



1、學(xué) 生 自 主 學(xué) 習(xí) 方 案七年級(jí) 班 小組: 姓名: 科 目英語課題編號(hào)7-2-014來源:學(xué)&科&網(wǎng)z&x&x&k設(shè) 計(jì)來源:學(xué)&科&網(wǎng)z&x&x&k李嫦娥審核來源:zxxk.com李嫦娥督查王 鋒課時(shí)來源:zxxk.com3學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)1、運(yùn)用hows the weather ?及描述天氣的形容詞來談?wù)摬煌鞘械奶鞖鉅顩r。2、繼續(xù)運(yùn)用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)描述人們的即使活動(dòng)。學(xué)法指導(dǎo)】:通過任務(wù)型的教學(xué),讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)自主學(xué)習(xí),歸納總結(jié),培養(yǎng)主動(dòng)學(xué)習(xí)的能力。尤其對(duì)所學(xué)內(nèi)容能主動(dòng)復(fù)習(xí)并加以整理和歸納的能力。【自學(xué)導(dǎo)航】預(yù)習(xí)課本p371.完成下面的漢譯英。下雨,雨水 多風(fēng)的 多云的 晴朗的 下雪,雪 天氣

2、2.翻譯下面的句子。how is the weather in shanghai? it is raining. it is cloudy. 3.選詞填空(將括號(hào)里的單詞寫到相應(yīng)的符號(hào)旁)。 ( windy, raining, snowing, sunny, cloudy ) 預(yù)習(xí)課本p381、翻譯1. 喬叔叔 _ 2. 薩莉阿姨 _3. 沒問題 _ 4. 捎個(gè)口信 _5. 你好,我是里克。_6. 你正在做什么?_7. 最近怎么樣? _ 8. 你能讓他給我回電話嗎? _2、閱讀2d回答下列問題a、hows the weather?b、what is steve doing?c、what is

3、steves brother doing?d、what does steve want rick to do?【合作探究】1口語大沖關(guān)。教師利用實(shí)物或圖片對(duì)學(xué)生進(jìn)行目標(biāo)語言的口語訓(xùn)練。2聽力大沖關(guān)。聽1b,完成相關(guān)題目。3描述天氣狀況的形容詞,一般是在與天氣有關(guān)的名詞在詞尾加上y構(gòu)成。但sun, fog(霧)變化時(shí),要先雙寫詞尾的輔音字母,再加y。請(qǐng)寫出下列名詞的形容詞形式。 sun cloud rain wind snow fog 4.詢問天氣的常用句式: the weather.?或 the weather ?回答時(shí)常用its+描述天氣的形容詞,也可用與天氣又關(guān)的現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)的句子來回答。

4、請(qǐng)按要求改寫下列句子: how is the weather today?(寫出同義句) what is the weather like in shanghai? (寫出同義句) its cloudy.(就劃線部分提問) it is raining. (就劃線部分提問) 5電話用語 在電話用語中我們常用_ 表示我,用_ 來表示你,并且可以在句末加上speaking表示是某人正在接電話。學(xué)以致用:翻譯下列句子。1).this is/its mary(speaking)_2).whos that? _3).is that mary speaking.?_還有一些初中英語常見的電話用語請(qǐng)各位同學(xué)記

5、住。4).is at home? 在家嗎? 5). oh, he/she is not here. 哦,他/她不在家。 7).can i take a message for you? 我能給你捎個(gè)口信嗎? 8).could you tell him/her to call me back? 你能讓他/她給我回電話嗎?6我們?cè)谠儐枌?duì)方在近期情況時(shí)可以問:how is it going ? 或how are you doing ? 我們除了可以用not bad. (不壞)之外,還可以用great!( ) ; pretty good.( )just so so . ( ) terrible! (

6、)。等回答。學(xué)以致用1.-hi, linda. hows it going ? - _ .i just finish my interesting summer vacation. a. terrible. b. not bad . c. great! d. just so so .2. how _ you _ ? - pretty good . a. is, going b. are, doing c. is, doing d. are , going【鞏固練習(xí)】一、單項(xiàng)選擇 ( )1.-_ the weather there ?-it is windy. a. what is b .how

7、 is c. which is( )2.there is too much in the north(北方)of china. a .snow b .rainy c .cloudy( )3.-are you from america?yes, i live in . a. toronto b. boston c. tokyo ( ) 4.look! its outside. a. snows b. snowing c. snow( )5._ jeff like oranges? a. isb. doc. does d. are( ) 6. aunt sarah _ every day. a.

8、play computer games b. plays computer games c. is playing computer games d. playing computer games( ) 7.-hows the weather in harbin? -its _. a. snow b. snowing c. snows d. snowed( )8. tom is _ lunch. a. cook b. cooking c. cooks d. to cook( ) 9 .can i take a message _ meimei ?a. with b. of c. for d.

9、on ( )10. my mother often tells me _ english hard .a study b studying c studies d to study( )11. my teachers tell us _ play computer games every day .anot to b. dont c. not d. dont toii 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. im playing computer games. (變否定句)i _ _ _ computer games.2. they are watching tv. (變一般疑問句)_ _ watching tv?3. we are playing basketball. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)_ are you _?4. its cloudy. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)_ is the weather _?(二)填空1. look! they (study) in the classroom.2. my brother often (watch) football matches on tv.3.we cant go out now. its (rain) so hard.4.its (cloud), but its very hot.5. there are many peopl


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