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1、考研英語(二)分類模擬題3Reading ComprehensionIn a provocative new book The Beauty Bias, Deborah Rhode, a Stanford law professor who proposes a legal regime in which discrimination on the basis of looks is as serious as discrimination based on gender or race, lays out the case for an American in which appearanc

2、e discrimination is no longer allowed.Rhode is at her most persuasive when arguing that in America, discrimination against unattractive women and short men is as pernicious and widespread as bias based on race, sex, age, ethnicity, religion, and disability. Rhode cites research to prove her point: 1

3、1 percent of surveyed couples say they would abort a fetus predisposed toward obesity. College students tell surveyors theyd rather have a spouse who is an embezzler, drug user, or a shoplifter than one who is obese. The less attractive you are in America, the more likely you are to receive a longer

4、 prison sentence, a lower damage award, a lower salary, and poorer performance reviews. You are less likely to be married and more likely to be poor.And all of this is compounded by a virtually unregulated beauty and diet industry and soaring rates of elective cosmetic surgery. Rhode reminds us how

5、Hillary Clinton and Sonia Sotomayor were savaged by the media for their looks, and says its no surprise that Sarah Palin paid her makeup artist more than any member of her staff in her run for the vice presidency.Critics such as Andrew Sullivan claim that if we legally ban appearance discrimination,

6、 the next step will be legal protection of the short, the skinny, the bald, the knobbly kneed, the flat-chested and the stupid. But Rhode points out that there are already laws against appearance discrimination on the books in Michigan and six other locales. This hasnt resulted in an explosion of fr

7、ivolous suits, she notes. In each jurisdiction the new laws have generated between zero and nine cases annually.Of course the problem with making appearance discrimination illegal is that Americans just really, really like hot girls. And so long as being a hot girl is deemed a bona fide occupational

8、 qualification, there will be cocktail waitresses fired for gaining three pounds. Its not just American men who like things this way. In the most troubling chapter in her book, Rhode explores the feminist movements complicated relationship to eternal youth. The truth is that women feel good about co

9、mpeting in beauty pageants. They love six-inch heels. They feel beautiful after cosmetic surgery. You cant succeed in public life if you look old in America.This doesnt mean we shouldnt work toward eradicating discrimination based on appearance. But it may mean recognizing that the law wont stop us

10、from discriminating against the overweight, the aging, and the imperfect, so long as its the quality we all hate most in ourselves.Rhode tries to argue that appearance discrimination.should be dealt with in a separate lawshould not affect a persons choice of a spouseis very harmful and rampant in so

11、cial lifeshould be prohibited in work places答案:C解答第一段提到外表歧視跟其他種類的歧視一樣嚴重,第二段提到外表歧視有害(pernicious)、很盛 行(widespread)。第二段第二句后舉例說明了外表歧視如何有害、如何影響到人的生活和工作的各個 方面。The examples of Hilary and Sonia show that.how they look affects their public lifethe public vote for them for how they lookthey have become victim

12、s to the beauty industry.politicians cannot afford to offend the media答案:A解答在第三段中,Hillary等的例子還是用來說明人們如何以貌取人,喜歡外貌姣好者,不喜歡不講 究梳妝打扮的人。雖然該段中沒有具體提到Hillary (美國現(xiàn)任國務卿)和Sonia(大法官)外貌如何,但是 既然提到了媒體批評她們,就說明她們的外部形象不好,沒有刻意打理自己。We can infer from Paragraph 4 that laws against appearance discrimination.are actually no

13、thing new in Rhodes proposalare not effective enough in Michigan and other placeswill come into effect nationally in a very short timeare expected by Sullivan to incur many trivial lawsuits 答案:D解答第四段中首先提到了 Sullivan對制定外表歧視法的看法,然后引用Rhode的話來駁斥她的觀點, 從Rhode提到的證據(jù)來推測,Sullivan的真正意思是說制定外表歧視法可能會引起很多瑣碎的訴訟案的產(chǎn)生。

14、而Rhode的回答是,在已經(jīng)實行這種法律的六個州,沒有產(chǎn)生Sullivan所擔心的情況。We can conclude from the last two paragraphs that.making appearance discrimination laws in America is almost impossiblechanging our mindset is as important as making appearance discrimination lawsappearance discrimination laws cannot stop us from hating ou

