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1、nt Scholi eCli 1 Halthy eatingWoman 1: he shools are ding it b cus theyvego toprohealthy eatng and I think terigtmsag、 t I t nrally theshoulta et tep ents bfo ehnd, becuse hink it squte sd forthe chldren to h e th s i tee and thn tot e t em aay、Woa 2: th k it as god ea、 I th k children shold at heal

2、thy wile they reat school、 Treas shuld be a weekeds after s ol 、Man 1:o tsallowed inchildr nslnchbags? Wl, her have anaray of food、ood adbad、M 2:Sanwi es,p a,fruit andnuts are fin、S eet, risps, i y1 dink nd ocoate thugh ae set o baken awy、 li 2 Grants for school buildinVoi ever: e bi ingwo n nus but

3、for how mu lon r? Ther red tostrt a eond phase of reurbshm t her, tthe coll ge maav to send the buiderhome、Wom 1: Weve just ono h of of heol bu i nd a you an see thee,that is enew bil ingwev be workng onf r twyars nd wreust abouoveintthe refur hmentohig atw teduil ing、oiceove: hprincipalofSou hhames

4、Col eg told me wa would happen o she doesnget he ney f r the ne buildingproject、Woman 1: wi l havealrea mttdix a a hato ei t mi i oud that wi lhen bte Colges debt、 And this building wold no longer workbecausethe servics ld b ut ff ad thiswil hav to bemufled、Voc over: From hair d essng oesi s n eo e

5、0, 00 u entsan adult ea ners ehere、 Some cas s ae in t d listed buil ing、 Butthe ment fl ods and theatig breas down and t shy thy wanted to give it arefur、Clip Tic asng ition feeViceover:Uiversiy es p y thee students a capedat aoun 、 0pouds a year、 B theoenmen is ue to reviewthe siuation n the bd pr

6、esentingte bsse fEgland s univer tes a a sugeti n, o ncrese ees to5,000 or even 7,0 pounds a yea、W an 1:Whveorldcasreputat n thatneeds tobemantaied、Stdent,Itink qute rightly ,expecar i qualhigheducatin、And ta bepid fr、Woman2: T as seconertdetsill leave univ riy wit debt of mre han 17,00 pouds on aea

7、e、 Uder one f the ce s beig discssd toda, ta moutill inreae to r han 2, 00po s,a m that coldtake ut a f w ear topay of 、hequst o s, would his incr sectually put ung peol f f o applying to u versity i th i st pace、Man 1: Potnill yes、 s, I old h v to ases my pesonlstution that time、 But Ithik it l p t

8、 a l t fpeole off s t s a ge m nto mony、Woma 3: I mdoing histor egree I haveboutight ous of contat a wek、 So as for y moneeingastd, whereas medica students ha lot ofland os of mneyonth, so I ti kt ouldin of a e me to thik tw ce abut g g o niv rs ty and w ch unversity I go and w ere、Ma 2: el I th k i

9、t is br htakingy arogant of un versity vi e hancellos to be ak g about oublng te level o tuitio es a h level f grad te debt in the mide of a r esin、 I thi k te ee t g t o t of heir i or ower o look wh s goin o w t th econoy n、 Studnt are in inc asing hardshi eady and l avngtens o thousand f peopl gr

10、duatig with ven bgger amonts of ebts is reclss ad irrespnible、Voceover: ntrdc g tition esn he first lce a controerial ndifficult ot egoernn iunlikely to r t increse thmno、 na lobert、 ITV Nws、Clip 4 G aduats c g dfficul imeV ce-ver: tudents stting out on lifesjouryar eli th conomic strain before teyv

11、eeven ecured t ir i sjo 、For s heeco mcontracts,duates vac niesave fal efothe firstt me in threyears、Woan1: Mostof the hepeole tha knowinm degree, in y curs, they res ll strugli t f djos、Voic over: ph e an i inal-yearstu t hopingfo i stclas egre an prayingf ra d ob、 So far, despite nuerous intrvews

12、andanimpessiv V, sheshd bad luc、 omn 1: ery ad luck 、 Unfo unaely、 Iv gonethrough tinter ew s ge ofan,stthefin lstag、Butn eI each t re, ofteget,eithr g t rejeced or it s, you knw, “welle yu k w”、Voi-ov r: Te downturn n m ufcurinnd the ldwn inthe fnancserics m n that narlhaff theemp oersexpectto hife

