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1、2021年四川省自貢市光第中學高三英語上學期期末試題含解析一、 選擇題1. Mary is the only one of the girls who _ always on time.A. are B. am C. is D. was 參考答案:C 2. _!There is garbage everywhere over the floor!Im really sorry for that.AWhat a clean room BHow clean CWhat a mess DHow upset參考答案:C由“There is garbage everywhere over the flo

2、or!”可知房間凌亂不堪,故選C項。3. People still dont knowthey should drink a cup of coffee in the early morning.A.whetherB.whatC.whenD.how參考答案:A考查名詞性從句。句意:人們依舊不知道他們是否應一大早喝咖啡。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處引導賓語從句,再根據(jù)句意可知,此處表示是否,故應用whether。4. What has happened to Jack?Hes had one of his legs _trying to save a boy from the fire.A. inju

3、ring B. injured C. being injured D. to be injured參考答案:B5. I like your new sunglasses!Thanks. I had to try on almost a dozen pairs _I decided to get them.A. as B. when C. after D. before 參考答案:D6. I dont think football is _ than basketball. A. a lot more exciting B. a great deal more excited C. more e

4、xcited by far D. by far most exciting參考答案:A7. Please write your composition _ line to leave space for the teachers correction. A. one another B. every other C. any other D. each other參考答案:B8. The man who hit 9 people in a row had drunk so much that his mind could no longer _ between fantasy and real

5、ity.Adistinguish BdiscourageCdisturb Ddisappear參考答案:A句意:那個連續(xù)撞了9人的男子喝了太多酒,所以他的大腦分辨不出幻想和現(xiàn)實。distinguish“區(qū)別,辨別”,符合句意。discourage“使氣餒,阻礙”;disturb“擾亂,妨礙”;disappear“消失;不存在”。9. He is sure to pass the test, for he_ his lessons for the test every day over the past month.A. will reviewB. was reviewingC. has bee

6、n reviewingD. had been reviewing參考答案:C【詳解】考查現(xiàn)在完成進行時。句意:他一定可以通過測試,因為在過去的一個月里他每天都在為測試而復習功課。over the past month.(在過去的一個月里)是現(xiàn)在完成時的標志詞,再結(jié)合句意,他復習的動作從過去持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,故用現(xiàn)在完成進行時,主語he是第三人稱單數(shù),故用has been reviewing。故選C項。10. What do you think of that tea set as a gift for Marys birthday?_,but I am afraid she wont like th

7、e designA. Let me look at itB. Its quite uglyC. Let me think it overD. Its not so bad參考答案:D35. Do remember to see a doctor tomorrow! _.A. Got it B. Heard it C. Made it D. Taken it參考答案:A略12. The new playground to be built next year will be _ the old one.A. as three times big asB. three times as big a

8、sC. as big as three timesD. as big three times as參考答案:B考查倍數(shù)表達法。句意:明年新建的操場將是老操場的三倍大。倍數(shù)表示法:倍數(shù)+as+形容詞(或 much)或副詞+as。故選B?!久麕燑c睛】倍數(shù)表達法句型結(jié)構(gòu)用 times 表示倍數(shù)(一般限于包括基數(shù)在內(nèi)三倍或三倍以上的數(shù)。表示兩倍的數(shù),一般用 twice )。其句式有:(前三種為主)1. “ times 形容詞 / 副詞的比較級 than ”。例如:This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 這個大廳比我們的教室大 5 倍。He

9、earns five times more money than he did ten years ago. 他現(xiàn)在掙的錢比十年前掙的多 5 倍。2. “ times +as + 形容詞 / 副詞的原級 as ”例如:This table is three times as long as that one. 這張桌子是那張桌子的三倍長。This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed from the library. 這本詞典的厚度是你從圖書館借的那本(厚度)的 5 倍。3. “ times + the + 名詞(

10、如:size,height,weight,length,width,age等) of ”。例如:The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球的體積是月球的 49 倍。This river is three times the depth of that one. 這條河是那條河的三倍深。13. Dont bother to look for my watch; I think it will _ some day.A. turn down B. turn out C. turn up D. turn over參考答案:21、【答案】C考查動詞短語

11、辨析。句意:不要麻煩找我的手表了;我想總有一天它會出現(xiàn)的。turn down“關(guān)小;拒絕”;turn out“結(jié)果是”;turn up“出現(xiàn);到達”;turn over“翻轉(zhuǎn)”。【解析】14. Since Tom downloaded a virus into his computer, he can not open the file now.AreadilyBhorriblyCaccidentallyDirregularly參考答案: C解析:根據(jù)句意,只有C項符合題意。由于湯姆無意中下載了病毒到電腦中,現(xiàn)在無法打開這個文件。readily樂意地;horribly可怕地;accidenta

