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1、.新視野大學(xué)英語(yǔ)讀寫(xiě)教程(第三版)BOOK 3 教案整理文本.Text: Never, ever give up!Exercises: Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, TranslationListening, Speaking & Writing Skills1. To talk about the secret of success;2. To further understand the text;3. To apply the phrases and patterns;4. To master the essay writing skill;3. Bri

2、efly summarize the passage alone;4. Correctly use and master the key words in this unit.1.Thestructureofthewholepassagediscussedandthewritingways mentioned in this passage2. The reading skills mentioned in this unit3. listening practicing related to the contents learned in1. The use of the new words

3、 and phrases in this passage2. The writing ways mentioned in this passage3. Some important sentence structures&80m QuestioningGiving Examples&Step 3: Language points and DifficultSentences&Giving Examples整理文本.&Step 1: Summarize the passage orally 20mStep 2: Exercises (Words in use, Wordbuilding, Ban

4、kedcloze,Expressions in 70muse, Translation in Section A)&Step 3: Revision & HomeworkStep 1: Check HomeworkStep 2: Structured WritingStep 3: Listening10m30m30m20m20mListening &QuestioningQuestioning &DiscussingStep 4: Speaking過(guò)The First Two Periods:Step 1: Lead-in:Step 2: Pre-reading Activities:1.Li

5、sten to a talk about steps to make your dreams come true. Fill inthe blanks based on what you hear.2.Listen to the talk again and discuss the following questions.Step 3: New WordsThe Second Two Periods:Step 1: Background Information1.Public schools in the UK & USPart I By using Winston Churchills st

6、ory and his speechat Harrow as an introduction to the topic, the text makesclearitsstatement:thesecretofsuccessis“Nevergiveup”.Part II (Paras.3-7): Through the examples of world famous scientists,statesman, and jurist, the text brings forward thestatement that only those with a strong will, those wh

7、o“keeptheireyesontheprize”,andthosewhoexpendthesubstantial effort to keep going, will finally succeed.Part III (Paras 8): By reinforcing the statement given in part II, the整理文本.text draws the conclusion that with hard work,determination, dedication and preparation, you cantranscend any handicap, acc

8、omplish any feat, and achievesuccess.1. A, B, C none of these 2. Sb. do sth., not because , but because 用于表達(dá)“某人做某事的3. Its not that matters. Its that be/do用于表達(dá)“對(duì)某事物Step 1: Summarize the passage orallyStep 2: ExercisesBanked cloze (Page 12)Step 3: Revision & Homework1.Finish the exercises of Unit 1in

9、the Comprehensive Exercises (6, 9)2.Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the topic:No onesucceeds without astrong willThe Forth Two Periods:Step 1: Check HomeworkThesisstatement:Eventhoughitisnoteasytoexplainwhy,scientistsbelieve living things must have built-in biologicalclocks that can

10、 be reset.Body1:Topic sentence: To start with, various 24-hour rhythms observed inpeoples biological clocks can be adjusted.整理文本.Example:AtravelerflyingfromNewYorktoLondoncanadjusthisnormalrhythms to London time.Topic sentence: The same kind of resetting also takes place in thebiological clocks of a

11、nimals and plants.Example 1: The clock of an animal or plant can be set to thelaboratory-produced hours of light and dark.Example2:Musselscanadjusttothetidesofthenewbeachafterbeingmoved from the old one.Biological clocks, in a way, serve as automatic internal “watches”for all living things.Step 4: S

12、peakingMake a speech on the following topic.Supposeyouaretogiveaspeechon how to achieve success.課后補(bǔ)遺整理文本. Section A: New Words and ExpressionsText: Swimming through fearExercises: Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, TranslationListening, Speaking & Writing Skills3. Briefly summarize the passage alone;4.

