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1、廣東省深市2020-2021 學(xué)年上學(xué)期九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)期末試卷分類(lèi)匯編完形填空廣東省圳市光明區(qū) 學(xué)年九年上學(xué)期末考試英語(yǔ)題I .完形填( 分閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的 ABCD 四選項(xiàng)中出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳 選 項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將相應(yīng)的字母編號(hào)涂黑 10 小,每小題 1 分I have lived beside the Loch Ness(尼斯湖for many My a 1_of the lake. its only hundred meters from lake. been the LochNess- I thought it good attract tourists. But ha

2、d 3 Tuesdays I at about and into my garden. Something attracted my loch. almost (霧)that I could there quite fast, going in It 5 like a snake, with its head of its body water. It about meters long. I into to get my I it gone.I waited and it 7 again, this the and my house. I could see it very well. Im

3、anaged photographs it. Most the havent come out, two of them creature quite 8 . At one point it swam straight me. It a that a at that It heard the it _10_ whole (件lasted for because I looked at my watch the and it past Ive anything so strange in my life. A. B. C. A. interested in A. life A. A. felt

4、A. of interest writing tasted C. bored withC. mindC. readingC. C. if of place drawing sounded or A. in out A. clearly A. honour10. sangC. quicklyC. C. disappeared slowly pity 答案:5 DACAC 6 10 BDADC廣東省圳市龍崗區(qū) 學(xué)年九年上學(xué)期末考試英語(yǔ)題I. 完填(10 分閱讀下面短, 從文后所給的 AB、D 四選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳 選 項(xiàng) 并答題卡上將相應(yīng)的字母編號(hào)涂黑 小, 每小題 1 分Paul

5、a car from Christmas On Christmas when out of his office, a was the car, Is yours, Mister he Paul nodded. My it to for Christmas. The was . You it cost you anything? God, I wish . . He Paul what was 3 . He was going to had a like Mister, driving The Paul with couldnt Paul agreed. He he knew boy want

6、ed. He his 5 he ride in big car.After a short ride, car stopped in house. boy ran up in little while, him back , his little (的 _7_ Look, Buddy. His it to for it didnt cost him a I wish I be like Some Ell you just like itThat night, it is 10 than to three of a holiday A. single C. awful A. annoyed A.

7、 wish for A. obey A. embarrassed look for customersC. C. wait forC. shareC. teachers for accuse neighbours A. slowly bravely C. A. A. A. 10. regret treatC. forC. billC. C. give pointed to chain 答案: 廣東省圳市龍華區(qū) 學(xué)年九年上學(xué)期末考試英語(yǔ)題I.形空10 分閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的 A、B、D 四選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選 項(xiàng),并在答 題卡上將相應(yīng)的字編號(hào)涂黑 10 題,每小題 1 分)

8、I sat in seat for off. A line and empty After while, told that sack (袋裝午餐were available for $ 5. I for my buy one, I soldier he buy lunch. that seems like lot of money for just a I 3 of the were buying I back (務(wù)員a $ bill. Take a lunch all soldiers.After I finished I went A man stopped I saw what you

9、 did. 4 of Here, this. handed after I 5 my seat, the Flight to me and I want yourhand. I was military (軍隊(duì)飛行員.Once, bought a It was act I never forgot. I when applause (掌聲was all of passengers.Later I walked front I could stretch my A was seated six rows in 7 hand, to left 25 hand. we landed in I my

10、belongings. 8 waiting to get off, man by and put something in my pocket. Another 25 !I Walked over to and 75 soldiers were giving all for 10 I could only give them of It little. A. A. that A. A. A. reported A. A. reached A. A. brought10. dream businessmen if Each richness Over cost moneyC. C. whenC.

11、 NeitherC. C. C. C. kept C. WhileC. paidC. country where Some support After handed family答案:CBABB :DACDC廣東省圳市福田區(qū) 學(xué)年九年第一學(xué)期末英語(yǔ)試I.完形空 分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的 A、 四選項(xiàng)中出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳 選項(xiàng),并在答題卷上將相應(yīng)的字母編號(hào)涂黑共 10 小,每小題 )While doing one I Id spent 30 just choosing good-looking 斑) Im not alone. did we so?I saw how my othe

12、rs. I prepared lunches for my _1_, I made I included perfect. But refused to eat an apple that turning a little brown, I I had _2_. night, I _3_ a dinner The host Josh draw publicattention the food _4_. At the party, a six-dish with food Store food. food can there for % of the _5_. was Perlsweigs cr

13、eative, delicious guests advice to food waste before dish. _7_, if you off end of a place it in it will again.蔫的) carrotAfter I began rethink way I shopped for food. _9_ looking ugly, the food ( 營(yíng) ) _10_. encouraged my to differently well. Onemorning, she helping prepare lunch, I noticed her tomatoe

14、s with spots. “Theyre special. said.( ( ) A. change ( )3.A. held( ) A. question ( waste( )6.A. argue( All in all ( forget( ( )10.A. available mother leave prepared problem At accept Because freeC. familyC. stayC. attendedC. C. marketC. doubtC. For C. avoidC. C. cheap daughter agree production price

15、To be honest When 答案: DACBD BCBAC廣東省圳市寶安區(qū) 學(xué)年九年上學(xué)期末考試英語(yǔ)題III. 完填( 小, 每 分 小計(jì) 10 分)閱讀下面短, 從文后所給的 AB、D 四選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處 的最佳選 項(xiàng) 并答題卡上將相應(yīng)的字母編號(hào)涂黑。 H. Johnson in a black family in in the in 1918. His fatherdied in an John was six. school no for 24 in his hometown. , he a strong-willed mother. encouraged and he

16、lped him could. that mother told him many in yourself hard enough, be anything you want to be. You to 27 she said. Not all work will only 28 Keep it in mind you should learn from failure. Later, she took son was the for in John and stepfather even find work there. only thing was that attend school.

17、In graduating from the University of acted thathe start a 30 for the blacks. 31 others him, Johns mother offered him words: Nothing beats a but a try. him a (款)againsther own furniture to help him start the ( blacks) magazine. 32 from a woman education.Difficulties and followed but he kept in failur

18、e not in your vocabulary. So he became 400 richest people in America he in 2005 at age of 24. 25. 26. 27. fight for Luckily well as fight againstC. C. SadlyC. asC. work as Exactly soon as 28. stays away gets close to comes along with29. disappointed30. 31. Besides32. 33. never shameful magazine Befo

19、re Everybody C. C. websiteC. C. AnybodyC. recently While None 廣東省圳市羅湖區(qū) 學(xué)年九年上學(xué)期末考試英語(yǔ)題I.形空10 分閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的 A、B、D 四選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選 項(xiàng), 并在題卡上將相應(yīng)的字母編號(hào)涂黑 10 小,每小題 1 分We could all say that we bad go through what does it take to have a really good I a day I had for special I wasnt well sent specialist tr

20、y find I lot. I one too far from the I out and brought my change out of my I a man looking a little in parking meter ( 停記費(fèi)表) two seemed to his pockets for what I supposed were for I 5 feel great, I thought that I should go and findout if I could help him. I stood beside to me looking worried. I asked him if he a I coul


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