1、 HYPERLINK CET-44作文寫寫作步驟驟及技巧巧提綱式作文文是歷年年四、六六級(jí)考試試中最常常見的題題型,它它要求考考生根據(jù)據(jù)給出的的題目和和提綱,確確定文章章的中心心思想,然然后緊緊緊圍繞中中心思想想展開論論述,表表達(dá)提綱綱的主旨旨。它的的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是是提綱既既體現(xiàn)了了文章的的層次,又又規(guī)定了了各段大大體的內(nèi)內(nèi)容,為為考生提提供了一一條思路路,稍加加思索、計(jì)計(jì)劃、整整理就可可成文。但但缺點(diǎn)是是如果審審題不當(dāng)當(dāng),反而而容易丟丟分。另另外,它它的限定定性較大大,不理理解提綱綱所展現(xiàn)現(xiàn)的內(nèi)容容或詞匯匯,就會(huì)會(huì)感到難難以下筆筆。一一、步驟驟和技巧巧:1寫好提提綱式作作文的關(guān)關(guān)鍵是認(rèn)認(rèn)真審題題和分析
3、y View on Job-hopping1)有些人喜歡始終從事一種工作,因?yàn)?)有些人喜歡經(jīng)常換工作,因?yàn)?)我的看法顯而易見,這是一道提綱式的作文題??梢酝ㄟ^以下審題和構(gòu)思過程完成這篇作文:1分析題目和提綱可知,應(yīng)該寫一篇說明文,當(dāng)然其中可以夾有議論。要寫出“不換工作”和“換工作”的原因,然后給出自己的看法,重點(diǎn)是原因和看法。2根據(jù)提綱,文章可分3段,第1段是“喜歡從事一種工作”的原因;第2段寫出“喜歡經(jīng)常換工作”的原因;第3段是“我的”看法。3根據(jù)以上分析,可以把提綱轉(zhuǎn)換為主題句如下:Some people tend to stick to their position all the
4、timeSome people are differentThey are in the habit of job-hoppingI am not in favour of constant job-hopping4以材料支持各段主題句。第1段的材料可以是:喜歡那份工作的各種原因:有發(fā)展前途、工資高等;第2段經(jīng)常“跳槽”的原因:不能施展自己的才能,謀求更高的收入等。第3段也要說明原因,并總結(jié)歸納,圓滿結(jié)尾。三、參考范范文:My Vieew oon JJob-hopppinngSoome peooplee teend tossticck tto ttheiir pposiitioons alll
5、 thhe ttimee,as theey tthinnk tthe lonngerr onne wworkks iin aa paartiicullar fieeld,thee moore skiillfful onee wiill be at itSomme hhavee beeen teaacheers alll thheirr liivessSomme ddevoote alll thheirr ennerggy tto sscieentiificc reeseaarchhSucch ppeopple lovve ttheiir wworkk annd tturnn ouut tto
6、bbe sspecciallistts iin ttheiir oown fieeldssTheey aare usuuallly hhighh acchieeverrsSomme aare diffferrenttTheey aare in thee haabitt off joob-hhopppingg,forr thhey alwwayss puurpoose whaat iis nnew andd sttimuulattinggTheey nneveer sseemm coonteent witth ttheiir ppressentt siituaatioonsTheey llike
7、e too meeetmmoree peeoplle,makke mmoree mooneyy annd nnew acqquaiintaancees,so theey hhop froom jjob to jobbAs ffar as I aam cconccernned,I aam nnot in favvourr off coonsttantt joob-hhopppingg I bellievve iin aa faamouus pprovverbb,“A rrolllingg sttonee gaatheer nno mmosss”I wwantt too bee prrofeess
8、iionaallyy sttronngAndd I resspecct tthosse wwho devvotee thhemsselvves to theeir afffecttionnatee joobs thrrougghouut ttheiir llifee. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) 四六級(jí)寫作作技法和和策略(CEET4寫作指導(dǎo)1) 1對(duì)應(yīng)法法由于四四六級(jí)寫寫作都是是提綱式式寫作,有有時(shí),我我們可以以采用對(duì)對(duì)應(yīng)法按按照中文文提綱分分別寫成成三段。如:996年6月份考考題:提綱:1)有人人認(rèn)為淡淡水是取取之不盡盡的。(雨雨水、河河水、井井水)2)實(shí)際上上
9、淡水是是非常緊緊缺的。(人人口增加加、工業(yè)業(yè)用水增增加)3)我們應(yīng)應(yīng)該怎么么辦?Globaal SShorrtagge oof FFressh WWateerGenerrallly, peooplee thhinkk thhat freesh watter is ineexhaausttiblle. Eveery yeaar ttherre iis eenouugh raiin. Andd thheree iss pllentty oof ffressh wwateer iin tthe rivverss annd llakees. Whaatss moore, wee haave a llo
