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1、吉林省2022年初中學(xué)業(yè)水平考試英語試題英語試題共8頁,包括四道大題。全卷滿分90分,考試時間為100分鐘??荚嚱Y(jié)束后,將本 試題和答題卡一并交回。注意事項:.答題前,請將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫在答題卡上,并將條形碼準確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。.答題時,請按照考試要求在答題卡上的指定區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,在草稿紙、試題上答題無效。一、基礎(chǔ)知識(共10分)I.單項選擇從每小題所給的三個選項中,選出一個正確答案。(10分)Mary has a brother, and name is Bob.A. herB. itsC. his【答案】c【解析】【詳解】句意:瑪麗有一個哥哥,他的名字叫鮑勃??疾榇~辨析。he

2、r她的;its它的;his他的。根據(jù)“Mary has a brother”可知,這個哥哥的名字叫鮑勃,是男 性,故選C。一Would you like to take walk with me right now?一Sorry, I have to meet some friends.A. anB. aC. the【答案】B【解析】【詳解】句意:你現(xiàn)在想和我一起散步嗎? 對不起,我得見一些朋友??疾楣谠~。take a walk“散步”,固定用法。故選B。go to the art museum because I like painting.A. oftenB. hardlyC. never

3、【答案】A【解析】【詳解】句意:我經(jīng)常去藝術(shù)博物館,因為我喜歡繪畫??疾楦痹~辨析。often經(jīng)常:hardly幾乎不;never從不。根據(jù)“because I like painting”可知,因為喜歡繪畫所 以經(jīng)常去藝術(shù)博物館,故選A。Helen, why didnt you come to the party yesterday?-Oh, I for the speech competition.A. preparesB. preparedC. will prepare【答案】B【解析】【詳解】句意:Helen,你昨天為什么沒有來參加派對?哦,我在準備演講比賽??疾閯釉~時態(tài)根據(jù)問句didn

4、t”可知,答語用一般過去時,動詞用過去式,故選B。What a day! Why not go for a picnic?A. snowyB. rainyC. sunny【答案】C【解析】【詳解】句意:多么晴朗的天氣!為什么不去野餐呢?考查形容詞辨析。snowy多雪的;rainy多雨的;sunny晴朗的。根據(jù)“Why not go for a picnic”可知,晴朗的 天氣可以出去野餐,故選C。-Alice, could you please pass me the? I want to write a letter.OK. Here you are.A. bottleB. penC. fl

5、ower【答案】B【解析】【詳解】句意:Alice,你可以把鋼筆遞給我嗎?我想寫一封信。好的。給你??疾槊~辨析。bottle瓶子;pen鋼筆;flower花。根據(jù)I want to write a letter”可知,此處指寫信用的物品, “鋼筆”符合,故選B。Look! Mark is reading a book in the library.It be him. He is in the classroom.A. cantB. wouldntC. neednt【答案】A【解析】【詳解】句意:看! Mark正在圖書館看書。不可能是他。他在教室里??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞辨析。cant不可能;woul

6、dnt將不;neednt不必。根據(jù)He is in the classroom”可知,因為他在教室,所以他不可能在圖書館看書,表否定推測用cant故選A。Mrs. Wang is an English teacher makes her classes lively and interesting.A. whichB. whoC. what【答案】B【解析】【詳解】句意:王老師是一位英語老師,她使她的課生動有趣??疾槎ㄕZ從句。此句是定語從句,先行詞an English teacher是指人,在從句中作主語,用who引導(dǎo)定語從 句,故選B。The sign on the wall said th

7、e lights as you go out”.A. Turn offB. Take offC. Put off【答案】A【解析】【詳解】句意:墻上的牌子上寫著“出門時關(guān)燈考查動詞短語辨析。Turn off關(guān)閉;Take off脫下;Put off推遲。根據(jù)“the lights as you g。out”可知,出門應(yīng) 該關(guān)燈,故選A。Kate, do you know?一In the school hall.when we11 have the English partywhy weUl have the English partywhere we511 have the English p

