1、Page shaall be by notticee too eaach othher memmberr annd tthe Commpanny eexeccuteed bby oor oon bbehaalf of thee apppoiintoor aand shaall takke eeffeect on recceippt oof ssuchh nooticce bby eeachh ottherr meembeer aand thee Coompaany (orr onn suuch latter datte (if anyy) sspeccifiied in thee nootic
2、ce). TThe notticee shhalll: 任何何依據(jù)第第92條條任命或或者撤銷銷公司董董事的決決定應(yīng)通通知公司司每個(gè)股股東和公公司,并并在每個(gè)個(gè)股東和和公司收收到相關(guān)關(guān)通知時(shí)時(shí)生效:if inn haard coppy fformm, bbe ddeliiverred perrsonnallly tto tthe seccrettaryy orr too a dirrecttor othher thaan tthe dirrecttor beiing apppoinntedd orr reemovved; orr如果是以復(fù)復(fù)印件形形式,應(yīng)應(yīng)遞交給給公司秘秘書或其其它董事事if i
3、nn haard coppy fformm orr iff inn ellecttronnic forrm, be sennt tto ssuchh adddreess (iff anny) forr thhe ttimee beeingg sppeciifieed bby oor oon bbehaalf of thee coompaany forr thhat purrposse oor, in deffaullt oof ssuchh sppeciificcatiion, too thhe ooffiice.如果是以復(fù)復(fù)印件或或者電子子文檔形形式,應(yīng)應(yīng)發(fā)送到到當(dāng)時(shí)指指定地,或或者公司司為
4、此目目的而指指定的地地址,或或者在沒沒有特別別要求時(shí)時(shí),送到到公司辦辦公室。Causaal vvacaancyyThe DDireectoors shaall havve ppoweer tto aappoointt anny ppersson to be a DDireectoor, eittherr too fiill a ccasuual vaccanccy oor aas aan aaddiitioon tto tthe exiistiing Dirrecttorss. Thee coontiinuiing Dirrecttorss maay aact nottwitthsttandd
5、ingg anny vvacaanciies in theeir nummberr, bbut, iff thhe nnumbber of Dirrecttorss iss reeducced bellow anyy miinimmum nummberr fiixedd byy orr inn acccorrdannce witth tthesse AArtiiclees, thee coontiinuiing Dirrecttorss maay aact forr thhe ppurpposee off fiilliing up vaccancciess inn thheirr nuumbe
6、er oor oof ccalllingg a genneraal mmeettingg off thhe CComppanyy, bbut nott foor aany othher purrposse.董事會(huì)有權(quán)權(quán)在任何何時(shí)候,且且隨時(shí),任任命董事事,以填填補(bǔ)正常??杖被蚧蜃鳛樾滦绿矶率?。留任任董事也也可以繼繼續(xù)履行行董事會(huì)會(huì)職責(zé),但如果或只要董事人數(shù)減少到公司章程所規(guī)定的必要的法定人數(shù)以下,留任董事除履行增加董事到法定數(shù)目或召開公司股東大會(huì)的職責(zé)外,不得履行其他職責(zé)。Remunneraatioon OOf DDireectoorsRemunner-atiion of Dirrectto
7、rss The rremuunerratiion of Dirrecttorss shhalll frrom timme tto ttimee bee deeterrminned by thee Coompaany in genneraal mmeettingg. Succh rremuunerratiion shaall be deeemedd too acccruue ffromm daay tto dday.董事的報(bào)酬酬應(yīng)隨時(shí)時(shí)由公司司股東大大會(huì)決定定。該報(bào)報(bào)酬應(yīng)被被視為每每天在自自然增長長。Direcctorrs ExppenssesDirecctorrs exppenssesThe
8、DDireectoors mayy allso be paiid aall traavelllinng, hottel andd ottherr exxpennsess prropeerlyy inncurrredd byy thhem in atttenddingg annd rretuurniing froom mmeettinggs oof tthe Dirrecttorss orr anny ccommmitttee of thee Diirecctorrs oor ggeneerall meeetiingss off thhe CComppanyy orr inn coonneect
9、iion witth tthe bussineess of thee Coompaany. 董事還可因因往返參參加董事事會(huì)會(huì)議議或董事事委員會(huì)會(huì)會(huì)議或或公司股股東大會(huì)會(huì)或參與與公司有有關(guān)的事事務(wù)所發(fā)發(fā)生的旅旅費(fèi)、住住宿費(fèi)以以及其他他正常費(fèi)費(fèi)用而得得到補(bǔ)償償。Powerrs OOf DDireectoorsPowerrs oof DDireectoorsThe bbusiinesss oof tthe Commpanny sshalll bbe mmanaagedd byy thhe DDireectoors, whho mmay payy alll eexpeensees iincuurree
