1、 8/8包裝印刷中英文專業(yè)術(shù)語大全 包裝印刷中英文專業(yè)術(shù)語大全 刀版die plate 菲林printing film/artwork 數(shù)碼印刷digital printing 印前工序prepress process 包裝種類 包裝盒 packaging 天地蓋盒l(wèi)id and base box 彩盒color printing box 儲物盒storage box 展示盒display stand 翻蓋盒/可折疊盒folding paper box 珠寶盒Jewelry box 茶葉盒tea box 鞋盒shoe box 盒Box 紙盒 paper box 硬紙盒rigid paper b
2、ox 瓦楞紙盒corrugated paper box 木盒Wooden Box 鐵盒Iron Box 塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box 禮盒presentation box 禮品盒g(shù)ift box 展示盒showing box 箱Case 紙箱Carton 外箱master carton 瓦欏紙箱Corrugated Carton 舊瓦欏紙箱Old Corrugated Carton (OCC) 木箱Wooden Case 板條箱Crate 木條箱Wooden Crate 竹條箱Bamboo Crate 膠合板箱Plywood Ca
3、se 三層夾板箱3-Ply Plywood Case 鍍錫鐵皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 集裝箱Container 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋Cloth Bag 草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny BagJute Bag 舊麻袋Used Gunny BagOld Gunny Bag 新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龍袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag 聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag 塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料編織袋Polywoven Bag 纖維袋Fibre Bag 玻璃纖維袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃紙袋Callop
4、hane Bag 防潮紙袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳膠袋子Emulsion Bag 三層牛皮紙袋3=ply Kraft Paper Bag 錫箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag 單層完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶 Drum 木桶Wooden Cask 大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel 膠木桶Bakelite Drum 塑料桶Plastic Drum 鐵桶Iron Drum 鍍鋅鐵桶Galvanized Iron Drum 鍍鋅閉口鋼桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum
5、鍍鋅開口鋼桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum 鋁桶Aluminum Drum 麻布包 Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag) 蒲包Mat Bale 草包Straw Bale 緊壓包Press Packed Bale 鋁箔包Aluminium Foil Package 鐵機包Hard-pressed Bale 木機包Half-pressed Bale 集裝包/集裝袋Flexible Container 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar 壺 Pot 鉛壺Lead Pot 銅壺Copper Pot 瓶
6、 Bottle 鋁瓶Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶Earthen Bottle 瓷瓶Porcelain bottle 罐 Can 聽 Tin 繞線筒 Bobbin 籠(簍、籃、筐)Basket 竹籠(簍、籃、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳條筐(籠、籃、筐)Wicker Basket 拖盤 Pallet 精裝書case bound 目錄冊catalogue 畫冊brochure Album of paintings 說明書instruction book specification 手冊、指南handbook、manual 傳單leaflet 雜志Magazine 手提handbag
7、紙袋paper bag 禮品袋gift bag 購物袋shopping bag 手提袋手把twisted paper handle cotton handle die-cutting handle 手提袋手把handle 拉帶Drawstring 手提袋carrier box 包裝量Packing Unit 件(支、把、個) Piece 架(臺、套) Set(Kit) 安瓿Amp(o)ule (藥針支) 雙Pair 打Dozen 令Ream 匹Bolt(Piece) 碼Yard 卷Roll(reel) 塊Block 捆Bundle 瓣Braid 度Degree 輛Unit(Cart) 套(罩)
8、Casing 包裝形狀Shapes of Packing 圓形Round 方形Square 三角形Triangular(Delta Type) 長方形(矩形) Rectangular 菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 橢圓形Oval 圓錐形Conical 圓柱形Cylindrical 蛋形Egg-Shaped 葫蘆形Pear-Shaped 五邊形Pentagon 六邊形Hexagon 七邊形Heptagon 八邊形Octagon 尺寸單位 長Long 寬Wide 高High 深Deep 厚Thick 長度Length 寬度Width 高度Height 深度Depth 厚度Thi