12、lly無意地,意外地;irregularly無規(guī)則地。15. - What do you think of the furniture on sale?-Pretty good, But_ what you bought with the samples, I dont think it is_ the money.A. Comparing; worth B. compared; worthwhile C. compare; worthy D. comparing; value參考答案:A16. - Is it a good idea to buy him the toy that he is

13、 longing for? - Better not. _ you have bought him everything he wants, he wont behave himself.A. If B. As if C. Even if D. As though參考答案:C二、 完型填空17. To make a difference in a childs life, I recently Joined the Make-A-Wish Arizona team, which was able to accept 355 wishes this year. While each wish w

14、as as _41_ as the child who dreamt it, one that touched me most was Annies wish to meet the Pope(羅馬教皇). In fact, there was not one _42_ eye in the Wish House when Annies wish came true.Given 3-6 months to live after being _43_ to have stage IV stomach cancer, most people would be _44_. Not Annie, wh

15、o wrote the most _45_ letter to us asking for her wish: to have last rites (臨終祈禱)_46_ to her by the Pope. Well, the Pope doesnt do that, but he did _47_ to meet with her, and with planning by the staff, she eventually met the Pope and got a _48_ from him. The time with him was _49_ short of extraord

16、inary. She reported that he even posed for photos!Nothing could have made this _50_ more amazing when the Pope asked the crowd to wait a moment while he _51_ a full mass(彌撒)for her. Working there, we were all _52_ to meet Annie as she came to the Wish House to _53_ her remarkable story. She is _54_

17、a fortunate young lady!Wishes like Annies give life new meanings. You can _55_ what an incredible amount of support it takes to make these happen. That is _56_ I encourage you to join me in making a _57_ to this charity activity, whether it is $30, $50, $100 or even more. Remember it can _58_ allowi

18、ng more wishes like Annies to come true and it can help Make-A-Wish kids _59_ their courage to face illnesses and find a(an)_60_ point in their lives.41. A. sincere B. amazing C. beautiful D. absurd42. A. sad B. upset C. dry D. wide43. A. assumed B. expected C. warned D. told44. A. disappointed B. a

19、nnoyed C. desperate D. lonely45. A. demanding B. touching C. personal D. confidential46. A. conducted B. introduced C. expressed D. mentioned47. A. agree B. want C. hope D. like48. A. comfort B. sympathy C. shelter D. blessing49. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything50. A. wish B. idea C

20、. story D. girl51. A. appointed B. gathered C. arranged D. invited52. A. privileged B. interested C. embarrassed D. excited53. A. announce B. share C. spread D. declare54. A. frequently B. gradually C. truly D. properly55. A. believe B. imagine C. predict D. confirm56. A. how B. why C. when D. what5

21、7. A. promise B. devotion C. difference D. donation58. A. stick to B. object to C. contribute to D. add to59. A. seize B. regain C. convey D. possess60. A. relevant B. appropriate C. valuable D. turning參考答案:41. B 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. D 49. A 50. A 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. B 56.

22、 B 57. D 58. C 59. B 60. D為了讓孩子們的生活有所不同,作者加入了愿望成真。讓作者最感動的是實現(xiàn)即將離世的安妮的愿望,讓作者意識到需要更多人的加入才能幫助孩子們重獲面對疾病的勇氣、讓他們找到生活的轉(zhuǎn)折點。41. 考查形容詞。A. sincere 真誠的; B. amazing 令人驚嘆的; C. beautiful 漂亮的; D. absurd 可笑的。根據(jù)后面one that touched me most was Annies wish to meet the Pope 以及Nothing could have made this _10_ more amazing

23、得知,盡管每個愿望都和有夢想的孩子一樣神奇,但是有一個愿望最感動我。故選B。42. 考查形容詞。A. sad 悲傷的; B. upset 失望的; C. dry 干燥的; D. wide 寬廣的。根據(jù)下文的故事得知白宮在場的每個人都被安妮感動,大家都眼眶濕潤。故選C。43. 考查動詞。A. assumed承擔,假設(shè); B. expected 期望; C. warned 警告; D. told 告訴。根據(jù)下文安妮被告知還有三到六個月的壽命時,她沒有絕望。故選D。44. 考查形容詞。A. disappointed 失望的; B. annoyed 惱火的; C. desperate 絕望的; D.

24、lonely 孤獨的。根據(jù)Given 3-6 months to live得知一般人得知只有三到六個月的壽命的人會感到很絕望的。故選C。45. 考查形容詞。A. demanding 要求; B. touching 感人的; C. personal 個人的; D. confidential機密的;表示信任的。根據(jù)前面one that touched me most was Annies wish to meet the Pope得知安妮寫了很多感人的信件。故選B。46. 考查動詞。A. conducted管理;引導,做; B. introduced 介紹; C. expressed 表達; D.

