



1、八年級下冊英語第一次質(zhì)量檢測(Units 13)(總分120分)第I卷(選擇題共計55分)一、單項選擇。(每小題1分,滿分20分)()1.Does Jane have fever? -Yes, she does. I think she should go to hospital.A. an; /B. a: theC. /: aD. the: an()2. Why cant you sleep well? Because there is something wrong my head.A. withB. forC. ofD. at()3.James has a bad cold. I thi

2、nk he lie down and have a good rest.A. couldB. canC. shouldD. will()4. Because of the bad weather, we had to climbing the mountain.A. look upB. get upC. give upD. keep up()5. If you have a toothache, you should.A. see a dentist B. go to school C. drink cold water D. eat much meat()6.1 used to clothe

3、s in shops but now Im used to them online.A. buying; buying B. buy; buy C. buying; buy D. buy; buying()7.As teachers you must believe that you can make a big to the lives of your students.A. diilerenceB. trainingC. feelingD. interest()8.Is the boy really Ihal mans son? He doesnt take him al all.Bui

4、sure he is.Hc looks his mother.A. like: after B. after; like C. after; after D. like: like( )9.The fans were when they saw the concert.A. excited; exciting B. excited: excited C. exciting; excited D.exciting; exciting()10.Does your grandfather still live? Yes. but he doesnt feel.A. alone; alone B. l

5、onely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone()11.We have to the party because some of the guests can not arrive on time.A. hand out B. call up C. put off D. set up()12.What did the kids do yesterday near the river?They put up a sign people not in the river.A. to ask: swim B. ask: to swim C. ask:

6、swim D. to ask: to swim()13.T(Mlay the Intcmcl makes possible for people different kinds of things online.A. this: buying B. this:lo buy C. it: to buy D. it: buying()14.Though the clothes are new.she decided to to the children who need them.A. give it away B. give them awayC. give away it D. give aw

7、ay them( )15.Dave lost his bike this afternoon.As a, he had to walk home after school.A. result B. interest C. mess D. feeling(sure there is no need you with such a young man.A. of; to talk B. of; talking C. for; talk D. for; to talk()17.Bob. Im very busy now.Would you like to the clothes?No problem

8、.A. pass B. fold C. lend D. drop()18. Susans mother was very happy today, because Susan her little brother when she wasnt at home.A. agreed with B. depended on C. worked on D. look care of()19.Shc got up early this morning catch the first bus.A. in order to B. because of C. in order that D. so to()2

9、0.Could you please clean your living room?.1 dislike it.A. Good idea B. Yes. sure C. No problem D. Sorry, I cant二、完形填空。(每小題1分,共10分)At the age of four, our kids began to help us with the house work.They helped _21_ their pets and clean the house.NowTate can make her bed, 22 her clothes and sel(布置)the

10、 table.Last week she even helped me 23 .We were happy because it was delicious.I like getting kids to start early for a few 24 .First, it is fun for kids lo help.Kids like lo work 25 the same things as their parents do.Thcy want to stay with their parents but to do things by themselves.Its a good ti

11、me to 26 them to help you when you are busy.Second, its never too 27 for them to learn some things. 28 . having kids do chores is noi robbing(剝奪)lhcir playing lime. 29 make(s) them know the joy of working._30_ it does help.I feel that Tate likes doing chores and she helps me a lot.( )21.A.take care

12、ofB. look atC. get backD. worry about()22 .A.buyB. foldC. sellD. make()23. A.do choresB. do the dishes C. do the cleaningD. make dinner( ()24. A.words)25. A.forB. reasonsC. waysB. fromC. onD. asD. means()26. A.borrowB. makeC. driveD. invite()27. A.earlyB. popularC. importantD. old( ()28. A.But)29. A

13、.ItB. AlthoughC. HoweverB. TheyC. SheD. HeD. Because()30 A.SlowlyB. HardlyC. QuicklyD. Finally三、閱讀理解(每題2分,共計20分)ASeveral years ago. I spent most of my time at a mental hospila】(精神病院)in our town.I found much joy there.Al first it was a little scary to be there, but I stayed on, because I had a reason

14、 for doing this.I volunteered in a locked -up(封閉的)environment.To my surprise. I found that a friend of my parents was a patient in this hospital.I knew, when I was a baby, this woman wanted to keep me because she had no children.I looked after this woman and showed niy old photos to hcr.Finally, she

15、 was able to remember sonic old things and she said to me one day, “Dear, you should not come here. But I wanted to bring something happy into this womans life.I learned that because she had no family, she could not leave here and go home.So I brought her to my home twice, and I still remember the h

16、appy smile on her face.1 have never forgotten this volunteering experience.This woman later passed. .awav. I cant see her anymore, but Im happy that I have done something to make a difference in another persons life.()31. How did the writer feel al first when working in the mental hospital?A. Bored.