15、rselvesRhode cannot reconcile feminists ideals with womens desire for eternal youth 答案:B解答第五段提到了美國的男人和女人看待女人的方式。第六段指出,只要我們希望自己擁有哪些身 體特點、不想擁有哪些身體特點,對外表的歧視就會充斥著我們的腦瓜,制定外表歧視法可能也解決 不了問題。因此,在作者看來,改變我們習慣看待外表的方式和態(tài)度也非常重要。The text is most likely to be.a book reviewan editoriala scientific reporta success sto

16、ry答案:A解答本文是一篇書評。第一段介紹了Rhode在書中闡述的基本觀點。第二段提到了Rhode!的主要論 據(jù)。第四段提到了 Sullivan對Rhode的主要觀點的批評,和Rhode本人的回應。第五、六段是結論???的來說,作者對Rhode的基本立場持支持的態(tài)度。In the US, poll after poll has shown a majority in favour of animal experimentation, even without statements about its value. Why is opinion in Britain so different?

17、I think that there are two reasons.The first is the success of antivivisection campaigners in lampooning animal research as outdated, intentionally cruel, bad science, which achieves nothing. All drugs and procedures developed with the help of animal tests are said to be dangerous. The occasional fa

18、ilure of animal testing to identify a dangerous drug is deployed as an argument for abandoning safety tests involving animals altogether with no mention of the terrible human suffering that this would cause. They say that alternative methods already exist for all animal experiments, but the fact is

19、that the law specifically forbids animal use if there is any alternative.The second reason is that scientists and doctors have failed to oppose such misrepresentation. In the early 1990s, animal rights campaigning in the US was met with much more forthright defence, not only by the major scientific

20、societies, funding agencies and medical organisations, but also by the US government.To be positive, there are many encouraging features of the New Scientist poll. Interestingly, the public seems to employ the same kind of utilitarian philosophy that underpins the law in Britain weighing potential b

21、enefits against the species involved (thus, monkeys are more valuable than mice) and the likelihood of suffering.Clearly, people in Britain do not recognise the essential link between animal research and testing and the medical treatments that they receive. Only 18 per cent of those who had taken (o

22、r had a close family member who had taken) a drug prescribed for a serious illness realized that the drug had been tested on animals, as all drugs are. Obviously, a large majority of those surveyed believe that they can happily benefit from medical treatment without taking advantage of animal resear

23、ch. No wonder so many people oppose it when asked the straight yes/no question.The views of the public must be respected. But this poll tells us that, while they are open to persuasion, their reaction is based on misunderstanding. The responsibility for providing honest evidence for the public ties

24、not just with those who use animals in their research, but with other scientists who depend on that work. It lies with the doctors who benefit from animal research, with the pharmaceuticals and biotech industries, and the medical charities and funding agencies whose work would be crippled without it

25、. But most of all, responsibility rests with government, which should cultivate serious and transparent debate between those of different opinion, and provide the public 一 especially young people一with the honest evidence they need and deserve.In the first sentence of Paragraph 3, such misrepresentat

26、ion refers to.the idea that other methods can be substituted for animal researchthe claim that animal experiment is intentionally cruelthe belief that all drugs developed with animal tests are dangerousthe fact that scientists and medical organizations support animal experimentation 答案-A口木-H解答該詞意為“錯

27、誤看法指上一段最后一句中提到的“用其他方法代替動物實驗一一不使用動物 做實驗。In the authors opinion, more people in Britain oppose animal experiments because.they are kinder than those in the United Statesthey dont know the benefits resulting from animal testsmost of the medicines dont need animal experiments to work wellsome scientists

28、 use rare species for their medical experimentation答案:B解答第五段指出,很明顯,英國人不知道動物實驗和他們所接受的醫(yī)療之間的相互關系。大部分被 調查的人錯誤認為,沒有動物實驗他們同樣可以受益于醫(yī)療服務。難怪有這么多人反對動物實驗。To correct the situation, the author suggests that.only some animals should be used for researchscientists and doctors should respect the views of the publict

29、he benefits of animal tests should be made widely knownthe debate on animal tests should be put to a serious public poll答案:C解答第六段指出,雖然公眾有待于去說服,但他們的反應卻是基于一些誤解。向公眾提供誠實的證 據(jù),不僅是用動物做實驗的人的責任,而且是那些依靠這種實驗開展工作的科學家的責任。最重要的 責任在政府身上,它應該向公眾特別是年輕人提供公眾所需要的、也是應該得到的實在的證 據(jù)。這里所謂的honest evidence指醫(yī)學離不開動物實驗、并且人們已受益于動物實驗這