10、d iin pprommotiing andd reegissterringg thhe CComppanyy, aand mayy exxerccisee alll ssuchh poowerrs oof tthe Commpanny aas aare nott, bby tthe Orddinaancee orr byy thhesee Arrticcless, rrequuireed tto bbe eexerrcissed by thee Coompaany in genneraal mmeettinggs ssubjjectt, nneveerthheleess, too anny
11、oof tthesse AArtiiclees, to thee prroviisioons of thee Orrdinnancce aand to succh rreguulattionns, beiing nott innconnsisstennt wwithh thhe aaforresaaid reggulaatioons or proovissionns, as mayy bee prresccribbed by thee Coompaany in genneraal mmeettingg; bbut no reggulaatioon mmadee byy thhe CComppa
12、nyy inn geenerral meeetinng sshalll iinvaaliddatee anny pprioor aact of thee Diirecctorrs wwhicch wwoulld hhavee beeen vallid if thaat rreguulattionn haad nnot beeen mmadee.公司事務(wù)應(yīng)應(yīng)由董事事會(huì)管理理,董事事會(huì)應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)支付公公司創(chuàng)立立和注冊冊登記而而發(fā)生的的所有費(fèi)費(fèi)用,并并可行使使按 公司法法例 和本章章程規(guī)定定不由股股東大會(huì)會(huì)行使的的公司權(quán)權(quán)力,但但不得與與 公司法法例 的規(guī)定定和公司司股東大大會(huì)按上上述章程程和規(guī)定定制定
13、的的條例相相悖;公公司股東東大會(huì)所所制定的的任何條條例均不不得使董董事會(huì)先先前所制制定規(guī)定定失效。Commiitteees of thee DiirecctorrsThe DDireectoors mayy deeleggatee anny oof ttheiir ppoweers to anyy coommiitteee cconssisttingg off onne oor mmoree Diirecctorrs. Thhe DDireectoors mayy allso dellegaate to anyy Diirecctorr hooldiing anyy exxecuutivve
14、ooffiice succh oof ttheiir ppoweers as thee Diirecctorrs cconssideer ddesiirabble to be exeerciisedd byy hiim. Anny ssuchh deeleggatiion shaall, inn thhe aabseencee off exxpreess proovissionn too thhe cconttrarry iin tthe terrms of dellegaatioon, be deeemedd too inncluude autthorrityy too suub-ddele
15、egatte aall or anyy off thhe ppoweers dellegaatedd too onne oor mmoree Diirecctorrs (wheetheer oor nnot acttingg ass a commmittteee) oor tto aany empployyee or ageent of thee Coompaany. AAny succh ddeleegattionn maay bbe mmadee suubjeect to succh ccondditiionss ass thhe DDireectoors mayy sppeciify,
16、annd mmay be revvokeed oor aalteeredd. Thee Diirecctorrs mmay co-optt peersoons othher thaan DDireectoors on to anyy suuch commmittteee. Succh cco-oopteed pperssonss maay eenjooy vvotiing rigghtss inn thhe ccommmitttee. TThe co-optted memmberrs sshalll bbe llesss thhan onee-haalf of thee tootall mee
17、mbeershhip of thee coommiitteee aand a rresooluttionn off anny ccommmitttee shaall be efffecttivee onnly if a mmajooritty oof tthe memmberrs ppressentt arre DDireectoors. SSubjjectt too anny ccondditiionss immpossed by thee Diirecctorrs, thee prroceeediingss off a commmittteee wiith twoo orr moore m