25、 mentioned 提及。安妮的愿望是希望教皇能給自己做臨終祈禱。故選A。47. 考查動詞。A. agree 同意; B. want 想要; C. hope 希望; D. like 喜歡。根據(jù)she eventually met the Pope得知教皇一開始沒有為小安你禱告,但是他的確同意見見安妮。故選A。48. 考查名詞。A. comfort 安慰; B. sympathy 同情; C. shelter 避難所; D. blessing 祝福。教皇見到即將離世的安妮當然是給她祝福。故選D。49. 考查代詞。A. nothing 沒有事情; B. something 一些事情; C. an

26、ything 任何事情; D. everything 一切事情。She reported that he even posed for photos! 得知安妮非常享受和教皇在一起的時間。be short of 缺少,加否定代詞表示非同尋常,故選A。50. 考查名詞。A. wish 愿望; B. idea 想法; C. story 故事; D. girl 女孩。根據(jù)one that touched me most was Annies wish to meet the Pope,得知這里在講述安妮的愿望。故選A。51. 考查動詞。A. appointed 任命; B. gathered 聚集;

27、 C. arranged 安排; D. invited 邀請。根據(jù)下文得知教皇為安妮準備了一場彌撒。故選C。52. 考查形容詞。A. privileged給予特權(quán);特免; B. interested 興趣; C. embarrassed 使尷尬; D. excited 使興奮。根據(jù)Working there, 得知因為我們在這里工作所以有在場目睹全過程的特權(quán)。故選A。53. 考查動詞。A. announce 宣布; B. share 分享; C. spread 展開; D. declare 宣稱。根據(jù)her remarkable story得知安妮來到愿望屋分享她的故事。.故選B。54. 考查

28、副詞。A. frequently 頻繁地; B. gradually 逐漸; C. truly 真正地; D. properly 合適地。根據(jù)her remarkable story得知得知大家認為安妮真是一個幸運的女孩。故選C。55. 考查動詞。A. believe 相信; B. imagine 想像; C. predict 預測; D. confirm 確認。根據(jù)what an incredible amount of support it takes to make these happen.得知要實現(xiàn)這個愿望需要多大的支持你是可以想像到的。故選B。56. 考查關(guān)系詞。A. how 如何

29、; B. why 為什么; C. when 當時; D. what 什么。根據(jù)what an incredible amount of support it takes to make these happen.得知需要很多支持才能實現(xiàn)孩子們的愿望,所以作者號召大家加入慈善捐贈行列。故選B。57. 考查名詞。A. promise 答應; B. devotion 奉獻; C. difference 不同; D. donation 捐贈。根據(jù)whether it is $30, $50, $100 or even more.得知作者號召大家捐贈。故選D。58. 考查動詞短語。A. stick to

30、 堅持; B. object to 反對; C. contribute to 促進; D. add to 增加。根據(jù)allowing more wishes like Annies to come true and it can help得知大家的捐贈可以實現(xiàn)孩子們的愿望,幫助有夢想的孩子們。促進符合句意。故選C。59. 考查動詞。A. seize 抓??; B. regain 收復; C. convey 傳達; D. possess 擁有。根據(jù)their courage to face illnesses得知是孩子們可以重獲面對疾病的勇氣。故選B。60. 考查形容詞。A. relevant 相

31、關(guān)的; B. appropriate 合適的; C. valuable 有價值的; D. turning 轉(zhuǎn)折的。根據(jù)allowing more wishes like Annies to come true and it can help得知大家的捐贈可以幫助孩子們找到生活的轉(zhuǎn)折點。故選D?!久麕燑c睛】敘述性的完形填空比較簡單,但由于考查的內(nèi)容除對文章主旨的理解外還涉及到細節(jié)的判斷和推理,這正是這類題型的難度所在之處。掌握一些解題技巧很有必要。(一)前后呼應法做完形填空時,要始終抓住文章本身,聯(lián)系“雙語境”來判斷,既大語境全文中心和基調(diào),小語境空格前后句子所構(gòu)成的語境;再根據(jù)前有伏筆后有呼應

32、的思路來做題。如:第17題,根據(jù)下文說到whether it is $30, $50, $100 or even more.得知作者號召大家捐贈。故選D,而其他選項都沒有給出相應的事情來呼應。(二)But轉(zhuǎn)折法but一詞前后通常會設(shè)題。文中一出現(xiàn)but,要馬上想到前后語意有轉(zhuǎn)折,知道其中一方的語意,就可以推出另一方意思,遇到類似表轉(zhuǎn)折的詞,如:however,nevertheless,whereas,yet也同樣處理,以便從文中找到解題依據(jù)。如:Well, the Pope doesnt do that, but he did _7_ to meet with her,7題的選項分別是A. a