8、arty【答案】C【解析】【詳解】句意: Kate,你知道我們將在哪里舉辦英語派對嗎? 在學(xué)校禮堂??疾橘e語從句 o when weUl have the English party 我們什么時候舉辦英語派對;why well have the English party 我們?yōu)槭裁磁e辦英語派對;where weHl have the English party我們將在哪里舉辦英語派對。根據(jù)答語“In the school hall”可知,詢問某個活動的舉辦地點,用where引導(dǎo)賓語從句,故選C。二、交際運用(共10分)H.完成對話(5分)從選項中選擇正確選項,其中有一個選項與對話內(nèi)容無關(guān)。H

9、e Wei: Hey, Liu Jun.Liu Jun: Hi, He Wei. 11He Wei: Because Shenzhou 14 was sent into space successfully.Liu Jun: Its reported that three astronauts (字航員)have been carried into space.He Wei: Youre right. 12Liu Jun: How great they are! 13He Wei: Hmm, for six months.Liu Jun:14He Wei: Theyll do a lot of

10、 work, such as completing the Tiangong space station and so on.Liu Jun: Wow! Will they give us any space lectures (講座)?He Wei: Thats right. 15Liu Jun: Me too.A. I dont know.Why are you so excited?What will they do there?How long will they stay there?Tm looking forward to the lectures.Theyre Chen Don

11、g, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe.【答案】11. B 12. F 13. D 14. C 15. E【解析】【導(dǎo)語】本文是一則有關(guān)神舟十四號成功發(fā)射的對話。11題詳解】根據(jù)Because Shenzhou 14 was sent into space successfUHy.”可知上文詢問對方原因,選項B“你為什么如此興 奮”符合語境。故選B。【12題詳解】根據(jù)Its reported that three astronauts (字航員)have been carried into space”以及How great they are”可知此處描述內(nèi)容和宇航員有關(guān),選項F“

12、他們是陳冬、劉洋和蔡旭哲“符合語境。故選艮【13題詳解】根據(jù)“Hmm, for six months”可知上文詢問在太空待多長時間,選項D“他們要在那里待多久”符合語境。故選Do【14題詳解】根據(jù)TheyR do a lot of work”可知上文詢問他們會在那里做什么,選項C “他們會在那里做什么”符合語境。故選Co根據(jù)Will they give us any space lectures”以及 Me too”可知此處內(nèi)容和講座有關(guān),選項E“我期待這些講座” 符合語境。故選E。n.補全對話(5分)根據(jù)所給對話,填寫適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容,使其完整、正確,每空詞數(shù)不限。Mr. Wu: Hello, t

13、his is Jilin Care Volunteer (志愿者)Center. Can I help you?Li Hua:16. This is a student from No.l Middle School. I want to be a volunteer at your center.Mr. Wu: Welcome! 17?Li Hua: My name is Li Hua.Mr. Wu: What can you help with?Li Hua: Well, maybe I can help to 18 the city parks. I like working outsi

14、de.Mr. Wu: OK. But we need to interview you first.Li Hua: When is the interview?Mr. Wu: On July 10th. If its OK, you can come to the center.Li Hua:19?Mr. Wu: Ils in Hongxing Business Building.Li Hua: OK. Ive got it, Thanks.Mr. Wu:20.【答案】16. SureWhat is your name 18. clean upWhere is the Jilin Care V

15、olunteer CenterYou are welcome【解析】【導(dǎo)語】本文是李華打電話給吉林志愿者中心打電話,請求當(dāng)一名打掃城市公園的志愿者的對話?!?6題詳解】根據(jù)Can I help you”可知,此處應(yīng)是肯定回答“Sure”,故填Sure?!?7題詳解】根據(jù)My name is Li Hua”可知,此處應(yīng)詢問對方的名字,故填What is your name。18題詳解】根據(jù)“Well, maybe I can help tothe city parks”可知,此處指想幫助打掃城市公園,clean up清理,help to do sth“幫助做某事”,此空應(yīng)填動詞原形,故填clea

16、n up。根據(jù)第一句Hello, this is Jilin Care Volunteer (志愿者)Center.及Its in Hongxing Business Building”可知,此 處應(yīng)詢問吉林志愿者中心位置在哪里,故填Where is the Jilin Care Volunteer Centero【20題詳解】根據(jù)Thanks”可知,此處應(yīng)回答不客氣,故填You are welcomeo三、閱讀(共50分).完形填空(5分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從每小題所給的三個選項中,選出一個正確答案。Dear classmates, I learned how to make dumplings