30、一事實。The authors attitude towards animal research is.negativequestioningneutral.positive答案:D解答從以上的分析可以看出,作者對動物實驗持積極的支持態(tài)度。The passage is mainly concerned with.supporting a positionrefuting some arguments.describing a case.presenting a new perspective答案:B解答第一段提到,美國人贊成動物實驗,但英國人不贊同。在第二、三段,作者提到了英國人不贊 成動物實

31、驗的理由,下文對這些理由進行了分析和駁斥,并表達了自己支持動物實驗的立場。Aimee Hunter, a research psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, has long studied individual responses to antidepressants. Being skeptical of the true effectiveness of the drugs, she says she was originally interested in researching the impact

32、of placebos. But over the years, her own data began convincing her otherwise. Ive come to see now, by doing the research myself and spending hours looking at numbers, that the medication is absolutely doing something, Hunter says.In an earlier study that Hunter published in 2009, she and her team us

33、ed the same QEEG technique on 58 patients, who were given a placebo daily for one week before being randomized to take either placebo or an active drug. Researchers found distinct patterns of brain activity in the patients; not everyone responded to the placebo the same way. We found that changes in

34、 brain function occurring during the first week of placebo predicted who will do well on medication, she says.The region where changes were recorded-in the prefrontal lobe-is thought to be involved in generating expectations. A common explanation for the placebo effect is that the mere anticipation

35、of improvement begets real benefit. But in the case of Hunters patients, the changes in brain activity predicted actual response to the antidepressant, not to placebo.Intriguingly, in patients who showed the specific brain response associated with antidepressant-related recovery, the most significan

36、t improvement was seen in what psychologists call interpersonal sensitivity-how people respond to either positive or negative social events. When suffering from depression, patients tend to become inured to positive social cues and oversensitized to negative ones. They may interpret a passerbys frow

37、n as being directed at them, for instance, and some research has found that depressed people are more likely to misidentify smiling faces as conveying neutral or negative emotions. The patients who improved with medication in Hunters study were less sensitive to rejection and more comfortable with o

38、thers, she says.Reducing emotional sensitivity-not treating depression 0per seis what medications like Prozac, which affect the levels of serotonin in the brain, do best, according to Healy. If that entire class of drugs had been studied and marketed as pills to reduce emotional reactivity rather th

39、an depression, he says, the placebo response would be very small compared to the drug.Still, treating a patients oversensitivity does not necessarily help depression. For some people whose illness is marked by social dread and misperceived rejections, reducing that anxiety could be critical. But for

40、 someone whose depression is primarily experienced as deep sadness and inability to feel pleasure, blunting emotional sensitivity may do little good. These differences further explain why the drugs may produce such varied individual responses.Evidence suggests that about 80% of people with depressio

41、n can be helped by drugs, talk therapy or a combination of the two, so although it is critical to figure out which treatments work for which patients, the larger question remains: Why arent most patients getting good care, and why do we continue to insist that so many of those taking antidepressants

42、 dont really need them?At the beginning of her research, Hunter.could not distinguish antidepressants from placebosfound medication was of no use to depressed patientsdid not believe antidepressants could really help patientsdid not use the right medical instrument to do her experiment答案:C解答第一段提到,Hu

43、nter起初懷疑抗抑郁藥這類安慰劑的實際作用,但是從后來的實驗中她發(fā)現(xiàn), 抗抑郁藥對病人的確起到了作用。在第一段第二句中,the drugs指antidepressants,從第一段的表達 來看,Hunter起初把antidepressants看作是一種placebo。但她后來的發(fā)現(xiàn)使她相信,antidepressant 在病人身上的確能產(chǎn)生療效,而一般的placebo不能。It is generally believed that placebos can work on some patients because.the patients believe in the effects of

44、 these placebosthe placebos have generated real effects on the patientsthe patients are never told anything about the placebosthe placebos are milder medications than antidepressants答案:A解答第三段第二句提到,一般認為,安慰劑之所以有效,是因為病人期望它能帶來療效,因為有這 種期望,服用過安慰劑之后,病人的病情果然就好轉了。因此人們經(jīng)常說,安慰劑經(jīng)常起到心理作用。 但是,Hunter的研究卻發(fā)現(xiàn),一般的安慰劑并不

