



1、95期七年制整合班基礎(chǔ)神經(jīng)科學(xué)解剖試題(A)一、Choice questions: (1.0 x8)Directions: Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the ONE lettered answer or completion that is BEST in each case and fill in the circle containing the co

2、rresponding letter on the answer sheet. 1. The nerve connecting to posterior surface of brainstem is .A. oculomotor nerveB. trochlear nerveC. hypoglossal nerveD. facial nerveE. abducent nerve2. The cranial nuclei located in pons are .A. nucleus of facial nerve, motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve and

3、nucleus ambiguusB. nucleus of facial nerve, hypoglossal nucleus and vestibular nucleusC. nucleus of facial nerve, motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve and abducent nucleusD. nucleus of facial nerve, motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve and nucleus ceruleusE. abducent nucleus, superior salivatory nucleus a

4、nd superior olivary nucleus3. The parasympathetic preganglionic fibers in facial nerve arise from .A. accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerveB. superior salivatory nucleus C. inferior salivatory nucleusD. dorsal nucleus of vagus nerveE. superior olivary nucleus4. Hypothalamus is a part of the .A. basa

5、l nucleiB. diencephalonC. cerebrumD. cerebellumE. telencephalon5. Which of the following is the third-order neuron for the conscious proprioceptive pathway of trunk and limbs?A. spinal ganglionB. nucleus gracilis C. nucleus cuneatusD. ventral posterolateral nucleusE. ventral posteromedial nucleus6.

6、What is not there in the cavernous sinus?A. the internal carotid arteryB. the internal jugular veinC. the abducent nerveD. the oculomotor nerveE. the trochlear nerve7. The auditory and language cortical areas is supplied by the .A. posterior communicating arteryB. middle cerebral arteryC. posterior

7、cerebral arteryD. superior cerebellar arteryE. anterior cerebral artery 8. Which one belongs to the special visceral motor nucleus?A. abducent nucleusB. nucleus of facial nerve C. trochlear nucleusD. nucleus of oculomotor nerve E. hypoglossal nucleus二、Fill in the blanks (1.0 x5)1. The medial lemnisc

8、us is formed by the secondary-order sensory fibers arising from the contralateral (1) and (2) nuclei. After the decussation of medial lemniscus, the fibers turn upwards to form the medial lemniscus and ascend through the medulla oblongata,(3) and (4), terminate into the ventral posterolateral nucleu

9、s of (5). The medial lemniscus is the important tract for conducting the proprioceptive and fine touch sensations of the contralateral trunk and limbs.三、Explain the following concepts ( 3.0 x2)1.The Chorda tympani neive(Please list the kinds of fibres and control organs )2.internal capsule 四、Answer

10、the following questions 5.01.Please list the 5 main structures used in the pupillary reflex pathway.( 5 )五、Clinical case analysis: 6.0A female, 55y, felt serious headache at the frontal region several month ago, and later she found thinness at right upper extremity, right hand became awkward, right

11、lower limb became weakness. She found its difficult to speak and had double-image vision. Inspect: the left pupil is bigger than the right one, left eye directs toward lateral inferior when looking anteriorly. Direct light reflex of pupil of left eye disappears, left upper eyelid drops. Right upper

12、and lower extremities paralysis; tendon hyperreflexia and Babinskis sign can be found at right side. Paralysis of the facial m. is found below the palpebral fissure; the tongue deviating to the right side without atrophy. Questions (6) The patient right upper limb paralysis is damage what fiber tcac

13、t?Why do frontal stripes not disappear while paralysis of the facial m. of patient?Why can the tendon hyperreflexia and Babinskis sign be found at right side?Above all,which part of nervous system do you think the disease happened.(spinal cord; brain stem; cerebellum; internal capsule; cerebral cort

14、ex?)95期七年制整合班基礎(chǔ)神經(jīng)科學(xué)解剖試題答案(A)選擇題,每個(gè)1分,共8分BCBBDBBB填空題,每個(gè)1分,共5分1、2 Gracile cuneate 3、pons 4、midbrain 5、thalamus三、名詞解釋,每個(gè)3分,共6分1.The Chorda tympani neiveEfferent ( parasympathetic) fibresthe submandibular and sublingual glands.Afferent fibres. the mucosa of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue(每個(gè)0.5分,合

15、計(jì)3分)2.internal capsule The internal capsule is a broad band of myelinated fibers that separates the lentiform nucleus from the medial caudate nucleus and thalamus. It has an anterior limb, genu, and a posterior limb. (每個(gè)0.5分,合計(jì)3分)四、問(wèn)答題 5分retina optic n. pretectal area oculomotor n. sphincter pupillae


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