17、 last month. Let me introduce the steps of making dumplings to you.First, cut 21 the vegetables and the meat, and put them in a bowl.Next, add some salt and oil, and 22 them together.Then, put a 23 of filling (餃子餡)in a wrapper (餃子皮)and fold the wrapper around it.Finally, put the dumplings in the boi

18、ling water and cook 24 they are on the surface of the water. And then ifs time to enjoy them.Im so 25 to share my way of making dumplings. Thanks for listening.21. A. upB. offC. down22. A. mixB. fixC. print23. A. basketB.spoonC. box24. A. thoughB. sinceC. until25. A. angryB. happyC. bored【答案】21.A22.

19、 A 23. B 24. C 25. B【解析】【導(dǎo)語】本文是作者介紹了包餃子的步驟。21題詳解】句意:首先,把蔬菜和肉切碎。up向上;off離開;down向下。根據(jù)“cutthe vegetables and the meat”及常識可知,包餃子先把蔬菜和肉切 碎,cut up“切碎”,故選A?!?2題詳解】句意:接下來,加入一些鹽和油,混合在一起。mix 混合;fix 修理;print 打印。根據(jù)“Next, add some salt and oil, andthem together”可知,把鹽,油和切好 的菜,肉混合在一起,故選A?!?3題詳解】句意:然后,把一勺餡放進餃子皮里,把餃

20、子皮包起來。basket籃子;spoon勺子:box盒子。根據(jù)“put aof filling (餃子餡)in a wrapper”可知,往餃子皮里放一勺 餃子餡,故選B?!?4題詳解】句意:最后,把餃子放入沸水中煮,直到它們浮在水面上。though盡管;since既然;until直到。根據(jù)“they are on the surface of the water”可知,直到餃子浮在水面上, 就說明餃子煮熟了,故選C?!?5題詳解】句意:我很高興分享我包餃子的方法。angry 生氣的:happy 開心的:bored 無聊的。根據(jù),Tm so to share my way of making

21、dumplings”可知,能 分享自己包餃子的方法是一件很開心的事,故選B。.短文填空(5分)從方框中選擇正確選項,完成短文,其中有兩個選項是多余的。A. see B. worse C. king D. also E. better F. so G. popular H. persons I. if J. another K. cultures L. hope2022 is the Year of the Tiger in China. Tigers are very 26 not only in China but also in Western countries. Would you l

22、ike to learn something about tigers in different 27?In Chinese culture, the tiger plays an important role. It is the 28of all animals. It often reminds peopleof power, bravery and protection. Its said that the 29 who are born in the Year of the Tiger are brave and strong. You can 30 the pictures of

23、tigers on the walls of houses. That is because the owners 31 to keep away from bad things.In Western cultures, tigers are 32 very powerful animals in peoples eyes. In English, 33 you want someone to keep his cool, you can say “easy tiger”. There is 34phrase “eye of the tiger”, which meansfierceness

24、(兇猛)and strength. However, in some Western countries, a tiger is not seen as the strongest one of all animals, but a lion is.Now, you may understand tigers 35. Isnt it amazing?【答案】26.G27. K 28. C 29. H 30. A 3LL 32. D 33.134. J 35. E【解析】【導(dǎo)語】本文主要介紹了老虎在中西文化中的不同意義。【26題詳解】句意:老虎不僅在中國很受歡迎,在西方國家也很受歡迎。are后接

25、形容詞作表語,根據(jù)“Tigers are verynot only in China but also in Western countries”可知,此處介紹老虎的受歡迎程度,popular受歡迎的”符合,故選 G.【27題詳解】句意:你想了解不同文化背景下的老虎嗎? different后接復(fù)數(shù)名詞,根據(jù)下文“In Chinese culture及In Western cultures”可知,介紹老虎在不同文化中的意義,cultures”文化”符合,故選K?!?8題詳解】句意:它是動物之王。根據(jù)It often reminds people of power, bravery and pro