17、B. Afraid. C. Interested.D. Comfortable.()32.Why couldnt the woman leave the hospital?A. Because she couldnt remember anything. B. Because she couldnl look after herself.C. Because she didnt have family.D. Because she didnt want to leave.()33.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passa

18、ge?The woman was the writers parents friend.With the writers help the woman could remember something old.The woman saw the writers old photos.The writer wcnl lo the womans home twice.()34.The underlined part “passed away means in Chinese.A.去世 B.逃離 C.居住 D.幸存( )35.What is the best title(題目)for this pa

19、ssage?An Unlucky Woman B. A Special HospitalC. My Parents FriendD. My Volunteering ExperienceLinda, 14My mother does most of the housework like cooking and folding (he clothes. My father can only do the washing, sweep the floor and take out ihe rubbish. He really needs io learn how to do ihe housewo

20、rk.Celina, 13My mother and my lather do 50% of the housework each. My mother docs the washing and cleans the living room. My 侑iher makes【he bed and drives me lo school.Paul. 16My father doesnt do a lot but he tries (o help. He hangs uk the clothes after my mother washes them and my mother is happy t

21、hat he always gives her a hand.Bill, 15My mother is a doctor. She is busy with her work every day, so she has little time io do the housework. In tact, she isnl good al doing il. So my faihcr has lo do mo$l of il. Sometimes my grandmoiher comes【o help.( )36.Lindas father doesntat home.A. do the wash

22、ingB. take out the rubbishC. sweep the fl(x)rD. fold ihe clothes()37.How does Celina go to school?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. By car.D. By subway.()38.Thc underlined phrase “hangs up means ”_in Chinese.A.閑逛B.映曬C.熨燙D.清洗()39.Whose father does most of the housework?A. Lindas.B. Celinas.C. Pauls.D. Bills.()

23、40.Which of the following is TRUE?A. Linda is one year older than Celina but one year younger than Bill.Celinas father needs lo learn how lo do the housework.Pauls mother is angry with his fiither because he never helps her with the housework.Bills grandmother helps Bill with his school work.四、情景交際(

24、聾小題1分,共5分)根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項,其中有兩項多余。A: Good afternoon, young man. 41B:Good afternoon, doctor. I dont feelwell. Ihave a headache.A:Do you have a fever? B: 42Mymother took my temperature just now. She said it was OK.A:Oh. I think you may have a cold.B: 43A:You should drink much waler.B: OK. 44A

25、: Well, you should go to bed early and have a good rest. B: 45A: No. Ils nothing serious, so you can g。lo school. B: Thank you very much. A: Youre welcome.A. What should I do?B. I hope you will get better soon.C. Should I stay in bed?D. Whats the matter?Are you feeling well now? F. No, I dont. G. Wh

26、al eke?第II卷 非選擇題(共計65分)五、根據(jù)句意填寫單詞。(每題1分,共10分)Janes head feels kind of hot.I think she has a (發(fā)燒).There are too many(乘客)on the bus, so I couldnt get on it.My grandfather is (蓬的).He cant hear our words.Please help me to put up the (通知)on the wall.My brother often(自愿)to help the old in an old peoples h

27、ome.I can,t(想象)vvhal the future life is like.Thank you for your(仁慈)Its only a(浪費(fèi))of time to talk about it with him.My mother asked me to take out the(垃圾)This is my new(鄰居)and he is from London.六、用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(每題1分,共計15分)Mrs.Brown (lie) down in bed for a few minutes and then she felt better.Becky

28、is used to (talk) with us in Chinese in Beijing.Wc enjoyed (we) a lot during our stay in DisneylandThe Internet makes a big (different) to our life.Toin is the (own) of the car.He has had it for two months.His notebook (drop) on the floor when he came into the room.Could you please (fold) the clothe

29、s?She finished write) a letter.Mike plans (have) an interesting vacation.Jim(hurt) his leg when he was playing football.I i. There are two(kniie) and two forks on the table.We have to put off(have)a party because of the heavy rain.(work)in an old peoples home is very meaningful.We can train animals to help(able)peoplc.The boy was v


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