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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷注意事項:1 答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在考生信息條形碼粘貼區(qū)。2選擇題必須使用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題必須使用05毫米黑色字跡的簽字筆書寫,字體工整、筆跡清楚。3請按照題號順序在各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。4保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項選擇1、-Soldier, I dont care _. In this army, theres only one hairstyleshort! Understand?-Yes, sir

2、!Awhat you are used to likingBwhat are you used to likingCwhat did you use to be likeDwhat you used to be like2、The man with a black hat was seen the shopping mall just now.Aenter Bentering Centered Dto enter3、Your skirt looks very nice. Ill buy _.Lets go shopping this afternoon.AitBoneCthatDthis4、S

3、tudents _ to read the text carefully before they answered the questions.Aask Basked Care asked Dwere asked5、Though it isnt the city with the largest population in Australia, _ is the capital city of the country.ASydneyBCanberraCToronto6、I my cousins since 2016. I miss them very much.Adont seeBdidnt

4、seeCwont seeDhavent seen7、- Do you like the pop star Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua?-_. I am not their fan.ABothBEitherCNeitherDAll8、Some new computers _ to that village school last month.Agive Bare given Cgave Dwere given9、Whos that man over there? It _be Mr. Brown. He is much taller than

5、Mr. Brown. You mean the man in white? He is an exchange student from England.AcanBmayCcantDmustnt10、Is there any difference between your idea and _?AheBhisCsheDher. 完形填空11、I had never noticed her. She was not the kind of girl who could draw attention. She was not tall 1 looked ordinary. In class, sh

6、e liked sitting at the back, reading or writing notes. One day I asked her 2 aloud the text. When I heard her standard (標(biāo)準(zhǔn))American English, I looked at her with new eyes. And I remembered her nameKelly. Later on, the National College Speech Competition would be held. One student in our school 3 to

7、attend. I thought it over and filled in her name. Kelly practised 4 for the competition. However, I was a little worried 5 she was always too quiet. Could she really 6 well in the competition? 7 the night of the competition, I sat in the front row of the hall very early. I told her to take it easy.

8、Her face turned red and she said nothing 8 seemed that she was really nervous. I felt upset, but I just patted her on 9 shoulder and let her go to draw lots (抽簽). As a result, she drew No. 9 while No. 8 was a boy who was very good at giving speeches.Sure enough, No. 8 was very 10 The whole audience

9、made a warm applause.While they 11 about his speech with excitement, Kelly appeared on the stage. I with no courage to look at her. It was her 12 time to go up the stage, so I couldnt be angry with her for any small mistakes. But at that moment, I found 13 I was so afraid of her failure(失?。?The stro

10、ng spotlight and large hall made 14 so small that nobody seemed to notice she had been on the stage. I felt hopeless. But the moment that surprised me came. I clearly heard a voice, a very loud voice, “Now, please focus on me.” Three times in all, louder and louder. The whole audience fell silent. I

11、 could hardly believe that loud voice came from the girl, who was usually soft-voiced and didnt catch attention at all. She gave a perfect speech.I think I will never forget this touching lesson 15 my student taught me never underestimate(低估)the power of the silent people.1Aor Bbut Cas well Dand2Are

12、ad Breading Cto read Dto reading3Aallow Ballowed Cwas allowed Dallows4Ahard Bhardly Charder Dhardest5Athough Bbecause Cwhen Dif6Adid Bbe done Cdo Ddoing7AIn BAt CBy Don8AThat BThis CIts DIt9Aan Ba C不填 Dthe10Asuccess Bsuccessful Csucceed Dsuccessfully11Atalked Bwould talk Cas well Dwere talking12Aone

13、 Bthe one Cfirst Dthe first13Awhen Bthat Cwhy Dwhat14Ashe Bher Cherself Dhers15Awhich Bwhose Cwhat Dwho. 語法填空12、Dear editor,Last week I 1 (visit) our zoo, and I was very surprised 2(find) hardly anyone there. Zoos are important places .They are like living textbooks for young people. They provide ho

14、mes for many endangered animals and help to educate the public about 3(care) for them. If we 4(not support) our zoos, they 5(not have) enough money to take care of so many fine animals. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon.Sincerely,Animal Friend. 閱讀理解A13、Travel ArrangementsDat