18、emmberrs sshalll bbe ggoveerneed bby tthesse AArtiiclees rreguulattingg thhe pprocceeddinggs oof DDireectoors so farr ass thhey aree caapabble of appplyiing.董事會(huì)可將將其任何何權(quán)力授授予其認(rèn)認(rèn)為恰當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)挠啥滤M組成的委委員會(huì);董事會(huì)會(huì)也可將將其任何何權(quán)力授授予其認(rèn)認(rèn)為恰當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)亩率?。在沒沒有相反反規(guī)定的的情況下下,上述述授權(quán)應(yīng)應(yīng)視為包包含選擇擇再代理理人的權(quán)權(quán)利。上上述授權(quán)權(quán)的前提提是董事事會(huì)應(yīng)明明確其有有權(quán)隨時(shí)時(shí)限制、撤撤銷和變變更
19、該委委托。董董事可增增選董事事以外的的其他人人進(jìn)入該該委員會(huì)會(huì)。在該該委員會(huì)會(huì)中,被被選中的的非董事事成員享享有投票票權(quán),其其人數(shù)應(yīng)應(yīng)不超過過委員會(huì)會(huì)人數(shù)的的一半,上上述委員員會(huì)的決決議只有有在出席席會(huì)議的的委員中中董事占占多數(shù)的情情況下方方才有效效。根據(jù)據(jù)董事設(shè)設(shè)定的條條件,任任何有22個(gè)或22個(gè)以上上會(huì)員組組成的委委員會(huì)的的議事程程序應(yīng)適適用本章章程的相相關(guān)規(guī)定定。AgenttsThe DDireectoors mayy, bby ppoweer oof aattoorneey oor ootheerwiise, apppoiint anyy peersoon tto bbe tthe a
20、geent of thee Coompaany forr suuch purrposses andd onn suuch conndittionns aas ttheyy deeterrminne, inccluddingg auuthooritty ffor thee aggentt too deeleggatee alll oor aany of hiss poowerrs.董事會(huì)可隨隨時(shí)通過過授權(quán)書書或其它它方式任任命他人人,根據(jù)其認(rèn)為恰恰當(dāng)?shù)臈l條件擔(dān)任任公司的的代理人人,包括括授權(quán)其其行使全全部或部部分董事事的權(quán)利利。Officces inccluddingg thhe ttitlle
21、 DirrecttorThe DDireectoors mayy apppoiint anyy peersoon tto aany offficee orr emmplooymeent havvingg a dessignnatiion or tittle inccluddingg thhe wwordd DDireectoor or atttachh suuch a ddesiignaatioon oor ttitlle tto aany exiistiing offficee orr emmplooymeent witth tthe Commpanny aand mayy teermiin
22、atte aany succh aappoointtmennt oor tthe usee off anny ssuchh deesiggnattionn orr tiitlee. Thee inncluusioon oof tthe worrd Dirrecttor inn thhe ddesiignaatioon oor ttitlle oof aany succh ooffiice or empployymennt sshalll nnot impply thaat tthe hollderr iss a Dirrecttor of thee Coompaany, annd tthe h
23、ollderr shhalll noot ttherrebyy bee emmpowwereed iin aany resspecct tto aact as, orr bee deeemeed tto bbe, a DDireectoor oof tthe Commpanny ffor anyy off thhe ppurpposees oof tthesse AArtiiclees.董事可以任任命任何何人或雇雇員擔(dān)任任某種職職務(wù),并并可授權(quán)權(quán)其使用用包含“董事”的頭銜銜,或者者將這一一頭銜授授予現(xiàn)存存的部門門或職位位。 但但職務(wù)名名稱中的的“董事”一詞并并不意味味著其是是公司的的董事,因因
24、此其也也不能被被授予董董事的職職權(quán)和職職責(zé)。Gratuuityy, ppenssionn alllowwancceThe DDireectoors on behhalff off thhe CComppanyy maay ppay a ggrattuitty oor ppenssionn orr alllowwancce oon rretiiremmentt too anny DDireectoor wwho hass heeld anyy ottherr saalarriedd offficce oor pplacce oof pproffit witth tthe Commpanny oo
25、r tto hhis widdow or deppenddantts aand mayy maake conntriibuttionns tto aany funnd aany payy prremiiumss foor tthe purrchaaserr orr prroviisioon oof aany succh ggrattuitty, pennsioon oor aalloowannce.全體董事可可以公司司名義對對在公司司擔(dān)任任任何領(lǐng)取取薪資職職位的董董事在其其退休時(shí)時(shí)給付贈(zèng)贈(zèng)予金、養(yǎng)養(yǎng)老金或或津貼予予本人、遺遺孀或生生前由其其撫養(yǎng)的的人,也也可以對對任何基基金進(jìn)行行捐助,并并可以
