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1、七下Unit 6T2 復(fù)習(xí)1.農(nóng)村;國家鄰居聽見鋼琴大聲的真正地兒童;小孩某個人countryneighbor hear piano loud reallychildsomeone詞匯檢查;核對末尾;結(jié)束路;道路街道搬家;移動城市費用;花費交通checkendroadstreetmove city cost traffic1.許多靠近貼近在兩者之間離遠(yuǎn)立即a lot of close to next to between andbe far from right nowPhrase review一個五口之家有兩個臥室的房子三層的城市住宅存錢在街道的拐角處彈鋼琴為某事感到抱歉在末尾從到生活費用

2、a family of five, house with two bedrooms townhouse with three houses keep moneyon the street cornerplay the pianobe sorry for / about, at the end offromtothe cost of living1、heardoing sth. 聽見在做某事, 強調(diào)正在hear sb do sth.聽見某人做某事(類似用法還有:see/watch/notice等)e.g. I _(聽見他在唱歌)in a study.I often_ (聽見他們在看電視)TV i

3、n the sitting room. hear him singinghear them watch短語:hear from sb. 收到某人來信=get a letter from sb /receive a letter from sb.hear of /about sb/sth 聽說 經(jīng)典試題:Yao Ming received thousands of letters from his fans after his leg was broken.(同義句)Yao Ming thousands of his fans after his leg was hurt.重點句型heard f

4、rom2. hear, listen, sound的區(qū)別listen (to):表示動作過程;hear:表示動作結(jié)果;sound:表示聽起來,后跟形容詞作表語。 e.g. 1) 仔細(xì)聽!你能聽到什么? _ carefully! What can you _? 2) 我聽到有個女孩正在隔壁唱歌。 I hear a girl _ next door. 3) 學(xué)生上課應(yīng)該認(rèn)真聽老師講。 Students should _ _ their teachers carefully in class. 4) 那個注意聽起來很好。 That idea _ good. Listen hearsinginglis

5、ten tosoundsa farmhouse.a townhouse.Li FengA: What kind of home does live in?B: ItsLi Feng an apartment.Chen HaoChen Hao Liu Xin What kind of ? 表示 “哪種/哪類/什么種類?”eg. What kind of book do you like? I like storybooks.Liu Xinpost officerestaurantbuy bookskeep and show thingshave mealsWhere can we _?keep

6、moneyIn the _. bank park carsparking lot take trainstrain station see a doctorhospital buy foodsupermarketmailletters郵寄bookstoremuseumAt the _. 據(jù)圖填空Ill get someone to check it right now.get sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事e.g. He wants to get his sister to help him with his homework.get+賓語(sb/sth)+賓補的形式有:(1)v-

7、ing(2)adj 3)to do (4)v-ed經(jīng)典試題:Look out, Jenny . Dont your skirt wet. A. get B. keep C. have D. let短語:get on well with sb=get along well with sb和某人相處融洽get along /on with sth某事進(jìn)展順利get up-be up起床get on /get off上(下)車get together聚會get to到達(dá)B1.Whats the matter? 怎么啦?/有什么問題?=Whats wrong?/Whats the trouble?;W

8、hats the matter with sb. /sth.? 某人或某物怎么啦?e.g. Whats the matter with your kite, Kate?2.doesnt work.=There is something wrong with 出錯(毛?。? be broken同義替換:他的電腦壞了: His computer doesnt work./His computer is broken./There is something wrong with his computer.3.Thanks a lot=Thank you very much Thanks a lot

9、for sth./doing sth.感謝某人或某事 Thank you very much for sth. /doing sth. Thanks to sb. /sth.多虧;由于1. There is something wrong with (不定代詞的用法)表示物的不定代詞:something, anything, nothing 表示人的不定代詞:somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, 不定代詞的謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù)。 形容詞修飾不定代詞放在不定代詞之后。 1) 今天的報紙上有有趣的東西嗎? Is there _ _ in toda

10、ys newspaper?2) 樹叢中有一些奇怪的東西。 There _ _ _ in the bushes.anything interesting is something strange詞匯表達(dá)和運用They live in a big farmhouse in the country.countryChina is a great country.農(nóng)村,鄉(xiāng)下國家close to far from Li Mings house a lot of many/much e.g. There are a lot of people in the train station. =(=many)(