13、 Correctly use and master the key words in this unit.1.Thestructureofthewholepassagediscussedandthewritingways mentioned in this passage2. The reading skills mentioned in this unit3. listening practicing related to the contents learned in1. The use of the new words and phrases in this passage難點(diǎn) 2. T

14、he writing ways mentioned in this passage3. Some important sentence structuresQuestioning &DiscussingQuestioning &DiscussingFirst Step 2: Pre-reading ActivitiesTwoLecturing,80m Questioning &Giving ExamplesQuestioning &Step 1: Background InformationSecond10mDiscussing整理文本.&Giving ExamplesStep 1: Summ

15、arize the passage orally 20mStep 2: Exercises (Words in use, Wordbuilding, Bankedcloze, Expressions in 70muse, Translation in Section A)&Step 3: Revision & HomeworkStep 1: Check HomeworkStep 2: Structured WritingStep 3: Listening10m30m30m20m20mListening &QuestioningQuestioning &DiscussingStep 4: Spe

16、aking過(guò)The First Two Periods:Step 1: Lead-in:3.Look at the some pictures, what are these people afraid of?4.Did you have a fear of something before? If so, how did you overcomeit?Step 2: Pre-reading Activities:3.ListentoastoryaboutJacksfearanddecidewhetherthefollowingstatements are T (true) or F (fal

17、se).4.Listen to the talk again and discuss the following questions.Step 3: New WordsThe Second Two Periods:Step 1: Background Information3.Have you ever heard about Mediterranean Sea? What do you know aboutit?4.Do you know what is “rip current”? How to escape from rip current?Step 2: Structure Analy

18、sisaIIa整理文本.PartII(Paras.4-17):IaIaIIIIIIaIPart III (Paras 18-19): I was relaxed and happy in a moment of triumphand salvation./Functional Patterns/ /Step 1: Summarize the passage orallyStep 2: ExercisesWords in use (Page 39)Step 3: Revision & Homework3.Review the whole passage4.Writeacompositionofn

19、olessthan200wordsonthetopic:MybiggestmistakeThe Forth Two Periods:Step 1: Check HomeworkStep 2: Structured WritingTopic: Biological clocksTopic:整理文本.Thesis statement: We often misread people we truly care for in our lifeand may never again have a chance to make up for it.Exposition:Setting:Upongradu

20、ation,ayoungmanwasexpectinghisdadsblessing.Conflict:The fathers gift, a Bible with the young mans name on itin gold, resulted in the young mans storming out of thehouse on Graduation Day.Development:RisingHaving become successful, the young man decided to pay avisit to his father.Climax:When theyoun

21、gman madearrangements to visithis father, he wasinformed of his fathers death.Fallingaction:When he arrived at his fathers house, sudden sadnessand regret filled his heart.Conclusion:Resolution:Theyoungmanfoundthekeyforthesportscarheoncedreamedof in the still new Bible when searching through hisfath

22、ers belongings. But his father was gone.Step 3: ListeningStep 4: SpeakingMakea speech onthe followingtopic.:Suppose, as an eye-witness, youare expected to write areport to the police.課后補(bǔ)遺整理文本.3UNITLife stories_lMoviesplayanimportantroleinalmosteveryoneslife.Peoplefromthemovie industry have considera

23、ble influence on the masses. They exhibitpersonality traits that deserve admiration and applause, and could belooked up to as role models. This unit will fully explore their bestqualities.Thetwotextsinthecurrentunitarebiographies,agenreofliterature,which is a written account of another s life. Each

24、of the textsnarrates, analyzes and interprets the most important facts of oneprominent figure in the movie domain. Text A pays attention to actressAudrey Hepburns noble endeavor and her contribution to the cause ofUNICEF, while Text B portrays the determination and fervent spirit of整理文本.director and

25、 producer Steven Spielberg.The teacher can make students do additional research at the library, orAudrey Hepburn and Steven Spielberg in advance. Then in the classroom,the teacher may organize a variety of activities including pair work,group discussion, and mini-survey to talk about the films or th

26、e issueof fame, fortune, and social responsibility.A_1 Audrey HepburnAudreyHepburn(1929-1993)wasaslender,stylishmotionpictureactressknown for her radiant beauty, her ability to project an air ofsophisticationtemperedbyacharminginnocence,andhertirelesseffortsto aid needy children.Although born in Bel

