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1、形容詞的比較級,最高級2022/10/12形容詞是用來修飾和描述名詞,通常放在名詞之前 a blue cap a big orange形容詞既可修飾單數(shù)也可修飾復數(shù) a red strawberry three red strawberries一.形容詞的概念2022/10/122.形容詞可以放在 be 動詞之后,用來 敘述和說明主語 This suit is blue. These suits are blue. The apple is red. The apples are red.2022/10/12big smallopen closedtall short short long3.

2、形容詞中的反義詞:2022/10/12Beautiful uglyhappy sadill wellYoungoldfast slow2022/10/12bigbiggerLook at the pictures and understand 看圖并理解2022/10/12Look at the pictures and understand 看圖并理解bigbiggerbiggest2022/10/12fastfasterfastestLook at the pictures and understand 看圖并理解2022/10/12三、形容詞的級形容詞有三個等級: 原級、比較級、最高級1

3、.原級:即形容詞的原形。 small, good, pretty, big, many hard, happily, slowly, quickly 程度副詞very,too,so,quite等修飾形容詞和副詞的原級。 如:very tall、 too hot、 so cold quite interesting run quickly 2022/10/12形容詞/副詞比較級變化規(guī)則構(gòu)成方法原級比較級單音節(jié)和少數(shù)雙音節(jié)單詞tall longoldlargenicethinbighotredangryeasybusy一般在詞尾加-ertallerlongerolder以字母e結(jié)尾,直接加-rla

4、rgernicer以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的,如末尾只有一個輔音字母,應先雙寫該字母,再加-erthinnerbiggerhotterredder以“輔音字母+-y”結(jié)尾的,先把y變成i,再加-erangriereasierbusier2022/10/12多音節(jié)詞多音節(jié)詞和多數(shù)雙音節(jié)詞在前面加more和most beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful2022/10/12原級比較級最高級many / muchmoremostgood / wellbetter bestlittlelessleastoldolder / elderoldest / eldest2. 不規(guī)

5、則變化【巧記】: 特殊形式比較級, 共有三對二合一, 壞病兩多和兩好 little意思不是小, 一分為二有兩個, 一是老來二是遠2022/10/12The dog is bigger than the mouse.The horse is the biggest of all.The boy is younger than the man.The baby is the youngest of the three.bigbiggerbiggestyoung youngeryoungest2022/10/12JimLi LeiTomLi Lei is taller than Tom.Jim is

6、 the tallest of all.¥30¥20¥10The yellow coat is cheaper than the purple one.The brown coat is the cheapest of the three.2022/10/12The dog is bigger than the mouseThe boy is younger than the man.Li Lei is taller than Tom.The yellow coat is cheaper than the purple one.比較級ConclusionA + be + 比較級 + than

7、+B形容詞比較級句式的結(jié)構(gòu):2022/10/12最高級ConclusionThe horse is the biggest of all.The baby is the youngest of the three.The brown coat is the cheapest.Jim is the tallest in our class.主語 + be + the + 最高級 + of / in.形容詞最高級句式的結(jié)構(gòu):2022/10/12¥30¥20¥10TomLi LeiJimyoungcheaptall2022/10/12Jim is strong.Li Lei is . Tom is

8、.strongerthe strongestExercise2022/10/12The blue car is nice.The red car the blue car.(紅車比藍車好看)The colour car of all.(彩色車最好看)is nicer thanis the nicest2022/10/12做題了,看看誰最棒?1. 寫出下列形容詞的比較級和最高級nice . 2) hot ,slow . 4) late ,happy . 6) fat ,heavy . 8) thin ,9) good/well . 10) wide ,11) far . 12) bad/ill . 13)beautiful ,14) much/many ,15)clever . 16)important .nicer, nicesthotter, hottestslower, slowesthappier, happiestheavier, heaviestlater, latestfatter, fattestthinner, thinnestwider, widestfarther/furthere, farthe


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