九年級英語上冊 Unit 4 TV programmes Reading1導學案 牛津版_第1頁
九年級英語上冊 Unit 4 TV programmes Reading1導學案 牛津版_第2頁
九年級英語上冊 Unit 4 TV programmes Reading1導學案 牛津版_第3頁
九年級英語上冊 Unit 4 TV programmes Reading1導學案 牛津版_第4頁




1、江蘇省連云港東??h平明鎮(zhèn)中學2011-2012學年九年級英語上冊 Unit 4 TV programmes Reading1導學案 牛津版課題學習目標知識目標通過閱讀,了解文中所出現(xiàn)的四個電視節(jié)目的基本情況.能力目標能讀懂、聽懂TV guide 通過閱讀,了解文中所出現(xiàn)的四個電視節(jié)目的基本情況情感目標通過閱讀電視節(jié)目預告,提高學生學習英語興趣。學習重點能夠理解所介紹的四個節(jié)目的主要內容及其特點。學習難點根據(jù)課文內容簡單描述電視節(jié)目。課前自學1. 預習64-67頁生詞,掌握其意思及讀音。1. weekly _ 2. round-up_ 3. up-to-date _4. cover_ 5. li

2、ve _ 6. Asian _7. attend _ 8. text_ 9. message_10. concert_ 11.direct_ 12. face_13. 消失_ 14. 最新的、最近的_15. 獎賞_ 2. 讀課文,找出不理解的單詞、詞組以及句子,組內成員互幫解決。3詞匯檢測(根據(jù)英文釋義及首字母提示,寫出相應的單詞。)1)a person in charge of a film, play, etc. d 2)tell a decision, plans etc. to the public. a 3)ceremony where something is given or p

3、resented p 4)a short report of the most important information r 5)the art or progress of taking photos p 6)a performance given by musicians c 7)making you feel worried or shocked d 8)a view of a place as you see it s 4.快讀課文,回答以下問題。1) What are the programs on Saturday?2) When and which channels are t

4、hey on? 3) What are they about?5再讀文章,回答以下問題。1). If you are not a football fan, how will you feel about this weeks Sports World?2). When will this years Beijing Music Awards be held?3). If you want to vote for your favourite songs or singers, how can you do it?4). Who will love Murder in a Country Ho

5、use?5). What kind of TV programme is Tiger Watch?課堂交流展示Step1. 對課前自學中的重要的語言知識點(單詞、短語、句型和語法)在組內和班內展示。Step2. 跟讀磁帶,分段閱讀讀節(jié)目一,判斷正誤(1). Once a week, we can know lots of latest information about sport by watching Sports World.(2). If you are crazy about basketball, you will enjoy the programme this week.(3)

6、. A report on preparations for the coming Olympic Games will also be included.讀節(jié)目二,填表What is on?When and where?Who will attend?Who will be interviewed?When will the results be known?What can the audience do?讀節(jié)目三,填空The director of the film is _.The actors and the director are all _.Who killed the doc

7、tor? You _ _ until the end of the film.The film is full of _.The film is _ because the actors all did very well.If you _, do not watch it.讀節(jié)目四,選擇(1) How long is the programme? A. Thirty minutes. B. One hour. C. Forty minutes. D. One hour and a half.(2) When was it taken?A. Between 2003 and 2006. B.

8、In 2005. C. Between 2004 and 2006. D. In 2004.(3). Why did it win an award? A Because it tells us an interesting story. B Because it helps us realize how much danger these tigers face.C Because it is a bit disturbing for an animal lover.D Because its photography is amazing.Step3.根據(jù)文章內容,介紹每一節(jié)目。What i

9、s it called?What is it about?How do you feel while watching it?Step4. Guessing(Part D)課堂達標檢測一、根據(jù)課文內容填空。This Saturday you can watch _ and _ on Sunshine TV. If you watch Sports World, there is _ of what is happening in sports. The pragramme are mainly about _. There are _ with the famous football play

10、ers.The _ of Beijing Music Awards will be held this coming Saturday and it will be _. Before the awards, there will be _ with the most famous stars. Two thousand fans _ their favourite songs, singers and music videos. Tiger watch talks about the Asian tigers and how much danger these tigers f_. They

11、 are disappearing f_ than pandas. If you love animals, you might be a bit d_(心煩意亂的) while watching it. This programme was f_(拍攝) in India between 2004 and 2006. While watching, you can also enjoy s_(景色) of India. Tiger Watch _(因為而獲獎)its amazing photography. 二.判斷正誤。正確的寫T,錯誤的寫 F1. Sports World covers

12、high jump this week. _2. Sports World is interviewing well-known swimming players this week._3. Beijing Music Rewards was pre-recorded(事先錄好的) yesterday._4. People have not voted for Beijing music Rewards by casting their ballot paper._5. The actors in Murder in a Country House are not superstars._6.

13、 You can find out who is the murderer before the end of the film._7. Pandas are not disappearing as quickly as the Asian tiger._8. Tiger watch won an award for the surprising scene of India._ 三、Finish P66 B2 四、用所給單詞的正確形式填空。1.Who is your favourite basketball (play )?2.Eddie is far too busy (go )shopping .3.His speech was a little ,so we all felt (bore ).4.The programme covers different sports ,such as football ,b


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