13、grautes h year、 Ta mans thepet io on capshs evr en toughe、Woman 2: Thi is the gnerato of er ty tudents who ere born an bred i he eonomc boo、 But they re graduatig in the ecoomc ust、 Recuimets own, salares ar frozen、 This i cr ch time n eveyense、a1: T eetmes are a otoughert an t yhabeen helas1,15, po

14、s iby een0e rs、Butemployersare still recriting 、 e brainsftoday are terofit oftomorow、Tequesion is whethr theraduat ar a le t ad ust hir expect ons to th ealities of th abor maket、Voice-over:For s fi l year enineering tudent, he eali s still grea、 acacies in the e nering andpblic setor re n e、 Wi l

15、s ud a jo in a ank、 His strti g slry is 4、Man 2: he ae stil opo tuit e dw the e for people bein smr or, knd o ris avy enough to get th o it sust, y know, s moe diffic lt ut nots imp ssible、Voceov: Th ne on w nvr had it s ood a children ma fi d te economi real ies h er a s、 Penny Masal 、 N at Tn、Warw

16、ick University 、Cl p 5 leof a deVice ver:Tis the season whn 400,00right yonthnwi of hpig their dreams ill true、Not etter to Sant, bu nversity aplcato rm、 Th vernm t ants haf of al or young people to ep ence e onerfu w ld of t e undergraduate、The jo of learning, o stdet l f , t e thrl f grauation, th

17、 itati n to hghpo red, exiting carers、The e it ca be rther dfferet、 fyara o thesetelesales stafwould havbenschool leavers、Today hi p li hingfi m employs nly graduates、Samejob,s iar alary, dfferentua fca ns、Man : Fifteeyears ago w wul ve pobblsaith asc requremns wuld b lvels、 Beus tha l e the be hmar

18、k e uld e expe te ployes to have ahieved、 You know n we ee e enhmark is ein the dere、 o Ihink tevry facthat there afr mores dents lea ngniverityookig forobs, eables ustopeif aegree today heeas we ldn tave d e 15yarsago,Vice-over: Thirt fivepecent ofraduaeener th worl ofworkn a job that dosntneea egr

19、e、And ma t stuk incarerteyont like、 skewhathy ddwtodo, 4 opeforjobs imed,derisig o PR、th popul arersincuded ig vored by 21% wome and ig, piced b23% fmen、Bu ve 10% ofmed t d e gr ate e rren l nemploye、 I sth same for esign stdis、And eenworse in pting 、 Uno lar carersinclde nineering、Only 9 of studen

20、mention that、 Andye unemloymet aongst civil ngiering grda s sony 2、9%、At daysgradua e r c uit ent ai,thosan sostudents wee earching for os、 But eng e ingtads ere typicl y esert、 And those that id enqre often lackd re evan q a ificat ns、 T engneeri indusry believe in encourgng yet mr schoolleavers to

21、 oto unvrsimay ea epesve dulgece、Man 2: niv rsities a ue ht w ar ot tr nig, w are edcaing、 are reating people who ca thik、 w, f we ar ust prod i g loopes an hinkers, don thi k we ar oing e oveheeonomi ees ofthscountry、I m n,thatwuldbeabsluey silly ,quitranly、Voiceove:Tererenow0,00 f rendegee coure i

22、 Bri i、 he i gest in rea in soc led cheap deree, sally humaitie o s c sieces, hi h don reuire upment r labratori s、 Universities ge ey for ow many studentthe ave ad exta csh f hy can wo hool leavers ro poo nd depived ba grounds、 udes are sadde wit ts, jusified by governme t on the b sis that acos a

23、lf time, degee is woth an extra 4 0,00 pound、 But is i?M n 3: er ar two law in the ovrnment sfire、 irsl heyr based on the e etage of grdu es going through our eduaton、 Those igues wre in a smll per ent、 I a cople of y rs ime on in everytwop pl ill go hrouh hgher edcatio f thageroup、 The seond big un

24、daentl roblm s thy w rea n an emplymnt ma ket h e thwsob or life, hing have chaned、Viceo er:Her tis plumbing chooli N r no, abo t 2 of the cl s regrauaeswho ve deciddto retrain、 an e f om he kidof ackro ds goernment w ts o encorage ino hger edu tion、 But thir expriec s arly an avert、Ma 4: By the ti

