



1、第30講祈使句和感嘆句 【名題實戰(zhàn)】1_C_ foggy day!Something must be done to solve the haze problem.(2014,福州)AHow BWhat CWhat a2_B_ brave Zhang Hua is!Yes.He helped his neighbour,Mrs.Sun out of the fire.(2014,南京)AWhat a BHow CHow a DWhat3Sorry,Im late._C_ tell me the bus broke down again!(2014,廣州)ANever to BNotCDont

2、DNo4Im leaving for Xisai Mountain this afternoon._D_ you have packed everything.(2014,黃石)ATo be sure BBeen sureCBeing sure DBe sure5Jim,remember to return this book by Friday._A_(2014,安徽)AGot it BGood luckCThats right DIts nothing【考點(diǎn)梳理】近五年來,安徽中考幾乎沒有對祈使句和感嘆句進(jìn)行考查。但其作為初中階段兩個重要的知識點(diǎn),考生在復(fù)習(xí)時還是需要訓(xùn)練這方面的習(xí)題,掌握

3、祈使句的基本用法和感嘆句的基本句型結(jié)構(gòu)。高頻考向一祈使句的基本用法1肯定的祈使句句型:動詞原形其他成分。如:Be careful!小心!“Do祈使句”表示一種強(qiáng)烈的感情或請求,do起強(qiáng)調(diào)作用。please用在祈使句中可以表示一種客氣的語氣,但please用在句末時,必須用逗號與其余部分隔開。如:Close the door,please.請關(guān)門!2否定的祈使句通常句型:Dont動詞原形其他成分。如:Dont be late for school again!別再遲到了!用Never開頭:Never動詞原形其他成分。如:Never leave todays work for tomorrow!不

4、要把今天的工作留到明天!3Let引導(dǎo)的祈使句以Let開頭的句子也是祈使句,表示陳述和建議。其否定形式有兩種:Let.not或Dont.。如:Let us not be late.讓我們不要遲到。Dont let the boy play football in the street.不要讓這個男孩在街上踢足球?!纠?】 _ hard,youll make progress in English.AWork BTo work CWorking DDont work解析:祈使句以動詞原形開頭,可用來表示勸告。句意:努力,你會在英語方面取得進(jìn)步的。答案:_A_【例2】 _ call me Mimi!

5、Its my cats name.ANot BDidnt CDoesnt DDont解析:祈使句的否定形式:在動詞原形前加dont。答案:_D_【例3】 Mark,please dont play basketball on the road.Its very dangerous._I am going home at once.AHave a great time BSorry,I wont do thatCId like to DOK,with pleasure解析:對今后不要做某事的命令或請求表示接受時,回答要用否定式的將來時。答案:_B_熱點(diǎn)考向二感嘆句用來表示說話人強(qiáng)烈的喜、怒、哀、

6、樂等感情的句子,叫感嘆句。感嘆句由what或how引導(dǎo),具體用法如下表:類別結(jié)構(gòu)例句what引導(dǎo)What a/an形容詞單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞(主語謂語)!What a kind girl (she is)!What形容詞復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞(主語謂語)!What beautiful flowers (they are)!What bad weather (it is)!how引導(dǎo)How主語謂語!How time flies!How形容詞/副詞(主語謂語)!How brave (the hero is)!How形容詞a/an單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞(主語謂語)!How clever (a boy he is)!

7、【例4】 _ children Simon and Jim are!They help Mrs.Li clean the house every day.AHow nice BHow braveCWhat nice DWhat brave解析:“children孩子們”是名詞的復(fù)數(shù)?!癢hat形容詞復(fù)數(shù)名詞主語謂語!”由下文“幫助Mrs.Li打掃房間”可知nice符合題意。答案:_C_【例5】 _ expensive mobile phone it is!Yes,but I think_style is quite fashionable.AWhat a ;a BHow;theCWhat an

8、; the DHow an;the解析:mobile phone 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),故用句式“What(a/an)adj.n.(主謂)!”style 為特指,前加the。答案:_C_【例6】 Listen!Someone is playing the piano.Wow!_ beautiful music!I like it very much.AWhat BHow aCWhat a DHow解析:這句強(qiáng)調(diào)的是名詞,但music 是不可數(shù)名詞,須用“What形容詞不可數(shù)名詞”結(jié)構(gòu)。答案:_A_【例7】 Look at the photo of the Smiths._happy they are!

9、AHow BWhat a CWhat DHow a 解析:考查感嘆句?!癏ow形容詞主語謂語!”答案:_A_【例8】 _ happily the children are flying kites!AWhat BWhat aCHow DHow a解析:考查感嘆句的“How副詞主語謂語”結(jié)構(gòu)。答案:_C_一、單項選擇。1_A_ wake up your sister,Ben.She needs a good sleep.(2014,重慶)ADont BDoesnt CArent DCant2What are the rules at your school?Dont run in the hal

10、lways and _C_ arrive late for class.(2014,黃岡)Anot to Bwont Cdont Dno3_B_ interesting the film is!Yes.I have seen it twice.(2014,濱州)AWhat BHow CWhat an DHow an4The six students from Lianyungang got the first prize in the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition in Jiangsu._A_ exciting news it is!(201

11、4,連云港)AWhat BHow CWhat an DHow an5“_C_ exercise every day,my son.Its good for your health.”Dad often said to him.(2013,白銀)ATakes BTaking CTake CTo take6Dont keep water running when you wash hands. _C_(2013,泰州)AI hope so BIm afraid notCSorry,I wont DIts nothing7Wish you good luck in this English exam. _B_(2013,溫州)AThats OK. BThank you.CCongratulations! DYoure welcome.8 _C_ excellent work you have done!Its very kind of you to say so.(2013,涼山)AWhat an BHow CWhat DHow an9Goodbye,everyone._A_Bye,Sally!Dont forget to write.(2013,衢州)AStay in touch BJust wait and seeCSounds great DCome this way 10L


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