15、e: 15 April, 2013 For Miss Li YanMay 4Leaving TaizhouAir China Flight CA 101Please check-in at least two hours before time10:00 a.m.May 5Arrive in SydneyHotel bus will take you to the hotel9:30 a.m.May 5Holiday in SydneyCheck-in: 5 May, 2013Check-out: 10 May, 2013 Nights: 5May 10Visit a local family

16、12:30 p.m.May 14Leave SydneyQantas Airline Ltd, Flight QF 333May 14Arrive in PerthThe guide will collect you from the airport for four days return bus trip to Monkey MiaMay 18Leave PerthQantas Airline Ltd Flight QF 44415:30 p.m.May 18Raffles Hotel SingaporeCheck-in: 18 May, 2013Check-out: 19 May, 20

17、13 Night: 111:00 a.m.May 19Arrive in Taizhou1How many days will Miss Li Yans holiday last?A14.B16.C19.D20.2At what time does Miss Li Yan have to be at the airport for her flight from Taizhou?A8:00 a.m.B9:30 a.m.C10:00 a.m.D11:00 a.m.3How will Miss Li Yan travel from the airport when she arrives in P

18、erth?ABy taxi.BIn a car.COn the travel-bus.DBy plane.4Where will Miss Li Yan be on May 16?AIn a hotel in Perth.BOn her return to Sydney.COn a flight to Singapore.DOn a trip to Monkey Mia.5In which city will Miss Li Yan stay before she returns to Taizhou?APerth.BSydney.CSingapore.DMelbourne.B14、On th

19、e first day of school, Jack found a little old lady with a warm smile.“Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. Im 87 years old.”she said.“Why are you in university at such a YOUNG age?” Jack asked.“Im here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of kids, and then retired and travel.” she answered.

20、Jack knew shes joking but he was surprised what encouraged her to be here at her age.“I always dreamed of having a university education and now Im getting one!” she told me. We became friends. Every day they would talk after class. Jack always enjoyed listening to this “time machine” as she shared h

21、er wisdom(智慧) and experience with him. And Rose easily made friends wherever she went.At the end of the term, Rose was invited to make a little speech. She said, “We dont stop playing because were old. We grow old because we stop playing. Being happy and achieving success may keep you staying young.

22、 If you have a dream, hold on. When you lose your dreams, you die.”“Anybody can grow older._doesnt take any talent(天才) or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change.”1Rose, an 87-year-old lady, was Jacks _.Agranny Bclassmate Cteacher Dfriend2Rose went to the university in

23、 order to _.Ameet a rich husbandBmake new friendsCget a better jobDget a university education3Why did Jack considered Rose as a “time machine”? Because _.Ashe always got to class on timeBshe made friends easilyCshe had wisdom and experienceDshe made a little speech4What does the word that in Para.7

24、refers to(指)?AGrowing older. BGrowing upCStaying young DBeing happy5From this passage we know Rose believed_.AEasier said than doneBWell begun is half doneCIt is never too late to learnDReading makes a full manC15、Christmas wont be Christmas without any presents, said Jo.Its so terrible to be poor!

25、sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress.I dont think its fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all, added little Amy.Weve got Father and Mother and each other, said Beth from her corner.Jo said sadly, We havent got Father, and shall not have him for a long

26、 time. She didnt say perhaps never, but each silently added it, thinking of Father far away, where the fighting was.Nobody spoke for a minute; then Meg said, You know the reason why Mother asked us not to have any presents this Christmas was that it is going to be a hard time for everyone; and she t

27、hinks we ought not to spend money for pleasure when our men are suffering in the army.Weve each got a dollar, and the army wouldnt be much helped by our giving that. I agree not to ask anything from Mother or you, but I do want to buy Undine and Sintram for myself; Ive wanted it so long, said Jo, wh

28、o was a bookworm.I planned to spend mine on new- music, said Beth.I shall get a nice box of drawing pencils; I really need them, said Amy decidedly.Mother didnt say anything about our money, and she wont wish us to give up everything. Lets each buy what we want, and have a little fun; Im sure we wor

29、k hard enough to earn it, cried Jo.1What is the relationship between the four girls?AThey are friends.BThey are neighbours.CThey are classmates.DThey are sisters.2When did the story happen?AIn an ancient time.BIn a modern society.CIn the war time.DIn a peaceful time.3What was their life like?APoor a