11、=much)There is a lot of Water in the street. no =not a 或 not any 沒有, 無e.g. There is no book on the desk. = There isnt a book on the desk.I have no money in my purse. = I dont have any money in my purse.The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high1、heavy : (1)adj. 重的 反義詞 light ; 比較級heavy-heavi

12、er-heaviest(2)Adv. heavily:(雨、雪猛烈地;劇烈地)注意:Its raining heavily/hardThe traffic is heavy/busy/crazy(都可以表示交通忙碌)2、the cost of living is high : the cost of 的費用live v. 居住 adv. 實況轉(zhuǎn)播的living n. 生活,生存 作定語 e.g. living areas living room adj. 活著的 作定語 e.g. the greatest living English writeralive adj. 活著的,活的 只作表語

13、e.g. be alivelife n. 生命 生活 e.g. live a happy life lively adj. 活潑的,生氣勃勃的關(guān)于live的相關(guān)詞的總結(jié)Exercise.用 live living alive life填空。 I _ in a wooden house with my parents.(2) I told myself to calm down since I was still _.(3)Their _ areas are becoming farmlands.(4) Thousands of people lost their _ in the earthq

14、uake.(5)They are talking about the _ in the British school.livealivelivingliveslife3. end V.結(jié)束 N.末端;盡頭at the end of 在末(表示時間和空間位置)反義詞組:at the beginning/star of 在首)by the end of 到末為止(多用于過去完成時)in the end =at last 最后終于to the end 直到最后end with 以什么結(jié)束,反義詞組begin with以開始2) 最后,他們吃了五個雞蛋。 _ _ _, they ate five eg

15、gs. 3) 在馬路的盡頭,有一個書店。 There is a book shop _ _ _ _ the road. 4) 沿著馬路一直走到盡頭。 Walk along the road _ _ _. endIn the endat the end ofuntil the end1)The meeting will _ at 8 oclock3. end V.結(jié)束 N.末端;盡頭at the end of 在末(表示時間和空間位置)反義詞組:at the beginning/star of 在首)by the end of 到末為止(多用于過去完成時)in the end =at last

16、最后終于to the end 直到最后end with 以什么結(jié)束,反義詞組begin with以開始2) 最后,他們吃了五個雞蛋。 _ _ _, they ate five eggs. 3) 在馬路的盡頭,有一個書店。 There is a book shop _ _ _ _ the road. 4) 沿著馬路一直走到盡頭。 Walk along the road _ _ _. endIn the endat the end ofuntil the end1)The meeting will _ at 8 oclock語法項目1、There be 主謂一致采用就近一致原則:即be和最接近的主

17、語保持一致。如:(1)There a table and four chairs in the middle of the room.(2)There four chairs and table in the middle of the room.(3) How many bottles of milk there in the box?(4) How much milk there in the bottle? A. am B. is C. are D . be2、There be 句型的反意疑問句:(1)There be (肯定句),be not there?(2)There be (否定

18、句),be there?當(dāng)there be 句型中有few, little, hardly ,never, no, nothing是應(yīng)視為否定句。經(jīng)典試題:There is little meat on the plate, ? A. is there B . isnt there C. is it BCCBA3、There be 句型的一般將來時和現(xiàn)在完成時:(1)There will be/There is going to be注意:沒有There will have和There is going to have這兩種形式(2)There has/have been4、There is

19、something wrong with sb. / sth. 出了毛?。篢here is nothing wrong with sb. / sth . 沒出了毛病Is there anything wrong with sb. / sth?.怎么啦?There be . doing有某人或某物正在做某事Theres a bird flying in the sky.Theres a girl reading in the bookstore.There are two children watching TV in the room.There be 與 have/has 的區(qū)別There

20、be 側(cè)重 “存在關(guān)系”, 表示“某地或某時間存在某人/某物” 。如: There is a book on the desk. have/has側(cè)重 “所屬關(guān)系” ,表示“某人/某物擁有”。如:She has some interesting books.用There be 或have/has填空。1.We _ no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. _ a bowl of dumplings on the table. 3. Mr. Li _ a pet dog. 4. _ some gifts for our Chinese teacher, Mr. Li. 5. How many letters _ in this word?6. _ a river in front of the house? haveThere isThere arehasIs thereare there地點介詞的用法我們使用地點介詞來表示事物和人所在的位置。通常用疑問詞 “where”進(jìn)行提問。1) 米莉坐在我的前面。 Millie sits _ of me. 2) 小桌子在雙人床和櫥柜之間。 The s


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