27、gium, Hepburn had British citizenship through herfather and attended school in England as a child. In 1939, however, atthe onset of World War II, her mother(Hepburns father left the familywhenshewassixyearsold)movedthechildtotheNetherlands(wheretheauthorofthistextmistakenlyconsideredHepburnwasborn),

28、thinkingtheneutral country safer than England. Throughout World War II, Hepburnendured hardships in Nazi-occupied Holland. She still managed, however,to attend school and take ballet lessons. After the war, she continuedto study ballet in Amsterdam and in London. During her early 20s, shestudiedacti

29、ngandworkedasamodelanddancer.AfterappearinginseveralBritish films and starring in the 1951 Broadway play Gigi (琪琪),Hepburn gained instant Hollywood stardom for playing the AcademyAward-winning lead role in Roman Holiday. She remains one of fewentertainers who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony

30、 Awards.Hepburnswar-timestrugglesinspiredherpassionforhumanitarianwork.She devoted much of her later life to UNICEF, visiting famine-strickenvillages, in Latin America, Africa, until shortly before her death ofcancer in 1993. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom inrecognition of her wor

31、k as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1992.2 UNICEFUNICEF (United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund) was整理文本.created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, toprovide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that hadbeendevastatedbyWorldWarII.After1950t

32、hefunddirecteditseffortstoward general programs for the improvement of childrens welfare,particularly in less-developed countries and in various emergencysituations.Theorganizationsbroadermissionwasreflectedinthenameit adopted in 1953, the United Nations Children s Fund, but it hascontinued to be kn

33、own by the popular acronym based on this old name.Headquartered in New York City, UNICEF provides long-term humanitarianand developmental assistance to children and mothers in developingcountries. UNICEFs programs emphasize developing community-levelservices to promote the health and well-being of c

34、hildren.3 UNICEF Ambassador of GoodwillMany celebrities have acted as international, regional or nationalambassadors,dependingontheirprofile,interests,anddesiredlevelofresponsibility. The role of Goodwill Ambassador allows celebrities witha demonstrated interest in UNICEF issues to use their fame to

35、 drawattention to important issues. This may take the form of publicappearances and talks, visits to troubled regions, and use of theirpolitical access to advocate UNICEF causes, all of which have the powerto draw attention from the media and to create public awareness.Gregory Peck4GregoryPeck(1916-

36、2003)wasoneoftheworldsmostpopularfilmstarsfrom the 1940s to the 1960s. He is best known for his performance in the1962 film, which earned him the Academy Award forTo Kill a MockingbirdBest Actor.In 1967 Peck received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.He was also in 1969 for his lifetime humanitar

37、ian effort. Alwayspolitically progressive, Peck was active in such causes as anti-warprotests, workers rights and civil rights.5 Billy WilderBilly Wilder (1906-2002) was an Austrian-born American filmmaker,screenwriter, producer artist, and journalist. His career spanned morethan 50 years and 60 fil

38、ms. He is regarded as one of the most brilliantand versatile filmmakers of golden age. During his career,Wildergained20AcademyAwardnominationsandwonsixOscars.Hereceiveda lifetime achievement award from the American Film Institute in 1986.6 Academy AwardsAn Academy Award (byname Oscar) is an award pr

39、esented annually by the整理文本.American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science to recognizeexcellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors ,actors,andwriters.Theawardceremonyisoneofthemostprominentawardceremoniesintheworld,andistelevisedliveinmorethan200countriesannually.7 Hub

40、ert de GivenchyHubert de Givenchy (1927-,) is a French aristocrat and fashion designerwhofounderTheHouseofGivenchyin1952.HeisfamousforhavingdesignedmuchofthepersonalandprofessionalwardrobeofAudreyHepburn,aswellas clothing for clients such as Jacqueline Kennedy. He was named to theInternational Best

