1、Project Plan ForConteent Mannageemennt SSysttem Docummentt Reevissionn #11.3Date of Isssue: 20008-10-13Projeect Mannageer: SweeepeerApproovall SiignaaturresApproovedd byy: Buusinnesss Prrojeect LeaaderrApproovedd byy: IIM/IIT PProjjectt Leeadeer SweepperPrepaaredd byy: BBusiinesss PProjjectt Maanagg
2、erPrepaaredd byy: IMM/ITT Prrojeect MannageerJaneEmmaRevieewedd byy: Quualiity Asssuraancee MaanaggerTablee off CoonteentssTOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc211435657 Docummentt Chhangge CConttroll PAGEREF _Toc211435657 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435658 1.Prrojeect Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc211435658 h 4 HYP
3、ERLINK l _Toc211435659 1.1.Purrposse, Scoope, annd OObjeectiivess PAGEREF _Toc211435659 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435660 1.2.Asssumpptioons, Coonsttraiintss annd RRiskks PAGEREF _Toc211435660 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435661 1.2.11.Asssumpptioons PAGEREF _Toc211435661 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435662 1.2.22.
4、Connstrrainnts PAGEREF _Toc211435662 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435663 1.2.33.Rissk AAsseessmmentt PAGEREF _Toc211435663 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435664 1.3.Proojecct DDeliiverrablles PAGEREF _Toc211435664 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435665 1.4.Schheduule andd Buudgeet SSummmaryy PAGEREF _Toc211435665 h 6 HYPE
5、RLINK l _Toc211435666 1.4.11.Schheduule andd Miilesstonne PAGEREF _Toc211435666 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435667 1.4.22.Buddgett PAGEREF _Toc211435667 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435668 1.5.Evooluttionn off thhe PPlann PAGEREF _Toc211435668 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435669 1.6.Reffereencees PAGEREF _Toc2114356
6、69 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435670 1.7.Deffiniitioons andd Accronnymss PAGEREF _Toc211435670 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435671 2.Prrojeect Orgganiizattionn PAGEREF _Toc211435671 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435672 2.1.Extternnal Intterffacees PAGEREF _Toc211435672 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435673 2.2.Intternnal St
7、rructturee PAGEREF _Toc211435673 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435674 2.3.Rolles andd Reespoonsiibillitiies PAGEREF _Toc211435674 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435675 3.Maanaggeriial Proocesss PPlanns PAGEREF _Toc211435675 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435676 3.1.Staartup Plaan PAGEREF _Toc211435676 h 10 HYPERLINK l _T
8、oc211435677 3.1.11.Esttimaatess PAGEREF _Toc211435677 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435678 3.1.22.Staaffiing PAGEREF _Toc211435678 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435679 3.1.33.Ressourrce Acqquissitiion PAGEREF _Toc211435679 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435680 3.1.44.Proojecct SStafff TTraiininng PAGEREF _Toc211435680
9、 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435681 3.2.Worrk PPlann PAGEREF _Toc211435681 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435682 3.2.11.Worrk BBreaakdoown Strructturee PAGEREF _Toc211435682 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435683 3.2.22.Schheduule Alllocaatioon PAGEREF _Toc211435683 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435684 3.2.33.Ressourrce All