10、t of undderggrouund watter.Actuaallyy, ffressh wwateer iis iin aa shhortt suupplly. Duee too thhe rrapiid ppopuulattionn inncreeasee, ffressh wwateer cconssumpptioon rremaainss grreatt. BBesiidess, wwithh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof iinduustrry, morre wwateer iis nneedded. Mooreooverr, aa loot oof oour
11、 rivverss annd llakees hhavee beeen so polllutted thaat wwateer ffromm thhem is unddrinnkabble.We muust takke ssomee meeasuuress too soolvee thhe pprobblemm off waaterr shhorttagee.Fiirstt, ppopuulattionn grrowtth sshouuld be sloowedd doown to redducee frreshh waaterr deemannd.SSecoond, poolluutioon
12、 sshouuld be conntroolleed tto ppuriify freesh watter in thee riiverrsannd llakees. Whaat iis mmostt immporrtannt, we shoouldd chheriish eveery driip oof wwateer iin oour daiily liffe.再如:95年1月份試試題:提綱:1)有人認(rèn)認(rèn)為錢是是幸福之之本(souurcee off haappiinesss)2)有人認(rèn)認(rèn)為金錢錢是萬惡惡之源(rooot of eviil)3)我的看看法。Some thiink thaat
13、mmoneey iis tthe souurcee off haappiinesss. Oncce ttheyy haave monney, thhey willl eenjooy eeverrythhingg. TTheyy caan uuse thee mooneyy thhey havve tto bbuy, a beaautiifull hoousee orr evven a wwifee.Some othherss thhinkk thhat monney is thee rooot of alll evvil. Duue tto tthe greeed forr mooneyy,
14、ppeopple willl ddo vvariiouss kiindss off evvil thiingss, ssuchh ass stteallingg, rrobbbingg orr evven murrderr. MMoneey ccan eassilyy chhangge aa kiind, hoonesst mman intto aa crruell, ccunnningg wooe.In myy oppiniion, booth of thee abbovee-meentiioneed vviewwpoiintss goo too ann exxtreeme. Mooneyy
15、 ittsellf iis nneittherr goood norr evvil. Itt alll ddepeendss onn hoow wwe llookk att itt.We caan nnot denny tthe impporttancce oof mmoneey iin tthe moddernn soocieety. Meeanwwhille, we shoouldd noot iignoore thee faact thaat ssomeethiing cann noot bbe bbougght by monney, suuch as friienddshiip, tr
16、uue llovee annd sso oon.這兩例例都是采采用了對(duì)對(duì)應(yīng)寫作作方式,將將提示中中的三句句分別擴(kuò)擴(kuò)展成三三段,三三段之間間相互銜銜接,構(gòu)構(gòu)成一個(gè)個(gè)完整的的篇章。2調(diào)整法法盡管是是提綱式式寫作,提提綱所提提示的只只是文章章所要包包括的主主要內(nèi)容容,卻不不是文章章的結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)模式,一一般情況況下,同同學(xué)們應(yīng)應(yīng)根據(jù)英英語文章章的類型型,重新新安排文文章。如如上面有有關(guān)錢的一個(gè)個(gè)寫作,按按照英語語的表達(dá)達(dá)習(xí)慣,最最好是加加上一個(gè)個(gè)引子。What is monney? Too thhis queestiion, diiffeerennt ppeopple holld ddifffereent
17、lly. Somme tthinng mmoneey iis tthe souurcee off haappiinesss, whiile somme rregaard it as thee rooot of alll evvilss. AAs ffar as I aam cconccernned, thhey botth hhavee thheirr reeasoons Thoose whoo coonsiiderr mooneyy ass thhe ssourrce of happpinnesss arrguee thhat monney meaans masssivve hhousse,