26、為為購入或或提供任任何這類類贈(zèng)予金金、養(yǎng)老老金或津津貼支付付額外費(fèi)費(fèi)用。Brancch rregiisteer oof mmembberssThe DDireectoors mayy frrom timme tto ttimee maake andd vaary succh rreguulattionns aas iit tthinnks fitt wiith resspecct tto tthe keeepinng oof bbrannch reggistterss off meembeers purrsuaant to thee Orrdinnancce.董事可以不不時(shí)制定定,更改改或廢除
27、除規(guī)則及及附例。Borroowinng PPoweersBorroowinng ppoweers of DirrecttorssThe DDireectoors mayy exxerccisee alll tthe powwerss off thhe CComppanyy too boorroow mmoneey, andd too moortggagee orr chhargge iits undderttakiing, prropeertyy annd uuncaalleed ccapiitall, aand to isssue debbentturees, debbentturee st
28、tockk, aand, suubjeect to thee Orrdinnancce, connverrtibble debbentturees aand connverrtibble debbentturee sttockk, aand othher seccuriitiees wwhettherr ouutriightt orr ass seecurrityy, ffor anyy deebt, liiabiilitty oor oobliigattionn off thhe CComppanyy orr off anny tthirrd ppartty.董事會(huì)依公公司法例例之規(guī)定定,得
29、行行使本公公司所有有權(quán)力,從從事借款款、或抵抵押其財(cái)財(cái)產(chǎn)及未未收回資資金或其其一部、或或發(fā)行債債券、公公司債、可可轉(zhuǎn)換債債券和可可轉(zhuǎn)換公公司債或或其它證證券,作作為借款款或本公公司或任任何第三三人債務(wù)務(wù)、責(zé)任任或義務(wù)務(wù)之擔(dān)保保。Direcctorrs apppoinntmeentss annd iinteeresstsAppoiintmmentt too exxecuutivve ooffiiceSubjeect to thee prroviisioons of thee Orrdinnancce, thee Diirecctorrs mmay apppoinnt oone or morre
30、oof ttheiir nnumbber to thee offficce oof mmanaaginng DDireectoor oor tto aany othher exeecuttivee offficce uundeer tthe Commpanny aand mayy ennterr innto an agrreemmentt orr arrranngemmentt wiith anyy Diirecctorr foor hhis empployymennt bby tthe Commpanny oor ffor thee prroviisioon bby hhim of anyy
31、 seerviicess ouutsiide thee sccopee off thhe oordiinarry ddutiies of a DDireectoor. Anny ssuchh apppoiintmmentt, aagreeemeent or arrranggemeent mayy bee maade upoon ssuchh teermss ass thhe DDireectoors dettermminee annd ttheyy maay rremuunerratee anny ssuchh Diirecctorr foor hhis serrvicces as theey
32、 tthinnk ffit. AAny apppoinntmeent of a DDireectoor tto aan eexeccutiive offficee shhalll teermiinatte iif hhe cceasses to be a DDireectoor bbut witthouut pprejjudiice to anyy cllaimm too daamagges forr brreacch oof tthe conntraact of serrvicce bbetwweenn thhe DDireectoor aand thee Coompaany.根據(jù)公司法法例
33、的規(guī)規(guī)定,董董事會(huì)可可隨時(shí)任任命一名名或多名名董事?lián)鷵?dān)任執(zhí)行行董事職職務(wù)或其其它執(zhí)行行官,期期限和條條件由董董事會(huì)決決定,且且可根據(jù)據(jù)按具體體情況簽簽訂的任任何協(xié)議議條款,撤撤銷任何何此種任任命。任任何此類類任命協(xié)協(xié)議或者者安排應(yīng)應(yīng)由董事事決定,并并且可以以決定給給付這些些董事適適當(dāng)?shù)膱?bào)報(bào)酬。上上述董事事對管理理者的任任命協(xié)議議隨著董董事的去去職而自自動(dòng)失效效,但這這不影響響其向董董事提出出違約責(zé)責(zé)任的權(quán)權(quán)利。Materriall Innterrestt inn coontrracttA Dirrecttor whoo iss inn anny wway, whhethher dirrectt
34、ly or inddireectlly, inttereesteed iin aa coontrractt orr prropoosedd coontrractt (bbeinng aa coontrractt off siigniificcancce iin rrelaatioon tto tthe Commpannyss buusinnesss) wwithh thhe CComppanyy shhalll, iif hhis inttereest in thee coontrractt orr prropoosedd coontrractt iss maaterriall, ddecll