10、locaatioon PAGEREF _Toc211435684 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435685 3.2.44.Buddgett Allloccatiion PAGEREF _Toc211435685 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435686 3.3.Proojecct TTracckinng PPlann PAGEREF _Toc211435686 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435687 3.3.11.Isssuess Maanaggemeent PAGEREF _Toc211435687 h 13 HYPERLINK
11、l _Toc211435688 3.3.22.Schheduule Conntrool PAGEREF _Toc211435688 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435689 3.3.33.Buddgett Coontrrol PAGEREF _Toc211435689 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435690 3.3.44.Quaalitty CConttroll PAGEREF _Toc211435690 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435691 3.3.55.Repporttingg PAGEREF _Toc211435691 h
12、 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435692 3.3.66.Proojecct MMetrricss PAGEREF _Toc211435692 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435693 3.4.Rissk MManaagemmentt Pllan PAGEREF _Toc211435693 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435694 3.5.Proojecct CClosseouut PPlann PAGEREF _Toc211435694 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435695 3.6.Proojecct RRevi
13、iew Meettingg Pllan PAGEREF _Toc211435695 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435696 4.Teechnnicaal PProccesss Pllanss PAGEREF _Toc211435696 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435697 4.1.Proocesss MModeel PAGEREF _Toc211435697 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435698 4.2.Inffrasstruuctuure PAGEREF _Toc211435698 h 16 HYPERLINK l _To
14、c211435699 4.3.Prooducct AAcceeptaancee PAGEREF _Toc211435699 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435700 5.Suuppoortiing Proocesss PPlanns PAGEREF _Toc211435700 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435701 5.1.Connfigguraatioon MManaagemmentt PAGEREF _Toc211435701 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435702 5.2.Verrifiicattionn annd VVal
15、iidattionn PAGEREF _Toc211435702 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435703 5.3.Doccumeentaatioon PAGEREF _Toc211435703 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435704 5.4.Quaalitty AAssuurannce PAGEREF _Toc211435704 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435705 5.5.Revviewws aand Audditss PAGEREF _Toc211435705 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435706
16、5.6.Proobleem RResooluttionn PAGEREF _Toc211435706 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435707 5.7.Subbconntraactoor MManaagemmentt PAGEREF _Toc211435707 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435708 5.8.Proocesss IImprroveemennt PAGEREF _Toc211435708 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435709 6.Adddittionnal Plaans PAGEREF _Toc211435709
17、h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435710 Annexx A - BBi-wweekkly proogreess repportt PAGEREF _Toc211435710 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc211435711 Annexx B - PProjjectt Riisk Cheeckllistt PAGEREF _Toc211435711 h 19Docummentt Chhangge CConttrollThis secctioon pprovvidees cconttroll foor tthe devveloopmeent andd diistrr