18、 beaautiifull cllothhes, orr luuxurriouus ccarss, aand cann ennablle tthemm annd ttheiir ffamiiliees llivee coomfoortaablyy. TTheyy evven bellievve tthatt mooneyy caan bbrinng ppoweer, friienddshiip, andd loove. Buut ddue to thee teempttatiion of monney, thheree arre mmanyy peeoplle wwho beccomee th
19、hievves, roobbeers, orr muurdeererrs. It is alsso oout of thee grreedd foor mmoneey tthatt soome offficiialss foorgeet ttheiir ddutyy annd ccausse eenorrmouus llossses to thee coounttry, soo soome peooplee thhinkk thhat monney is thee rooot of alll evvil andd suuggeest thaat wwe kkeepp awway froom m
20、moneey.In faact, mooneyy iss meerelly aa meediuum oof eexchhangge. It mayy brringg yoou hhapppineess; itt maay lleadd yoou tto aa liife of criime. Whhethher it is goood oor bbad deppendds oon hhow it is useed.二、首首段和尾尾段的寫寫作上一講講中我們們介紹了了段落的的擴(kuò)展模模式,也也就是說說,我們們已經(jīng)了了解了文文章中間間一部分分的敘述述模式。根根據(jù)四六六級(jí)寫作作的特點(diǎn)點(diǎn),一般般首段和和尾
21、段都都要自己己補(bǔ)上,那那么怎么么才能寫寫好首尾尾段呢,下下面我介介紹一下下,首尾尾段的寫寫作方式式。1首段的的寫作首段的的寫作方方式一般般為:運(yùn)用事事實(shí)性信信息、調(diào)調(diào)查或故故事等引引出話題題,2)導(dǎo)入入主題,然然后提出出自己的的觀點(diǎn),也也就是文文章的論論點(diǎn)首段開開篇的方方式常見見的有:1)諺語法法由于諺諺語一般般已經(jīng)被被大家所所接受,用用諺語提提出自己己的觀點(diǎn)點(diǎn)也容易易被讀者者所接受受。As thhe ssayiing goees, Mooneyy maakess thhe mmaree goo, butt thheree arre mmanyy thhinggs wwe ccant bbuy
22、 witth mmoneey, succh aas ttimee annd ttruee loove.2)定義法法定義法法是通過過對(duì)文章章中的關(guān)關(guān)鍵詞做做一些簡(jiǎn)簡(jiǎn)單或正正面或反反面的解解釋,限限定其范范圍,這這樣比較較有利于于引出主主題。Praccticce mmakees pperffectt iis aan oold sayyingg. IIt ttellls uus tthatt itt dooes nott maatteer iif wwe aare cluumsyy att dooingg soometthinng. As lonng aas wwe kkeepp onn trryi
23、nng aand praactiicinng, we willl ddo aa goood jobb inn thhe eend.3)提問法法通過提提問一個(gè)個(gè)或一連連串的問問題,可可以激發(fā)發(fā)讀者的的興趣,從從而引出出主題。a. Doo yoou hhavee maany friiendds? Aree thhey simmilaar tto yyou or diffferrentt frrom youu? WWhicch kkindd off frriennds do youu prrefeer?b. Whhat is a ggoodd sttudeent? Diiffeerennt ppeo
24、pple mayy haave diffferrentt annsweers to thiis qquesstioon.4)概括法法概括法法指先總總結(jié)文章章內(nèi)容所所涉及的的現(xiàn)狀,然然后引出出主題。In reecennt yyearrs, witth tthe devveloopmeent of sciiencce aand tecchnoologgy, thee Innterrnett haas ccomee innto morre aand morre hhomees aand is plaayinng aa moore andd moore impporttantt roole in ou
25、rr woork andd daailyy liife. Itt haas bbecoome a mmustt too uss, bbut at thee saame timme, Intternnet hass allso brooughht wwithh itt a lott off prrobllemss.5)故事法法故事法法指用簡(jiǎn)簡(jiǎn)單有趣趣的故事事激發(fā)讀讀者的興興趣,從從而提出出自己的的觀點(diǎn)。如如下面Iss Sttresss aa Baad TThinng?6)引語法法Justt ass eaatinng wwithhoutt liikinng hharmms tthe heaalth
26、h, llearrninng wwithhoutt innterrestt haarmss thhe mmemoory andd caantt bee reetaiinedd. Froom VVincciss woordss wee caan ssee howw immporrtannt iit iis tto mmotiivatte tthe stuudennts in lannguaage leaarniing.7)調(diào)查法法為了得得到讀者者的認(rèn)可可,文章章的開始始可以引引出調(diào)查查數(shù)據(jù)等等,借以以提出主主題,如如下面Iss Sttresss aa Baad TThinng?的1)和Cann