25、I graduate wold say therewernh jobthere、 S in hindsiht,it prbably s awast of time, eah、an 5:o ow uchmo eydo you reckn youcan en mbr?Woman:el, thesa between 0to75 thousandin bout 10 years time、an 5: 75 grand ?Woman 1:Ap o aey, es、C p 6 Scho isciplin (David Caeron s eec, 1 J y 2007)S gon ack o y qetio

26、n,hw o we traslatour val s int a ion?To reprie3 thsevaue,amiies ahe oiin ofsociety,the roefc olsin bak g uand adng tohlessnsof home, thneforclar boundariesndfor rule beavio,hdives tand the ffere tnessof c ildren,theobligati n help h most ulnrable and disdvged、Earlirths monh I soke ab t ailies、 t of

27、ll ,e eed o encurae st lepren reaiosps foreap , a hsee suggeted, through rem ingthe bis hruh aga st cohbttio in the b ne its yst m an u ing the y e tsuppmarrid coples、Yesterdy soke about speia edcaioal nees、 We ned to rad cally r f m te statemet ess t gie parnts what hey need, inludng a more sensitv

28、eand f exbleyste categori ngpecia nee、Paetsneed g eaterchoie bewen specalist scho s nd mainstem scho s、Anutiltyst m i roperl balan, we belie e n m torium o e clsuref s cialsch s、Today ant to exp in something f w atwelo to mprve ehaviour i the maistram chols、Soetime p l who ds s eucation i e him ress

29、io ta s e sor of incred ly pl alchmy、Iisnt、We k w whatwrks becue we see i, inour owncounry and ersees、Tebest sho , whe er y r rivae schools, acadmies, g amaschols, pr en ves, have ome smpe in s n mon、 ost f all , tey have an ideenent ethos ad lear u s on cceptable ehavior、 holsshubeplaeswere teahrs

30、teachndhilden lear-ot sorfholdincentresf hi eirrespctiveof h dy thy be ve、Mot of l,thy shouldbelacs were e kds rs ct,andvenear, the teac r,annottheotherway aund、Iwe nor c ldreto gow up n vn environmet,the n to know wher the lies ar and ot t stp oe them、 ads e o e able t pose re c e of behavio and di

31、 cipine and be bcke u by pr nts、Teacheroftesy t tat th set clear rules,hey en c them andthe th nte aong andtake the sidof th c l 、T i n letly ndermine he auhorityof thschoo andconribu diectly to bad behaviur、Now ny chools av ome ol contrats, stting ou n b ck ad whi e what is e pcted of the school, o

32、f te a nt a of the child 、 I dik to take this dea rte ad make hem noreale, as eqir metsof admssionan as rounds for x uion、Head t chrs shoul be al t a to rnts, i you o ig up to this coe f conuct f yurslvesadyour childre ,ych annote o chool as simple as that、AndI want to srenthethe psito of teaches we

33、、 More n s edo to prot ct acher fro thetn minority w o ae bn o u ermnig at oriy in chools by makn flse al aio o ab se gais h tec e、 This is a row problem、 A ecn survey in ecEd agazine indcated tha 20 per cen of tach s had een falsly acc edand 5 r cnt of eahers n a college n their schol to whom hs a

34、happnd、he Teacher Suppor p e line s takingalmst twice s may calls ab t upil alegati as idi yargo、 Ye n the past te e s on yt e ecent f seriou egations have actull resultd in acnvcton、 Andtas wh we blie that tachesshud hav theful pro ectin of nonmity unti tease agaist tem ha ctualy been dealt wth、Gie

35、n the elmet ypricple t at a hea ahemust hav otrol ver e stndadof eh iourin his or her school, this must mean, as l resr,thepower to xcupupil w s c ductbadly disrup s th eucaton o ohers、oay, atthe momet, ifa head acher ecudes a pupil,the chldhas ight of eal o n etrnl panelru by th locaauto ty、nd currentl a qurte f heexclus onswhc are revi d y ppea spanesareovrtur e、Mor than hlfo these puils are ther rnto e choo fom whi te have benexelled、Nw just im gin what hat des to th st ing o tead te her in theyesothestdnts、Tsee a hild,exp ledad behviour,


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