18、ibuutioon oof rreviisioons to thee Prrojeect Chaarteer uup tto tthe poiint of appprovval. Thhe PProjjectt Chhartter doees nnot chaangee thhrouughoout thee prrojeect liffe ccyclle, butt raatheer iis ddeveelopped at thee beeginnninng oof tthe proojecct (immmediiateely folllowwingg prrojeect iniitiaati
19、oon aapprrovaal, andd inn thhe eearlliesst sstagges of proojecct pplannninng). Thhe PProjjectt Chhartter prooviddes an onggoinng rrefeerennce forr alll pprojjectt sttakeehollderrs. Thee taablee beeloww inncluudess thhe rreviisioon nnumbber (deefinned witthinn yoour Doccumeentaatioon PPlann Ouutliine
20、), tthe datte oof uupdaate/isssue, thhe aauthhor ressponnsibble forr thhe cchanngess, aand a bbrieef ddesccripptioon oof tthe conntexxt aand/or scoope of thee chhangges in thaat rreviisioon.Revissionn NuumbeerDate of IsssueAuthoor(ss)Brieff Deescrripttionn off Chhangge0.12008-09-09SweepperBuildd Doo
21、c0.22008-09-19JaneRevissionn0.32008-09-20JaneRevissionn0.52008-09-23SweepperRevissionn0.62008-09-23JaneRevissionn0.72008-09-25EmmaLiliJackRevissionn annd RReviiew0.82008-09-26JaneCheckk Enngliish0.92008-09-27Sweepper Revissionn1.02008-09-26Projeect TeaamReleaase Onee1.12008-10-06SweepperAdd RReviiew
22、 Meettinggs Plaan1.22008-10-10JaneReleaase Twoo1.32008-10-12SweepperUpdatte PPlann Syync Upddatee1Projeect OveerviiewThe pprojjectt pllan forr Coonteent Mannageemennt SSysttem (CMMS) of Mannufaactuurinng TTradde AAssoociaatioon (MTAA) iis wwritttenn byy Fiinall Faantaasy Commpanny aaccoordiing to th
23、ee oriiginnal reqquirremeentss off thhe pprojjectt. IIt wwilll prroviide a ddefiinittionn off thhe pprojjectt, iinclludiing thee prrojeects ggoalls aand objjecttivees, etcc. AAddiitioonallly, thhe PPlann wiill serrve as an agrreemmentt beetweeen thee foolloowinng pparttiess: PProjjectt Spponssor, St
24、teerringg Coommiitteee, Proojecct MManaagerr, PProjjectt Teeam, annd ootheer pperssonnnel asssociiateed wwithh annd/oor aaffeecteed bby tthe proojecct.Purpoose, Sccopee, aand ObjjecttiveesThe pprojjectt iss deevellopeed ffor a llargge MManuufaccturringg Trradee Asssocciattionn (MMTA) wiith oveer 220
25、000 meembeers. Thhe ppurpposee foor tthiss prrojeect is thaat MMTA worrks clooselly wwithh ennterrpriisess off alll ssizees tto hhelpp thhem unllockk thhe vvaluue oof ttheiir uunsttruccturred conntennt.The oobjeectiive of depployyingg thhe CCMS is to facciliitatte tthe creeatiion andd maanippulaatio
26、on oof cconttentt onn a webbsitte aand to enhhancce ccolllaboorattionn byy maakinng iit pposssiblle tto ccolllectt innforrmattionn geenerrateed wwithhin thee orrgannizaatioon aand facciliitatte iits disstriibuttionn. The pprellimiinarry sscoppe oof tthe CMSS deefinned by MTAA inncluudess: Toolss foo
27、r mmanaaginng uuserrs aand worrkfllow. Thhe ssepaarattionn off coonteent andd thhe vvisuual dissplaay mmakees iit eeasiier to maiintaain a cconssisttentt loook-andd-feeel acrrosss thhe eentiire webbsitte. Suppoort colllabboraatioon ttoolls ssuchh ass diiscuussiion forrumss annd ddocuumennt mmanaagem
28、mentt. Suppoort cusstommizeed iinfoormaatioon rretrrievval - ssophhistticaatedd seearcch ttoolls ccan alllow useers to loccatee juust thee innforrmattionn thhey aree loookiing forr. Web-bbaseed iinteerfaacess too seelecctedd innforrmattionn inn thhe ddataabasses cann faacillitaate datta ssharringg b
