1、How to Build Your Career Competitive Advantage in A Global Age of Today? How tto BBuilld YYourr Caareeer CComppetiitivve AAdvaantaage in A GGlobbal Agee off Toodayy?How tto BBuilld YYourr Caareeer CComppetiitivve AAdvaantaage in A GGlobbal Agee off ToodayyWang LiAbstrractts: Acccorrdinng tto ssomee
2、reeseaarchh, mmoree annd mmoree grraduuateed sstuddentt arre ffaceed wwithh soome proobleems aboout finndinng aa joob, theey ccannnot reaalizzed whiich jobb thhey likke aand whiich jobb suuit forr thhemsselvves. Inn faact, thhey diddntt knnow howw too buuildd thheirr caareeer ccomppetiitivve aadvaan
3、taage, soo thhey losse aa loot oof ooppoortuunittiess. TThiss arrticcle willl ttelll yoou hhow to usee soome metthodd, ssuchh ass SWWOT anaalyssis, too buuildd yoour carreerr coompeetittivee addvanntagge iin aa gllobaal aage of todday. Itt noot oonlyy caan llet peooplee knnow howw too buuildd, bbut
4、alsso hhow to buiild youur ccareeer commpettitiive advvanttagee effficcienntlyy. Key wwordds:carreerr, ccomppetiitivve aadvaantaage, SWWOT anaalyssis怎樣在全球球化時(shí)代代的今天天建立你你的職業(yè)業(yè)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)優(yōu)勢(shì)王麗摘要:根據(jù)據(jù)調(diào)查,越越來(lái)越多多的應(yīng)屆屆畢業(yè)生生在找工工作的過(guò)過(guò)程中都都遇到了了很多的的問(wèn)題,他他們不清清楚什么么是他們們想要的的,什么么是適合合他們的的,歸根根到底是是他們不不懂得怎怎么去建建立自己己的職業(yè)業(yè)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)優(yōu)勢(shì),所所以他們們失去了了很多
5、的的機(jī)會(huì)。本本文將會(huì)會(huì)教你們?cè)踉鯓釉谌蚧瘯r(shí)時(shí)代的今今天用一一些方法法去建立立自己的的職業(yè)競(jìng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)勢(shì),比如如SWOOT分析析法等等等。它不不僅僅只只是讓人人知道怎怎樣去建建立,而而且能讓讓人們有有效地去去建立自自己的職職業(yè)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)。關(guān)鍵詞:職職業(yè),競(jìng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)勢(shì),SWWOT分分析法CONTEENTSSTOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc282376570 1.Inntrooducctioon PAGEREF _Toc282376570 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376571 2.Thhe ddefiinittionn off coompeet
6、ittivee addvanntagge PAGEREF _Toc282376571 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376572 3.Hoow tto BBuilld YYourr Caareeer CComppetiitivve AAdvaantaage? PAGEREF _Toc282376572 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376573 3.1.Makke aa Inndivviduualss SWWOT Anaalyssis forr Yooursselvves PAGEREF _Toc282376573 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc282
7、376574 3.2.Thee deefinnitiion of SWOOT aanallysiis PAGEREF _Toc282376574 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376575 3.3.Fouur SStepps FFor SWOOT AAnallysiis PAGEREF _Toc282376575 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376576 3.3.11.Enuumerratee yoour strrenggthss annd wweakknesssess PAGEREF _Toc282376576 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc282
8、376577 3.3.22.Usiing a rresuume temmplaate PAGEREF _Toc282376577 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376578 3.3.33.Ideentiify extternnal facctorrs PAGEREF _Toc282376578 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376579 3.3.44.Forrmullatee a 5 yyearrs pproffesssionnal goaal PAGEREF _Toc282376579 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376580 3.4.Som
9、me ffeassiblle mmethhodss PAGEREF _Toc282376580 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376581 3.4.11.Exppanssionn PAGEREF _Toc282376581 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376582 3.4.22.Deeep PPlowwingg PAGEREF _Toc282376582 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376583 3.4.33.Expperttisee PAGEREF _Toc282376583 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376584 3.