9、ckness 包裝外表標(biāo)志Marks On Packing 可回收的recycle 有利生態(tài)eco-friendly 下端,底部Bottom 頂部(上部) Top(Upper) 小心Care 勿擲Dont Cast 易碎Fragile 小心輕放,小心裝運Handle With Care 起吊點(此處起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火Inflammable 保持干燥,防涇Keep Dry 防潮keep Away from Moisture 儲存陰冷處Keep in a Cool Place 儲存干燥處Keep in a Dry Place 請勿倒置Keep Upright 請勿傾倒Not
10、 to Be Tipped 避冷To be Protected from Cold 避熱To be Protected from Heat 在滾子上移動Use Rollers 此方向上This Side Up 由此開啟Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品Inflammable 遇水燃燒品Dangerous When Wet 有毒品Poison 無毒品No Poison 不可觸摩Hand off 適合海運包裝Seaworthy Packing 毛重Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.) 凈重Net Weight (Nt.Wt) 皮重Tare Weight
11、包裝嘜頭Packing Mark 包裝容積Packing Capacity 包袋件數(shù)Packing Number 小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品Fragile 易腐貨物Perishable 液體貨物L(fēng)iquid 切勿受潮Keep DryCaution Against Wet 怕冷To Be Protected from Cold 怕熱To Be Protected from Heat 怕火Inflammable 上部,向上Top 此端向上This Side Up 勿用手鉤Use No Hooks 切勿投擲No Dumping 切勿倒置Keep Upright 切勿傾倒No Turning Ove
12、r 印后加工postpress finishing 啞油Matt varnishing 光油Glossy varnishing 啞膠Matt Lamination 光膠Glossy Lamination 光膜/亞膜glossy/matt lamination 磨光(由于包裝盒都需過油再磨光所以用varishing) polish 過油varnishing 燙銀/金silver /gold stamping foil-stamping 熱轉(zhuǎn)印thermograohy 透明UV transparent UV coating 七彩UV colorful UV coating 曬版plate burn
13、ing 發(fā)泡foaming 植絨flocking 植絨印花flock printing 熱壓hot stamp 凹凸embossing 模切die-cutting 水性膜Aqueous Coating /waterbase lamination 注塑材料blister material 打雞眼eyelet punch 糊盒g(shù)uling 打釘staple 打包帶strap 可降解的Bio-Degradable 釘裝Binding 膠裝Perfect Binding 騎馬釘Saddle-stich binding (saddle stitching) 鎖線訂thread sewing 鐵圈釘裝Wi
14、re-O binding 包裝材質(zhì)Packing material 中密度纖維板MDF MDF=medium density fibre board 銅版紙(雙面亮,有分單銅和雙銅) art paper /coated paper 白卡紙(單面亮) white cardboard paper 涂布白板紙(灰底白板)Coated white board gray(back duplex board) 白底白板white back duplex board 灰板紙/紙板grey board paper /chip board 硬紙板hard cardboard 牛卡紙Kraft paper 特種紙
15、special paper 金卡紙metallic paper 充皮紙vinyl paper artifical leather paper 硫酸紙parchment paper 合成紙Synthetic Paper 包裝紙wrapping paper 絨布velvet 瓦楞芯紙corrugating medium 絲綢silk 磁鐵扣magnetic button 緞帶,絲帶ribbon 雙膠紙two side offset paper foil-stamping wood free paper 書紙Woodfree paper 啞粉紙Matt paper 光粉紙Glossy paper 新
16、聞紙Newsprint 書紙Woodfree printing paper 充書紙Mechanical printing paper 充粉紙Mechanical art paper 帳簿紙Azure laid paper 鈔票紙Bank-note paper 圣經(jīng)紙Bible paper 打字紙Manifold paper 有色打字紙Coloured manifold paper 充打字紙Mechanical manifold paper 二號紙Bond paper 有色二號紙Coloured bond paper 光粉紙Glossy art paper 啞粉紙Matt art paper 單
17、面粉紙One-side coated art paper, C1S art paper 雙面粉紙Both sides coated art paper, C2S art paper 無碳紙Carbonless paper 咭紙類 卡片紙Ivory board 布紋咭Cambric board 壓花咭Enamel board 瓦通紙Corrugated board 雙面咭紙Bristol board 三夾咭紙Triplex board 灰咭Grey board 灰背咭Duplex board with grey back 盒咭Box board 硬紙板Hard board 黃紙板Manila b
18、oard 馬糞紙Straw board 火柴盒紙Blue match paper 其他紙類 花紋紙Fancy paper 木紋紙Woodgrained paper 方格紙Quadrille paper 羊皮紙Parchment 充皮紙Leatherettre paper 縐紙Crepe paper 緞面紙Satin paper 牛皮紙Unglazed pure kraft paper 廣告紙Poster paper 防油紙Grease-proof paper 劣質(zhì)畫紙Cartridge paper 圖紙Plotting paper 繪圖紙Drawing paper 描圖紙Tracing paper 吸水紙Blott
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