41、Dress List Hall of Fame in 1970.1 Audrey Hepburn thrilled audiences with starring roles in noteworthyfilms. (Para.1)Meaning: Audrey Hepburn played leading roles in many extraordinaryfilms,andsuchpolesgavegreatpleasuretothepeoplewhowatchedthefilmsnoteworthy: a. important or interesting enough to dese

42、rve yourattention 值得注意的;顯著的One of the most noteworthy trends in contemporary American highereducationisthetendencyamongcommunitycollegestooffercertificateprograms besides the traditional associate degrees.當(dāng)代美國(guó)高等教育最顯著的趨勢(shì)之一就是社區(qū)大學(xué)除了授予傳統(tǒng)的副學(xué)士學(xué)位,還開(kāi)設(shè)學(xué)歷課程。2Despite her success in the filmdomain,the roles she

43、 most preferredportraying were not in movies. (Para. 2)Meaning:AlthoughAudreyHepburnwasasuccessfulactress,theroleshemost preferred playing was not being an actress.domain:n.C(fml.)anareaofactivity,interest,orknowledge,esp.one that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with (活動(dòng)、興趣或知識(shí)的)領(lǐng)域,范圍,范

44、疇Recent research in the clinical domain has benefited from theincorporation of multiple methods of measurement.臨床領(lǐng)域近期的研究得益于多種測(cè)量方法結(jié)合使用。portray: vt.整理文本.1) act the pare of a character in a play, film, or television program扮演(角色)ItwassaidthatPortmanstudieddancetobetterportrayhercharacter.聽(tīng)說(shuō)波特曼學(xué)習(xí)舞蹈是為了更好

45、的扮演她的角色。2) (sb./sth.assth.)describeorshowsb.orsth.inaparticularway, according to your opinion of them把某人/某物描寫(xiě)成某種樣子Lawyers tend to portray their clients as misguided underprivilegedyouths.律師往往將自己的當(dāng)事人描述成受人誤導(dǎo)的貧困青年。3 She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNCEF (the UnitedNations Internationa

46、l Childrens Emergency Fund) Ambassador ofGoodwill serving victims in war-torn countries. (Para.2)Meaning:She was an excellent mother to her two sons and also a UNICEFAmbassadorofGoodwillprovidingservicestopeoplewhoweresufferingfrom the destructions of war in their countries.exemplary: a. excellent a

47、nd providing a good example for people tofollow 模范的;可作楷模的Maryhadproventobeanexemplaryeducatortoherstudentsandatrustedandcherishedfriendtohercolleagues. 瑪麗對(duì)學(xué)生而言是一位模范教師,對(duì)同事而言是一位值得信任和珍惜的朋友。ambassador: n. C an important official who represents his or hergovernment in a foreign country 大使He was President

48、 Clintons energy secretary and ambassador to theUnited Nations.他擔(dān)任過(guò)克林頓總統(tǒng)的能源部長(zhǎng)和駐聯(lián)合國(guó)大使。4 Hepburn was aware of death, and destructionof war. (Para.3)Meaning: Audrey Hepburn knew clearly that war is cruel, violenttreatment 野蠻行為;野蠻事件The brutality forced unarmed citizens to defend themselves.統(tǒng)治者的野蠻行徑迫使手無(wú)寸

49、鐵的市民進(jìn)行自衛(wèi)。5Shewashungryandmalnourished,asherfamilywasbankruptedasaresultof the invasion. (Para.3)Meaning:Because of the Nazi invasion, her family became so poor heatshe did not have enough food to eat and became ill as a result.6Audreysfatherabandonedthefamily,andtwoofherunclesweretakencaptive and ki

50、lled. (Para.3)Meaning:Audreysfatherranawayanddesertedthefamily,andtwoofher uncles were arrested and then killed. captive: a. kept in prison or in a place that you ate not allowed整理文本.to leave 被關(guān)押的;遭監(jiān)禁的A teenage boy called 911, claiming to be held captive in a house.一個(gè)十幾歲的男孩撥打了911,聲稱(chēng)自己被囚禁在一座房子里。 take