26、tection”可知,老虎是動物之王, 代表了權(quán)力,king“國王”符合,故選C。29題詳解】句意:據(jù)說虎年出生的人都很勇敢和強壯??崭窈笫且粋€定語從句,根據(jù)關(guān)系詞who可知,此空應(yīng)填入一 個指人的先行詞,persons人”符合,故選H?!?0題詳解】句意:你可以在房子的墻上看到老虎的圖片。根據(jù)“the pictures of tigers on the walls of houses”可知,看見房 子的墻上有老虎的照片,see“看見”符合,故選A。31題詳解】句意:那是因為主人希望遠離不好的東西。根據(jù)to keep away fh)m bad things”可知,此空應(yīng)填入一個能接動 詞不定

27、式作賓語的動詞,hope“希望”符合,hope to do sth希望做某事”,故選L.【32題詳解】句意:在西方文化中,老虎在人們眼中也是非常強大的動物。根據(jù)前文“It is the. of all animals”及“very powerful animals in peoples eyesrJ,除了是動物之王,也是非常強大的動物,also也”符合,故選D。【33題詳解】句意:在英語中,如果你想讓某人保持冷靜,你可以說“easy tiger”。此空缺少一個連詞連接兩個句子,i儼如 果”符合,故選I?!?4題詳解】句意:還有一個短語是“eye of the tiger”,意思是兇猛和力量。根

28、據(jù)“you can sayeasy tiger及phrase,eye of the tiger”可知,此處介紹另一個與老虎有關(guān)的短語,another“另一個”符合,故選J。【35題詳解】句意:現(xiàn)在,你可能更了解老虎了。根據(jù)“you may understand tigers”及備選詞可知,通過上文對老虎的介紹, 現(xiàn)在對它有了更好地了解,better“更好”符合,故選E。VI.閱讀理解(40分)Jilin Province lies in the northeast of China. It?s a good place to visit. Come and have fun!“Red Trip

29、” in TonghuaTonghua is a good choice to have a “red trip”. It is a place full of “red stories. The well-known national hero Yang Jingyu once fought here. Experience the red spirit”!Mount ChangbaiMount Changbai is a famous mountain at home and abroad. There is a mysterious (神秘的)lakeTianchi, a nationa

30、l park and some beautiful waterfalls. Enjoy the beauty of nature!Jilin Rime (霧松)The rime dresses up the winter of Jilin City. Tourists walk along the Songhua River to enjoy the fantastic rime. Leave your footmarks on the wonderland!1二1Yanbian FoodYanbian is famous fbr the local food. Tourists can fi

31、nd the special food like cold noodles and rice cake here. For foodies (美食家),Yanbian is the best place to visit. Just have a taste!根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。36. We will learn about the in Tonghua.A. special foodB. red spiritC. fantastic rimeD. beautiful waterfalls37. There is a mysteriousin Mount Changbai.A. lak

32、eB. riverC. parkD. waterfall38. If tourists want to enjoy the rime, they can go to Jilin City in.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter39. For foodies,is possibly the best place to taste the local food.A. Mount ChangbaiB. Jilin CityC. YanbianD. Tonghua40. The passage above probably comes from a.A. med

33、ical reportB. thank-you noteC. travel magazineD. science fiction【答案】36.B37. A 38. D 39. C 40. C【解析】【導(dǎo)語】本文主要介紹了吉林名勝古跡?!?6題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“Experience the “red spirit”!”可知,在這里可以了解到“紅色精神”,故選B。37題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“There is a mysterious (神秘的)lake-Tianchi, a national park and some beautiful waterfalls 可知,有一個神秘的湖,故選A

34、。【38題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“The rime dresses up the winter of Jilin City”可知,如果想去看霧松,要在冬季去吉林,故選D?!?9題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)For bodies (美食家),Yanbian is the best place to visit”可知,對于美食家來說,延邊是品嘗 美食的最佳地方,故選C?!?0題詳解】推理判斷題。本文主要介紹了吉林的名勝古跡,屬于旅游范疇,故選C。There is a traditional toy called taiping nijiaojiao. It is a clay toy and also

35、a whistle (哨子)in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu. It has a history of over 1,000 years.Taiping nijiaojiao is made of the mud from the local mountain. It takes more than ten steps to make the clay toy, and the key step is to knead (捏)it with your hands. You can knead the clay toy into anything, like animals and p

36、lants. The blowhole is the most difficult part to make, for the size of the blowhole makes a difference to the sound. While coloring, you can use traditional cultural elements (元素)that carry good meanings. Its hard to make taiping nijiaojiao. But when you finally make it, you will feel proud of your