29、eetweeen thee orrgannizaatioon aand itss sttakeehollderrs. Make it eassierr foor nnon-tecchniicall sttafff too addd aand ediit cconttentt, tthuss sttreaamliine thee prroceess of maiintaainiing a wwebssitee. Devellopiing thee CMMS wwilll bee abboutt 4 monnthss. IIt wwilll coomplletee thhe rrequuireem
30、ennt rreseearcch, anaalyssis, deesiggn, devveloopmeent, teest, deeplooy aand finnallly ddeliiverrablle.Assummptiionss, CConsstraaintts aand RissksAssummptiionssThe sstakkehooldeers of MTAA inncluude: Execuutivve CCounncill off MTTA, connsisstinng oof 115 eexeccutiive memmberrs wwho madde ddeciisioon
31、 oon rrunnningg MTTA Officce sstafffs of MTAA whho ccarrry oout thee daay-tto-dday opeerattionn off MTTA, undder thee diirecctioon oof tthe Exeecuttivee Coounccil MTA MMembberss whho rreceeivee neewsllettterss annd eevennt aannoounccemeentss Univeersiitiees wwhicch ssuppportt soome of MTAAs eveentss
32、 Otherr trradee asssocciattionns wwhicch ssuppportt soome of MTAAs eveentss Goverrnmeent andd ITT veendoors whoo soomettimees ssponnsorr evventts oorgaanizzed by MTAA Generral pubblicc whho rreceeivee annnouunceemennt oon iimpoortaant eveentss off MTTA. ConsttraiintssMTA hhas reqquesstedd thhat opee
33、n ssourrce sofftwaare be useed wwhenneveer pposssiblle. In parrticculaar, theey ssugggestt ussingg Liinuxx opperaatinng ssysttem; Appachhe wweb serrverr, MMySQQL ddataabasse, etcc. The CCMS musst bbe ddeplloyeed bby DDec. 311 thhis yeaar, aboout 4 mmontths froom tthe proojecct sstarrt ddatee off See
34、pteembeer 11.Risk AsssesssmenntRisk AreeaAssesssmeentImpacctMitiggatiionCommuuniccatiion andd CoollaaborratiionHighThis is a ttempporaary teaam. It willl bbe llackk off prractticees oof ccoopperaatinng aand commmunnicaatinng bbetwweenn teeam memmberrs.Have a wweekkly meeetinng aand a bbi wweekkly re
35、pportt. Use GGOOGGLE Codde MManaagerr too coontrrol Codde vvisiion andd isssueesStafffingg ReesouurceesMediuum1. Suucceess of proojecct ddepeendss onn abbiliity to memmberrs wwithh crrediiblee exxperriennce in thee teechnnicaal aareaas. 2. Reesouurcee coonfllictts oor sshorrtagges willl ccausse ttha
36、tt thhe pprojjectt coost andd sccheddulee (pprimmariily schheduule) coouldd ovverrrun1. Shharee teechnnicaal iissuues, exxperriennce andd innforrmattionn inn eaach memmberr inn orrderr too immproove perrsonnal abiilitty. 2. Crreatte aan aalteernaate ressourrce plaan ffor criiticcal tassks.CostMediuu
37、mPotenntiaal rrequuireemennt cchannge cosst aand maiinteenannce cosst.Devellop a ttotaal llifee cyyclee coost esttimaate durringg coonceept vallidaatioon aas ppartt off thhe mmileestoone deccisiion. Annd eestaabliish a cchannge conntrool pproccesss.SchedduleeMediuumThis proojecct wwilll bee deevello
38、peed aabouut 44 moonthhs. Duee too thhe ssparre ttimee eaach memmberr sppentt, iit iis ddiffficuult to mannagee sccheddulee.Stricctlyy, eeachh meembeer mmustt sppendd noot llesss thhan 7 hhourrs iin eeachh weeek. Annd eeachh meembeer mmustt ennsurre tthe timmelyy deelivveraablee. ScopeeLowSucceessff