51、 / hold sb. captive:take or keep sb. as a prisoner關(guān)押某人;囚禁某人The guerrillas shot down one airplane and took the pilot captive.游擊隊(duì)擊落了一架飛機(jī),并關(guān)押了該飛行員。7AudreywasgrabbedoffthestreetbyNazisandplacedinlinetobesentto a work camp. (Para.3)Meaning:Nazis arrested Audrey on the street, and placed her togetherwith

52、other people to be sent to a work camp.8 When the guards glanced away she darted away she darted off, barelyescaping, andhuddled in a cold,foulbasement full of rats. (Para.3)Meaning:Whentheguards took theireyesoff her, shequickly ran awayand escaped. Then she hid in a cold dirty basement full of rat

53、s. dart: vi. move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction 猛沖;突進(jìn)A deer suddenly darted out into the street from inside the 只鹿突然從森林里沖出來(lái),跑到街上來(lái)了。 huddle: v. lie or sit with your arms and legs close to your bodybecause you feel ill, cold or upset (因生病、寒冷或煩惱)蜷縮著身體Thecatcameinsidefromtherainandhuddl

54、edbehindtheheatertowarmup again.貓從雨中進(jìn)到屋里,蜷縮在暖爐后面,好把身子暖和過(guò)來(lái)。 foul: a. very dirty, or smelling or tasting unpleasant骯臟的;難聞的;難吃的The odor of smoke hide the foul smell of the dirty 的氣味也無(wú)法蓋住這個(gè)臟房間難聞的味道。9Thelittlegirlwhowouldbecometheworldsmostmagicalactressbeganas an anonymous refugee confronting horrors an

55、d fragilityfirsthand, (Para. 4)Meaning: Though now the most attractive movie star, at the verybeginning, she was just an unknown person being forced to leave hercountry and directly face the terrible reality and an unstable life.anonymous: a. unknown by name無(wú)名的;不署名的整理文本.We are also gratefulforthe ge

56、nerousgifts of three anonymous donors.我們也感謝三位匿名捐贈(zèng)者慷慨的禮物。refugee: n. C sb. who has been forced to leave their country, esp.during a war, or for political or religious reasons 難民;避難者AUNrefugeeagencyspokesmansaysasmanyas100,000peoplehavealreadyfled the country, and more are likely to 人說(shuō)已有多達(dá)10萬(wàn)人逃離了那個(gè)國(guó)家,

57、后面可能還有更多的人要跟隨其后。fragile: a. easily broken or damaged脆弱的;一歲的;易損壞的Thisgreatrecessionclearlydemonstrateshowfragilethemarketsare.這次經(jīng)濟(jì)大蕭條清楚地表明市場(chǎng)是多么脆弱。fragility: n. EventslikethesenselessColoradomovietheatershootingremindusofthe fragility of life and the value of every single 院開(kāi)槍濫殺這類(lèi)事件提醒我們生命是脆弱的,每一天都是寶貴的。

58、10 But she refused to allow her spirit to by the desperatereality of her young life.(Para.4)Meaning: Hopeless as her young life was, she was unwilling to let thereality have a negative influence on her spirit.afflict: vt. (fml.) (often passive) affect sb. Or sth. in anunpleasant way, and make them s

59、uffer 使受痛苦;折磨Afflictedbyanunexplainedillness,bemissedschoolforthenexttwoweeks.由于遭受不明疾病的折磨,他接下來(lái)兩周都沒(méi)上課。11Instead,shetranscendedthosechallengesbutneverforgotwhatitfeltto suffer, to be hungry, alone and helpless.(Para. 4)Meaning: Instead of being influenced by the hopeless reality of heryounglife,sheove

60、rcameobstaclesandwasalwaysawareofthefeelingof suffering, hunger, loneliness, and desperation.12After thewar, Audrey and hermotherleftHolland, arriving inLondonas poor immigrants.(Para.5)Meaning: When the war was over, Audrey and her mother left Holland,moved to London with little money, and lived th


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