27、Scchoool cchilldreen SStarrt UUsinng tthe Intternnet?的4)。8)假設(shè)法法假設(shè)法法是指通通過假設(shè)設(shè)提出一一種選擇擇,交代代文章要要涉及的的問題,從從而提出出文章的的主題。Suppoose youu weere offfereed ttwo jobbs, onee iss hiighlly-ppaidd buut rrathher demmanddingg, tthe othher is lesss ddemaandiing, buut ppoorrly-paiid, whiich wouuld youu prrefeer?9)綜合法法具體寫寫
28、作時(shí),同同學(xué)們沒沒有必要要拘泥于于一種方方式,可可以將上上述方法法總和起起來。首段示示例1:題目:Iss Sttresss aa Baad TThinng?提綱:1)有人人害怕壓壓力2)有人認(rèn)認(rèn)為壓力力并不是是一件壞壞事3)我的看看法 I ccant sstannd tthe preessuure andd coompeetittionn, expplaiinedd onne ffrieend of minne wwhenn asskedd whhy hhe ddeciidedd too quuit hiss hiighlly-ppaidd buut ddemaandiing possitii
29、on in hiss coompaany reccenttly. Myy frriennd mmay havve hhis ownn reeasoons, buut II doontt thhinkk hiis ddeciisioon iis wwisee inn reealiity.It iss trrue thaat mmy ffrieends ccasee iss noot uuniqque. Inn thhe llastt feew yyearrs qquitte aa nuumbeer oof mmen andd woomenn haave choosenn too doo soom
30、etthinng llesss coompeetittivee att thhe ccostt off a commforrtabble, eaasy liffe aa hiighlly-ppaidd joob ccan obttainn. TTheyy arre aafraaid thaat tthe strressses andd sttraiins of worrk wwilll roob tthemm off jooy aand happpinnesss annd ddo tthemm haarm botth pphyssicaallyy annd mmenttallly. In fa
31、cct, howweveer, strresss issntt thhe bbad thiing it is oftten supppossed to be. Unnlesss iit ggetss ouut oof cconttroll, aa ceertaain amoountt off sttresss iis vvitaal tto pprovvidee mootivvatiion andd chhalllengge, andd too giive purrposse aand siggnifficaancee too ann ottherrwisse mmeanningglesss,
32、 idlle llifee. PPeopple undder strresss teend to exppresss ttheiir ffulll raangee off pootenntiaal aand to acttuallizee thheirr owwn pperssonaal wwortth - thhe vveryy aiim oof aa huumann liife.Stresss iis aa naaturral parrt oof eeverrydaay llifee annd ttherre iis nno wway to avooid it. Whhat we cann
33、 doo iss too deevellop ourr addapttivee abbiliitiees tto ddeall wiith it rattherr thhan to esccapee frrom it.就這一一標(biāo)題而而言,根根據(jù)所提提示的提提綱,首首段的寫寫作還可可以采用用下列方方式:1) Acccorrdinng tto aa reecennt ssurvvey, inn thhe llastt feew yyearrs, quiite a nnumbber of youung peooplee haave choosenn too quuit theeir demmandd
34、ingg buut hhighhly-paiid jjobss.Althooughh thhey mayy haave theeir ownn reespeectiive reaasonns, I ddont tthinnk ttheiir ddeciisioon iis wwisee inn reealiity.2) Whhichh joob ddo yyou preeferr, aa hiighlly-ppaidd buut vveryy coompeetittivee poosittionn orr a pooorlyy-paaid butt allso lesss ddemaandii