35、aree thhe nnatuure of hiss innterrestt att a meeetinng oof tthe Dirrecttorss inn acccorrdannce witth ssecttionn 1662 oof tthe Orddinaancee. 董事就本公公司締結(jié)結(jié)或可能能締結(jié)之之約具有有直接或或間接害關(guān)系系時(shí),應(yīng)應(yīng)根據(jù)公公司條例例第1662條的的規(guī)定于于董事會(huì)中中揭其利害害關(guān)系之之內(nèi)容。Direcctorrs mmay conntraact witth tthe CommpannyProviidedd thhat he hass diisclloseed t
36、to tthe Dirrecttorss thhe nnatuure andd exxtennt oof aany matteriial inttereest of hiss, aa Diirecctorr nootwiithsstanndinng hhis offficee:may bbe aa paartyy too, oor ootheerwiise inttereesteed iin, anyy coontrractt orr arrranngemmentt wiith thee Coompaany or in whiich thee Coompaany is othherwwisee
37、 innterrestted;與公司關(guān)聯(lián)聯(lián)合同的的當(dāng)事人人may bbe aa Diirecctorr orr ottherr offficcer of, orr emmplooyedd byy, oor aa paartyy too anny cconttracct oor aarraangeemennt wwithh, oor ootheerwiise inttereesteed iin, anyy boody corrporratee prromootedd byy thhe CComppanyy orr inn whhichh thhe CComppanyy iss ottherrwi
38、sse iinteeresstedd; aand與公司關(guān)聯(lián)聯(lián)交易的的對方當(dāng)當(dāng)事人擔(dān)擔(dān)任董事事、職員員shalll noot, by reaasonn off hiis ooffiice, bee acccouuntaablee too thhe CComppanyy foor aany bennefiit wwhicch hhe dderiivess frrom anyy suuch offficee orr emmplooymeent or froom aany succh cconttracct oor aarraangeemennt oor ffromm anny iinteeresst
39、 iin aany succh bbodyy coorpooratte aand no succh cconttracct oor aarraangeemennt sshalll bbe lliabble to be avooideed oon tthe grooundd off anny ssuchh innterrestt orr beeneffit.不應(yīng)將其因因關(guān)聯(lián)交交易在其其它公司司獲得收收入交給給公司Notifficaatioon oof iinteeresstsFor tthe purrposses of Artticlle REF _Ref368912253 n h * MERR
40、GEFFORMMAT 1066: 根根據(jù)1004條的的規(guī)定:a genneraal nnotiice givven to thee Diirecctorrs tthatt a Dirrecttor is to be reggardded as havvingg ann innterrestt off thhe nnatuure andd exxtennt sspeccifiied in thee nooticce iin aany conntraact or arrranggemeent in whiich a sspeccifiied perrsonn orr cllasss orr pee
41、rsoons is inttereesteed (whiich mayy suubseequeentlly bbe mmadee byy thhe CComppanyy) sshalll bbe ddeemmed to be a ddiscclossuree thhat thee Diirecctorr haas aan iinteeresst iin aany succh ttrannsacctioon oof tthe natturee annd eexteent so speeciffiedd;在董事給予予其它董董事的有有關(guān)通知知中,如如果表明明其可能能與交易易事項(xiàng)存存在利益益關(guān)系并并明
42、確合合同的利利益范圍圍或某些些交易中中與那些些人或集集團(tuán)存在在利益關(guān)關(guān)系,這這應(yīng)被視視為是董董事履行行披露關(guān)關(guān)聯(lián)關(guān)系系和范圍圍的義務(wù)務(wù);an innterrestt off whhichh a Dirrecttor hass noo knnowlledgge aand of whiich it is unrreassonaablee too exxpecct hhim to havve kknowwleddge shaall nott bee trreatted as an inttereest of hiss; aand如果董事不不知道或或者不應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)知道道關(guān)聯(lián)交交易的存存在,那那么其不不應(yīng)被
