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1、人稱代詞和物主代詞講解,易思教育,人稱代詞,表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我們”、“你們”、“他們”的詞,叫做人稱代詞。人稱代詞有人稱、數(shù)和格的變化,見下表:,一.人稱代詞,第一人稱,第二人稱,第三人稱,人稱,格,數(shù),單 數(shù),復(fù) 數(shù),主格,賓格,主格,賓格,I,you,he,she,it,me,you,him,her,it,we,you,they,us,you,them,人稱代詞,人稱代詞有主格和賓語之分:主格用作主語,賓格用作賓語。,1.人稱代詞主格:作主語,表示誰怎么樣了,干什么了。 例句:I am a teacher. You are student. He is a s

2、tudent, too. They are students.,2.人稱代詞賓格:作賓語,表示動(dòng)作行為的對(duì)象,用在動(dòng)詞或介詞后。 例句:Buy it for me. Lets go. (lets =let us),人稱代詞知識(shí)要點(diǎn),當(dāng)主語為并列的幾個(gè)人稱代詞時(shí), I要放在最后,you要放在最前。人稱代詞在并列使用時(shí)的順序?yàn)?“第二人稱,第三人稱,第一人稱”。 You, he and I are all students. 注:但承認(rèn)錯(cuò)誤時(shí),I 通常在最前。 I and Mary are to blame(責(zé)備).,練習(xí) 1.寫出下列人稱代詞的賓格形式 I_ you_ he_ she_ we_

3、they_ 2.單項(xiàng)選擇 (1) _ is a good student. All the teachers like_ very much. A.She,her B.Her,she C.He,her D.she,him (2) Mary,please give(給) _ your book. A.my B.mine C.I D.me,him,you,me,her,us,them,物主代詞,表示所有關(guān)系的代詞叫做物主代詞。 物主代詞分形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞二種,其人稱和數(shù)的變化見下表。,my,our,your,your,his,her,its,their,theirs,its,her

4、s,his,yours,yours,ours,mine,物主代詞,形容詞性物主代詞相當(dāng)于形容詞 (my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名詞,Is this your book? Is that your umbrella? They are their books. Our school is very beautiful(美麗的).,1. What is _(她的)English name? 2. _(我的)father is a doctor. 3. Where is _(你們的)library? 4. _(我)have a pet cat. _(它的)name

5、is Joy. 5. _(我們的)classroom is big. 6. _(他們的) books are colorful.,her,My,your,I,its,Our,Their,練一練!,形容詞性物主代詞不能單獨(dú)使用,其后必須加名詞,表示所有: (my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名詞 my pen我的鋼筆 your bag你的書包 his bike他的自行車 her desk她的書桌 its name它的名字 例句:Is that your bike? 那是你的自行車嗎? Those are our books. 那些是我們的書。,如果名詞前有形容詞性物主

6、代詞,就不能同時(shí)用冠詞(a, an, the)或指示代詞(this, that, these, those)修飾此名詞。 正This is my pencil. 誤This is my a pencil. 正This is a pencil. 誤 This is a my pencil.,形容詞性物主代詞與形容詞一起修飾名詞時(shí),要放在形容詞之前。 如: his English books 他的英語書 their Chinese friends 他們的中國朋友,特別提醒,漢語表達(dá)常有省略“的”字的習(xí)慣,如:我哥哥、你們老師。其中“我”和“你們”的實(shí)際意義分別是“我的”、“你們的”,所以英語中只能

7、譯成my brother, your teacher;而不能譯成 I brother, you teacher。,名詞性物主代詞 =相應(yīng)的形容詞性物主代詞+名詞, 名詞性物主代詞 相當(dāng)于名詞,故其后不必加名詞。 例如:Your bedroom is big. Mine (=My bedroom) is big, too. 你的臥室大。我的臥室也大。 注意:在使用名詞性物主代詞時(shí),必須有特定的語言環(huán)境,也就是要省略的名詞大家已經(jīng)知道,已經(jīng)提起過。 例:Its hers. 是她的。 (單獨(dú)使用大家不知是怎么回事,不可以這樣用) There is a book. Its hers. 那有本書。是她的

8、。(先提及,大家才明白),練習(xí) Exercise,一、用適當(dāng)?shù)娜朔Q代詞填空:1._ismyaunt.( she )2. Chinaisadevelopingcountry. _isintheeastofAsia. ( its )3. Whatdayis_today? _isThursday. (its)4.Ihaveabluebike._has a green one. ( her ),She,It,it,It,She,5.Thesenewhousesaresonice. _areveryexpensive.( their )6.Linglingisagirl. _studiesinaprim

9、aryschool. _brotherliveswith her. ( she )7.Mikeismyclassmate. _isgoodatEnglish. ( his )8.Katewantsaglassofmilk. Will_passittoher? ( you ),They,She,Her,He,you,二、從括號(hào)內(nèi)選擇正確的代詞填空 1._footballclothesareonthedesk. Pleaseputthem on! (you,your)2._EnglishteacherisMrs.Green. (We,Us,Our,Ours )3._cantfindmykite.