10、4.44.Upddatees PAGEREF _Toc282376584 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc282376585 4.cooncllusiion PAGEREF _Toc282376585 h 5How tto BBuilld YYourr Caareeer CComppetiitivve AAdvaantaage in A GGlobbal Agee off Toodayy?IntrooducctioonEven thooughh deeducct ttwo-thiirdss poppulaatioons off thhe oold mann annd aadollesc
11、centt, yyourr coompeetittorss allso in a bbilllionn peeoplle oof tthe speectrrum in a ssinggle glooball huumann reesouurcee maarkeet. It waas preesennt ttensse, noot futturee teensee. So hoow tto bbuilld yyourr caareeer ccomppetiitivve aadvaantaage in a gglobbal agee off toodayy , is a vveryy immpor
12、rtannt ffor us, esspecciallly forr sttudeentss.The DDefiinittionn off Comppetiitivve AAdvaantaageCompeetittivee addvanntagge iis aa poosittionn off a commpanny iin aa coompeetittivee laandsscappe tthatt alllowws tthe commpanny eearnningg reeturrn oon iinveestmmentts hhighher thaan tthe cosst oof iin
13、veestmmentts. Commpettitiive advvanttagee shhoulld bbe rreleevannt, uniiquee, aand susstaiinabble. Commpettitiive advvanttagee iss juust a ttheoory thaat sseekks tto aaddrresss soome of thee crritiicissms of commparratiive advvanttagee.How tto BBuilld YYourr Caareeer CComppetiitivve AAdvaantaage?How
14、 tto sstannd oout oveer bbilllionns ccomppetiitorrs arrmy or at leaast maiintaain thee coompeetittivee addvanntagge? Witth eentrreprreneeurss ppersspecctivve, in thee saame hirre ccostt, iif yyou gott a proofesssioonall skkillls mmoree thhan othher commpettitoors, yoou wwilll haave morre ccomppetiit
15、ivveneess.Make A Inddiviiduaals SWOOT AAnallysiis ffor YouurseelveesWhen youu loock thee onne oor sseveerall caareeer ggoalls, you beggin to thiink aboout a qquesstioon: if youu ennterr a cerrtaiin iinduustrriess, hhow shoouldd yoou ppreppareed? Thiis rrequuirees yyou to expplorre tthe commpettitiiv
16、e advvanttagees oof yyourrsellvess, thhat meaans youu shhoulld hhavee a inddiviiduaals SWOOT aanallysiis.SWOT AnaalyssisThe DDefiinittionn off SWWOT AnallysiisSWOT anaalyssis, allso callledd siituaatioon aanallysiis, thee foour Engglissh llettterss reepreesennt: strrenggthss, wweakknesssess, ooppoor
17、tuunittiess, tthreeatss. TThiss frrameeworrk iis oone of thee moost commmonn annalyysiss tooolss off thhe eenteerprrisee sttrattegiic mmanaagemmentt coonsuultiing areeas. Ussingg SWWOT anaalyssis, yoou ccan anaalyssis youur ssituuatiion commpreehennsivvelyy, ssysttemiicallly andd acccurrateely. Accc
18、orddingg too thhe rresuultss off thhis anaalyssis, wee caan fformmulaate thee coorreespoondiing devveloopmeent strrateegy, pllan, annd ccounnterrmeaasurre, etcc. SSWOTT annalyysess arre oofteen uusedd too seend a sstraateggy aand forrmullateed ggrouup ccomppetiitorr annalyysiss.If wee coompaaredd th
19、he sstuddentts jobb-huunteer tto tthe entterpprisses viee wiith eacch ootheer iin tthe marrkett, wwe wwilll fiind SWOOT aanallysiis ccan be fullly apppliccablle tto tthe jobb seeekeers.Four Steeps Forr SWWOT AnaalyssisEnumeeratte YYourr Sttrenngthhs aand WeaakneesseesEnumeeratte yyourr sttrenngthhs
20、aand weaakneessees, eacch oone of youu iss reelattiveely inddepeendeent witth yyourr owwn ccharractteriistiics skkillls oor ttaleent. Inn thhe ccleaar aassiignmmentt maarkeet eeconnomyy, eeverryonne ccan finnd hhis areeas of expperttisee, iss a suiitabble fieeldss foor ddeveeloppmennt. Forr exxamppl
21、e: iff yoou ddont llikee maake conntacct wwithh ottherr peeoplle, youu arre nnot suiit tto ddeveelopp foor ssalees mmarkket of worrk.Usingg a Ressumee TeempllateeIf yoour do nott cllearr wiith youur oown strrenggthss annd wweakknesssess, yoou ccan usee a ressumee teempllatee too caarriies on thee pr
22、reliiminnaryy seelf exccavaatioons evaaluaatioon oof yyourr owwn iin aadvaancee, aaccoordiing to youur oown strrenggthss annd wweakknesssess reefinningg yoour ownn coompeetittivee addvanntagge aand dissadvvanttagee, aaccoordiing to youur oown eneergyy too maake preelimminaary anaalyssis: whhat aree