45、能給抑郁癥患者帶來療效,但抗抑郁藥卻能引起大腦 活動的變化,這說明抗抑郁藥對人的心理產(chǎn)生了影響。The most important finding Hunter has made is that.antidepressants never work on any patients with depressionantidepressants lower the patients interpersonal sensitivity .depressed people tend to look at the negative side of a situation .depressed peop

46、le never get along well with other people 答案:B解答第四段提到了這一發(fā)現(xiàn),作者認為這是非常引人注目的發(fā)現(xiàn)(intriguingly)。簡單地說,這一發(fā) 現(xiàn)就是抗抑郁藥對人的interpersonal sensitivity產(chǎn)生了作用。interpersonal sensitivity指人對外部事件的 情緒反應。所以,許多藥物實際上起到了降低情緒的敏感程度的作用一一它們并非直接治愈了抑郁癥, 正是由于這個原因,抗抑郁藥才對抑郁癥患者產(chǎn)生了療效。Reducing emotional sensitivity.is what a placebo can do

47、 for patientscannot help depressed patients at allworks better with some patients than with othersis the only thing an antidepressant can do答案:C解答倒數(shù)第二段提到,降低情緒敏感程度并不一定能治療抑郁癥。這種做法是否有效取決于病人的 病情。也就是說,對于抗抑郁藥,不同的人會有不同的反應,有的有療效,有的沒有任何效果。It is implied in the last paragraph.talk therapy is the most effective

48、 treatment for depressed peopleit is easy to figure out which patient should receive which treatmenta combination of talk therapy and drugs works best on depressed patients .antidepressants should not be treated simply as another kind of placebos 答案:D解答Hunter起初僅僅把抗抑郁藥看作是一種安慰劑,但她的研究使她發(fā)現(xiàn),病人對安慰劑沒有反應, 而

49、對抗抑郁藥有反應。她發(fā)現(xiàn),抗抑郁藥通過降低情緒敏感程度對抑郁癥患者起到一定的療效作用, 雖然它們并不能直接治療抑郁癥。因此,文章最后一句反問道:我們?yōu)槭裁催€繼續(xù)堅持認為那些服用 抗抑郁藥的人不需要它們呢?言外之意,抗抑郁藥對抑郁癥患者有作用,應該讓他們服用這類藥物。A dependent audit comes from your employer, who wants proof that the people youre carrying on the company health plan really are your dependents. If you cant prove the

50、y are, the company will drop them. The goal is to ferret out children who are over age 18 and not in school, ex-spouses, sometimes even nieces or nephews一people, in short, who do not meet an employers definition of dependent. If your company does not already conduct these audits, chances are it even

51、tually will. And while it may strike you as an annoyance, do not ignore this task. Otherwise, eligible dependents could lose their health coverage.From an employers perspective, audits make good business sense. Health care costs have been rising by 5 to 10 percent a year for over a decade, and emplo

52、yers want to contain those costs. An audit of a 10,000-person employer will typically uncover 200 to 500 ineligible dependents, said John Fazio, a senior consultant with the employee benefits firm Towers Watson. Removing these people, who cost a company an average of $2,100 a head, translates into a

53、nnual savings of $420,000 to $1.05 million a year for the employer.Dependent audits have been around for more than a decade. But they have become popular in the last few years, as employers desperately sought ways to trim their health care budgets. This year 69 percent of large companies plan to con

54、duct a dependent audit, up from the 55 percent that planned to do so in 2008, according to a March survey by Towers Watson and the National Business Group on Health, a nonprofit organization of large employers.From the employees perspective, such audits are at best an annoyance, forcing them to gath

55、er paper work proving, say, that a child who had been covered for years remains eligible. At worst, an audit can be a wrenching and costly experience when a workers dependent is found to be ineligible and has to get insurance elsewhere. What is more, a worker could be liable for the money that an em

56、ployer paid out for a spouse or child who should not have been on the plan.And, as audits have become more common, the process for employees has become more onerous. It used to be the honor system, says Michael Smith, the chief executive of ConSova, a dependent auditing company. Just five years ago,

57、 employers typically asked that you sign an affidavit stating that your dependent was eligible to be on your plan. Now, they want documentation, Mr. Fazio said. Its a more diligent process. That means you may have to dig up birth and marriage certificates, bank statements, divorce agreements and oth

58、er documents that prove your child or spouse are legal dependents.The goal of a dependent audit is for a company to.make a dependent eligible for health coverageidentify those who are eligible as dependentsremove those who are not eligible as dependentsadjust health coverage for eligible dependents答案-c口


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