37、self.Zhou Baokang a lover of folk art, learned how to make the clay toy from local artists about 20 years ago. He wants more people to know about it, so he has opened a museum to introduce the clay toy. He teaches kids how tomake the clay toy, too.There are many traditional art forms in China, but s

38、ome of them have been lost. Luckily, the traditional clay toy taiping nijiaojiao is kept to this day.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。What is taiping nijiaojiao?A. A toy.B. An animal.C. A plant.D. A museum.A. A toy.B. An animal.C. A plant.D. A museum.What does the underlined word “mud” mean in Paragraph 2?A. Soft silk

39、.B. Clean water.C. Wet earth.A. Soft silk.B. Clean water.C. Wet earth.D. Dead wood.What is the key step when you make taiping nijiaojiao?A. Choosing the elements.B. Kneading the clay toy.A. Choosing the elements.B. Kneading the clay toy.C. Making the blowhole.D. Coloring the clay toy.C. Making the b

40、lowhole.D. Coloring the clay toy.Who does Zhou Baokang teach to make taiping nijiaojiao?A. Artists.B. Kids.C. Masters.A. Artists.B. Kids.C. Masters.D. Teachers.Whats the best title for the passage?Sh叩Sh叩es of the Clay ToyA Lover of Folk Art45. DD. A Traditional Clay ToyC. Ways of Making a Clay Toy45

41、. DD. A Traditional Clay Toy【答案】41. A 42. C 43. B 44. B【解析】 【導(dǎo)語】本文主要介紹了太平泥叫叫這種文化藝術(shù),介紹了它的制作過程,并呼吁人們要將中國文化傳承 下去。41題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“There is a traditional toy called taiping nijiaojiao”可知,這是一個傳統(tǒng)玩具,故選A。42題詳解】詞義猜測題。根據(jù)“介010 the local mountain及and the key step is to knead (捏)it with your hands”可知,由來自山區(qū)的泥土制成,這樣

42、才能用手來捏它,所以mud與wet earth同義,故選C。43題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)It takes more than ten steps to make the clay toy, and the key step is to knead (捏)it with your hands”可知,最關(guān)鍵的一步是用手揉捏,故選B。【44題詳解】 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“He teaches kids how to make the clay toy,too”可知,他教孩子們?nèi)绾沃谱髡惩镣婢撸蔬xB。【45題詳解】最佳標(biāo)題題。本文主要介紹了太平泥叫叫這種文化藝術(shù),所以最適合本文的標(biāo)題是“傳統(tǒng)黏土玩具”,

43、故選D。CToday, many teenagers have already put technology to good use. Here are two good examples.A new reader (閱讀器)for the blindThe two 14-year-old students, Meng Shuqi and Feng Boyao, are from Taiyuan. They invented a new kind of reader to help the blind read books. The new reader can turn words into

44、 raised dots (盲點)when connected to a computer.As we know, the blind read by touching raised dots. However, there werent many books for the blind in the past, and it was difficult for them to get new information in time. As the old readers in the market were very expensive and difficult to use, the t

45、wo students decided to invent the new reader which was easier to use. They hoped that the new reader could be widely used to help more blind people.A smart system for the oldA 16-year-oid American boy Vetri Vel created a smart system. It is made up of a small computer and a camera. The system can ca

46、tch the heat signals (熱感信號)of a fallen person and send messages for help at once.After Vetris neighbor had fallen down alone at home, Vetri realized that falling down was a common problem for many old people. It may even lead to death. Vetri hopes that his invention can help more old people in time.

47、Teenagers, technological inventions full of love and intelligence can make our lives easier and more convenient. Why not have a try?根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷下列句子正(T)、誤(F)。The two Chinese students invented a new reader to help the blind read books.It is more difficult for the blind to use the new reader.The smart sy

48、stem is made up of a small computer and a camera.Vetri created the smart system because he fell down alone at home.The inventions in the passage can make our lives easier and more convenient.【答案】46. T 47. F 48. T 49. F 50. T【解析】【導(dǎo)語】本文主要介紹了列舉了學(xué)生們很好地利用了科技的例子?!?6題詳解】 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“The two 14-year-old studen

