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1、WWW.SUNLANDS.COMENGLISH英語(一)精講二??齐A段的公共課要求詞匯:3500本課程7學(xué)分你記住了嗎?abandon v. 動詞放棄,遺棄,沉溺 于 ableadj. 形容詞有能力的 abnormal adj. 形容詞 不正常的abound v.動詞 大量,充滿,富于absurdadj.形容詞 荒謬的,不合理的,荒唐的。abusev.動詞,妄用abolishv.動詞你記住了嗎?abandon v. 動詞able adj. 形容詞abnormal adj. 形容詞aboundv.動詞absurd adj.形容詞abuse v.動詞abolishv.動詞你記住了嗎?abandon

2、 v. 動詞 放棄,遺棄,沉溺于adj. 形容詞有能力的ableabnormal adj. 形容詞 不正常的aboundv.動詞 大量,充滿,富于absurdadj.形容詞 荒謬的,不合理的,荒唐的。 abusev.動詞,妄用abolishv.動詞成功或失敗,只能選一個(gè)。SUCCESS IS ACTUALLY SIMPLE- WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT TO FAIL TO HOLD, HANG ON A BIT LONGER.成功其實(shí)很簡單,就是當(dāng)你堅(jiān)持不住的時(shí)候, 再堅(jiān)持一會。(詞根)ruptbrptabruptrupt 是一個(gè)詞根,表示斷。大家準(zhǔn)備接招adj.形容詞 突然的,唐

3、突的,無禮的a / b / rupt(Alex幫幫記)一(a) 把 (b)抓住,就斷(rupt)了。很突然,很意外。krptcorrupt(Alex幫幫記)V. 動詞損害cor / ruptcor 是一起的意思,兩個(gè)人一起了,斷(rupt)了,是什么?更多的是.?。p害國家利益。(所以在rupt(詞根)rupt 是一個(gè)詞根,表示斷。大家準(zhǔn)備接招bkrptbankrupadj. 形容詞的t(Alex 幫幫記)bank / rupt銀行(bank)的資金斷了(rupt),會怎樣?啊同志們!(詞根)ruptdsrptdisruptrupt 是一個(gè)詞根,表示斷。大家準(zhǔn)備接招V. 動詞 打斷,瓦解,擾

4、亂(Alex幫幫記)dis / ruptdis 分開 rupt 斷 使斷開 合在一起呢?就是擾亂瓦解一(a)把(b)抓斷很意外(abrupt),分開(dis)撕裂是擾亂(disrupt),良心一起(cor)斷了叫銀行(bank)斷了慘(corrupt),(bankrupt)。brdabroadadv.副詞 在國外,去國外a b / road/(Alex幫幫記)啊(a),不(b),表示離開 公路(road)也就是離開公路去國外 brdbroad(Alex幫幫記)adj. 形容詞寬闊的b / road /公路(road)不(b)算寬blkb:rdblackboard(Alex 幫幫記)n. 名詞

5、黑板black / board黑色的(black)木板(board),這個(gè)簡單,重點(diǎn)在下面筒子們。b:rdaboard(Alex 幫幫記)adv.副詞 在船(飛機(jī)、車)上a/ board一(a)上木板(board),就有上了船(飛機(jī)、車)的感覺。BELIEVE YOU CAN AND YOUAREHALFWAYTHERE-TheodoreRoosevelt相信你行, 你已經(jīng)成功 了 一 半 。西奧多羅斯福時(shí)態(tài)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)一般將來時(shí)一般過去時(shí)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)過去進(jìn)行時(shí)will/shall+v be going to+ v.原原形/單三式was/were+ v.-ingam/is/are+ v.

6、-inghave/has+ p.p.動詞過去式一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)16一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的基本用法用法1: 表示經(jīng)常發(fā)生的習(xí)慣性的動作或者存在的狀態(tài). He often goes for a walk after supper. The boy usually gets to school early. He always works hard.此用法常與一些表示動作頻率的時(shí)間副詞連用(副詞放在be動詞之后, 實(shí)義動詞之前).always, usually, sometimes, often, never,every day /week/month/year/等.17用法2:客觀事實(shí)或普遍真理 The eart