30、nd tough.BRich and wonderful.CExciting and delightful.DSimple but comfortable.4What is NOT true about the girls according to the passage?AThey cared about others.BThey were strong and active.CThey gave up all their hobbies and dreams.DThey still kept their dreams.D16、The romance novel Me Before You

31、tells a story that you might never forget. It is the latest bestseller by British writer Jojo Moyes. The book has been made into a movie. British actress Emilia Clark and actor Sam Caflin play the lead roles in the movie.There are two main characters in this book. One is Louisa Clark, or Lou, a girl

32、 who has lost her job at a cafe. The other is William Traynor, or Will, a young man who has become disabled after a motorcycle accident.Lou ends up taking a job where she has to take care of Will. At first, they dont like each other very much. However, they gradually become good friends. But this ha

33、ppiness only lasts a few days.While I read the book, I couldnt help but notice its language. There were a lot of descriptions to show what the characters are feeling. There are also many detailed descriptions of the environments around the characters. For example, Moyes writes I saw it was bigger th

34、an I had imagined, red brick with a double front,describing how surprised Lou is when she sees Wills house for the first time.At the end of the book, Will writes Just live well, just live in a letter. This short line is the last thing that Will writes to Lou. It shows Wills deep feelings about life.

35、 He wants her to live life to the utmost(竭盡全力)the very thing he had wanted to do before he had his accident.1What do we know about the book Me Before You?AIt is about childhood memories.BIt has been made into a movie.CIt has one main character.DIt was written by a US writer.2Which of the following i

36、s TRUE about William Traynor?AHe was born with a disability.BHe lost his arms in a car accident.CHe knew Louisa Clark before the accident.DHe became disabled after an accident.3Why did the writer write this story?ATo introduce a book. BTo advertise a movie.CTo introduce a writer. DTo tell a love sto

37、ry.E17、After the Spring Festival,I found some of my moms daily habits have changedHer cooking way was differentVegetables that had been cooked crisply (脆) became very tender and softFish that had been fried(煎炸的) became soupHer old shredded(切成細(xì)條的) potato turned into diced potatoFeeling strange,Dad an

38、d I asked Mom the reason for the changeBut all she said was,Just trying a different taste Then she was silentBut it wasnt just her cooking way_ After dinner,instead of watching films on TV as usual,she would put on her newly-bought sports clothes and asked Dad to go out for a walkAfter they came bac

39、k home,Mom would lose herself in magazines or newspapers about healthcareMom almost never gets sickWhy was she suddenly interested in medicine?I couldnt understand her abnormal behaviorThen one day I came across her micro blog(博客)While visiting my parents during the Spring Festival,I suddenly realiz

40、ed that they are in their 70s now, my morn had writtenThey move slowly and it is hard for them to do the houseworkI should visit them more oftenSome cooking should be changed to keep them healthyThey like fish soup,diced potato,tender and soft vegetablesI must also keep fit by doing physical exercis

41、eIf my parents are too weak to move around,I can be strong enough to take care of themWhen I am old,my son can also pay less attention to taking care of meWhen I read this,I felt very sorryI used to complain that Mom didnt understand me and couldnt give me everything I wantedI always thought there w

42、as a wide gap(溝) between usBut now I completely understand herHow great she is! She always thinks of others before herselfEverything she does is to help the people she loves live better livesHow unselfish her love is!1(小題1)Which of the following can be put into the underlined part in Paragraph 3?AMo

43、m also changed other habitsBMom didnt want to do anything elseCMom began to take interest in sportsDMorn complained she was very tired2(小題2)Why did mom change her cooking way?ABecause she wanted to try a different tasteBBecause she wasnt interested in cooking any moreCBecause she was suddenly intere

44、sted in medicineDBecause she tried to find a cooking way suitable for her parents3(小題3)The writer talks about the story mainly to show that _AMorn has changed her daily habitsBMoms love can be great and selflessCa wide gap between Morn and meDthe importance of Moms cooking wayF18、閱讀短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確的答案。In E

45、ngland , people often talk about the weather because they can experience(經(jīng)歷)four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun wi

46、ll begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day. In England ,people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes. When you go to England ,you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you dont take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔) later in the day.1Why do people in England often talk about the weather?ABecause they may have four seasons in


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