49、ts, Meng Shuqi and Feng Boyao, are from Taiyuan. They invented a new kind of reader to help the blind read books”可知,這兩個中國學(xué)生發(fā)明了 一種新的閱讀器來幫助盲人讀書, 此句表述正確,故填T。【47題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“the two students decided to invent the new reader which was easier to use”可知,這個新的閱 讀器更容易使用,此句表述錯誤,故填F?!?8題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“A 16-year-ol

50、d American boy Vetri Vel created a smart system. It is made up of a small computer and a camera”可知,它是由一臺小型計算機和一臺照相機組成的,此句表述正確,故填T?!?9題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“After Vetris neighbor had fallen down alone at home, Vetri realized that falling down was a common problem fbr many old people”可知,在他鄰居摔倒后,讓他意識到這個問題,此句表述錯誤

51、,故填F?!?0題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“Teenagers technological inventions full of love and intelligence can make our lives easier and more convenient”可知,文中提到的發(fā)明讓我們的生活更方便,此句表述正確,故填T。DJack is my good friend. A few months ago, I saw a guitar in his room. 51 I asked him why the guitar was in his room. He told me that he

52、would challenge (挑戰(zhàn))something difficult before 18 years old, and playing the guitar in public was the first thing he wanted to try. 52 but now he is confidenl (有信的)enough after his first successful show at school.After watching Jacks first show, I thought carefully about myself that night. 53 That w

53、as because I was not good at writing. Jacks story made me think of the saying: Where there is a will, there is a way. I couldnt achieve my dream in a day, but I could start to do something easy. 54From then on, I wrote every day to improve my writing skills so that I could publish (發(fā)表)articles in th

54、e school newspaper.Now everything is going well and my writing skills have improved a lot. 55 Thanks to Jack, my life is full of confidence.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,將下面的選項還原到文中空白處,使短文內(nèi)容完整、通順,每個選項只能用一次,其中有 一個選項是多余的。I nearly gave up my dream of being a writer.As far as I knew, he wasnt able to play the guitar before.Fo

55、r example, I could begin to write some simple stories.So far, I have already published five articles in the school newspaper.First, invite some friends to the party.He used to be afraid of speaking in public.【答案】51. B 52. F 53. A 54. C 55. D【解析】【導(dǎo)語】本文主要講述了作者在被朋友Jack挑戰(zhàn)彈吉他這件事深深鼓舞,想起了自己曾經(jīng)幾乎要放棄想成 為一名作家的

56、夢想,于是作者從簡單的事情開始做起,慢慢地,作者在寫作方面也取得了很好的成績?!?1題詳解】根據(jù)I saw a guitar in his room”及I asked him why the guitar was in his room”可知,看到他房間里有一把吉他 覺得很奇怪,B選項“據(jù)我所知,他以前不會彈吉他“符合,故選B?!?2題詳解】根據(jù)but now he is confident (有信心的)enough after his first successful show at school”可知,前文應(yīng)是講述之 前他的性格,F(xiàn)選項“他過去害怕在公共場合講話”符合,故選F。【53題詳解

57、】根據(jù)After watching Jacks first show, 1 thought carefully about myself that night及That was because I was not good at writing”可知,此處應(yīng)講述作者和寫作的淵源,A選項“我差點放棄當(dāng)作家的夢想”符合,故選A。【54題詳解】根據(jù)I couldnt achieve my dream in a day, but I could start to do something easy”可知,此處講述作者為 了 實現(xiàn) 夢想,先從哪些簡單的事情做起,C選項“例如,我可以開始寫一些簡單的故事”

58、符合,故選C?!?5題詳解】根據(jù)Now everything is going well and my writing skills have improved a lot”可知,此處講述作者在寫作方面取 得的成績,D選項“到目前為止,我已經(jīng)在校報上發(fā)表了五篇文章符合,故選D。EThe ear is an important organ (器官).To make people know the importance of our ears, the government set up National Ear Care Day. It falls on March 3rd every year

59、. How much do you know about the ear?There are three parts in our ears - the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. We can see the outer ear clearly. It can collect sound around us. Then the sound goes through the middle ear to the inner ear and finally to our brain.Our ears keep working all t

60、he time even when we are sleeping, but our brain just pays no attention to it. Sometimes we may wake up suddenly at midnight. Thafs because our brain hears something, although we dont know what it is.Our ears also help us keep a balance. There are some organs that are full of liquid (液體)with small h


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