43、視視為實(shí)施施了關(guān)聯(lián)聯(lián)交易;but pprovvideed tthatt thhe ggeneerall nooticce sshalll oonlyy haave efffectt inn reelattionn too anny cconttracct oor aarraangeemennt uunleess it is givven befforee thhe ddatee onn whhichh thhe qquesstioon oof eenteerinng iintoo thhe cconttracct oor aarraangeemennt iis ffirsst ttakeen
44、iintoo coonsiiderratiion on behhalff off thhe CComppanyy.但上述一般般披露通通知只有有在關(guān)聯(lián)聯(lián)合同和和交易被被交付公公司討論論之前告告知公司司,方才才有效。Direcctorr reendeer pproffesssionnal serrviccesAny DDireectoor mmay actt byy hiimseelf or hiss fiirm in a pproffesssionnal cappaciity forr thhe CComppanyy (ootheerwiise thaan aas aaudiitorr) aan
45、d he or hiss fiirm shaall be enttitlled to remmuneerattionn foor pproffesssionnal serrvicces as if he werre nnot a DDireectoor.董事或替代代董事可可以以其其本人或或其公司司本身,用用其本身身的專業(yè)業(yè)能力為為公司服服務(wù),且且該董事事有權(quán)獲獲得假設(shè)設(shè)其不是是公司董董事或替替代董事事的報(bào)酬酬.Alterrnatte DDireectoorsPowerr too apppoiint altternnateesA Dirrecttor (ottherr thhan an altt
46、ernnatee Diirecctorr) mmay apppoinnt aany perrsonn wiilliing to actt, wwhettherr orr noot hhe iis aa Diirecctorr off thhe CComppanyy, tto bbe aan aalteernaate Dirrecttor andd maay rremoove froom ooffiice an altternnatee Diirecctorr soo apppoiinteed bby hhim.任何董事均均可任命命某人,不不論是否否是公司司的董事事,在他他認(rèn)為合合適的期期間充當(dāng)
47、當(dāng)替代他他職位的的董事,該該董事也也可隨時(shí)時(shí)撤銷該該任命。Alterrnattes enttitlled to recceivve nnotiiceAn allterrnatte DDireectoor sshalll bbe eentiitleed tto rreceeivee nooticce oof aall meeetinngs of Dirrecttorss annd oof aall meeetinngs of commmittteees oof DDireectoors of whiich hiss apppoiintoor iis aa meembeer, to atttend
48、d annd vvotee att anny ssuchh meeetiing at whiich thee Diirecctorr apppoiintiing himm iss noot pperssonaallyy prreseent, annd ggeneerallly to perrforrm aall thee fuuncttionns oof hhis apppoinntorr ass a Dirrecttor in hiss abbsennce butt shhalll noot bbe eentiitleed tto rreceeivee anny rremuunerratii
49、on froom tthe Commpanny ffor hiss seerviicess ass ann allterrnatte DDireectoor. 凡替代代作為董董事的人人有權(quán)收收到董事事會(huì)會(huì)議議通知,參參加會(huì)議議和在會(huì)會(huì)上投票票,并行行使指定定人職位位的一切切權(quán)力。替替代董事事不必需需要股民民資格,如如果指定定人辭去去董事職職務(wù)或解解除受指指定人的的職務(wù),替替代董事事應(yīng)依據(jù)據(jù)事實(shí)辭辭去職務(wù)務(wù)。按本本規(guī)則所所作的任任何指定定或解除除指定應(yīng)應(yīng)由作出出指定的的董事書書面簽字字通知方方才生效效。Alterrnattes reppressenttingg moore thaan oone
50、DirrecttorA Dirrecttor or anyy ottherr peersoon mmay actt ass allterrnatte DDireectoor tto rreprreseent morre tthann onne DDireectoor, andd ann allterrnatte DDireectoor sshalll bbe eentiitleed aat mmeettinggs oof tthe Dirrecttorss orr anny ccommmitttee of thee Diirecctorrs tto oone votte ffor eveery
51、 Dirrecttor whoom hhe rreprreseentss (aand whoo iss noot ppressentt) iin aaddiitioon tto hhis ownn voote (iff anny) as a DDireectoor, butt hee shhalll coountt ass onnly onee foor tthe purrposse oof ddeteermiininng wwhettherr a quoorumm iss prreseent.任何董事或或者第三三人可以以代理多多個(gè)董事事行使董董事職權(quán)權(quán),替代代董事有有權(quán)參與與董事會(huì)會(huì)或者董董
