



1、七下 Unit7 topic1一月份:問日期:今天幾號(hào)?today?問星期:今天星期幾?today?二序數(shù)詞: the + 序數(shù)詞1.one2.five3.ninetwotwelveeightthree4.ninety5.twentynineteentwenty-oneone hundred and two用序數(shù)詞的語境:1.在一樓2. 五月一號(hào)3.她的十七歲生日三介詞 +日期:in+月份,年 ,早上下午晚上on+ 星期,節(jié)日,具體日期1.20102.May11th,20103.May,2010Monday4.the morningthe

2、afternoonthe evening5.the morning of June 1 stSunday afternoon四日期表達(dá)法: 1.月+日, 年2. 日+of+ 月,年1949 年十月一日:五描述物體的形狀:1.它是什么形狀的?it ?=it?2.正方形:長方形:圓形:圓的橢圓:三角形:3.三十厘米長,二十厘米寬:30, 204.我們用它做什么用?weit?我們用它放鉛筆。We use it.六一般過去時(shí):am/isare七詞組: 1.出生:2. 計(jì)劃去做 do八 When何時(shí)可以問時(shí)刻,日期What time 幾點(diǎn)問時(shí)刻Unit 7 Topic 1一、根據(jù)句意和首字母提示補(bǔ)全單詞

3、。(10分)1、 What s the d_ today? It s June 23rd.2、 Children s Day is inJ_.3、 The English for 2008 is two t_ and eight.4、 What s the s_ of your present? It s round.5、 Mary would like to cook ab_ dinner for her mother.6、 There are 13 c_ on the birthday cake.7、 My friends want to h_ a birthday party for m

4、e.8、 What c_ is it? It s black.二根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子10% 、1.What s the(形狀) of your present? It s(長方形) .2.My present is(正方形的) .3.I m(恐怕) you can t.4.(多少) boxes can you see?5.(什么顏色) is it? It sand(黑白相間) .6、 I _ _(出生) in Xia men.7、 We use it to _ (學(xué)習(xí)英語) .8、 My father wants to buy some _ _(美麗的花) for my mother.9、 _

5、 _ _(.多寬 ) is the river?10. That would be _(一個(gè)精彩的) day for her.二、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(10分)1、 September is the _ (nineth / ninth ) month of a year.2、 Tom _ (is / was) born in July, 1970.3、 What about _ (make /making ) a birthday card for Lucy?4、 I will buy _ (he / him) a present.5、 -How many _ (circle / circ

6、les ) can you see?-Ten.6、 _ ( Are / Were) you in Hunan in 1980? No, I_(be not).7、 She asks her father _ (buy) a birthday cake.8、He _ (not have / doesnthave ) eggs for breakfast.9、 Look! They _ (having / are having) a PE class.10、Would you like _ (come / to come) to my party? Thank you. I d love to.1

7、1.Monday is the _ (twice / second ) day of the week.12,They are planning_(celebrate / to celebtate) it.13 Walk _( across / cross) the bridge , you will see a hospital.14. Tom sits between _(I / me ) and Michael.15 it s time to get up. Most students_(put / are putting) on his clothes.16 He _(not play

8、 / isn tplaying ) tennis. But he _(plays / is playing) volleyball now.三、句形轉(zhuǎn)換。 ( 10 分)1、 My birthday is April 25th.(劃線提問)_ is _ birthday?2、 ItMays 16 th, 2010today.(劃線提問)_ _ today?3、 She was born in Japan.(劃線提問)_she born.?4、 Was Kangkang from Spain? (作否定回答)_, he_.5、 Were your parents born inCuba?(作肯定

9、回答)Yes, _.6、 Lucy was born in America. (一般疑問句)_ Lucy _ in America?7、 It16s centimeters long. (劃線提問)_ is it?8、 Is the basketball circle or oval? (選擇回答)_ is _.9、 I was born in 1996. (改為一般疑問句,并回答)youin 1996?Yes,./No,.10. What shape is your MP4?( 同義句 )theof your MP4?11. I want to buy a flower for my mot

10、her.(劃線提問 )Whatyouto buy for your mother?12. There re some flowers in her room改為.(一般疑問句 )flowers in her room.13. she has supper after school.shesupper.14. Our classroom is eight meters wide.isclassroom?四 . 選擇填空() 1.What day is it today?It s_.A 、 May 1stB 、 WednesdayC、 June, 2006() 2. What s the date

11、 today?thIt s June 7.,A. nineteenninety-sixB. nineteenninty-sixC. ninty-six() 3. There aremonths in a year.A. twelfthB. twelveC. twelveth() 4. Kangkang was bornMay the eighteenth.A. inB. onC. at() 5. How do you planyour birthday, Kangkang?A. celebrateB. celebratingC. to celebrate() 6. Can you playso

12、ccer?No. I cant. But I can playpiano.A. a, theB. /, theC. the, /() 7. February isfrom other members. It has twenty-eight days or twenty-nine.A. differentB. sameC. funny() 8. .Many people think Wei Fang_ her mother. Me, too.A. is likeB. look likeC. like() 9. Wereborn in September, 2000?A. your mother

13、B. themC. they() 10. Whats the shapethe desk?It s rectangular.A. withB. inC. of() 11. I will sing“birthday ”him in English.A. Happy, onB. Happy, ofC. Happy, for() 12.Kangkangs birthday, Ill buysome dollshim.A. On, toB. In, toC. On, for() 13. Where would you likethis evening?A. eatingB. eatsC. to eat

14、() 14. He couldnt ride a bike when he was 5,now he rides well.A. butB. andC. or() 15. What aboutLily a beautiful flower?A. buyB. buysC. buying五 .短文填空:December 21st is Becky1. s(第十三)birthday. When she gets home 2.? ft? school, she sees her parents in the living room. They both say to her,“ Happy birt

15、hday, dear!Wehave a 3(禮物)for you. Go and look for it in your bedroom.”Becky 4.(跑)to her bedroom. There is a red box on her desk. There is a card in it.The girl takes it out and reads ,“Dear Becky, I m your present. My 5.f?st three letters are in theword(單詞) come.My 6.(最后的) two letters are in the wor

16、d water .My middle(中間的) three lettersare in the word put.What 7.I?”Becky thinks hard and then says ,“Thank Dad and Mom. I know what it is, but where is it?”Her father and mother tell her to go to her 8.(書房). 補(bǔ)全對(duì)話( 10 分)選擇適當(dāng)?shù)木渥覬ane, when were you born?11A : Oh, tomorrow is October 10th. It s your12birthday.My mother wants to have a birthday party for me. Can you come to my party tomorrow?A: Of course.13When does it begin?14I know.15OK, see you then.六小作文:描述下列物體:來歷;形狀;大??;長,寬;顏色;用途A. I ll ge


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