lection of information, lack of time, because the company a lot of data is not open to the public. So it is veryhard to collect, we have to do a questionnaire to investigate.The whole report I essentially completed theon time, but enoughreasonable arrangement, originally I thought they could go acco

6、rding to plan, a k to gather information, but because the arrangement of other disciplines,the collection of information difficult, also increase the time to gatherinformation.這里要寫明每個目標到底最終達到?jīng)]有,這些目標必須和 stage1 里面的設(shè)定的一致,要符合smart 原則,具體,有時間限制。Effectiveness of the planning and implemenion stagesJudging t

7、he effectiveness of implemenion through the three sections, thebrief, plan and report, I will be by way of comparison to assess myeffectivenesshe implemenion of this report.The brief:1.Covered as part of the Group AwardIn stage 1, I list four group awards , they are Marketing, Business culture andst

8、rategy,ernational marketing mix,ernational logistics, and use 4Ps toyze BZNY marketing strategy, PES,SWOTysis, and logisticabout prostagetransporion, distribution, warehousing, packaging, and handling,sing and related links all need to use ald logistics knowledge. But in2, I dont use logistic subjec

9、t, , Because the BZNY correlation dataconceals extremely, does nove the means to obtain, therefore is unable toyze its transporion, warehousing and physical distribution, therefore inthe report second part, has not written about the correlation the knowledge .2.The source of informationIn stage 1, I

10、 will collect sourof information on the whole report is dividedo two kinds, prind secondary sourof information,t means weon macro and micro marketysis, get the secondary data, such asernet,books, magazines, and so on, its belong to secondary sour, it has theadvantages of low cost, convenient, save t

11、ime, disadvantage is not updated ina timely manner and relatively low data reliability. The primary source maybe need high cost, but it is true and correct, I hope to get help from the CompanyStaff, Then we need to conduct a qualiive andiveysis of thereceived data, like the table data, its belong to

12、iveysis, the worddescribe belong to qualiiveysis.he stage 2 pros of writing, I only can seek through the desk search wayto get secondary source, then carries on the qualiive,iveysis,but I am not obtainedernal resourthrough theersonal relationship,because nos obtained the trust, therefore has not obt

13、ained someernalfinanl report form, with precise information.Plan:In thephase, I have a full schedule on time and resour, The timeschedule is from 26th February to 9th May,total of 70 hours, budget 250,including questionnaires, magazines andephone costs,But I was not inaccordance with the requirement

14、she implemenion pros, because hisexecution was not enough , The collection data and the material time has used two times compared to the past, simultaneously according to has not plannedasks tutors guidance, So in some parts a bit rushed, no reasonable.Report:In the report, originally planned by 3 o

15、f the criteria for measuring thecompanys marketing strategy wacsful, and they are sales, customersatisfaction and brand awareness, but in practice, I have foundt 3 of thecriteria is too vague whether or not suc very clear, you candevelopment, this isand cannot be visual displays BZNY Market Strategy

16、 sful, so I have added a market share, the standard is help the customer to understand BZNY currently ina big change. In this section, I have not meant veryeffective in accordance with the implemenion plan.Assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the reportStrength:he stage 2, the BZNY 4Psysis and

17、standards of measurement, I find alot of charts and dao prove the authenticity of content, spent a lot of timelooking for charts and data, such as your companys sales reports, product quality rating, these are real, objectively reflect the business conditions ofBZNY, an increase of the truthfulness

18、oft report.My eachysis all is the operations research knowledge, has the logicextremely, described the BZNY present situation not merely, simultaneouslypenetrated hasyzed itsernal situation, the existence question, as wellas the future sible tendency, clear to find the localization, helped it to fac

19、e a good direction to develop, moreover my argument was clear, the argument was full, had extremely convin the nature, simultaneously drew support from other clothing brand some materials to carry on the contrast, had thecontrast only then to have the disparity.Weakness:This reports vocabulary simpl

20、istic does not have the advanced vocabulary,there are some syntax errors, such as the Chiexpres, contenterface close enough, in addition, in some ways, despite collecting a lot ofinformation, but the powas not sufficiently clear, the sement youll getwinded, and do not know what information is required.The dragging sickness is serious, according to the planning charthe timeexecution, the duty reasonable arrangement, the plan is every day has write two hours, but usual meeting one da


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