九年級英語下冊 unit5 Topic1 Section B教案 仁愛版_第1頁
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九年級英語下冊 unit5 Topic1 Section B教案 仁愛版_第5頁




1、河南省洛陽市下峪鎮(zhèn)初級中學(xué)九年級英語下冊 unit5 Topic1 Section B教案 仁愛版時間參加人員地點辦公室主備人課題Topic 1Section B教學(xué)目標1.知識與技能:(1)Master some new words and useful expressions。 (2) Learn the attributive clause 2.過程與方法:Five-finger Teaching Plan3.情感態(tài)度與價值觀:Train the students in loving our motherland.重、難點即考點分析Go on learning the attributi

2、ve clause課時安排1教具使用錄音機,幻燈片或小黑板 教 學(xué) 環(huán) 節(jié) 安 排備注Step 1 Review 第一步 復(fù)習(xí)(時間:10分鐘)1. 1. (教師出示一張自己旅行的照片,是集體的合影,復(fù)習(xí)旅行的話題進而導(dǎo)入。)T:Whos the beautiful girl?Ss:Miss Wang.T:You can ask me some questions according to the picture.S1:Where did you go on your trip?。S6:What do you think of your trip?T:We enjoyed ourselves

3、at that time.(板書)ourselves pron.我們自己myself 我自己2. (復(fù)習(xí)反身代詞,教師制作一些反身代詞的表格,以競賽的形式復(fù)習(xí)反身代詞,加強鞏固ourselves。)(1)T: Lets have a match. Fill in the chart quickly and correctly. Who is the first? Begin!IsheitweyouYourselfhimselfthemselves (2)T: Now, stop. I have two of ten. Lets check them.(從10個中選擇優(yōu)秀的兩個,給小紅花以示獎勵

4、。)3. (檢查作業(yè),呈現(xiàn)the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau。)(1)T: Last class, I asked you to collect the mountains and the rivers that you know. Now tell me your results.(學(xué)生們匯報收集的結(jié)果。)T:Good. I think you all do your best to collect them. But Iwant to know what is the highest mountain in the world?S7:Mount Everest.T:OK,

5、where is Mount Everest?Ss:在青藏高原。T:Whats “青藏高原” in English?Its Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.(板書)Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈現(xiàn)(時間:10分鐘)1. (以聽力的形式呈現(xiàn)1a。)T:Listen to the tape twice and make True (T) or False (F).(幻燈片出示聽力題目,邊聽邊判斷。)( )(1)The Greens went to Tibet last summer.( )(2)They didnt

6、enjoy themselves there.( )(3)They visited Jokhang Temple and Yangba Well.( )(4)The weather there never changes.( )(5)Susanna looks forward to visiting there as soon as possible.The answers are:(1)T (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)T2. (板書,聽力中的第五個句子,讓學(xué)生讀一遍對話,在對話中找到該句的同義句,呈現(xiàn)be eager to。)T:Read the dialog once and fi

7、nd out the sentence which has the fifth same meaning with the fifth sentence on the blackboard.I want to go there as soon as possible.want to = be eager to3. (Pair work. 讀對話,找出關(guān)鍵詞。)(1)T: Read the dialog with your partner and find out the key words and phrases.(2)(找?guī)捉M學(xué)生到黑板寫出他們找到的關(guān)鍵詞。)(3)(教師用幻燈片的形式出示由

8、關(guān)鍵詞組成的對話圖解。) (教師可以在學(xué)生找出的關(guān)鍵詞中解釋be worth doing的用法。)be worth doing sth. 值得做;做是值得的Love Me Once More, Mom is worth seeing.He is worth helping. Because he is a warm-hearted man. (教師解釋只能用that引導(dǎo)的定語從句。)Thats the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏 固(時間:7分鐘)1. (利用上步找出的關(guān)鍵詞

9、,不看課本來復(fù)述對話,給學(xué)生大約3分鐘的時間來自己組織語言復(fù)述。)T:Lets retell the dialog according to the key words and phrases on the screen.2. (展示復(fù)述的結(jié)果,選擇優(yōu)、中、差三個學(xué)生作示范。)T:Who can retell the dialog?S1: (中)S2: (差)S3: (優(yōu))3. (為調(diào)動多數(shù)學(xué)生參與說,進行pair work,一個說,另一個聽,再反之。)T:Retell the dialog with your partner, and then change with each other.

10、4. (完成課本1b部分。) T:Lets finish 1b. Fill in the blanks according to the dialog.Step 4 Practice 第四步 練 習(xí)(時間:12分鐘)1. (聽力練習(xí),完成Section A 3。)2. (由聽力原文中的河流、湖泊過渡到西湖。)(1)T:Do you know West Lake?Ss:Yes, I do.T:What do you know about it?S1:I know the story about West Lake.S2:I know the poem about West Lake.(可以讓學(xué)生

11、用漢語來表述關(guān)于西湖的詩句及故事。)S3:I know its beautiful.S4:It lies in Hangzhou.T:Whats West Lake famous for?(2)(帶著問題讓學(xué)生讀短文。)T:Read the passage and find out what West Lake is famous for.(2分鐘后。)S5:West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery and some poems.(3)(Group work. 讀短文,找出難以理解的短語或句子。)T: Four students, one gr

12、oup. Read the passage again and find out the phrases and sentences that you cant understand.(本環(huán)節(jié)的處理教師要本著學(xué)生能自己解決的問題由學(xué)生自己來解決的原則,學(xué)生不能解決的再提供必要的幫助。)(教師要指出第一段中的定語從句,有必要讓學(xué)生來翻譯,并指出that可替換which。)West Lake which lies in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in China.(學(xué)生可能會有難以解決的問題。)West Lake is surrounded

13、on three sides by mountains with many tourist attractions:Sudi Causeway, Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda and so on.be surrounded on three sides by mountains 三面環(huán)山Whats more, the surrounding area of West Lake is the home of the famousDragon Well Tea.Whats more 而且,并且the surrounding area 周邊地區(qū)(4)(Group wor

14、k, 教師把圖解做在小紙片上,由各組快速完成。) West LakePosition: The parts of the West Lake: Tourists: Famous reasons: Others: Group Group (選前五名的小組作匯報。)T: Please report your information about West Lake to the class Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(時間:6分鐘)1. (做一張明信片,一面是我國的名山或河流,另一面是英文的簡介。)T:Please make a postcard using the pictures of the mountains and rivers in China. Then write some information about them. West Lake is in Hangzhou.It is famous because of notonly beautiful scenery butalso some poems.2. Homework(1)找出Section B中出現(xiàn)的所有的定語從句,對比它們和Section A中的相同點和不同點。(2)Match the mounta


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