35、ng jobb? YYou mayy chhoosse tthe lattterr annd hhavee yoour ownn reeasoons, buut II doontt thhinkk thhis chooicee iss wiise enooughh whhateeverr reeasoons.3) Faacedd wiith a hhardd annd ddemaandiing tassk, peooplees atttituude varriess wiidelly: somme ttry to avooid it andd ottherrs rregaard it as a
36、 cchalllennge to theeir abiilittiess.In faact thee chhoicce wwe mmakee beetweeen fllighht or fiightt maake thee diiffeerennce bettweeen lleadderss annd mmediiocrritiies(平庸之之輩).首段示示例2:標(biāo)題:Cann Scchooolchhilddrenn Sttartt Ussingg thhe IInteerneet?提綱:1)隨著著科技的的發(fā)展,網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)越來來越普及及;2)網(wǎng)絡(luò)有有其優(yōu)點(diǎn)點(diǎn)但也有有缺點(diǎn);3)我的觀觀點(diǎn)根據(jù)上上面的
37、提提示,首首段可有有下列幾幾種方式式:1) Noowaddayss, uusinng tthe Intternnet hass beecomme aa faashiion. Maany parrentts bbegiin tto tteacch ttheiir cchilldreen tto uuse thee Innterrnett. HHoweeverr, ttherre aare divversseoppiniionss onn thhis. Soome thiink it wisse, butt I donnt agrree witth tthemm.2) Toodayy, tthe
38、Intternnet is beccomiing morre aand morre ccommmon. Itt beeginns tto pplayy a morre aand morre iimpoortaant rolle iin oour soccietty aand liffe. Its sso uusefful thaat mmostt addultts aare leaarniing howw too usse iit. Whaat aabouut cchilldreen? Of couursee thhey cann sttartt ussingg itt.3) Toodayy,
39、 wwithh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof sscieencee annd ttechhnollogyy, tthe Intternnet is begginnningg too pllay a mmoree annd mmoree immporrtannt rrolee inn ouur llifee. MMoree annd mmoree peeoplle aare staartiing to usee thhe IInteerneet, inccluddingg scchooolchhilddrenn. HHoweeverr, II thhinkk scchoool
40、chhilddrenn arre ttoo youung to staart usiing thee Innterrnett.4) Acccorrdinng tto aa reecennt ssurvvey, Innterrnett usserss arre bbecoominng yyounngerr annd yyounngerr, aand Intternnet barrs hhavee beecomme aa reesorrt ffor schhoollchiildrren whoo loog iin tto cchatt orr pllay gammes. Faacedd wiith
41、 thiis pphennomeenonn, mmanyy peeoplle aarguue ffor meaasurres to preevennt sschooolcchilldreen ffromm ussingg thhe IInteerneet, andd I thiink theey hhavee thheirr reeasoons.結(jié)論段的寫寫作結(jié)論一般采采用歸納納概括、主主題重述述或提建建議等方方式。常見的的方式有有:1)重述或或總結(jié)主主題重述主主題指于于結(jié)論處處以另外外一種表表達(dá)方式式重申主主題,與與首段照照應(yīng)。Familliess offferr uss waarmtth
42、aand carre. Friiendds ggivee uss sttrenngthh annd hhoriizonn. TTheyy booth hellp uus uundeersttandd thhe wworlld aas iit iis. Botth oof tthemm arre tthe deaaresst ppartts iin oour liffe.2)提出建建議Sincee poostccardds ddo uus mmoree haarm andd goood, siincee wee haave manny ootheer wwayss too coonveey oo
43、ur feeelinngs andd prromoote ourr frrienndshhip, I hoppe eeverryonne wwilll taake acttionns nnow to stoop uusinng pposttcarrds.3)概括總總結(jié)As wee caan ssee froom tthe aboove, liivinng iin tthe subburbb wee caan sstayy awway froom ppolllutiion, leead an eassy lleissuree tiime, annd nneeddntt innvesst ttoo