10、(I,Me,My,Mine) 4.Wecantfind_bikes. Canyouhelpus? (we,us,our,ours)5.Theseare_clothes. (he,him,his),Your,Our,I,our,his,三、選擇填空1. Whossingingoverthere? _isSandyssister. A.ThatB.ItC.SheD.This2._willspendthesummerholiday inHawaii.A.She,youandIB.You,sheandI C.I,youandsheD.Her,meandyou3. Heresapostcardforyo

11、u,Jim! Oh,_isfrommyfriend,Mary.A.heB.itC.sheD.its,C,B,B,4._ piano is too old , but she still liked playing it.A. She B. Shes C. Hers D. Her 5. We bought a present for them, but _ didnt like it.A. them B. they C. their D. theirs 6. She is a student, _ name is Julia. A. its B. her C. hers D. his,D,B,B

12、,四、根據(jù)漢譯填空。 1._ is my friend. 他是我的朋友。 2._ are Chinese. 我們是中國人。 3.These are _ photos. 這些是我們的照片。 4.This is a bird, name is Polly. 這是一只鳥,它的名字叫波麗。 5.Maryworksinabookstore. _likes_workverymuch. 瑪麗在一家書店上班。她很喜歡她的工作。,He,We,our,She,her,its,一.翻譯. 1.他的畫 _ 2.她老師_ 3.它的名字_ 4.我的課本_ 5.你的貓_ 6.她們的書包_ 二.單項(xiàng)選擇. 1. This i

13、s a girl._ name is Lily. A. His B. She C. Her D. Its 2. This is Wang Fang._ is twelve. A. His B. She C. Her D. Its,his picture,her teacher,its name,my book,your cat,their schoolbags,( )1.She gives the erasers to Lucy and _. A. I B. me C. my D. mine,( )2.There are some apples behind_. A. him B. they

14、C. he D. my,( ) 3._go to school every day. _ like school very much. A. Tom and I, We B.I and Tom, We C. Tom and me, We D.Tom and I, They,B,A,A,( )4.Can you let _ go with_? A. him,I B.he,I C. he,me D. him,me,D,橡皮,( )5. Only _ know it. A. I and he B. he and you C. he and I D. I and you,C,( )6. _like s

15、ports very much, but they only watch_ on TV. A. They, they B.Them, them C. They, them D. Them, they,( )7. The boys like English, _read(看,讀) it every day. so_English is very good. A. they,them B. they,their C. their, they D. them, they,C,B,3. I _ a girl._ name is Wang Hong. A. am; My B. is; Her C. am

16、; Your D. is; His 4.Li Lei _ a boy._ is in class 5. A. am; He B. is; She C. are; His D. is; He 5. -Is the cat _ friends? -Yes,_. A. your; it isnt B. he; it is C. your; it is D. her; it isnt,6. This is a bird. I dont know _name. A. its B. its C. it D. its 7. -Whats this? Its _pencil. A. my a B. a my

17、C. my the D. my,1. -May I use _(your/yours) bicycle? -Im sorry._(My/Mine) is not here. 2. Look! The cat is washing _(its/its) face. 3. _(他)often helps _(我們)with our lessons. 4. _(我)want to go with _(他們) 5. Could _(你)tell _(我)how to get to the nearest hotel? 6. Let _(我)help _(你們),your,Mine,its,He,us,

18、I,them,you,me,me,you,7. Its time for _(她)to go home. 8. This isnt my book. _(我的) is in the bag. 9.Dont forget_(我們). 10 ._(我們)would like to buy_ (它們). 11. -Who is it in this picture? -Its _(我).,her,Mine,us,We,them,me,12._(他們)are friendly to_(你們). 13._(他)does_(他的)homework on Sunday. 14. Hello, may _ (

19、我) speak to Jack? 15.My bag is small. Can I use _ (你的)? 16. That is_(他們的) new house. 17. My ruler is long. _ ( 她的 ) is short. 18. _(他的) teacher is good. _(她的)is good, too. 19. Mr. Green often tells _(我們) some stories.,They,you,He,his,I,yours,their,Hers,His,Hers,us,20. This isnt her knife. _ is green

20、. 21. These are your books,Kate. Put _ in the desk,please. 22. _ name is Mike. Mikes friends like _ very much. 23. My father and mother are teachers. _ are busy. 24.You are a pupil. Is _ brother a pupil, too? 25. Mary works in a book store. _likes _work very much.,It,them,His,him,They,your,She,her,2

21、6. John and I are in the same school. _go to school together. 27. I have many friends. Some of _are good at English. 28. -May I use _bike? -Sorry,_is broken. 29. We cant find our shoes. Can you help _.,We,them,your,mine,us,30. Are these _(you)pencils? Yes, they are _(our). 31. I love _(they)very much. 32. She is_(I)classmate. 33. Miss Li often looks after_(she)brother. 34.-Are these _(they)bags ? -No, they arent _(their). They are _(we).,your,ours,them,my,her,their,theirs,ours,A. 從括號(hào)內(nèi)選擇正確的代詞填空從括號(hào)內(nèi)選擇正確的代詞填空 1. Your clothes are on the des


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