7、h moves around the sun. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Three plus seven is ten.The cake tastes really good.We are busy now.18用法3:表示現(xiàn)在存在著的狀態(tài)或主語常帶有的特征或性格常用be, come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, close, open, return, take off 等My plane takes off at 9:00 a.m.The train leaves at three

8、 this afternoon.19用法4:表示已經(jīng)安排或計(jì)劃好的,將來必定會發(fā)的,或不易改變的動作或存在的狀態(tài),如根據(jù)飛機(jī)、車、汽車時(shí)刻表來的班次、車次時(shí)間等。用法5:在時(shí)間或條件狀語從句中有時(shí)用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表示將來發(fā)生的動作.主將從現(xiàn) Ill call you the moment I arrive in Xian. If it rains tomorrow, well stop running on the playground Ill give the book to him as soon as I see him.主要用在條件狀語從句(if, unless)和時(shí)間狀語從句(when,

9、 as soon as, before,after等)中, 表示將來動作.20動詞的第三稱單數(shù)的變化式基本上和名詞復(fù)數(shù)的變化是樣的1、般情況下,在動詞后+s如:look (動詞原形)looks (動詞單三形式)amget(動詞原形)gets(動詞單三形式)isbe2、以ch, sh結(jié)尾的動詞加es如:teach (動詞原形)teaches(動詞單三形式)wash(動詞原形)washes (動詞單三形式) 3、以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的動詞,把y改為i,再加esare如:fly(動詞原形)flies(動詞單三形式)study(動詞原形)studies (動詞單三形式)21一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)動詞的變化規(guī)則用括號

10、內(nèi)動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. He often (have) dinner at home.2. Daniel and Tommy (be) in Class One.3. We (not watch) TV on Monday.4. They (have) the same hobby.5. My aunt (look) after her baby carefully.6. You always (do) your homework well.7. I (be) ill. Im staying in bed.8. She (go) to school from Monday to Frida

11、y.用括號內(nèi)動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. He often has(have) dinner at home.2. Daniel and Tommyare(be) in Class One. dont watch3. We(not watch) TV on Monday.4. They have(have) the same hobby.5. My aunt looks(look) after her baby carefully.do6. You always(do) your homework well.7. I am(be) ill. Im staying in bed.goes8. She

12、(go) to school from Monday to Friday.閱讀理解第一部分:閱讀判斷(第110題,每題1分,10題共10分)下面的短后列出了l0個(gè)句,請根據(jù)短的內(nèi)容對每個(gè)句作出判斷:如果該句提供的是正確信息,選擇A;如果該句提供的是錯(cuò)誤信息,選擇B;如果該句的信息中沒有提及,選擇C。第二部分:閱讀選擇(第11-15題,每題2分,5題目共10分)閱讀下面短,請從短后所給各題的4個(gè)選項(xiàng)A、 B、C、D中選出1個(gè)最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡相應(yīng)位置上將該項(xiàng)涂。CONTENT04 真題演練part2 閱讀理解考試題型及分值類型題型分值總計(jì)目標(biāo)分值考點(diǎn)選擇題閱讀判斷1011081=8快速閱讀閱讀

13、選擇521042=8深度閱讀概括段落大意和補(bǔ)全句子1011081=8概括段落大意提取關(guān)鍵信息填句補(bǔ)文521042=8文章結(jié)構(gòu),段落連貫性填詞補(bǔ)文101.51551.5=7.5單詞認(rèn)知,詞性判斷非選擇題完形補(bǔ)文101.51551.5=7.5單詞認(rèn)知,詞性轉(zhuǎn)換短文寫作1303020100詞左右合計(jì)10067第二部分:閱讀理解做題步驟Step1:瀏覽題干和選項(xiàng),抓住關(guān)鍵詞和出題類型。Step2:按照一致性規(guī)律,根據(jù)關(guān)鍵詞在原文查找定位Step3:將原文與選項(xiàng)對比切記:題干正確選項(xiàng)=原文信息值attractivetrktvadj.迷的;有魅的;引注目的;招喜愛的individual ndvdlzn.