44、 mucch mmoneey, so I ppreffer livvingg inn thhe ssubuurb to livvingg inn thhe ccityy.4)引用名名人名言言In paartiicullar, I enjjoy whaat FFrannciss Baaconn saaid Sttudiies serrve forr deeligght, foor oornaamennt aand forr abbiliity.5)綜合法法與首段段一樣,結(jié)結(jié)論段也也可以是是多種方方法的綜綜合。一一般說來來,總結(jié)結(jié)加建議議的比較較多。尾段示示例1:如網(wǎng)絡(luò)的結(jié)論論段可以以如下所所示:
45、10) AAs wwe aall knoow, thee neext cennturry wwilll beecomme oone of thee Innterrnett.Interrnett wiill beccomee moore andd moore impporttantt inn booth ourr daailyy liife andd ouur wworkk. SSo II suuggeest thaat sschooolcchilldreen sshouuld staart usiing thee Innterrnett.11) SSo II thhinkk scchooolc
46、hhilddrenn noot oonlyy caan sstarrt uusinng tthe Intternnet, buut aalsoo shhoulld sstarrt uusinng iit TTheyy arre ssuree too beeneffit a llot froom tthe intternnet.12) IInteerneet ccan hellp oour chiildrren knoow tthe worrld, geet uusefful infformmatiion andd ennricch ttheiir kknowwleddge. Soo I thi
47、ink schhoollchiildrren cann sttartt ussingg thhe IInteerneet.13) IIn aa woord (Inn cooncllusiion/ Inn suummaary/ Too suum uup / Inn shhortt), thee Innterrnett iss pllayiing a mmoree annd mmoree immporrtannt rrolee inn ouur llifee annd iit iis hhelppfull foor cchilldreenss grrowtth bbothh phhysiicall
48、ly andd meentaallyy. IIt iis bbettter forr thhem to staart usiing thee Innterrnett ass eaarlyy ass poossiiblee.轉(zhuǎn)承語的使使用根據(jù)不同的的段落要要求,選選擇適當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)霓D(zhuǎn)承承語1)比較對(duì)對(duì)照比較:likke AA, BBJust as A, BA, siimillarlly/ccorrrespponddinggly, liikewwisee/inn thhe ssamee waay, B對(duì)照: Unnlikke/ Conntraary to/ Ass opppossed to A, BA
49、, hhoweeverr/onn thhe ootheer hhandd/inn coontrrastt, BBA, BB, hhoweeverr/onn thhe ootheer hhandd/inn coontrrastt,2)列舉Firstt/ SSecoond (Neext) / Thiird (Thhen)/ LLastt (FFinaallyy),The ffistt/ TThe seccondd/ TThe thiird/ Thhe llastt (TThe finnal)Firsttly/Secconddly/Thiirdlly/LLastt(Fiinallly)One/AAn
50、ottherr/Sttilll annothher/Thee laastThe mmostt esssenntiaal/mmostt immporrtannt/pprimmaryy/chhieff iss3)因果as a ressultt, cconssequuenttly, thhereeforre, hennce, soo, bbecaausee off thhis, foor tthesse rreassonss, ddue to thee faact thaat起承轉(zhuǎn)合常常用語1)起的常用用語When askked aboout/ Whhen it commes to/ Faacedd
51、 wiith, ssomee peeoplle cclaiim/tthinnk/aarguue/bbeliievee thhat, bbut/whiile othherss(diiffeerenntlyy)Nowaddayss thheree iss muuch/genneraal ddisccusssionn ass too.With thee deevellopmmentt/immproovemmentt/grrowtth oof,Now, it is commmonnly/widdelyy/inncreeasiinglly bbeliieveed/tthouughtt/heeld/ack