33、gree 同意; B. want 想要; C. hope 希望; D. like 喜歡。根據(jù)she eventually met the Pope得知教皇一開始沒有為小安你禱告,但是他的確同意見見安妮。故選A。所以在but提示下,自然就可以很輕松地把正確答案A選出來了。(三)同義復現(xiàn)法同義復現(xiàn)是英語中常見的一種現(xiàn)象。為強調(diào)某一意思,但又不想重復使用某個詞或短語。在完形填空題中,同義詞或同義短語的位置多半比較靠近,很容易找到,所以同義復現(xiàn)法是很好的解題技巧。無須過多的推理,只需確定是哪里使用了同義復現(xiàn),然后從選項中找出與之相符合的一項即可。如:While each wish was as _1_

34、 as the child who dreamt it,第1題的選項分別是A. sincere 真誠的; B. amazing 令人驚嘆的; C. beautiful 漂亮的; D. absurd 可笑的。根據(jù)后面one that touched me most was Annies wish to meet the Pope 以及Nothing could have made this _10_ more amazing得知,盡管每個愿望都和有夢想的孩子一樣神奇,但是有一個愿望最感動我。故選B。三、 閱讀理解18. 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中選出最佳選項。Pull

35、ing luggage through the airport can be a pain, as any frequent traveler will tell you. A new suitcase called only “Hop” is looking to change all of that, though, using signals from your cell phone to go hands-free. According to HYPERLINK / t _blank Hops official website, the suitcase uses three sens

36、ors (感應器) to identify the HYPERLINK / t _blank Bluetooth signal from your phone and pick you out of a crowd. Once its done that, a microprocessor not only figures out Hops position as it relates to your phone, but controls the two caterpillar tracks (履帶) in the bottom of the unit to get it moving. H

37、op follows behind the user at a constant distance, so you dont have to worry about it “stepping” on your heels, so to speak. If it loses the signal its following, your phone will vibrate, letting you know that your poor suitcase is lost and alone in a sea of strange people.We can see Hop in action i

38、n the video below, and we have to say that it looks like a great little device. Theres just one problem: it looks as if youll have to walk at a ly slow pace to keep the suitcase from losing the signal. Since a walk through an airport is rarely a leisurely experience, that could potentially cause tro

39、ubles. Also, dont expect TSA agents to just smile and wave as you walk through security with a remote-controlled suitcase tailing you.Still, the idea behind Hop is really cool, and were willing to believe that there are some frequent flyers who would like to put down some money for it right this ins

40、tant. However, this is just a model at the moment, so dont expect it to be available for sale anytime soon (if it ever is, for that matter). Would you purchase one of these if Hop ever became available commercially?66. What is “to go hands-free”?A. The new suitcase. B. Your cell phone.C. Signals fro

41、m your cell phone. D. Frequent travelers.67. Which paragraph tells about how Hop works?A. Paragraph One. B. Paragraph Two. C. Paragraph Three. D. Paragraph Four.68. The article is probably taken from _.A. Hops official website B. a website of worldwide newsC. a Western newspaper D. a Chinese newspap

42、er69. According to the article, Hop may run into trouble because _.A. your cell phone fails to tell you Hop is lost B. its caterpillar tracks arent powerful enoughC. you usually walk too fast for Hop to follow D. TSA agents wont be patient enough70. What does the writer think of the invention?A. Hop

43、 will be in production soon. B. Hop is sure to be popular someday.C. Its silly to have thought of that. D. Hop might never go on sale.參考答案:ABBCD19. 閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D項中選出最佳選項。 Im a 20-year-old boy, and the following is my story. A month after I graduated from high school in August, 2007, I was com

44、ing home from swim practice in the training centre of the city and was involved in a car accident. I was so seriously injured that I was in a coma for more than two months at Prince Georges Hospital. I suffered a lot from the experience of dying eight times during my coma and I couldnt open my mouth

45、 to talk or to communicate when I eventually came around. At that time, it seemed that walking was never going to happen again due to all the extreme injuries. Just like my body, my dreams were completely destroyed. But I was not going to let my injuries stop me from realizing my dreams. After recei

46、ving a total of 15 operations and 36 blood transfusions, I had to make every great effort to learn to talk, eat, walk, shower, and live on my own again. When I was out Of hospital, I still had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, Maryland. After I spent a few months in a wheelchair, I took baby s

47、teps to walk on my own. It was a miracle that I was able to walk again,but I still wanted to prove that I could not only walk, but also run. When it came true, I wanted to get back into the pool again. After having a few lung tests, I was able to go in the pool a little bit each week. After a few months of Swim training, I began my freshman year at St. Marys College of M


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