14、語(常指有趣或有點(diǎn)特別的)appearanceprnsn.外貌,外觀;出現(xiàn),露面emotion mnn.情緒;情感,感情Thoughoconj.即使;雖然,盡管;2017年4月真題Make Yourself More Attractive As individuals,we judge just about everything on appearanceBut we do not just see,we also feelWe have feelings that run deepSometimes our emotions run hot,at other times coldThough

15、,often,we do not feel until we see第1題 Paragraph 1 mainly talks about A. the role of seeingB. the importance of feelingC. features of good appearanceD. various types of emotionsattractivetrktvadj.迷的;有魅的;引注目的;招喜愛的individual ndvdlzn. 語(常指有趣或有點(diǎn)特別的)appearanceprnsn.外貌,外觀;出現(xiàn),露面emotion mnn.情緒;情感,感情Thoughoco

16、nj.即使;雖然,盡管;2017年4月真題Make Yourself More Attractive As individuals,we judge just about everything on appearanceBut we do not just see,we also feelWe have feelings that run deepSometimes our emotions run hot,at other times coldThough,often,we do not feel until we see第1題 Paragraph 1 mainly talks about

17、A. the role of seeingB. the importance of feelingC. features of good appearanceD. various types of emotionsbeat bi:t美 bitvi.(臟等)跳動;搜索;(風(fēng)、雨等)吹打;(鼓)咚咚地響reflectionrfleknn.反映pass p:svt.& vi.通過;過;批準(zhǔn);度過lonelylnliadj.寂寞的;孤獨(dú)的more than比.更多;不僅僅When we see someone who looks good, our heart beats fastWhen we se

18、e an attractive meal, we feel hungryWhen we see a picture of a loved one who has passed on,we may begin to feel sad or lonelyOur eyes are more than just a visual perception (視覺感知)They are the reflection of who we are第2題 The words “passed on” (Line 2,Para.2) probably means A. diedB. sufferedC. walked

19、 pastD. missed a chanceWhen we see someone who looks good, our heart beats fastWhen we see an attractive meal,we feel hungryWhen we see a picture of a loved one who has passed on,we may begin to feel sad or lonelyOur eyes are more than just a visual perception (視覺感知)They are the reflection of who we

20、 are第2題 The words “passed on” (Line 2,Para.2) probably means A. diedB. sufferedC. walked pastD. missed a chanceimprove mpru:v vt.提pleasant plezntadj.令愉快的;approachprtvt.& vi.接近,近,靠近in addition 除此之外achieve ti:vvt.實(shí)現(xiàn);取得;獲得;成功confident knfdnt adj.自信的drawn dr:nadj.疲憊的;憔悴的; There are many ways to improve

21、our appearanceSmiling more is one of themIt will make less attractive people more pleasantAt the same time,smiling will make beautiful people appear to be more approachable In addition to smiling, the less attractive should also work on achieving a more confident walkPeople will be drawn to you beca

22、use of the confidence that you show第3題 Smiling will make beautiful people A. have more achievementsB. improve their workC. become easier to approachD. do better in their shows There are many ways to improve our appearanceSmiling more is one of themIt will make less attractive people more pleasantAt

23、the same time,smiling will make beautiful people appear to be more approachableIn addition to smiling, the less attractive should also work on achieving a more confident walkPeople will be drawn to you because of the confidence that you show第3題 Smiling will make beautiful people A. have more achieve

24、mentsB. improve their workC. become easier to approachD. do better in their showsperceptionpsepn n.知覺;觀念;product prdktn.產(chǎn)品; 結(jié)果;作品extremely kstri:mliadv.地proud pradadj.自豪的,得意的;contact kntktn.接觸self-esteem self sti:mn.自尊;Do not take on the perceptions of othersDo not force yourself to become a product

25、 of how they see youIf you are extremely beautiful,do not be too proudBe pleasant to all of those you come in contact withSpeak positive words to othersIf you are less attractive,do not have any feelings of low self-esteem (自尊)第4題 The author advises the extremely beautiful people to A. keep their pr

26、ideB. get to know more peopleC. get rid of low self-esteemD. be modestDo not take on the perceptions of othersDo not force yourself to become a product of how they see youIf you are extremely beautiful,do not be too proudBe pleasant to all of those you come in contact withSpeak positive words to oth

27、ersIf you are less attractive,do not have any feelings of low self-esteem (自信)第4題 The author advises the extremely beautiful people to A. keep their prideB. get to know more peopleC. get rid of low self-esteemD. be modestcapture kpt(r)vt.俘獲;奪取;奪得;vain venadj.徒勞的;自負(fù)的; Someone once said “it is beauty which captures


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