23、thhe ddisaadvaantaagess iss thhe nneedd too immproove, wwhatt addvanntagge iis tthe neeed tto cconttinuue tto mmainntaiin. On thee cuurreent conndittionns oof yyourr owwn ppoinnt oof vvieww, wwhatt iss noot ssuittablle ffor occcupaatioon? Thesee owwn qquallitiies whiich cann bee coompeetittivee addv
24、anntagge tto hhelpp yoou tto sstannd aabovve yyourr coompeetittionn annd wwhicch wwilll bee diisaddvanntagges. Expplorre ttheiir ccareeer oppporttuniitiees, andd fiind outt thhe tthreeat of diffferrentt inndusstriies andd inndusstryy ennterrpriisess, aare facced witth ddifffereent extternnal oppport
25、tuniitiees oor tthreeatss.Identtifyy Exxterrnall FaactoorsIdenttifyy exxterrnall faactoors cann allso hellp yyou succcesssfuullyy fiind a ssuittablle jobb. OOppoortuunittiess annd tthreeatss arre wwhicch wwilll afffecct yyourr fiirstt joob aand youur ffutuure carreerr deevellopmmentt. IIf tthe commp
26、anny hhas beeen aaffeecteed witth aadveersee exxterrnall faactoors, thhis ccomppanyy caan pprovvidee thhe ooppoortuunitty iis vveryy liimitted, leet aalonne pprommotiion. Onn thhe cconttrarry, a ffillled witth pposiitivve eexteernaal ffacttorss inndusstryys pproffesssionnal proospeect is mucch bbroa
27、aderr.Formuulatte aa 5 Yeaars Proofesssioonall GooalFormuulatte aa 5 yeaars proofesssioonall gooal andd too doo a carrefuul aasseessmmentt off SWWOT anaalyssis evaaluaatioon, andd seets outt a outtlinne-sstylle 55-yeear carreerr acctioon pprojjectt, ddraww upp evveryy acctioon pplann off evveryy goo
28、alss, deetaiiledd deeclaare whaat yyou willl ddo tto aachiievee yoour eveery goaals andd whhen to finnishh thhesee thhinggs. If youu thhinkk yoou nneedd soome outtsidde hhelpp, ppleaase expplaiin wwhatts yoou nneedd, hhow to acccesss thhe hhelpp.Some Feaasibble Metthodds ExpannsioonExtenndedd leearn
29、ningg feeeleers, peerceeivee ouurseelvees eexceel ttaleent. Inn naaturral sellecttionn ruuless, aa siinglle bbetwweenn inndivviduualss diiffeerenntiaatioon, is conntinnuattionn off etthniic llifeebloood speeciees kkey, thhe ssamee, eeverryonne hhas itss unniquue ppoteentiial andd chharaacteer.If inn
30、putt thhe ssamee tiime andd ennerggy tto sstuddy iin aa paartiicullar inttellligeencee, hhavee innnatte iinteelliigennce advvanttagee, iit wwilll bee haalf thee woork witth ddoubble ressultts, nott onnly beiing inttereestiing, allso havvingg Remmarkkablle aachiieveemennts. TThuss thhe ffirsst ttaskk
31、 off buuilddingg yoour commpettitiive advvanttagee, iis tto eexpaand youur hhabiit AAreaas, exppanddingg thhe bbreaadthh off leearnningg annd eexplloree thhe iinnaate supperiior inttellligeencee thhan othherss. Deep PloowinngAwaree off thhe iinheerennt aadvaantaagess off yoour ownn inntellliggencce,
32、 it hass too chhoosse aa reelatted funnctiionss wiith youur pproffesssionnal inttellligeencee reelatted funnctiionss, aand sett abboutt sttudyyingg inn thhe ffielld oof kknowwleddge, skkillls oor aabillityy, tto sstreengtthenn thhe ffuncctioon oof tthe deggreee off leearnningg, iin oordeer tto eenha
33、ancee thhe llearrninng rretuurn on invvesttmennt, shoouldd bee seelecctedd faailuure of a llongg peeriood, andd thhe ddiffficuultyy off sttudyyingg orr leearnningg a lonng pperiiod of higgherr fuuncttionns. Beccausse tthe lonngerr thhe pperiiod of thee fuuncttionns oof tthe faiilurre, thee moore har
34、rdshhipss too avvoidd raackiing acqquirred knoowleedgee, sskillls or abiilitty, andd raapidd looss of vallue oveer ttimee orr immpaiirmeent. Thhe ddiffficuultyy off leearnningg thhe sseleectiion of lonngerr orr hiigheer tthe funnctiionss off thhosee whho ccan raiise thee thhressholld oof bbackkwarrd
35、, bacckwaard or sloow ddownn thhe sspeeed oof tthe folllowwer to cattch up.ExperrtisseTry tto bbecoome thee chhieff off seelecctedd fuuncttionnal areeas, orr att leeastt beecomme aan eexpeert in thiis ffielld. Musst aalsoo trry tto oobtaain thee reelevvantt doocummentts, succh aas nnatiionaal ccerttifiicattionn, lliceensees, tesst sscorres or obttainn leectuurerr, ccoacch qquallifiicattionns.UpdattesAfterr quualiifyiing, itt woouldd neeed to maiintaain thee seensiitivvityy off thhe pproffesssionnal fieeld, ann appproopriiatee chhargge aand abssorbb neew kknowwleddge. Iff t
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