52、knowwleddge thaat,Accorrdinng tto aa reecennt ssurvvey/invvesttigaatioon/ppolll,Have youu evver thooughht/wwonddereed?SuppooseAs thhe ssayiing goees,2) 承承的常用用語Thosee whho hholdd.It iss trrue thaatTo bee suureFirstt/FiirsttlyThe mmainn/leeadiing/undderllyinng/rroott/ pprimmaryy/chhieff/esssenntiaal.承
53、接上文文的方式式與文章章的段落落結(jié)構(gòu)有有關(guān),比比較的與與列舉的的不同,與與舉例的的也不同。同同學(xué)們應(yīng)應(yīng)根據(jù)具具體的情情況選擇擇適當(dāng)?shù)牡某薪诱Z語。3)轉(zhuǎn)的常用用語It sooundds llikee a goood(aattrracttivee) iideaa (ssugggesttionn), butt thhey faiil tto uundeersttandd (ssee, nooticceTheree iss prrobaablyy ann ellemeent of truuth in thee arrgummentts (ideeas), bbut theey iignoore a m
54、moree immporrtannt (bassic) faactCloseer eexamminaatioon (anaalyssis), hhoweeverr, ssugggestts (shoows) thhat thiis aarguumennt (claaim, iddea) maay nnot be borrne of (suuppoorteed) by thee foolloowinng eeviddencce (faccts, exxamppless, sstattistticss).Closee (ccareefull) eexamminaatioon (anaalyssis
55、) off thhesee arrgummentts (ideeas, suuggeestiionss), howweveer, wouuld revveall (ssugggestt, pprovve) howw fllimssy (不足信信的,不不嚴(yán)密)(ffalllaciiouss(靠不不住的), ggrouundllesss(沒有有根據(jù)的的)) ttheyy arre.Howevver loggicaal (souund, foorciiblee(有說服服力) theese arggumeentss maay bbe, theey ddont mmakee seensee (oonly
56、y skkim thee suurfaace of thee prrobllem) whhen iss viieweed tthe othher wayy (ttakeen iintoo coonsiiderratiion).As opppossed to (Coontrraryy too) tthe widdelyy (ccommmonlly, genneraallyy) hheldd iddea (beelieef, vieew), neew sstuddiess (ffactts) chaalleengee (ffaill too juustiify) thhe oopinnionn (
57、vvieww).Good/Supperiior/Wonnderrfull ass., it hass itts oown dissadvvanttagees/ it briingss itts oown proobleems.They mayy bee riightt abboutt, bbut theey sseemm too neegleect /faail to menntioon/ttakee innto acccounntIn alll tthe disscusssioon aand debbatee ovver, oone impporttantt/baasicc faact is
58、 ignnoreed/ooverrloookedd/neegleecteed.It iss trrue thaat/ Admmitttedlly, butt itt iss unnlikkelyy/dooesnnt follloww/dooesnnt meaan tthattTheree iss ann ellemeent of truuth in theese arggumeentss/sttateemennts, buut ttheyy iggnorre aa deeepeer aand morre bbasiic/eesseentiial/impporttantt faact/facct
59、orrIn maany casses, hoowevver,As faar aas iss coonceerneed,4) 合合的常用用語Experriennce/Eviidennce/Alll thhe ffactts ssugggestt/shhow/demmonsstraate/ inndiccatee thhatFrom whaat hhas beeen ddisccusssed aboove/Takkingg innto acccounnt aall theese facctorrs, we mayy saafellydrraw/reaach/comme tto/aarriive/
60、thhe cconcclussionn thhatIn cooncllusiion/To summ upp/Inn suummaary/In shoort/To conncluude.It iss immporrtannt/nneceessaary/esssenttiall thhat efffecttivee/prropeer/ppoweerfuul aactiionss/meeasuure/remmediies shoouldd bee taakenn too文章引用自自: HYPERLINK 四級(jí)作文的的謀篇布布局謀篇布局(1) -將提示的的第一句句作為文文章的第第一句-將提示的的第三句
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