52、事委員員會(huì),并并就其所所代表的的每一個(gè)個(gè)董事享享有一個(gè)個(gè)投票權(quán)權(quán),如果果替代董董事的人人本身也也是董事事的,那那么其固固有的投投票權(quán)不不受影響響。但在在計(jì)算法法定人數(shù)數(shù)時(shí),其其只能作作為一人人計(jì)算。Expennsess annd rremuunerratiion of altternnateesAn allterrnatte DDireectoor mmay be reppaidd byy thhe CComppanyy suuch exppensses as migght prooperrly havve bbeenn reepaiid tto hhim if he hadd beeen a
53、 DDireectoor bbut shaall nott bee enntittledd too reeceiive anyy reemunneraatioon ffromm thhe CComppanyy inn reespeect of hiss seerviicess ass ann allterrnatte DDireectoor eexceept succh ppartt (iif aany) off thhe rremuunerratiion othherwwisee paayabble to hiss apppoiintoor aas ssuchh apppoiintoor m
54、may by notticee inn wrritiing to thee Coompaany froom ttimee too tiime dirrectt. An altternnatee Diirecctorr shhalll bee enntittledd too bee inndemmniffiedd byy thhe CComppanyy too thhe ssamee exxtennt aas iif hhe wweree a Dirrecttor. 如果果替代董董事同時(shí)時(shí)也是公公司的董董事,那那么公司司可以支支付其因因此而付付出的相相關(guān)費(fèi)用用,但公公司沒有有義務(wù)向向其支付付任何
55、報(bào)報(bào)酬,除除非其委委托人以以書面形形式向公公司發(fā)出出通知。替代董事享有與其他董事一樣向公司請求賠償?shù)臋?quán)利。Termiinattionn off apppoiintmmenttAn allterrnatte DDireectoor sshalll cceasse tto bbe aan aalteernaate Dirrecttor:if hiis aappoointtor ceaasess too bee a Dirrecttor; orrif hiis aappoointtor revvokees hhis apppoinntmeent purrsuaant to Artticlle REF
56、 _Ref368912262 n h * MERRGEFFORMMAT 1099; ooron thhe hhapppeniing of anyy evventt whhichh, iif hhe wweree a Dirrecttor, woouldd caausee hiim tto vvacaate hiss offficce aas DDireectoor; orif hee reesiggns hiss offficce bby nnotiice to thee Coompaany.替代董事因因下列事事項(xiàng)終止止:1.委托人人終止授授權(quán)委托托2.委托人人根據(jù)章章程第1107條條規(guī)定撤撤
57、銷委托托3.當(dāng)其是是董事時(shí)時(shí),發(fā)生生使其喪喪失董事事資格的的事件Methood oof aappoointtmennt aand revvocaatioonAny aappoointtmennt oor rremoovall off ann allterrnatte DDireectoor sshalll bbe bby nnotiice to thee Coompaany siggnedd byy thhe DDireectoor mmakiing or revvokiing thee apppoiintmmentt. Thee nooticce mmay be:delivvereed pp
58、erssonaallyy too thhe SSecrretaary or to a DDireectoor ootheer tthann thhe DDireectoor mmakiing or revvokiing thee apppoiintmmentt; oorsent by posst iin aa prrepaaid envveloope adddresssedd too thhe OOffiice or to anootheer aaddrresss deesiggnatted by thee Diirecctorrs ffor thaat ppurpposee orr byy
59、leeaviing it at thee Offficce oor ssuchh ottherr adddreess; orrsent by tellex, faacsiimille oor eelecctroonicc maail to a nnumbber dessignnateed bby tthe Dirrecttorss foor tthatt puurpoose.董事應(yīng)就委委托和撤撤銷替代代董事的的決定以以書面形形式告知知公司。通通知方式式可以是是:1.親自送送給公司司秘書或或者送交交給其它它董事2.通過郵郵件或者者預(yù)付郵郵費(fèi)的方方式寄送送至公司司地址或或董事處處指定的的其它地地方
60、,或或者將通通知留至至公司辦辦公室或或者其它它類似地地方3.通過電電報(bào)、傳傳真或電電子郵件件方式發(fā)發(fā)送到董董事會(huì)制制定的地地方The aappoointtmennt oor rremoovall shhalll taake efffectt whhen thee nooticce iis ddeemmed delliveeredd inn acccorrdannce witth tthesse AArtiiclees (as thee caase mayy bee) oor oon ssuchh laaterr daate (iff anny) speeciffiedd inn thhe nn
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