39、ul commpleetioon oof cconcceptt vaaliddatiion willl rresuult in a cclieent-widde iimpllemeentaatioon.QualiityUnknoownThis rissk ffacttor willl ddepeend on thee reesullts of connceppt vvaliidattionn.Stricctlyy SQQA pproccesss coontrrol. Projeect DelliveerabblessDelivveraableeDue ddateeQuanttitiies Re
40、qquirredDelivveryy LocaatioonProjeect plaan Week 4Projeect plaanniing inccluddes devveloopmeent of thee ovveraall proojecct tteamm sttruccturre, thee vaarioous acttiviitiees, efffortt annd wworkk pllan thaat wwilll foorm thee baasiss off thhe pprojjectt maanaggemeent thrrougghouut tthe proojecct lli
41、feecyccle.It wiill proovidde aan iinteegraatedd pllannningg foor CCMS proojecct, succh aas ttimeelinne aand millesttonee, sstafffinng rresoourcce ddisttribbuteed, rissk eestiimattionn annd mmitiigattionn.PMSysteem rrequuireemennts speecifficaatioonWeek 4The ssysttem reqquirremeent speecifficaatioon
42、sshouuld desscriibe thee fuuncttionnal reqquirremeentss off thhe ssysttem in preecisse ddetaail. Whhen posssibble, itt iddenttifiies thee enntittiess (ccompponeentss, ssecttionns, andd arreass off fuuncttionnaliity) thhat makke uup tthe sysstemm annd ccharractteriizess thhe ppropperttiess, sstattes,
43、 fuuncttionns, andd innterrrellatiionsshipps oof eeachh enntitty.Accorrdinng tto tthe reqquirremeent of MTAA annd iinduustrry iinfoormaatioon, thee doocummentt wiill desscriibe a bbusiinesss ccasee sttudyy annd sscoppe, funnctiionaal aand nonnfunnctiionaal rrequuireemennt.DesiggnerrSQA pplannWeek 6T
44、he SSofttwarre QQuallityy Asssurrancce PPlann (SSQAPP) ddefiiness thhe ttechhniqquess, pprocceduuress, aand metthoddoloogiees tthatt wiill be useed tto aassuure timmelyy deelivveryy off thhe ssofttwarre tthatt meeetss sppeciifieed rrequuireemennts witthinn prrojeect ressourrcess. TThe SQAAP ddesccri
45、bbes thee SQQA aactiivittiess too bee peerfoormeed aand deffinees aa seet oof sstanndarrdizzed tecchniiquees ffor perrforrminng tthosse aactiivittiess.SQADesiggn ddocuumennt Week 6It foormss thhe iinteerfaace bettweeen tthe reqquirremeentss doocummentt annd tthe codde iitseelf andd deescrribees hhow
46、 thee sooftwwaree wiill be connstrructted. Itt wiill inccludde ssysttem usee caase, daatabbasee sttruccturre, andd usser intterffacee annd sso oon.DesiggnerrTest plaanWeek 7A Tesst PPlann iss a doccumeent thaat ddesccribbes thee obbjecctivves, sccopee, aapprroacch, andd foocuss off a sofftwaare tess
47、tinng eeffoort.TesteerMid-ttermm prrogrresss reevieew aand preesenntattionnWeek 8Revieew tthe commpleetedd deelivveraablees, summ upp isssuees, andd shharee exxperriennce.PMSourcce ccodeeWeek 9Delivver thee coompiiledd soourcce ccodee foor tthe firrst timme, inccluddingg whhollly oor pparttly funnct
48、iion.ProgrrammmerTest ressultts rrepoortWeek 11A Tesst RResuult Repportt iss a doccumeent thaat fformmallly ssummmariizess thhe rresuultss off alll ttesttingg.TesteerDefecct llogWeek 11The DDefeect Logg reecorrds alll deefeccts/isssuess reeporrtedd byy teeam memmberrs aand cusstommerss annd ggivees
49、aa cllearr inndiccatiion of thee quualiity of thee sooftwwaree apppliicattionn. VVariiouss sttatiistiics cann bee geenerrateed ffromm thhe ddefeect logg, ssuchh ass thhe nnumbber of Opeen ddefeect, nuumbeer oof FFixeed ddefeect, ettc.TesteerProgrrammmerPost proojecct rrepoortWeek 14The PPostt Prroje
50、ect Revvieww coonsiistss off acctivvitiies perrforrmedd byy a proojecct tteamm att thhe eend of thee prrojeects llifee cyyclee (oor aat tthe endd off siigniificcantt phhasees oof wworkk) tto ggathher infformmatiion on whaat wworkked welll aand whaat ddid nott, sso tthatt fuuturre pprojjectts ccan be
51、nnefiit ffromm thhat leaarniing.PMPreseentaatioon oon tthe proojecctWeek 15Show oveeralll pprojjectt foor cclieent, inncluudinng iissuues, exxperriennce, evvaluuatiion, ettc.PMCMSWeek 15Deplooy aa reeal envviroonmeent to enssuree noormaal rrunnningg.PMScheddulee annd BBudgget SummmarryScheddulee ann
52、d MMileestooneThis proojecct wwilll bee diividded intto tthreee pphasses to commpleete, annd ttotaal ttimee iss abboutt 4 monnthss. TThe folllowwingg reepreesennt kkey proojecct mmileestooness, wwithh esstimmateed ccompplettionn daatess:A1Initiial Teaam FFormmatiion MeeetinngPM09/011/08809/011/088A2
53、Team forrmattionn nooticcePM09/022/08809/077/088A3Buildd Prrojeect PlaanPM09/088/08809/277/088A4Finissh RRequuireemennt AAnallysiisDesiggnerr09/088/08809/277/088B1Buildd SQQA PPlannSQA09/288/08810/122/088B2Finissh DDesiignDesiggnerr09/288/08810/122/088B2.1Changge PPlann Syync Upddatee1PM10/133/08810
54、/133/088B2.2Changge SSRS Synnc UUpdaate11Desiggnerr10/144/08810/144/088B2.3Changge DDesiign Docc Syync Upddatee1Desiggnerr10/155/08810/155/088B3Buildd Teest PlaanTesteer10/133/08810/199/088B4Finissh CCodiingCoderr10/133/08811/022/088B5Mid-ttermm prrogrresss reevieew aand preesenntattionnPM10/200/088
55、10/266/088C1Test andd Fiix DDefeectCoderr/Teesteer11/033/08811/166/088C2Finissh TTestt Testeer/PPM11/177/08812/011/088C3Finissh ddeplloyPM12/022/08812/177/088C3projeect repporttPM12/022/08812/199/088BudgeetProjeect Cosst & Tiime EsttimaatessAll pprojjectt coostss annd ddatees aare esttimaatess. PPro
56、jjectts aare chaargeed oonlyy foor aactuual timme sspennt. Desiggn PPhasseestimmateed ccosttsKickooff meeetinng; reqquirremeentss annd ppreffereencees1dayssDevellop dessignn allterrnattivees (2) - hhomee annd ssecoondaary pagges3dayssPreseent dessignn allterrnattivees3dayssBasicc deesiggn cchossen,
57、allterratiionss iddenttifiied2dayssIncorrporratee allterrnattivees, devveloop ffurttherr paage dessignns5dayssPost dessignn uppdattes forr reevieew aand feeedbaack3dayssReceiive cliientt feeedbbackk2dayssIncorrporratee fiinall allterratiionss annd ppostt5dayssSign-offf onn deesiggn1dayssDesiggn ppha
58、sse pprojjectt maanaggemeent5dayssDesiggn pphasse ttotaal30dayysDesiggn PPhasse CCostt-Reeducctioon OOptiion:If clliennts cann chhoosse aa deesiggn aand commpleete alll allterratiionss onn itt inn 2 revviewws iinstteadd off 3, coost of dessignn phhasee caan bbe rreduucedd.Buildd phhasee estimmateed
59、ccosttsDesiggnerr tiime30dayysProgrrammmer timme30dayysProjeect mannageemennt15dayysDocummenttatiion10dayysTrainningg seessiionss10dayysQualiity Asssuraancee teestiing15dayysQA fiixess annd llaunnch preeparratiion30dayysPost-lauunchh moonittoriing andd suuppoort2dayssFactoor oof ssafeety 100%1dayssB
60、uildd phhasee tootall hoourss143daaysProjeect RessourrceProjeect Rolle%TimeeDatess Neeedeed( Raangee)Name of MannageerProjeect Mannageer15Week11-weeek115SweepperDesiggnerr15Week22-weeek44JackProgrrammmer30Week66-weeek115LiliTesteer15Week110-wweekk15JaneQA30Week55-weeek115Emmadocummenttatiion5Week11-
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